Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Unique alterations of neuropeptide content in median eminence, amygdala, and dorsal vagal complex of 3- and 6-week-old diabetes mutant mice.
Document Type
Publication Date
Animal, Blood-Glucose: an, Brain: me, Diabetes-Mellitus: bl, ge, me, Dissection: mt, Insulin, Median-Eminence: me, Mice, Mice-Mutant-Strains, Neuropeptides: me, Support-Non-U, S, -Gov't, Support-U, S, -Gov't-Non-P, H, S, Support-U, S, -Gov't-P, H, S, Vagus-Nerve: me
First Page
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JAX Source
Metabolism 1990 Nov; 39(11):1158-66.
DK35135, DK14461
The nature of the genetic defects which define the obese (ob) and diabetes (db) loci in mice remain unknown, but both produce similar syndromes when maintained in the same strain of mice. There is some evidence suggesting a lesion in the central nervous system (CNS) in db/db mice, while ob/ob mice appear to have a primary lesion outside the CNS. In a search for further evidence of a unique central lesion in db/db mice, we have examined neuropeptide content in selected, microdissected brain areas in both of these mutants and lean controls. In order to rule out possible interactions of the db mutation with the genetic background, diabetes mice of both C57BL/KsJ and C57BL/6J strains were studied. When concentrations of nine neuropeptide immunoreactivities were examined in up to seven microdissected areas of the brain, C57BL/6J ob/ob mice showed only one reproducible alteration, a lower content of beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity (LI) in the preoptic area at both 3 and 6 weeks of age as compared with lean littermates. In contrast, db/db mice of both C57BL/6J and C57BL/KsJ strains exhibited alterations in a total of four peptides in three brain areas: lower concentration of somatostatin-LI in median eminence, higher Met-enkephalin-LI in dorsal vagal complex of the medulla oblongata, higher substance P-LI and lower vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-LI in amygdala. The concentrations of the peptides studied in medial basal hypothalamus, lateral hypothalamus, substantia nigra, and preoptic area were not reproducibly altered in db/db mice. These data provide preliminary evidence for unique brain abnormalities in db/db mice in specific areas that are involved in processing of neural signals that can affect the islets of Langerhans, gonadotrophin secretory patterns, and many other visceral functions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Recommended Citation
Timmers KI,
Palkovits M,
Coleman DL.
Unique alterations of neuropeptide content in median eminence, amygdala, and dorsal vagal complex of 3- and 6-week-old diabetes mutant mice. Metabolism 1990 Nov; 39(11):1158-66.