Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Recovery of susceptibility to audiogenic seizure in mice.
Document Type
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Amino-Acids: ph, Animal, Auditory-Pathways: ph, Inferior-Colliculus: ph, Laterality: ph, Male, Mice, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Models-Neurological, Motor-Activity: ph, Refractory-Period-Neurologic, Seizures: et, pp, pa, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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JAX Source
Epilepsia 1993 Jan-Feb;34(1):18-23
The applicability of the auditory fatigue and anoxia hypotheses for the refractory period observed after sound-induced seizure was examined in SJL/J mice. Duration of auditory stimulation was varied independent of attainment of clonic seizure activity by use of an acoustic interruption technique. Duration of the recovery period affected the pattern of preconvulsive running. Furthermore, the motor asymmetries exhibited during clonus remained consistent across tests. Because duration of acoustic stimulation and attainment of clonus did not affect recovery rate, we conclude that neither the auditory fatigue nor the anoxia hypothesis provides a complete account for the refractory period after audiogenic seizure. We suggest that an inhibitory process, activated before clonus occurs and perhaps linked to depletion of excitatory amino acids in the inferior colliculus, may also be involved.
Recommended Citation
Reid HM,
Collins RL.
Recovery of susceptibility to audiogenic seizure in mice. Epilepsia 1993 Jan-Feb;34(1):18-23