Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Positive-negative selection gene targeting with the diphtheria toxin A-chain gene in mouse embryonic stem cells.
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Antigens-CD4: ge, Cell-Line, Diphtheria-Toxin: ge, DNA, Embryo: cy, Genetic-Vectors, Mice, Mutagenesis, Peptide-Fragments: ge, Stem-Cells, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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JAX Source
Transgenic Res 1993 Jul;2(4):183-90
CA10815/CA/NCI, CA18470/CA/NCI, CA21124/CA/NCI
The diphtheria toxin A-chain gene was used in a positive-negative selection gene targeting vector to alter the CD4 gene which is transcriptionally silent in mouse embryonic stem cells. Expression of the toxin gene was driven by a constitutively active enhancer, yet the targeting construct exhibited only minimal transient toxicity while enriching for targeted clones 9- to 29-fold. Germline transmission of the stem cell-derived genome was obtained. These data suggest the usefulness of this diphtheria toxin A-chain cassette in replacement-type positive-negative selection vectors. Its potential for novel applications, particularly in the enrichment for 'hit-and-run' insertion-type vectors, is discussed.
Recommended Citation
McCarrick JW,
Parnes JR,
Seong RH,
Solter D,
Knowles BB.
Positive-negative selection gene targeting with the diphtheria toxin A-chain gene in mouse embryonic stem cells. Transgenic Res 1993 Jul;2(4):183-90