Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Epidermal dendritic cell populations in the flaky skin mutant mouse.
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Animal, Biological-Markers, Cell-Count, Dendritic-Cells, Disease-Models-Animal, Female, Langerhans-Cells, Mice, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Mice-Mutant-Strains, Mice-SCID, Psoriasis: pa, Skin: pa, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, T-Lymphocytes
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Immunol Invest 1993 Jul;22(5):389-401
Flaky skin (gene symbol: fsn) is an autosomal recessive mouse mutation that causes pathologic changes in the skin yielding a papulosquamous disease resembling human psoriasis. Preliminary studies of epidermal sheets from foot pads of fsn/fsn mice stained for Ia+ Langerhans cells (LC) or Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+ DEC) indicated a rise in LC numbers at the time of weaning, when the skin lesion becomes clinically evident. To further investigate this observation, epidermal sheets were obtained from the ear, dorsal skin, and foot pads from replicates of 6 female mice (both mutants and normal littermates) on weekly intervals from birth to 8 weeks of age. Dorsal skin epidermal thickness was quantitated by computer assisted image analysis and found to be significantly thickened from one week onward in the mutant mice. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, epidermal dendritic cell numbers were determined following staining with antibodies for the following markers: Ia, NLDC-145, and S-100 (for LC) or Thy 1.2 and asialo-GM1 (for Thy-1+ DEC). Use of all 5 markers to evaluate skin from 3 different locations yielded a subtle but significant increase in LC and Thy-1+ DEC in flaky skin mice. Of the three sites evaluated, the dorsal skin and ear epidermal sheets were most informative, which corresponded to the degree of pathological involvement. Mice doubly homozygous for fsn and for the severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mutation developed the psoriasiform dermatitis. Bone marrow grafts from fsn/fsn homozygotes to homozygous scid/scid mice reproduce the skin lesion. These studies suggest that the psoriasiform dermatitis in the flaky skin mouse mutation is associated with abnormalities at the level of hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Recommended Citation
Sundberg JP,
Boggess D,
Sundberg BA,
Beamer WG,
Shultz LD.
Epidermal dendritic cell populations in the flaky skin mutant mouse. Immunol Invest 1993 Jul;22(5):389-401