Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Pituitary lineage determination by the Prophet of Pit-1 homeodomain factor defective in Ames dwarfism.
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Amino-Acid-Sequence, Animal, Cell-Lineage, Dwarfism-Pituitary: em, ge, DNA-Binding-Proteins: ge, Female, Gene-Expression, Homeodomain-Proteins: ge, ph, Hypothalamus: ph, Male, Mice, Mice-Inbred-C57BL, Molecular-Sequence-Data, Pituitary-Gland-Anterior: ab, em, ph, Point-Mutation, Sequence-Homology-Amino-Acid, Signal-Transduction, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Transcription-Factors: ge
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JAX Source
Nature 1996 Nov 28;384(6607):327-33
The gene apparently responsible for a heritable form of murine pituitary-dependent dwarfism (Ames dwarf, df) has been positionally cloned, identifying a novel, tissue-specific, paired-like homeodomain transcription factor, termed Prophet of Pit-1 (Prop-1). The df phenotype results from an apparent failure of initial determination of the Pit-1 lineage required for production of growth hormone, prolactin or thyroid-stimulating hormone, resulting in dysmorphogenesis and failure to activate Pit-1 gene expression. These results imply that a cascade of tissue-specific regulators is responsible for the determination and differentiation of specific cell lineages in pituitary organogenesis.
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Sornson MW,
Wu W,
Dasen JS,
Flynn SE,
Norman DJ,
O'Connell SM,
Gukovsky I,
Carriere C,
Ryan AK,
Miller AP,
Zuo L,
Gleiberman AS,
Andersen B,
Beamer WG,
Rosenfeld MG.
Pituitary lineage determination by the Prophet of Pit-1 homeodomain factor defective in Ames dwarfism. Nature 1996 Nov 28;384(6607):327-33