Faculty Research 1990 - 1999

Mapping of the two mouse engrailed-like genes: close linkage of En-1 to dominant hemimelia (Dh) on chromosome 1 and of En-2 to hemimelic extra-toes (Hx) on chromosome 5.

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Blotting-Northern, Chromosome-Mapping, Chromosomes, Crosses-Genetic, Female, Genes, Linkage-(Genetics), Male, Mice, Mutation, Phenotype, Recombination-Genetic, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Transcription-Genetic

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JAX Source

Genomics 1990 Feb; 6(2):302-8.


HD20959, GM39414, HD25389


The mouse genome contains two genes, En-1 and En-2, with sequence similarity to the engrailed gene of Drosophila. Using conventional linkage crosses, we have shown that En-1 maps approximately 0.28 cM distal to the dominant hemimelia (Dh) gene on chromosome 1 and that En-2 maps approximately 1.1 cM proximal to the hemimelic extra-toes (Hx) gene on chromosome 5. We have also shown by Northern blot analysis that En-1 transcripts in Dh homozygotes and En-2 transcripts in Hx homozygotes are of normal size and abundance. These data, in conjunction with previously published studies of the patterns of En-1 and En-2 expression in developing mouse embryos, suggest that Dh and Hx are very unlikely to be mutant alleles of En-1 or En-2, respectively. Instead, we suggest that En-1-Dh and En-2-Hx represent paralogous linkage groups that evolved following duplication of a common ancestral chromosome segment.

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