IGF-I secretion by prostate carcinoma cells does not alter tumor-bone cell interactions in vitro or in vivo.
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Prostate 2006 Jun; 66(8):789-800.
BACKGROUND: IGF-I is an important growth and differentiative factor for osteoblasts and may have a role in defining prostate cancer risk and skeletal metastases. METHODS: Conditioned media (CM) from human prostate cancer (PC), C4-2 and C4-2B, which produce osteoblastic lesions, and PC-3, which causes osteolysis, was added to MC3T3-E1 bone cultures. SCID mice were injected intratibially with these engineered cells. Tumor bearing tibiae were analyzed by microCT and pQCT. RESULTS: CM from PC cells increased osteoblast proliferation and differentiation and was unaltered by the type of PC cell, IGF-I antibodies, or exogenous IGF-I and IGFBP2. Study of intratibial PC tumors in SCID mice showed that C4-2 cells grew slowly preserving bone structure, while PC-3 tumors caused rapid osteolysis. Overexpression of IGF-I did not change either tumor progression or skeletal response. CONCLUSIONS: IGF-I is neither necessary nor sufficient for the osteoblastic response to PC metastases. Prostate (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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Rubin J,
Fan X,
Rahnert J,
Sen B,
Hsieh CL,
Murphy TC,
Nanes MS,
Horton LG,
Beamer WG,
Rosen CJ.
IGF-I secretion by prostate carcinoma cells does not alter tumor-bone cell interactions in vitro or in vivo. Prostate 2006 Jun; 66(8):789-800.