Comparative proteomics reveals deficiency of SLC9A1 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger NHE1) in beta-adducin null red cells.
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Blood-Proteins, Cation-Transport-Proteins, Erythrocyte-Membrane, Erythrocytes, Mice-Knockout, Microfilament-Proteins, Proteomics, Reticulocytes, Sodium-Hydrogen-Antiporter
JAX Source
Br J Haematol 2011 Aug; 154(4):492-501.
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Spherocytosis is one of the most common inherited disorders, yet presents with a wide range of clinical severity. While several genes have been found mutated in patients with spherocytosis, the molecular basis for the variability in severity of haemolytic anaemia is not entirely understood. To identify candidate proteins involved in haemolytic anaemia pathophysiology, we utilized a label-free comparative proteomic approach to detect differences in red blood cells (RBCs) from normal and beta-adducin (Add2) knock-out mice. We detected seven proteins that were decreased and 48 proteins that were increased in beta-adducin null RBC ghosts. Since haemolytic anaemias are characterized by reticulocytosis, we compared reticulocyte-enriched samples from phenylhydrazine-treated mice with mature RBCs from untreated mice. Among the 48 proteins increased in Add2 knockout RBCs, only 11 were also increased in reticulocytes. Of the proteins decreased in Add2 knockout RBCs, alpha-adducin showed the greatest intensity difference, followed by SLC9A1, the sodium-hydrogen exchanger previously termed NHE1. We verified these mass spectrometry results by immunoblot. This is the first example of SLC9A1deficiency in haemolytic anaemia and suggests new insights into the mechanisms leading to fragile RBCs.
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Wooden JM,
Finney GL,
Rynes E,
Maccoss MJ,
Lambert AJ,
Robledo RF,
Peters LL,
Gilligan DM.
Comparative proteomics reveals deficiency of SLC9A1 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger NHE1) in beta-adducin null red cells. Br J Haematol 2011 Aug; 154(4):492-501.