Visualizing differential expression of RNA isoforms.


Robert Costa

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JAX Location

In: Summer Student Reports, 2011, Jackson Laboratory


The focus of this project has been the creation of a visualization program to flexibly and dynamically display evidence of transcript isoform variation. Isoforms are different transcripts generated by a common gene, and are the result of alternative processing, such as splicing, polyadenylation, or transcription initiation. A more complete understanding of isoforms is necessary for a more complete understanding of genetic disease. The visualization program was developed with the language Processing, an open-source object-oriented computer programming language designed for rapid prototyping and generation of graphical displays. The new program displays a gene’s arrangement on the chromosome, along with all known isoforms, and evidence of alternative expression of isoforms, based on probe-level analysis of microarray data. Dynamic capabilities of the program include interactive features such as zooming, panning, and control of strand direction. Use of this program will allow scientists to better study isoforms and their connection to genetic diseases, and will lead to the development of improved treatments for such diseases.


Maine School of Science & Math, Limestone

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