Examining expression of Scgb1c1 in developing and adult murine hearts.


Adam Fasman

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2016

JAX Location

In: Student Reports, Summer 2016, Jackson Laboratory


Scgb1c1 was found to be heavily down regulated in Nkx2-5 knockout mouse models, revealing a potential for crucial cardiac function regulated by this cardiogenic transcription factor. Examining expression of Scgb1c1 across phases of mouse cardiac development was undertaken in order to begin examining the relatively unknown gene’s function within the heart as well as looking for potential expression elsewhere. Analysis was conducted using q-PCR to examine absolute expression in various stages of heart development, as well as expression relative to an endogenous control of Hprt1. In addition, in situ hybridization was conducted to examine location of expression in younger embryos and sectioned neonatal hearts. Results showed expression increasing throughout development, with highest expression found in the ventricles of adult murine hearts. In situ hybridization revealed early stage expression in the auditory vesicle and brain, as well as specified expression in neonatal hearts within certain cardiomyocytes. This data will be succeeded by examination of phenotypes within Scgb1c1 knockout mouse models in order to gain further insight into the ontology of this gene.

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