Enhancing Lymph Node Structure in Humanized Mice


Ana Castaner

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2018

JAX Location

In: Student Reports, Summer 2018, The Jackson Laboratory


Humanized mice engrafted with human cells or tissues support the in vivo study of human diseases and human immunity. Dr. Shultz's lab developed the most widely used strain for humanization, the NOD-scid IL2Rgnull (NSG) inouse model (3). However, these mice, when engrafted, do not have a robust human immune system, in large part due to their lack of structured and organized secondary lymphoid structures. Our research was focused on trying to overcome this limitation in NSG mice with two main approaches to support the development of lymph nodes. The first approach consisted of the optimization of engraftment procedures. Specifically, we co-injected NSG newborn mice with human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) intrahepatically and human mesenchymal stern cells (MSCs) intraperitoneally. Additionally, we modified a previously proposed Trimera adult mouse model: we lethally irradiated adult NOD mice, rescued them with bone marrow from adult NSG mice, and injected them with human HSCs intravenously.

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