Exploration of the Patient-Derived Xenografts at the Jackson Laboratory


Kara Barnao

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2021

JAX Location

In: Student Reports, Summer 2021, The Jackson Laboratory


The patient-derived xenograft (PDX) tumor model has been described as being more predictive of both human cancer biology and patient response to treatment [4]. The increasing need for the development of anti-cancer agents emphasizes the importance of the utilization of this model type. The Jackson Laboratory PDX collection consists of 770 data points from 264 different models and includes information regarding the growth rates of each model, as well as the clinical diagnoses of each corresponding tissue donor. The objective of this study was to characterize this collection and determine the relationship between growth rates and primary location of cancer within tissue donor. Three parameters of interest were highlighted: doubling time, latency and T1000. It was concluded that these parameters are not dependent on one another, indicating variable rates of growth over time. In addition, majority of models showed similar asymmetric patterns of growth, with peak frequencies between 10.1-20 days for doubling time and latency and 50.1-100 days for T1000. Future researchers should aim to include additional data from all primary site locations, as well as other ethnic groups.

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