Assessing the Potential Relevance of TMOD1 as a Blood Transcriptional Biomarker


Fuadur Omi

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2022



JAX Location

In: Student Reports, Summer 2022, The Jackson Laboratory


Blood transcriptome data are quantified blood data (through RNA sequencing) that are stored in public repositories such as GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus). These data represent the changes in the transcript level of various genes which can potentially be biomarkers and they can be useful for recording immune responses. In this study, we implemented the COD1 Study Guide to use such data from GEO to determine the relevance of the gene Tropomodulin-1 (TMOD1) as a biomarker. This gene is part of a signature associated with circulating erythroid cells alongside 29 other transcripts. We followed the training curriculum to aggregate background information on TMOD1, identify relevant literature associated with diseases, and analyze human blood transcriptome data obtained from GEO’s Gene Expression Browser (GXB). We found changes in the TMOD1 transcript levels in various conditions, including Neuroblastoma, and Oral Cancer, and Cervical Cancer patients. There were instances found that reported TMOD1 as a biomarker: cervical cancer, neuroblastoma, oral cancer. We did not find any reported known or approved drugs targeting TMOD1 expression. Changes in the abundance of TMOD1 was detected across various human blood transcriptome data sets.

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