
Submissions from 1961

Effect of irradiated normal tissues on the growth of mouse carcinoma., A Compton and C A. Pannett

Mammalian glycosidases. 3. The intracellular localization of beta- -glucuronidase in different mammalian tissues., J Conchie, A J. Hay, and G A. Levoy

Effects of amethopterin on the cf activity of mouse liver and l1210 leukemia. Abstr., P T. Condit

On the site of action of amethopterin., P T. Condit

Bioelectric properties of dystrophic mammalian muscle, excitability, membrane resting, and action potentials in mouse hereditary myopathy., J T. Conrad and G H. Glaser

The influence of the anatomical location of a tumor on its suscepti- bility to chemotherapy. Abstr., G M. Conzelman and K Springer

Sex-ratio in mice., M J. Cook and A Vlcek

Selective uptake of specifically bound cobalt-58 vitamin b12 by human and mouse tumour cells., B A. Cooper and W Paranchych

An effect of the graft-versus-host reaction on resistance to experi- mental bacteraemia., G N. Cooper and J G. Howard

Comportaments di trapianti di tumore mammario di topo in tessuto preventivamente irradiato., A Corinaldesi

Interaction of enzymes with normal and tumour cells., D H. Cormack, G C. Easty, and E J. Ambrose

Influence of age on liver phospholipide metabolism of mice., W E. Cornatzer and J H. Reiter

Modification of the foreign spleen reaction in irradiated mice. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove, R L. Dehart, and A C. Upton

Some delayed effects of partial-body irradiation in mice of the rf strain., G E. Cosgrove and A C. Upton

Anti-estrus drugs on subestrus of ovariectomized c3h mice., E M. Cranston

Effects of nidroxyzone on reproductive organs of mice., E M. Cranston

The influence of the testes on the shaping of the bony pelvis in mice., E S. Crelin and D K. Blood

Evidence for immunization of f1 hybrid mice against parental trans- plantation antigens., G Cudkowicz

Suppression of 'delayed mortality' in homologous blood chimeras by preirradiation of donor mice. Abstr., G Cudkowicz

Suppression of the foreign bone marrow reaction by preirradiation of donor mice., G Cudkowicz

Modified homologous disease following transplantation of parental bone marrow and recipient liver into irradiated f1 mice., G Cudkowicz and G E. Cosgrove

The myoneural junction in dystrophic and atrophic mouse muscle. Abstr., R L. Curtis, M T. Abrams, and P J. Harman

The effect of vincaleukoblastine on dividing cells in vivo., J H. Cutts

Effect of cortisone on transplantable tumours of the mammary gland in mice. (pol., Eng. Summ.), A Czarnomska

The micro-anatomy of the smallest biliary pathways in mouse liver tissue., W T. Daems

Virus-like particles in association with l strain cells., S Dales and A F. Howatson

Morphology of particles associated with murine leukemia as revealed by negative staining. Preliminary report., A J. Dalton, F Haguenau, and J B. Moloney

Some ultrastructural characteristics of a series of primary and trans- planted plasma-cell tumors of the mouse., A J. Dalton, M Potter, and R M. Merwin

Uber die entstehung und verebung der blesse bei mausen., R Danneel and H Schumann

A gel diffusion analysis of saline-soluble antigens of two species of mice, peromyscus maniculatus and mus musculus., P A. Daugherty

The serological determination of histocompatibility activity., D A. Davies and A M. Hutchison

Comparative effects of fast neutrons and x-rays on marrow deoxyribo- nucleic acid (dna) content in mice., W E. Davis and L J. Cole

Skin homograft tolerance in long-lived radiation chimeras and its abolition by injected lymphoid cells., W E. Davis and L J. Cole

Modification of the foreign spleen reaction. Amelioration of blood and tissue changes., R L. Dehart, G E. Cosgrove, and A C. Upton

Action of deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease on the growth of ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice., G De lamirande

Studies on the mechanism of action of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine. Abstr., I W. Delamore and W H. Prusoff

Azione in vitro del beta-propiolattone sui tumori trapiantabili degle animale., R Della volpe, A Gandini, and G M. Merli

Electron microscopy of tissue of the mammary glands and tumors in old mice with special reference to mitochondrial size., J C. De man and T G. Rijssel

Selective inhibition of s-91 mouse melamona by phenyl lactate, in vitro. Abstr., H Demopoulos and M Clements

The reliability of preyer's ear reflex in the mouse (mus musculus)., P Denes and W Kocher

Genetical studies on the skeleton of the mouse. Xxviii. Tail-short., M S. Deol

In the morphological precursors of cancer, proc. Of an int conf. Held, K B. Deome, S Nandi, H A. Al, E P. Morphologic, and S O. Mice

Nucleolar succinic dehydrogenase in mouse mammary carcinoma cells., P De, R Chatterjee, and S Mitra

Mammary tumors in agent-free dba/2eb mice. Abstr., M K. Deringer

Studies on cell population kinetics of x-irradiated and shielded mouse epidermis by autoradiography after administration of tritated thy- midine., F Devik

Studies on histocompatibility mutantions in mouse tumour cells using isogenic strains of mice., S S. Dhaliwal

Effect of amytal and diethylstibesterol on the oxidation of dpnh by mouse tumor and liver mitochondria extracts., L S. Dietrich

Effect of various synthetic estrogens on the respiration of ascites tumor cells in vitro., L S. Dietrich and M J. Friedland

Augmentation of 6-aminonicotinamide antagonism of dpn-dependent enzymatic systems by diethylstilbesterol., L S. Dietrich and D S. Martin

Acquisition of graft versus host tolerance., J K. Dineen

Regeneration of elements of donor origin in orthotopically grafted skin following the homograft response., J K. Dineen and A Szenberg

The evidence for the survival and regeneration of donor epithelial elements in orthotopically-grafted skin homo-transplants., J K. Dineen and A Szenberg

Influence of oxygen concentration on formation of lung tumors by transplacental exposure to urethan. Abstr., J A. Dipaolo

La thymectomie totale chez le souriceau nouveau-ve., W Dischler and G Rudali

Viruses and tumors., L Dmochowski

Homografts on isologous and homologous radiation mouse chimaeras., S M. Doak and P C. Koller

Extraseptemic cultivation of the milk factor (bittner's virus). (serbian Text), J V. Dobrynin

The effect of single gene substitutions on resistance to radiation in mice., D P. Doolittle

The relative thymolytic activities of corticoids using the ovariec- tomized-adrenalectomized mouse., R I. Dorfman and A S. Dorfman

Oxidative phosphorylation and some related phenomena in pigment granules of mouse melanoma., M Dorner and E Reich

The mechanism of glycolysis inhibition by x-rays in ascites-tumour cells. I. Alteration in steady-state concentrations of some inter- mediate nucleotides and in electrolyte equilibrium under various conditions of incubation., K Dose and U Dose

Effects of steroids on the survival of dystrophic mice. Abstr., R M. Dowben

The influence of very low temperatures on the sensibility of the ascites tumour to x-irradiation., V Drasil

A study of the adoptive secondary response to a protein antigen in mice., D W. Dresser

Altered immunologic reactivity of cells recovered from parental strain whole thymus gland grafted into f1 hybrid hosts. Abstr., A Dubert and H S. Kaplan

The uptake of sulfur-35 by the connective tissues surrounding irradi- ated skin tumors., J T. Duhig

Tumor induction by intermittent radiation. Abstr., J T. Duhig

Leukemia and reticular neoplasms in the mouse after intermittent ir- radiation., J T. Duhig and S Warren

Population dynamics of a variant t-allele in a confined population of wild house mice., L C. Dunn and H Levene

The conservative pathologist and the morphology of tumors produced by three cancer viruses in mice., T B. Dunn

Evolution des radiochimeres, suivant que les cellules hemopoietiques greffees proviennent de moelle osseuse ou de foie foetal., J F. Duplan and R Monier

Efficacite therapeutique, sur des souris irradiees par rayons x, de moelle osseuse provenant d'animaux isologues prealablement traites par la cortisone., J F. Duplan and P Monnot

Time of survival of heterografts of guerins rat tumour in mice., K Dux and A Czarnomska

Electron microscopic localization of ferritin-labelled antibody in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., J Easton, B Goldberg, and H Green

Inhibitory effect of glutamine and ammonia on replication of influenza virus in ascites tumor cells., M D. Eaton and A R. Scala

Ritmo do 24 horas en la actividad mitotica de un carcinoma mamario injertado de c3h/mza hembra., J M. Echave llanos and A F. Badran

Accion promotora de la regeneracion posthepatectomia sobre los hepatomas espontaneos de c3h/mza machos., J M. Echave llanos and I E. Saffe

Fermenthistochemische untersuchungen zur biologie von ascitestumoren und ibrer umwandlung in solide geschwulste., M Eder and H Wrba

Skeletal abnormalities in offspring of irradiated male mice. Abstr., U H. Ehling and M L. Randolph

Histology of sex-specific graft rejection., E J. Eichwald and E C. Lustgraaf

Stimulation of secretion by insulin in organ cultures of mouse mammary duct end-buds. Abstr., J J. Elias

A consideration of the ribonucleic acid depolymerase-inhibitor systems of mouse tissues., K A. Ellen and J S. Colter

The effects of uncoupling agents on the uptake and incorporation of glycine by transplantable tumors., D B. Ellis and P G. Scholefield

Chromosome number of in vivo and in vitro cultured kreb-2 carcinoma of mice. The selective property of the in vitro culture medium., J O. Ely and J H. Gray

Changes in the levels of glycolytic intermediates resulting from the increase in pasteur effect produced by x-ketoglutarate in aerobically- -glycolyzing homogenates of the ascites tumor cell., P Emmelot and C J. Bos

The effect of rat-liver mitochondria on a glycolytic system from ascites tumor cells., P Emmelot and C J. Bos

Planted mouse and rat hepatomas and their histology., P Emmelot, J F. Hampe, C J. Al, O Deaminase, and T. Trans

Action of x-rays in different periods of the hair cycle in castrated c3h mice. Abstr., C E. Epper, A B. Houssay, and E I. Saurer

Morphogenesis of leukaemic cells in the inoculation focus of trans- plantable leukaemia of mice. (russian Text), F B. Ermakova

Osteoporosis in dystrophic mice, protective effect of testostrone propionate and estradiol benzoate administration., B H. Ershoff, slater R. Alfin, and S Bernick

Biochemical studies on mice 6-18 months after total-body x-irradia- tion., M P. Esnouf, M G. Ord, and L A. Stocken

The influence of the age of the host on the incidence of blood-borne metastases., R Estensen and R Baserga

Further studies on the factors involved in radiation effects on ascites tumor cells. Abstr., T C. Evans, J H. Kim, and W C. Song

Changes in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) and in mitotic count in epidermis of hairless mice after a single application of one per cent 3.methylcholanthrene In benzene, a preliminary report., A Evensen

Immunochemical studies of twenty mouse myeloma proteins, evidence for two groups of proteins similar to gamma and beta-2a globulins., J L. Fahey

Physicochemical characterization of mouse myeloma proteins, demon- stration of heterogeneity for each myeloma globulin., J L. Fahey

Poikiloploidy among spermatogenic cells of mus musculus., N S. Fechheimer

Immunological components of carcinogenesis., M Feldman

Observations on the surface cells of the mouse omentum as studied with the phase-contrast and electron microscope., M D. Felix

Changes in epidermal hydroxyproline and tryosine accompanying induced epidermal carcinogenesis., I G. Fels and J Greco