Submissions from 1961
Studies on malignolipin. Viii. Tumor-resistance of mice after the injection of malignolipin prior to tumor-inoculation., T Kosaki, K Muraki, S Nakagawa, and N Nagayasu
Studies on malignolipin. IX. Histological detection of malignolipin by means of fluorescent antibody., T Kosaki, T Saka, S Nakagawa, and K Muraki
A popular skin lesion of mice caused by a transmissible agent., L M. Kraft and A E. Moore
Experimental study of the anti-neoplastic activity of chlorambucil., A I. Kravchenko and A A. Grishina
The antitumor activity of alkoxy-derivatives of p'(bis-(beta-chloro- ethyl)aminomethyl)azobenzene., A I. Kravchenko and S P. Khramchenkova
Limited effectiveness of anoxic anoxia in protecting against residual radiation injury in mammals., J S. Krebs and R W. Brauer
Carcinogenesis of the cervix uteri in castrate mice., A F. Krieg and J W. Reagan
Zur frage der vertikalen ubertragung des virus der myeloischen leukamie der maus., W Krischke and A Graffi
The effect of hypophysectomy on age changes in the ovaries of mice., P L. Krohn
Beta-glucuronidase activities of cultured cells derived from c3h mouse liver., E L. Kuff and V J. Evans
The influence of hemolytic streptococci on the basaphilia of ascites tumor cells., Y Kurata and M Kitamura
Chromosomal alteration and the development of tumors. Vii. Karyolo- gical analysis of spontaneous and induced leukemias in mice., Y Kurita and T H. Yosida
Choline acetylase activity in a convulsive strain of mouse., M Kurokawa, M Kato, and Y Machiyama
The effect of glucose on glutamine utilization by ehrlich ascites tumor cells., E Kvamme and G Svenneby
Quelques facteurs fonctionnels qui interviennent dans la canceri- sation de la mamelle., A Lacassagne
Carcinogenic activity of apochalic acid., A Lacassagne, hoi N. Buu, and F Zajdela
Inegale efficacite du 4-nitroquinoleine-n-oxyde, dans la production d'epitheliomas de la peau chez deux lignees differentes de souris., A Lacassagne, hoi N. Buu, and F Zajdela
Sur le pouvoir cancerogene des oldehydes derives de l'anthanthrene, et des 3,4.8,9- Et 3,4.9,10-dibenzopyrenes., A Lacassagne, hoi N. Buu, F Zajdela, and lamy D. Lavit
A new family of potent carcinogens, benzopyridocarbazoles., A Lacassagne, hoi N. Buu, F Zajdela, F Perin, and P Jacquignon
Effect of steroids and fluorinated pyrimidines alone and in combina- tion in sensitive and resistant to steroid lymphocytic neoplasms in the same mouse. Abstr., hibbard J. Lampkin
Biological recovery from radiation damage in small animals., J W. Lane and W Mauderli
Linkage of wabbler-lethal and hairless in the mouse., P W. Lane and M M. Dickie
Hexokinase specificity of some tumor tissue extracts., C F. Lange and P Kohn
The antineoplastic activity of n,n-bis-beta-chlorethyl derivatives of lysine ('lysepsin')., L F. Larionov and I G. Spasskaya
Establishment of resistance to gardner lymphosarcoma (6c3hed) and l 2 lymphoma in c3h and a/he mice., W M. Larson, C R. Slater, and R W. Kee
Amino acid metabolism and arginase activity in mouse prostate glands grown in vitro with and without 20-methylcholanthrene., I Lasnitzki and J A. Lucy
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. IV. Host weight loss as it relates to false positives in drug evaluation., W R. Laster, J F. Schabel, J H. Skipper, W S. Wilcox, and J R. Thomson
Protection chimique elective de l'intestin chez des souris irradiees a doses supraletales de rayons x., R Latarjet, O Lartigue, and E Estienne
Immunological aspects of carcinogenesis., L W. Law
Studies of congenital transmission of a leukemia virus in mice., L W. Law and J B. Moloney
Variant of parotid tumour (polyoma)virus showing a change in oncogenic properties., L W. Law, A S. Rabson, and C J. Dawe
Types of cell in ascites tumours., J O. Laws
Transmission of homograft tolerance to progeny of actively immunized mice. Abstr., F Lazere, E Ratner, and J Gruen
Hyperthyroidism and hepatic tumor induction. Abstr., J H. Leathem and L Oddis
Electron microscope study of ectromelia infected mouse liver. Abstr., E H. Leduc
Change in dry mass of ascites cells after hn2 treatment. Abstr., H Lee, V Richards, and A Furst
Effect of phenazine di-n-oxide and phenazine on total cellular dry mass of mouse ehrlich ascites cells as measured by interference microscopy., H Lee, V Richards, and A Furst
Increase in dry mass of ehrlich ascites tumor cells after treatment with nitrogen mustard., H Lee, V Richards, and A Furst
Critical relationships between constituents of the antigen-adjuvant emulsion in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in a completely susceptible mouse genotype. Abstr., J M. Lee and H A. Schneider
Test for chimaerism in homologous radiation chimaeras., A Lengerova and J Chutna
Graft-versus-graft immunological tolerance in radiation chimaeras., A Lengerova, H S. Micklem, and T Dent
Further studies on the mechanism of action of 6-thioguanine., G A. Le page and M Jones
Purinethiols as feedback inhibitors of purine synthesis in ascites tumor cells., G A. Le page and M Jones
Age and the generation time of the mouse duodenal epithelial cell., S Lesher, R J. Fry, and H I. Kohn
Influence of age on transit time of cells of mouse intestinal epithelium. I. Duodenum., S Lesher, R J. Fry, and H I. Kohn
Effects of chronic gamma irradiation on the generation cycle of the mouse duodenum., S Lesher, R J. Fry, and G A. Sacher
Generation time of duodenal crypt cells of mice exposed to daily co60 gamma irradiation. Abstr., S Lesher, R J. Fry, and G A. Sacher
Difference in host cell-virus relationship between tubular epithelium and stroma in kidneys of mice infected with se polyoma virus, a correlated cytological, histological, and cytochemical study., R Leuchtenberger, C Leuchtenberger, S E. Stewart, and B E. Eddy
Thymectomy and thymic grafts in mouse viral leukemia., J D. Levinthal and R F. Buffett
Pathogenesis of mouse viral leukemia., J D. Levinthal, R F. Buffett, and J Furth
The isolation of polioma virus from mammary cancer in mice., F I. Leykina and Z I. Merekalova
A comparative study of the antigenic structure of the lactating mammary gland of high and low cancer strain mice., O M. Lezhneva
Comparative study of the antigenic structure of the lactating mammary gland of high- and low-cancer strain mice., O M. Lezhneva
Normal and neoplastic tissue grafts in inbred mice with 'weak' histo- compatibility differences. Abstr., A G. Liebelt
Effects of a single pituitary isograft on mammary tumorigenesis in mice., A G. Liebelt and R A. Liebelt
Goldthioglucose-induced hypothalamic lesion and acth release., R A. Liebelt, W Dear, and R Guillemin
Enhancement of liver tumorigenesis in zb mice injected with urethan at newborn age. Abstr., R A. Liebelt, R Yoshida, and G F. Gray
Incidence of mouse ascites induced by adjuvant and/or staphylococcal- -adjuvant mixtures in 17 different strains of mice. Abstr., R Lieberman and N Mantel
Early cell death due to 5-fluorouracil treatment of ehrlich ascites tumor cells, - a histochemical comparison of histone with dna. Abstr., A Lindner, H R. Lee, T Kutham, and J C. Jones
Long-term effects of a single whole-body exposure of mice to ionizing radiations. II. Causes of death., P J. Lindop and J Rotblat
Long-term effects of a single whole-body exposure of mice to ionizing radiations. I. Life-shortening., P J. Lindop and J Rotblat
Shortening of life and causes of death in mice exposed to a single whole-body dose of radiation., P J. Lindop and J Rotblat
Trauma, emotionality, and scientific sin., G Lindzey, D T. Lykken, and H D. Winston
Social dominance in inbred mouse strains., G Lindzey, H Winston, and M Manosevitz
Response of isolated mouse oocytes to x-irradiation. Abstr., T P. Lin and L E. Glass
Stability of protein in intestinal epithelial cells., M Lipkin, T P. Almy, and H Quastler
Cell population kinetics in the colon. Abstr., M Lipkin and H Quastler
Recovery of fertility after protracted steroid-induced sterility in mice., A Lipschutz and R Iglesias
The use of a derivative of hematoporphyrin in tumor detection., R L. Lipson, E J. Baldes, and A M. Olsen
Induction of tumours in mice with tritrated thymidine., H Lisco, R Baserga, and W E. Kisielski
Effect of tritrated thymidine on the growth of ehrlich ascites tumor in vivo., H Lisco, E T. Nishimura, R Baserga, and W E. Kisielski
Sensitivity to estrogen of uteri of ovariectomized mice in relation to age., F T. Liu and C K. Chai
Factores que influyen en la concentration de i131 por la glandula submaxilar del raton c3h., J L. Llach and J H. Tramezzani
Adipose tissue metabolism of obese mice on standard and high-fat diets., S Lochaya, N Leboeuf, J Mayer, and B Leboeuf
Immersion interferometry in studies of the functional morphology and cytogenetics of mouse ascites tumors., A C. Longwell
Variability of incidence and clincal manifestation of mouse hereditary muscular dystrophy on heterogeneous genetic backgrounds., R Loosli, E S. Russell, W K. Silvers, and J L. Southard
Biosintese do deoxiribose-5-fosfato em ratinhos normais e portadores de tumores experimentais., J A. Lopes do rosario
Flourescein-globulin staining of tumor transplants., C J. Louis
Active and passive immunity to transplantation of foreign bone marrow in lethally irradiated mice., J F. Loutit and H S. Micklem
Further observations on the ribonucleoproteins of mitotically dividing mammalian cells., R Love and R G. Suskind
Some microelectrophoretic studies of normal and tumour cells., J H. Lowick, L Purdom, A M. James, and E J. Ambrose
The effect of x-radiation on the mouse retina at different stages of development., D R. Lucas
Further observations on the efficacy of phenylalanine mustards against mouse melanoma., J M. Luck
The response of the submaxillary glands of mature mice to treatment with the hormones of the thyroid gland and the testis., C E. Luckman
Der einfluss von fructose-1.6-diphosphatase Auf die glykolyse von ehrlich-ascites-tumorzellen., W Luhrs, E Heise, and M Gorlich
Zum problem der milchsaurebildung in tumoren und ihre beeinflussung durch glykolysierende fermente., W Luhrs, E Heise, and M Gorlich
Experimentell erzcugte craniofaciale dipplasien., O Lund, K Degenhardt, and G Badtke
The protective effect of cysteamine against genetic damages by x-rays in spermatozoa from mice., K G. Luning, H Frolen, and A Nelson
Relation of phosphorylase to glycogen levels in muscle of mice. Abstr., J B. Lyon
Gene action in the x-chromosome of the mouse (mus musculus l.), M F. Lyon
Linkage relations and some pleiotropic effects of the dreher mutant of the house mouse., M F. Lyon
The nature of t-alleles in the mouse. Abstr., M F. Lyon
Effect of antisera specific for irradiated malignant tissues on the growth of experimental tumors in animals subjected to irradiation. I. Capacity of irradiated antigens to provoke the formation of anti- bodies in animals of various species., I N. Maiskii, P P. Filatov, and G V. Suvorova
Bone marrow transplantation, a problem in immunology., T Makinodan
Repartition de l'or colloidal au 198 apres administration intra- veineuse ou intraperitoneale chez la souris c57bl recevant de la cystamine par os., E P. Malaise and D J. Mewissen
Effect of cortisone on distribution of fluorene-2, 7-di(sulfonamido- -2-naphthalene)-s35 in rats and mice., D Malejka, M F. Argus, and F E. Ray
Influence of b pertussis on host survival following s-180 implantation., S Malkiel and B J. Hargis
Studies of the properties of the liver mitotic stimulant (lms) in mouse tumor tissue., R A. Malmgren and W Mills