
Submissions from 1961

Relation of x-ray sensitivity to mitotic cycle in spermatogonia of the mouse. Abstr., V Monesi

Study of dna synthesis and the mitotic cycle in spermatogonia of the mouse, using tritium-labeled thymidine. Abstr., V Monesi

The effect of subcutaneous transplants of hypothalamus and pituitary gland on the estrous cycle of the mouse. Abstr., D G. Montemurro and W U. Gardner

The difference in sperm-morphology in different strains of mice., A Mori

Mammary tumors in c3h mice implanted with estrogen pellets at high altitude and at sea level. Abstr., chavez P. Mori and M Salazar

Induction of pulmonary tumors in mice by subcutaneous injection of 4-nitroquinoline n-oxide., K Mori and A Yasuno

Cytochemical studies in the tumor cells. I. Cytochemical observation of protein-bound sulfhydryl groups in the ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M Morita

Phosphatase activities in the skin of hairless mice mutants. Abstr., K Moriwaki

The effects of anti-leucocyte-platelet serum on young mice., I G. Morris

Studies on the inhibition by deoxyribonuclosides of the reproduction in culture of neoplastic mammalian cells. Abstr., N R. Morris and G A. Fischer

Multiplication and cytopathogenicity of mouse hepatitis virus in mouse cell cultures., J W. Mosley

Behavior of expermental hepatoma in mice fed on a low protein diet. (in Japanese), R Motoki

Differential sensitivity of mouse spermatogenesis to alkylating agents., J Moutschen

The significance of hormones in the induction of mammary cancer., O Muhlbock

Functional components in the genesis of mammary cancer in mice, pregnancy and lactation., O Muhlbock and W V. Tengbergen

Effect of a magnetic field on sarcoma 37 ascites tumour cells., I L. Mulay and L N. Mulay

Studies on metastasis of cancer. Xii. Experiments on the fate of tumour cells in the blood. (in Japanese)., H Munakata

Transmissible agent associated with some mouse neoplasms., J Mundy and P C. Williams

Tumour incidence and tumour-free sublines in br6 mice., J Mundy and P C. Williams

Carcinogenesis of the uterine cervix in mice, effect of diethyl- stilbestrol after limited application of 3-methylcholanthrene., E D. Murphy

Promoting effect of estrogen in cervical carcinogenesis after limited exposure of endocervical epithelium of the mouse to methylchol- anthrene. Abstr., E D. Murphy

Relative immunologic capacity of leukemic and low-leukemic strains of mice to resist infection., W H. Murphy and J T. Syverton

Factors affecting the fertility of mice with orthotopic ovarian grafts., M V. Mussett and D M. Parrott

5-methyltryptophan And darkening of the hair in yellow ay/a mice., V T. Nachmias

Electron microscopic observation on the cytomorphological action of azo compound on ehrlich ascites tumor., K Nagata and K Yoshida

Carcinostatic liver factor. I. Effect in vitro of homologous liver extract on viability of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., W Nakahara and F Fukuoka

A comparative study of the pathology of leukemia in two high-leukemia strains of mice. Sl and akr., K Nakakuki and Y Nishizuka

Quantitative cytological studies on thymic lymphoid cells in normal, preleukaemic and leukaemic mice., K Nakamura and D Metcalf

Differential responsiveness of a and c3h mouse mammary tissues to somatotropin-containing hormone combinations., S Nandi

Effect of hormones on maintenance of hyperplastic alveolar nodules in mammary glands of various strains of mice., S Nandi

Effect of the mammary tumor agent (mta) and of multiple pregnancies on the responsiveness of c3h mammary tissue to somatotropin-containing hormonal combinations. Abstr., S Nandi

Effect of hormones on mammary-tumour development from transplanted hyperplastic alveolar nodules in hypophysectomized-ovariectomized adrenalectomized c3h/crgl mice., S Nandi and H A. Bern

The hormones responsible for lactogenesis in balb/ccrgl mice., S Nandi and H A. Bern

Effect of azaserine on the biosynthesis of diphosphopyridine nucleo- tide in mouse., S A. Narrod, V Bonavita, E Rehrenfeld, and N O. Kaplan

Body weight response of newborn mice to x-irradiation., D J. Nash

Reproductive performance of mice exposed to embryonic x-irradiation. Abstr., D J. Nash and J W. Gowen

Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. I. Transmissible encephalopathy in guinea pigs and rabbits by the inoculation of leukemic product from akm mice., E Nastac and B Anagnoste

Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. II. Pathogenicity for the white hybrid mouse of murine leukemic products from the akm line. (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus

Ageing and radiation., G J. Neary

Synaptinemal complexes(cores) in primary spermatocytes of mouse under elevated temperature., B R. Nebel and E M. Hackett

Phosphomonoestrase activity of mouse-liver preparations at ph 5.9. Abstr., M W. Neil

Distribution of radiocesium in mice, an autoradiographic study., A Nelson, S Ullberg, H Kristofferson, and C Ronnback

A new mouse ascites tumour to be used as a screening tool., L Nemeth and B Kellner

Effects in newborn mice of tumor-producing agents carried in tissue culture., S Neriishi, Y Yabe, N Oda, N Ida, F Gonzales, W Sutow, A Kirschbaum, G. Taylor, and J J. Trentin

Necrotizing effect of the lipoid a component of endotoxin on mouse sarcoma 180. Abstr., E Neter, E Mihich, and O Westphal

Etude de certains azureurs optiques du point de vue de leur pouvoir cancerigene et co-cancerigene., S M. Neukomm

Induction de la leucose chez des souris h par injection d'extraits acellulaires de moelle osseuse de leucose aigue humaine., C T. Nicolau and I D. Goresco

Limiting factors for glycogen storage in tumors. Abstr., V N. Nigam and H L. Donald

Graded depression of liver catalase activity in mice. Abstr., E T. Nishimura, S Rosenheim, and L Klein

Inhibitory effect of nitroquinoline derivatives on protein synthesis entirely dissociated from glycolytic inhibition in ehrlich ccarcinoma cells in vitro., S Nishimura, T Ono, and F Fukuoka

Cardiac lesions developing in mice treated with estrogen., Y Nishizuka, K Nakakuki, and T Sakakura

Ribonucleic acid-induced changes in mammalian cells., M C. Niu, C C. Cordova, and L C. Niu

On a new long-term suspension or stationary culture of normal and leukemic lymphocytes with a special reference to a favorable simultaneous proliferation of leukemic virus and host-cells., K Notake, Y Ichikawa, and M Hanaoka

Inhibition of bowel epithelium regeneration by grafted homologous spleen cells in irradiated mice., P C. Nowell and L J. Cole

Ovular maturation and fetal development., R W. Noyes, L L. Doyle, A H. Gates, and D L. Bentley

Tumors as a source of growth inhibitors and accelerators. Abstr., L G. Nutini, J C. Fardon, E S. Cook, N T. Perez, and N J. Mamola

Effect of dose and dose rate on radiation damage to mouse sperma- togonia and oocytes as measured by cell survival., E F. Oakberg and E Clark

Survival of spermatogonia of the mouse at different x- and gamma-ray dose rates. Abstr., E F. Oakberg and E Clark

Functional components in virus carcinogenesis., C Oberling

Genetical and cytological study on the new mutant 'falter' found in the house mouse. (in Japanese), T Odashiro

Incidence of leukemia and other tumors in thymectomized irradiated mice bearing thymic transplants., R W. O'gara and J Ards

Intrasplenic transplantation of neonatal thymus., R W. O'gara and J Ards

Lowered resistance to influenza infection of mice following immuniza- tion with mercurial inactivated influenza virus., K Ogasawara, M Aida, and I Nagata

Studies on the akr leukemia agent isolated by passage through the brain of guinea-pigs., K Ogawa and M Murakami

Testicular interstitial cell tumors of mice, hormone production, dependency, and cytology. Abstr., A Ojima and W U. Gerdner

Cytological observations of the interzonal connection in ehrlich ascites tumor cells during mitosis., T A. Okada

Cytological effects of maleuric acid and related substances on ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., T A. Okada and E Roberts

The role of the reticuloendothelial system in the host reaction to neoplasia., L J. Old, B Benacerraf, D A. Clarke, and E Stockert

Increased phagocytic activity of the res produced by transmissible agent derived from transplantable tumors. Abstr., L J. Old, D A. Clarke, B Benacerraf, E Stockert, E Carswell, and B Williamson

Studies in experimental autoimmune disorders. I. Clinical and laboratory features of autoimmunization (runt disease) in the mouse., H Oliner, R Schwartz, and W Dameshek

Studio istologico ed istogenetico dei tumori mammari responsive di topi force bred (balb/cf/cb/se substrain)., M Olivi and F Caschera

Studio istologico ed istogenetico dei tumori mammari responsive di topi force bred (riii/dm/se substrain)., M Olivi and F Cashera

Molecular weight and size of myosin from mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. Abstr., H Oppenheimer, K Barany, H Terry, and E Forsyth

Serum proteins, lipoproteins, and glycoproteins in muscular dystrophy and related diseases., H Oppenheimer and A T. Milborat

Effects of ehrlich ascites tumor on iron incorporation into heme., M L. Origenes, E L. Lester, and R F. Labbe

A new transmissible leukemia in rf-strain mice., S Osamura, K Ito, T Ueda, K Shiko, and N Ito

Human skeletal muscle cultured in diffusion chambers in mice., K O'steen

On the mechanism of inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in ehrlich ascites tumor cells by deoxyadenosine in vitro., hansen K. Overgaard and H Klenow

Action of pyridoxal phosphate and related agents on uptake of amino acids by ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., D L. Oxender and M Royer

The elimination of mouse and bovine globulins from the circulation of newborn and adult mice., M G. Pace and D W. Dresser

The effect of mutation on the intracellular location of beta- -glucuronidase., K Paigen

The genetic control of enzyme activity during differentiation., K Paigen

Two linked genes showing a similar timing of expression in mice., K Paigen and W K. Noell

The action of surface active agents on tumor cell membrane. Abstr., C G. Palmer and M E. Hodes

Uptake of pyridoxal and pyridoxal phosphate by ehrlich ascites tumor cells., P Pal and H N. Christensen

The role of glycolysis in the growth of tumor cells. I. Effects of oxamic acid on the metabolism of ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro., J Papaconstantinou and S P. Colowick

Multiplication d'une souche de virus aphteux chez deux lignees consanguines de souris., A Paraf, J Asso, M Fougereau, and J Verge

Mordanting fixation as a means of facilitating the staining of pancreatic cells of mouse., P F. Parakkal

The immunological response to bacterial antigen and its effect on mouse tumor. Abstr., I A. Parfentjev and J M. Segurra

Olfactory stimuli in mammalian reproduction., A S. Parkes and H M. Bruce

Electron microscopy of plasma-cell tumors of the mouse. II. Tissue cultures of the x5563 tumor., D F. Parsons, M A. Bender, E B. Darden, G T. Pratt, and D L. Lindsley

Electron microscopy of plasma-cell tumors of the mouse. I. Mpc-1 and x5563 tumors., D F. Parsons, E B. Darden, D L. Lindsley, and G T. Pratt

Alterations in pyrimidine metabolism in l5178y leukemia cells resistant to 6-azauridine., C A. Pasternak, G A. Fischer, and R E. Handschumacher

Untersuchungen uber beziehungen zwischen deu viren der myeloischen und lymphatischen leukamie der maus., G Pasternak and F Fey

Versuche zum nachweis gemeinsamer antigenkomponenten beim virus der myeloischen und der lymphatischen leukamie der maus., G Pasternak and A Graffi

5'-adenylic Acid deaminase in dystrophic mouse muscle., R J. Pennington

Biochemistry of dystrophic muscle, mitochondrial succinate-tetrazo- lium reductase and adenosine triphosphatase., R J. Pennington

The effect of age, pregnancy and lactation on the thymus gland and lymph nodes of the mouse., F J. Pepper

Transplantation of thymic tissue in inbred strains of mice., F J. Pepper

The effect of phenmetrazine on goldthioglucose-induced obesity in cba mice. Abstr., J H. Perry