
Submissions from 1964

The metabolism in vitro of (4-14c)cortisone by lymphosarcoma p1798., E Chang, A Mittelman, and F Rosen

Inheritance of susceptibility to polyoma virus in mice., S Chang and W H. Hildemann

Inheritance of susceptibility to polyoma virus in mice. Abstr., S S. Chang and W H. Hildemann

Changes in the host response following treatment with lyophilized tissue., S M. Chantler and J R. Batchelor

The effect of relaxin on parathyroid histology in the mouse., E B. Chase and D Shanmugasundaram

Biosynthesis of l-ascorbic acid in liver microsomes from mice bearing transplanted tumors., I B. Chatterjee and R W. Mckee

Retention of immunological information (i) by syngeneic radiation chimaeras (a.j.s. Davies, barbara doe, a. Marjorie cross, e.v. Elliott). (ii) By thymectomized syngeneic radiation chimaeras (a. Marjorie cross, elizabeth leuchars, a.j.s. Davies)., S O. Chester beatty res inst

Effets de l'irradiation locale sur la croissance du sarcome j chez la souris cba., P Chevalier

Studies with the murine leukemogenic rauscher virus. Iii. An in vivo assay for anti-viral agents., M A. Chirigos

Effect of alkylating agents on meningeal leukemia l-1210 arising in methotrexate (mtx) treated mice. Abstr., M A. Chirigos and S R. Humphreys

(l1210) To challenge with an antifolic-resistant variant., M A. Chirigos and L B. Thomas

Facteurs qui jouent un role dans la production des isoanticorps chez la souris. Sexe, voie d'immunisation, splenectomie et choc operatoire., I Chouroulinkov, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse

Etude anatomo-pathologique des reticuloses de la souris., I Chouroulinkov, M R. Riviere, and M Guerin

Etude anatomo-pathologique des reticuloses de la souris., I Chouroulinkov, M R. Riviere, and M Guerin

Infection and malignant tumours. 8. Studies on the effect of preparations of streptococci on mouse tumours., E A. Christensen

Antagonists' on decompression sickness in mice., C Chryssanthou, J Kalberer, and S Kooperstein

Effect of orotic acid on the metastasis of mammary tumors in mice., E W. Chu and R A. Malmgren

An inhibitory effect of melatonin on the estrous phase of the estrous cycle of the rodent., E W. Chu, R J. Wurtman, and J Axelrod

Effect of autologous protein on the specificity of the antibody response. Mouse and rabbit antibody to mub1., B Cinader and S Dubiski

Distribution, inheritance, and properties of an antigen, mub1, and its relation to hemolytic complement., B Cinader, S Dubiski, and A C. Wardlaw

Thymus and x-radiation in the termination of acquired immunological tolerance in the adult mouse., H N. Claman and W Mcdonald

Survival-curves of solid transplantable tumour cells irradiated in vivo. A method of determination and statistical evaluation, comparison of cell-survival and 32p-uptake into dna., K H. Clifton and N R. Draper

The effect of endotoxin on the antibody response of transferred spleen cells., E P. Cohen, L K. Crosby, and D W. Talmage

Antibody production by nonimmune spleen cells incubated with rna from immunized mice., E P. Cohen and J J. Parks

Proliferation of transferred spleen cells after antigenic challenge., M J. Cohen and E P. Cohen

Lesions in uninephrectomized mice. Abstr., L J. Cole

Accelerated induction of hepatomas in fast neutron-irradiated mice injected with carbon tetrachloride., L J. Cole and P C. Nowell

Certain histochemical and staining properties of renal tubular casts in human multiple myeloma and in 'mouse myeloma' compared with those of amyloid. Abstr., R F. Coleman and R W. Mowry

Immunological response to implanted adult dwarf tapeworms., R M. Coleman and L M. Desa

Inheritance of avoidance conditioning in mice. A diallel study., R L. Collins

Inheritance of x-zone degeneration and adrenal weight in mice. A com- parison of 16 genotypes. Abstr., R L. Collins and R J. Meckler

The early histologic effects of antigenic stimulation., C C. Congdon

Bone marrow transplantation after intraperitoneal administration of dmba. Abstr., C C. Congdon, D G. Doherty, and F Hacker

Effect of thymus transplantation on radiation chimeras., C C. Congdon, J W. Goodman, and J W. Ferrebee

Mortality from secondary disease in homologous bone marrow chimeras. Abstr., C C. Congdon, M A. Kastenbaum, and D A. Gardiner

Treatment of leukaemia with immune lymphocytes., D I. Connell, Z B. Mikulski, and P Alexander

Immunological studies with normal and malignant mammary tissue anti- gens in an inbred strain of mice., N M. Contractor and S S. Rao

Resistance to transplanted and spontaneous isologous tumors in inbred strains of mice., E S. Cook, L G. Nutini, and J C. Fardon

A cinephotomicrographic analysis of the 'in vitro' behavior and growth characteristics of an akr mouse lymphoma cell in the presence and absence of specific immune serum. Abstr., W G. Cooper and R T. Jordan

Further studies on the mechanism of parabiotic intoxication. Abstr., E A. Cornelius, H R. Hilgard, and C Martinez

Modification of the radiation effect on ascitic tumour cells by pharmacological agents injected intravenously., J N. Correa and J R. Andrews

Effects of aet and shielding on induction of glomerulosclerosis in irradiated mice. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove and L H. Smith

Tumor polypassages, a factor which restores the growth capacity of the resorbable form of the iob h16 tumour. (in Rumanian), O Costachel, S Dumitrescu, and I Popp

Changes in body composition during the growth of transplanted krebs-2 carcinoma in mice., G Costa, L Ullrich, and F Kantor

Changes in host composition induced by transplanted and spontaneous mouse tumors. Abstr., G Costa, L Ullrich, and F Kantor

A developmental change in hemoglobins correlated with an embryonic red cell population in the mouse., M L. Craig and E S. Russell

Biochemical effects of the vinca alkaloids. I. Effects of vinblastine on nucleic acid synthesis in mouse tumor cells., W A. Creasey and M E. Markiw

Biochemical effects of the vinca alkaloids. II. A comparison of the effects of colchicine, vinblastine and vincristine on the synthesis of ribonucleic acids in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., W A. Creasey and M E. Markiw

The mouse karyotype in somatic cells cultured in vitro., M Crippa

Electron microscope investigation of lactic dehydrogenase agent., C G. Crispens and T A. Burns

Hematological studies upon mouse radiation chimeras. Abstr., A M. Cross, A J. Davies, O Rosiek, and P C. Koller

Studies on the recovery of the immune response in irradiated mice thymectomized in adult life., A M. Cross, E Leuchars, and J F. Miller

Hybrid resistance to parental hemopoietic cell grafts, implications for bone marrow chimeras. Abstr., G Cudkowicz

Pluripotent stem cell function of the mouse marrow 'lymphocyte.', G Cudkowicz, M Bennett, and G M. Shearer

Deficient growth of c57bl marrow cells transplanted in f1 mice, association with the histocompatibility-2 locus., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling

Deficient growth of parental marrow grafts in f1 hybrid mice. Assoc- iation with the h-2b allele. Abstr., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling

Hybrid resistance to parental marrow grafts. Association with the k region of h-2., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling

Immunological basis for deficient growth of c57bl/10 parental marrow in f1 hybrid mice. Abstr., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling

Induction of immunity and of unresponsiveness to parental marrow grafts in adult f1 hybrid mice., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling

Lymphocyte content and proliferative capacity of serially transplanted mouse bone marrow., G Cudkowicz, A C. Upton, and G M. Shearer

Control of spleen colony histology by erythropoietin, cobalt, and hypertransfusion. Abstr., J Curry, J Trentin, and N Wolf

Effects of other agents on the biologic responses to vincaleuko- blastine., J H. Cutts

Immunisation contre des greffes de cellules hematopoietiques allo- geniques par des transfusions de sang anterieures., J L. Da costa h and G Mathe

Essai de sensibilisation par la mercapto-6-purine, et par l'associ- ation mercapto-6-purine-bromo-5-desoxyuridine, de l'effet de l'irradi- ation sur des greffes de peau allogeniques., H Da costa, R Tenenbaum, and A Mery

A gene affecting the rate of pyrimidine degradation in mice., C P. Dagg, D L. Coleman, and G M. Fraser

Temperature of maximum contraction of mouse collagen fibers as in- fluenced by aging, x-radiation, and breeding status., E B. Darden and A C. Upton

Phospholipids of ehrlich ascites tumor., H David and R J. Rossiter

A congenital cataract in the mouse. Abstr., F Davidorf, I Eglitis, and C Cohen

Estimation in vivo of the viability of frozen and stored bone marrow., A J. Davies, J H. Playfair, and A M. Cross

Some properties of mouse histocompatibility antigens. H-2, non-h-2, x (leukemic) and y (sex linked)., D A. Davies

Effects of vitamin a on the skin of the rhino mouse. Abstr., R E. Davies and P D. Forbes

Control of mouse ringworm., R R. Davies and J Shewell

Adoptive immunity to allogeneic and xenogeneic skin grafts in thymectomized-irradiated, isogenic marrow-restored mice. Abstr., W E. Davis and L J. Cole

Diminished second-set response to allogeneic skin grafts in thymec- tomized irradiated adult mice. Abstr., W E. Davis, M L. Tyan, and L J. Cole

Homographstet in thymectomized, irradiated mice. Responses to primary and secondary skin grafts., W E. Davis, M L. Tyan, and L J. Cole

Mutually tolerant host and donor type immunologically competent cells in mouse radiation chimeras., W E. Davis, M L. Tyan, and L J. Cole

Chemoconvulsive thresholds in mice of differing audioconvulsive susceptibilities., W M. Davis and O L. Webb

Effect of thymectomy on tumor induction by polyoma virus and polyoma- -induced tumor cells. Abstr., V Defendi and R A. Roosa

Effects of prenatal maternal stress on behavior in mice. A genotype- -environment interaction. Abstr., J C. Defries

Prenatal maternal stress in mice, differential effects on behavior., J C. Defries

Open field behavior of c57bl/6j mice as a function of age, experience, and prenatal maternal stress., J C. Defries and M W. Weir

Virus particles in the thymus of conventional and germ-free mice., E De harven

Structure of virus particles partially purified from the blood of leukemic mice., E De harven and C Friend

Tissue megakaryocyte and peripheral platelet changes in mice bearing transplanted mammary tumors. Abstr., L Delmonte and R A. Liebelt

Morphogenetic action of chick embryo's primitive streak on mouse tumors., E S. De lustig and H A. Matrajt

The amount of gonadotrophic hormones in the pituitary (mice of strain c20 with the grafted mammary adeno-carcinoma tm 2290)., P Demol and F M. Rom

Mice reared with rats. Modification of behavior by early experience with another species., V H. Denenberg, G A. Hudgens, and M X. Zarrow

Control of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in mouse hepatoma. Abstr., M D. Denton

The abnormalities of the inner ear in kreisler mice., M S. Deol

The origin of the abnormalities of the inner ear in dreher mice., M S. Deol

An interference phenomenon associated with resistance to infection with mouse mammary tumor virus. Abstr. Lillia babbitt hyde found. Conf. On mammary tumor virus, inverness,, K B. Deome

Uptake of labeled 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (i125udr) as an index of tumor growth. Abstr., L A. Dethlefsen and M L. Mendelsohn

Ricerche istochimiche sulle biopsie muscolari nella distrofia mus- colare progressiva umana e su topi ereditariamente miodistrofici, prima e dopo trattamento con steroidi anabolizzanti., E De toni and E Bertolotti

Phosphorylation and atpase activity of liver mitochondria from swiss mice bearing krebs-2 carcinoma., T M. Devlin and G Costa

Histocompatibility variations in mouse tumor cells and embryonic tissue with the use of c57bl/10sn strain and its isogenic resistant strains., S S. Dhaliwal

Use of 'immunological enhancement' in the study of histocompatibility mutations., S S. Dhaliwal

New splotch alleles in the mouse., M M. Dickie

Genetical control of the incubation period in mice of the neurological disease, scrapie., A G. Dickinson and J M. Mackay

Quantity and quality of antibody produced following the termination of tolerance in c57bl/6 mice., F M. Dietrich and H M. Grey

Immunologic unresponsiveness to heterologous serum proteins induced in adult mice and transfer of the unresponsive state., F M. Dietrich and W O. Weigle