Submissions from 1964
Effect of freezing and thawing on certain nuclear and mitochondrial enzymes of mouse liver., V S. Waravdekar, P J. Goldblatt, B F. Trump, and R E. Stowell
Dpnase activity in livers from young, adult and tumor-bearing mice., V S. Waravdekar and C C. Griffin
Hepatic changes induced by an aqueous extract of ultraviolet-irradi- ated linolenic acid., V S. Waravdekar, L D. Saslaw, and W A. Jones
Cellular fixed antibodies in transplantation immunity., H Warnatz and F Scheiffarth
Prevention of a genetically determined congenital eye anomaly in the mouse by the administration of cortisone during pregnancy., M J. Watney and J R. Miller
Response of four inbred types of mice to relaxin., P P. Wedemeyer
Accumulation of connective tissue ground substance in the heart of the dwarf mouse., O Wegelius
Delayed antibody synthesis in mice after transfer of immune peritoneal fluid cells., E Weiler
Immunologically determined and competent cells are affected differ- entially by actinomycin d., E Weiler
The effect of coenzyme qo on potassium transport in the ehrlich ascites-tumor cell., S W. Weinstein and H G. Hempling
Enzyme studies in muscular dystrophy. IV. Acid deoxyribonuclease in nutritional and hereditary muscular dystrophy., I M. Weinstock and M Lukacs
Independence of sex ratio and diet-induced changes in blood-ph of mice., J A. Weir and H S. Haubenstock
Prenatal maternal influence on behavior in mice. Evidence of a genetic basis., M W. Weir and J C. Fries
Immunity to spontaneous mammary carcinomas in isologous mice. Abst., D W. Weiss and M Attia
Acquisition of heightened resistance and susceptibility to spontaneous mouse mammary carcinomas in the original host., D W. Weiss, L J. Faulkin, and K B. Ome
Spleen cytology during homograft rejection., C S. Weldon
Studies with mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors. Viii. 'inclusions' In liver and tumor cell nuclei of mice bearing somatotropic variants., S C. Werner, J Y. Relland, I Csavossy, and J Tierney
Influence of various substances on production of ascites tumour., D N. Wheatley
Tumour cell invasion from transplantable ascites tumours into host tissues., D N. Wheatley and E J. Ambrose
The growth and infiltration of ehrlich's ascites tumour in mice with reduced immunological responses., D N. Wheatley and G C. Easty
Use of the adj-pc5 plasma cell tumour in chemotherapy screening. Cure of mice bearing large adj-pc5 tumours., M E. Whisson and T A. Connors
Serum protein changes during growth and regression of the adj/pc5., M E. Whisson and L A. Elson
A spontaneous transplantable ovarian tumour of the cba mouse., H J. Whiteley and D L. Horton
Pathogenesis of murine hepatitis. Route of infection and suscepti- bility of the host., R J. White and S H. Madin
Hormonal effects upon cytology and oxygen consumption of mouse sub- mandibular glands. Abstr., W H. Wilborn and L R. Fitzgerald
Studies of glioma growth in mice. I. Experiments concerning glioma growth and hepatic mitotic activity., R H. Wilkins and A S. Ketcham
Amyloidosis in parabiotic mice., G Williams
Depressing effects of hyperthyroidism on subcutaneous sarcoma 180 growth. Abstr., M W. Williams and C S. Williams
Host-parasite relationships among group a streptococci. II. Influence of sex on the susceptibility of inbred mice toward streptococcal in- fection., D S. Willoughby and D W. Watson
The treatment of x-irradiated germfree cfw and c3h mice with isologous and homologous bone marrow. Abstr., R Wilson and S S. Connell
The absence of wasting in thymectomized germfree (axenic) mice., R Wilson, K Sjodin, and M Bealmear
Controlled visual input and exploratory activity in c57bl/6j mice., R Wimer and H Sterns
Heterosis and learning in the mouse., H D. Winston
Albinism and water escape performance in the mouse., H D. Winston and G Lindzey
Histochemical differentiation of skeletal muscle in foetal and new- born mice., C Wirsen and K S. Larsson
Uber das wachstum rontgenbestrahlter melanomalignome in der gewebe- kultur und im transplantationsversuch. II. Versuche am fraktioniert bestrahlten harding-passey-melanom., A Wiskemann, B Rohde, and J Herzberg
The antigenic composition of tumours, sera and urines of tumour- bearing mice and the partial purification of two antigens present in increased amounts., I Witz, G Hermann, M Pikovski, and J Gross
Mi-spotted. A mutation in the mouse., H G. Wolfe and D L. Coleman
Correlation of coat color pattern and rate of weight gain in various phenotypes of the avy mouse. Abstr., G L. Wolff
Inhibition of homograft acceptance and homo- and hetero-graft rejec- tion in chimeras by reticuloendothelial system stimulation., W R. Wooles and N R. Luzio
A new transplantable mouse liver tumor of spontaneous origin. Abstr., G W. Woolley, H S. Taper, M N. Teller, and M P. Lardis
Multiplication of the rauscher leukemia virus in a mixed culture of mouse spleen and thymus cells. Abstr., B S. Wright and J C. Lasfargues
The incorporation of h3-cytidine into some viscera and skeletal muscle of young and old mice., V J. Wulff, H Quastler, and F G. Sherman
Oncogenic effect of human adenovirus type 12, in mice., Y Yabe, L Samper, E Bryan, G Taylor, and J J. Trentin
Tetracycline fluorescence in mouse gastric carcinoma., Y Yabe, I A. Warren, J E. Berk, and S D. Kobernick
Radiosensitivity of the heterogeneous mice group obtained from the crosses between radiosensitive and radioresistant strains of mice. (in Japanese), J Yamada and J Hayakawa
Plasma cell neoplasm arising in a caf1 mouse. Characteristics and response to certain chemotherapeutic agents., S T. Yancey
Crystalline excrements in bronchitis and cholecystitis of mice., Y H. Yang and J S. Campbell
Murine mammary carcinomas induced by intravaginal applications of methylcholanthrene in minimal dosages., Y H. Yang and J S. Campbell
Role of mouse lymphoma virus in induction of myeloid leukemia by x-ray., K Yokoro, H Takemoto, and A Kunii
(alopecial Semi-lethal mutant found among the cfw mice.) (japanese Text), H Yoshida
Immunological reconstitution of thymectomized mice by injections of isolated thymocytes., E J. Yunis, H Hilgard, K Sjodin, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Failure to reconstitute neonatally thymectomized mice by 'successful' rat thymus transplantation., E J. Yunis, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Facilitation of host lymphoid tissue development in neonatally thy- mectomized mice by injection of allogeneic dispersed thymus cells., E J. Yunis, C Martinez, J Smith, and R A. Good
Allogeneic chimeric bone marrow, its capacity to repopulate the lymphatic tissues of an irradiated syngeneic host. Abstr., O B. Zaalberg
Histamine in a transplantable mouse mastocytoma., H Zachariae
Studies on the radiobiological effect of 3h-thymidine on the dna turn- over in landschutz ascites tumour cells., G Zajicek and J Gross
Electron microscopic and bioassay studies on a murine leukemia virus (rauscher). I. Effects of physicochemical treatments on the morpho- logy and biological activity of the virus., R F. Zeigel and F J. Rauscher
An electron microscope study of a mouse melanoma., A S. Zelickson and H M. Hirsch
(effect Of gamma-irradiation on the mitotic cycle periods of the bone marrow cells.) (russ., Eng. Summ.), A I. Zosimouskaya
Experimentelle mauseamyloidose nach injektion von pflanzenolen., W Zschiesche
Zur cancerogenitat des 7-ketocholesterin., W Zschiesche and G Bruns
Biometrische untersuchungen ausserer korpermasse an mauseinzuchtstam- men., W Zschiesche and H Heinecke