Submissions from 1964
Biological studies of e.l.4 Lymphoma and c1498 leukemia in susceptible (c57bl) and resistant (b10.d2) Mice., K K. Tanaka and E Roberts
Increased induction of skin tumors by pretreatment with croton oil., A Tannenbaum, S D. Vesselinovitch, and H Silverstone
The influence of the homologous neoplastic autolysates on the trans- plantation of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice of strain riii., H Taper and W Zakolski
Patterns of pigmentation in experimentally produced mouse chimaerae., A K. Tarkowski
Enzyme alterations in muscle cells from mice with hereditary dystrophy., J P. Tassoni, L Mantel, and P L. Harman
Some effects of variations in environmental oxygen tension upon the virulence of experimental tumors., H J. Tatum, E E. Popa, and C J. Shininger
The effect of sodium bromide on tumor growth., A Taylor and N C. Taylor
An effect of thymectomy on recovery from immunological paralysis., R B. Taylor
Antinuclear antibodies on a/j mice, induction in serologically negative animals. Abstr., P O. Teague and G J. Friou
Tumour antibodies, mouse gamma-globulin., D E. Tee and J Watkins
Type of antibody response in mice immunized with transplantable tumours., D E. Tee, J Watkins, M Wang, and D B. Gammack
Host-tumor-drug relationships in experimental chemotherapy systems with allogeneic and xenogeneic host-tumor combinations., M N. Teller, R Wolff, and S F. Wagshul
Evaluation of the trypan blue technique for determination of cell viability., J R. Tennant
Peculiarities of cancerogenesis in animals with different initial resistance to tumor growth., I P. Tereshchenko
Suppression of the resistance of mice to the polyoma virus connected with lymphatic tissue destruction following injection of tissue extracts from sheep suffering from pulmonary adenomatosis., grigorov V. Ter and I S. Irlin
Differences in serum complement activity among inbred strains of mice., W D. Terry, T Borsos, and H J. Rapp
L'ultrastructure de tumeurs thyreotropes adenhypophysaires experi- mentales apres radiothyroidectomie., C Theret and H Renault
Morphocineses differentes de tumeurs thyreotropes apres radio- thyroidectomie et addition de cancerigenes chimiques., C Theret and H Renualt
Oncolysis by clostridia. Iii. Effects of clostridia and chemothera- peutic agents on rodent tumors., E H. Thiele, R N. Arison, and G E. Boxer
Enzyme histochemistry of induced and transplanted squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix., M Thiery and R G. Willighagen
Population density, mouse genotype, and endocrine function in behavior., D D. Thiessen
Development of meningeal leukemia (l1210) during treatment of sub- cutaneously inoculated mice with methotrexate., L B. Thomas, M A. Chirigos, S R. Humphreys, and A Goldin
In vitro transformation of mice cells by bovine papilloma virus., M Thomas, M Boiron, J Tanzer, J P. Levy, and J Bernard
Effect of oestradiol on bone marrow transplantation in lethally irradiated mice., J S. Thompson, R W. Reilly, H P. Russe, and A Kappas
Die blutentnahme aus den venen der orbita., S Tilgner and H Metzke
Effects of exercise on coxsackie a9 myocarditis in adult mice., J G. Tilles, S H. Elson, J A. Shaka, W H. Abelmann, M. Lerner, and M Finland
Repair processes in irradiated mouse hematopoietic tissue., J E. Till and E A. Culloch
Isolation of variant cell lines during serial transplantation of hematopoietic cells derived from fetal liver., J E. Till, E A. Culloch, and L Siminovitch
A new approach for the demonstration of viral genes in virus-free polyoma tumor cells., R C. Ting
The effect of thymectomy on transplantability of a polyoma tumor in mice infected with polyoma virus. Abstr., R C. Ting and L W. Law
The use of protective substances for differential changes of radio- sensitivity in normal and tumor tissues., E N. Tolkacheva and N I. Shapiro
Cytological studies of 'balloon cells' occurring in the ehrlich ascites carcinoma., S Tolnai
A combination therapy of mouse sarcoma 180., P Tomashefsky, S Baum, and C Funk
Uber falten- und duplikaturenbildungen der netzhaut beim hereditaren mikrophthalmus der hausmaus., M Tost
Carcinogenesis study with dimethylnitrosamine administered orally to adult and subcutaneously to newborn balb/c mice., B Toth, P N. Magee, and P Shubik
Some effects of x irradiation in successive generations on an inbred and a hybrid population of mice., R W. Touchberry and F A. Verley
Influence of mutagens on the initiation of skin carcinogenesis., N Trainin, A M. Kaye, and I Berenblum
Trends in carcinogenesis by urethan administration to new-born mice of different strains., N Trainin, A Precerutti, and L W. Law
Induction of immune tolerance with ribosomes and ribonucleic acid extracts in new-born mice., A C. Trakatellis, A E. Axelrod, M Montjar, and F Lamy
Autoradiographic studies of the epithelium of mammary gland as influenced by ovarian hormones., H H. Traurig and C F. Morgan
Immunization of hamsters and histoisogenic mice against trans- plantation of tumors induced by human adenovirus type 12. Abstr., J J. Trentin and E Bryan
Transplantation potential of circulating murine leukocytes. Abstr., F E. Trobaugh and J P. Lewis
A fine structure study of lipid in mouse liver regenerating after partial hepatectomy., N L. Trotter
Effects of freezing and thawing on the ultrastructure of mouse hepatic parenchymal cells., B F. Trump, P J. Goldblatt, C C. Griffin, and R S. Stowell
The effect of tumor growth on hepatic threonine dehydrogenase., D P. Tschudy, F H. Welland, A R. Collins, and M R. Jr
Passive transfer of immunity to sarcoma i homografts in c57bl/6k newborn mice. Abstr., M Tsoi, R S. Weiser, and S Tokuda
Tumour specific immunity against murine epitheliomas induced with 9, 10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene., M A. Tuffrey and J R. Batchelor
Thymus, role in maturation of fetal lymphoid precursors., M L. Tyan
Adoptive transfer to sensitivity to allogeneic versus xenogeneic skin grafts in mice., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole
Sources of potential immunologically reactive cells in certain fetal and adult tissues., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole
Accumulation of acute injury in the mouse subjected to split or fractionated doses of x-radiation or gamma radiation., S A. Tyler and S P. Stearner
Radiosensitivity and sh compounds in mammalian cells., Y Ueno, M Horikawa, T Aoyama, and T Sugahara
Neonatal thymectomy., C H. Um
Comparative survival of substrains c3heb and c3hfb following midlethal irradiation and allogeneic marrow inoculation. Abstr., D E. Uphoff and M K. Deringer
Radiation deaths in reciprocal hybrids between two substrains, c3hfb and c3heb. Abstr., D E. Uphoff and M K. Deringer
Observations on 'wasted' radiation in chronically irradiated mice. Abstr., J W. Upton a c and M L. Randolph
'natural' And induced antibody formation against sheep red cells by lymphoid cells cultured in diffusion chambers. Abstr., P Urso and M Ponzio
Some cytochemical observations on livers of radiation chimeras. Abstr., E M. Uyeki
A histochemical study of lung adenomas induced with urethan in mice. (in Russian), P V. Uzunov
In vitro cytotoxic effect of lymphoid cells from mice immunized with allogeneic tissue., T Vainio, O Koskimies, P Perlmann, H Perlmann, and G Klein
La celula cancerosa, una celula lisogenica. (cancer Cell, a lyso- genic cell)., Y Valladares
A new heterologous radiation chimaera., D W. Van bekkum
The selective elimination of immunologically competent cells from bone marrow and lymphatic cell mixtures. I. Effect of storage at 4 c., D W. Van bekkum
Polysaccharides et epilation par rayons x chez le souriceau., P Van caneghem
A histochemical study of mesoderm formation in the mouse embryo. Abst., G L. Vankin and J B. Winfield
Transamidinase activity in mouse kidney--an aspect of circadian periodic enzyme activity., J F. Van pilsum and F Halberg
Transamidinase activities in vitro of kidneys from tumor-bearing mice and rats fed diets supplemented with protein or certain amino acids., J F. Van pilsum, R M. Warhol, D Beckman, and J Boline
The effectiveness of difference freeze storage techniques for mouse- bone-marrow cell-suspensions., L M. Van putten
Thymectomy. Effect of secondary disease in radiation chimeras., L M. Van putten
Increase of beta-glucuronidase activity on incubation of normal and testosterone-stimulated mice kidney preparations., T N. Varma, H J. Brodie, G Kwass, M Hayano, and R I. Dorfman
Chemotherapy of advanced mouse leukemia l1210. Comparison of metho- trexate alone and in sequential therapy., J M. Venditti and A Goldin
Effects of grouping on levels of circulating antibodies in mice., S H. Vessey
Morphological changes in the lateral ventricles of the mouse brain during growth., E Vestergaard
Action of bilateral vagotomy on the experimental neoplastic lesions of glandular stomach., C A. Vilchez and J M. Llanos
The fate of cr51 labelled ehrlich ascites tumour cells., P C. Vincent and A Nicholls
Bone marrow aspiration in mice., S Vlahovic and J W. Ferrebee
Effect of immunologic facilitation (enhancement phenomenon) induced both passively and actively on the evolution of runt disease in newborn mice. Abstr., G A. Voisin, R Kinsky, and J Maillard
The characteristics of a new strain of transplantable sarcoma of a/sn mice (strain omg). (in Russian), V K. Voitovitskii
The characteristics of a new strain of transplantable sarcoma of a/sn mice (strain omg). (russ. With eng. Summ.)., V K. Voitovitsky
Studies on immunological tolerance to lcm virus. 4. The question of immunity in adoptively immunized virus carriers., M Volkert, J H. Larsen, and C J. Pfau
Metabolism of labelled thyroid hormone by thyrotropic and adrenotropic mouse pituitary tumors., E M. Volpert, R Grinberg, and S C. Werner
The production and transfer of immune reactions to bovine serum albumin in isogenic and allogeneic mice. II. Dermal reactivity., D L. Vredevoe
Lysozyme activity in radiation chimeras., thi suu Vu and A L. Kretchmar
Further studies of the immunological properties of gross virus-induced lymphomas., B Wahren
Adoptive transfer of immune mouse spleen cells. Abst., J D. Wakefield and N R. Rose
The effect of urethane on mitotic cells of mice of different ages and strains., vaartaja R. Wakonig
Radiation-induced mouse leukemia. Consistent occurrence of an extra and a marker chromosome., N Wald, A C. Upton, V K. Jenkins, and W H. Borges
Effect of thymectomy on the development of hereditary muscular dys- trphy in mice. Abst., B E. Walker
Mast cells, thymectomy and tumor rejection in dystrophic mice., B E. Walker
Radioautographic investigations of muscular dystrophy in the mouse., B E. Walker
Fine structure of cells underlying skin grafts in mice. Abst., B E. Walker, R D. Yates, and D Duncan
The effect of dietary casein on the induction of lung tumours by the injection of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (dmba) into newborn mice., M A. Walters and F J. Roe
Effects of the administration of carcinogens to newly born animals. (a) Dose-response studies. (b) 'end-point' Studies., M E. Walters and F J. Roe
Hepatotropic effect in mice by an aqueous extract of ultra-violet- -irradiated linolenic acid., V S. Waravdekar, H J. Anderson, L D. Saslaw, and H F. Smetana
Effect of tumor implant on the synthesis of diphosphopridine nucleo- tide in the host liver., V S. Waravdekar and D M. Connell