
Submissions from 1964


An experimental and descriptive analysis of the melanocyte population in the venter of the PET mous, D T. Rovee and W M. Reams Jr.

Myoepithelium in mouse prostate., C Rowlatt and L M. Franks

Experimental and human studies on a new group of cancer chemothera- peutic beginning with pregnant-14-hydroxy, 22-one, 3-anthracene- -sulphonate., A B. Roy

The effects of retinal degeneration on the visual capacity of cba/j mice., D Rubin

Different immunogenicity of the h-2 antigens of liver and spleen in mice., P Rubinstein

The h-2 phenotypes of ransom-bred swiss-webster mice., P Rubinstein and J W. Ferrebee

Survival times of passively transferred hemagglutinins in mice., P Rubinstein and N Kaliss

Productions de radioleucemies chez des souris xvii/g et des hybrides f1 (xvii/g x akr)., G Rudali, P Pujol, P Jullien, and J Reverdy

Essai d'abaissement du seuil de l'action leucemigene des rayons x chez les souris c57bl., G Rudali, J Reverdy, and P Jullien

Immunological studies on the sex-dependent prealbumin in mouse urine and on its occurrence in the serum., P Rumke and P J. Thung

The action of specific mutant genes in the control of hematopoiesis in the mouse. Abstr., E S. Russell and S E. Bernstein

The use of x-autosome translocations in the mouse for the study of properties of autosomal genes. Abstr., L B. Russell, J W. Bangham, and C S. Montgomery

Twenty-four-hour rhythm in the mitotic activity and in the water and dry matter content of regenerating liver., J Russo and J M. Llanos

Experimental chemotherapy studies. V. The collateral sensitivity to alkylating agents of several antimetabolite-resistant ascites tumors in mice., R J. Rutman

Experimental chemotherapy studies. IV. The protective action of mercaptoalkylamines against alkylating agents., R J. Rutman, F S. Lewis, and C C. Price

Homologous marrow grafting of mice after treatment by various cyto- static agents. Abstr., R Ruvidic

Results of cauterization of malignant tumors in mice with crystalline trichloroacetic acid., Z Rzucidlo and J Zagalski

Failure of ribonuclease to inhibit the transfer of homograft sensitivity. Abstr., T Y. Sabet and R D. Ray

Autoradiographic studies of the development of the fetal membranes in mouse. Abstr., F M. Saccoman

Survival of mice under duration-of-life exposure to gamma rays. I. The dosage-survival relation and the lethality function., G A. Sacher and D Grahn

Endocrine differences between whirler and normal strains of female mice. Abstr., A M. Sackler, A S. Weltman, P Steinglass, and S D. Kraus

Respiratory enzymes in mitochondria of spleen from normal and leukemic mice., B Sacktor

Anticancer effect of polysaccharide fraction prepared from bamboo grass., S Sakai, G Saito, J Sugayama, T Kamasuka, and S Takada

Combination of moloney virus with 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (dmba), and with mercaptopurine (mcp)., M H. Salaman

Effect of viruses on haemagglutinin production in mice., M H. Salaman

Analyse statistique de la leucemogenese spontanee de la souris akr traitee par extraits leucemiques isologues irradies., D Salmon

An autoradiographic study of the uptake and storage of norepine- phrine-h3 in tissues of mice treated with reserpine and cocaine., T Samorajski, B H. Marks, and E J. Webster

Environmental stress and biological aging. Abstr., T Samorajski, C Rolsten, and R L. Collins

Histochemistry of particle microbeam lesions in the brain of the mouse., T Samorajski, W Zeman, and J M. Ordy

Dna extracted from c.57bl Mouse leukemic products., I Samuel, E Nastac, E Ciufecu, M Lungu, G Balmus, D G. Rutter, and M I. Of

The effect of diethylstilboestrol on testicular 17alpha-hydroxylase and 17-desmolase activities in balb/c mice., L T. Samuels, J G. Short, and R A. Huseby

Correlation between deoxyribnucleic acid synthesis and mortality following irradiation in mice., J L. Sanders, G V. Dalrymple, and C D. Robinette

Cytotoxic reactions of mouse iso-antisera, preliminary considerations., A R. Sanderson

Effects of acute inanition and subsequent refeeding upon thymi of weanling mice. Abstr., F T. Sanel

Quantitative comparison of the ability of various transplanted tissues to initiate antibody formation in the cyclophosphamide-treated mouse. Abstr., G W. Santos and A H. Owens

Biochemical changes in progressive muscular dystrophy. II. Phosphorus metabolism in normal, nutritional and hereditary dystrophic muscles, livers and brains of animals., N K. Sarkar and U Srivastava

(characteristics Of liver responses to partial hepatectomy in mice to which a carcinogenic amino-azo compound had been administered.) (russ., Eng. Summ.), M M. Sarsembaev

Inhibition of the synthesis of dna by azaserine and purinethiols in sarcoma 180 ascites cells., A C. Sartorelli, A L. Bieber, and B A. Booth

Some inhibitory properties of 6-n-hydroxylaminopurine, an analog of adenine and hypoxanthine., A C. Sartorelli, A L. Bieber, P K. Chang, and G A. Fischer

The synergistic inhibition of sarcoma 180 by combinations of mitomycin c with either 6-thioguanine or 5-fluorouracil. Abstr., A C. Sartorelli and B A. Booth

Folate metabolism in methotrexate-sensitive and -resistant ehrlich ascites cells., A C. Sartorelli, B A. Booth, and J R. Bertino

Some metabolic effects exerted by azaserine and purine analogs in vivo., A C. Sartorelli, H F. Upchurch, A L. Bieber, and B A. Booth

Hematopoirtic recovery in endotoxin-treated lethally x-irradiated bub mice., A M. Savage

The ehrlich ascites carcinoma as a tool for the rapid evaluation of the efficacy of radioprotective compounds at the cellular level., J F. Scaife

Is the brain 'an immunologically privileged site'. 1. Studies based on intracerebral tumor homotransplantation and isotransplantation to sensitized hosts., L C. Scheinberg, F L. Edelman, and W A. Levy

Die osmotische resistenz der erythrozyten und das weisse blutbild der neuen mutante sph (h) der hausmaus (mus musculus domesticus rutty, 1772) mit erblicher neugeborenengelbsucht., H Scheufler

The genetic determination of blood pressure in mice. Abstr., G Schlager

Serologic studies of embryonic and trophoblastic tissues of the mouse., M Schlesinger

Wasting disease induced in young mice by administration of cortisol acetate., M Schlesinger and R Mark

Experimentelle untersuchungen zur syncarcinogenese. II. Versuche zur krebserzeugung bei mausen bei gleichzeitiger applikation von urethan und 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracen., D Schmahl, C Thomas, and H Brune

Eine teilubersicht uber in europaischen laboratorien gehaltene tierische transplantationstumoren., F Schmidt and Z Brada

Bemerkungen zur zucht und haltung einiger mutanten der hausmaus (mus musculus domesticus rutty 1772)., R Schmidt

Cellular activity in normal and inflamed areolar tissue. Abstr., G L. Schneebeli and T F. Dougherty

Studies on the regulation of erythropoiesis in spleen colonies. Abstr., J C. Schooley

Change of dihydrofolic reductase levels in leukemia l1210 during development and loss of antifolate resistance. Abstr., A W. Schrecker and N H. Greenberg

Comparative effects of methotrexate and its aspartate analog. Abstr., A W. Schrecker, J A. Mead, N H. Greenberg, D R. Seeger, and A S. Tomcufcik

Lysostaphin therapy in mice infected with staphylococcus aureus., V T. Schuhardt and C A. Schindler

A possible mechanism responsible for the melanocyte distribution of the perineal pigment spot of the mouse., J H. Schultz and H B. Chase

Chemical protection against radiation in tumorbearing mice., E E. Schwartz, B Shapiro, and G Kollmann

Selective chemical protection against radiation in tumor-bearing mice., E E. Schwartz, B Shapiro, and G Kollmann

Serum properdin in tumor-bearing mice. I. Comparison with natural and immune antibodies., E E. Schwartz and S Winsten

Serum properdin in tumor-bearing mice. II. The influence of tumors of different origin., E E. Schwartz and S Winsten

Effects of low-level irradiation on fitness and skeletal variation in an inbred mouse strain., A G. Searle

Genetic effects of spermatogonial x-irradiation on productivity of f1 female mice., A G. Searle

The effect of dose-rate on the yield of translocations and dominant lethals following spermatogonial irradiation of mice., A G. Searle

The genetics and morphology of two 'luxiod' mutants in the house mouse., A G. Searle

Evaluation of the transplantable la leukaemia of c57bl mice as a model in chemotherapeutic investigations. (in Russian), K A. Sedov and G L. Zdanov

The relations between dna, rna, and protein in notmal embryonic cell nuclei and spontaneous tumour cell nuclei., J Seed

An attempt of bone marrow grafting in tumor-bearing hosts without conditioning. Abstr., M Sekiguchi, K Ashikawa, and Y Ishibashi

Essentially different pharmacodynamic response to colchicine of benign and of malignant epidermal hyperplasia in skin-tumor-resistant ra mice., K Setala

Mitosewirkung ionisierender strahlen auf die bos- und gutartige epidermishyperplasie der maus. Vii. Wirkung einmaliger kontaktbestrahlung auf die zweite wachstumsphase der zelle (zelldifferenzierung)., K Setala and E E. Niskanen

On the existence of pregnancy-dependent mammary tumours in the riii/dm/se substrain mice., L Severi

Precancerous lesions of the mammary gland, human and experimental., L Severi

The distribution and metabolism of orally administered 2-mercapto- ethylguanidine (meg) and bis(2-guanidoethyl) disulfide (ged) in protected mice., B Shapiro, G Kollmann, and E E. Schwartz

Effect of tumor cells on pre-existing collagen and on collagen production by normal cells grown in diffusion chambers., E Shelton

Accumulation of cholesterol crystals in diffusion chambers implanted in mice., E Shelton, T T. Otani, and H M. Fales

The combination of hypoxia and cysteamine treatment in protecting mice from whole body irradiation., J Shewell, E A. Wright, D K. Bewley, and A Silvester

Genetical and biometrical studies on the body weight of mice. I. Destruction of balance in an inbred albino strain with colchicine treatment., K Shibata

Genetical and biometrical studies on the body weight of mice. II. Uniformity of body weight in some inbred strains., K Shibata

Fatty acid synthesis from glucose-1-h3 and glucose-1-c14 in obese- -hyperglycemic mice., Y Shigeta and W W. Shreeve

Effect of diethylstilbesterol administration on the testicular enzymes involved in androgen biosynthesis in different species. Abstr., J G. Short and L T. Samuels

Transfer of tritium from glucose, lactate, isocitrate, and malate to fatty acids of obese mice in vivo. Abstr., W W. Shreeve, Y Shigeta, N Oji, and R Slavinski

A further subdivision of the complex h-2 region of the mouse. Abstr., D C. Shreffler

A serologically detected variant in mouse serum, further evidence for genetic control by the histocompatibility-2 locus., D C. Shreffler

Inheritance of a serum pre-albumin variant in the mouse., D C. Shreffler

Genetics of amylase isozymes in the mouse., K Sick and J T. Nielsen

Mutant mice (quaking and jimpy) with deficient myelination in the central nervous system., R L. Sidman, M M. Dickie, and S H. Appel

Mouse erythroleukaemia of viral aetiology., B V. Siegel, W J. Weaver, and R D. Koler

Histogenesis of thymic lymphoma induced by a murine leukemia virus(rich)., R Siegler, J Geldner, and M A. Rich

Comparative pathogenesis of murine viral lymphoma., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Comparative pathogenesis of viral lymphoma. Abstr., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Observations on the anatomic relations of the thymuses in mice., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Solubilization of mouse liver glycogen synthetase and phosphorylase during starvation glysogenolysis and its reversal by cortisol., H Sie, A Hablanian, and W H. Fishman

Effect of total-body irradiation on the response of transplanted mouse tumors to fractionated local radiotherapy. II. Development of metastases., M R. Sikov, B B. Cook, and J E. Lofstrom

Dyschondrogenesis and osteoarthrosis in mice., M Silberberg and R Silberberg

Life cycle of articular cartilage cells, an electron microscope study of the hip joint of the mouse., R Silberberg, M Silberberg, and D Feir

Enzyme studies in virus-induced neoplasms. I. The effect of a murine leukemia on enzymes of one-carbon metabolism and on phosphomono- esterases., R Silber, R P. Cox, J R. Haddad, and C Friend

Decline in colony-forming ability of marrow cells subjected to serial transplantation into irradiated mice., L Siminovitch, J E. Till, and E A. Culloch

Protective effect of aet on the immune mechanism of x-irradiated mice., E L. Simmons and O Lartigue

Mammary gland duct response to tumor transplant., J E. Simmons, B F. Argyris, and T S. Argyris