
Submissions from 1964

Parasite screening and therapeutic value of organic phosphates in inbred mice. Abstr., M L. Simmons, H E. Williams, and E B. Wright

Failure to demonstrate immunological competence in term mouse placental cells., R L. Simmons and P S. Russell

A new case of blood group inheritance in the house mouse, mus musculus. Abstr., M F. Singer, M Foster, J L. Petras, P Tomlin, and R W. Sloane

Approaches to the pathogenesis of runt (homologous) disease., J G. Sinkovics and C D. Howe

Growth characteristics, virus yield, and interferon assay of leukemic mouse spleen tissue cultures., J G. Sinkovics and C D. Howe

Interferon production, antibody response and homograft rejection type defence mechanisms in viral mouse leukemia. Abstr., J G. Sinkovics, C D. Howe, and C C. Shullenberger

Deletion of the cholesterol-negative feedback system in liver tumors., M D. Siperstein and V M. Fagan

Distribution and effects of 4', ''4-di(2-imidazolin-2yl)terephthalan- ilide dihydrochloride hemihydrate and its 2-chloro analogue in lympho- cytic leukemias l1210 and p388., A Sivak, W I. Rogers, I Wodinsky, and C J. Kensler

Studies on specific transplantation resistance to polyoma-virus- -induced tumors. Iii. Transplantation resistance to genetically compatible polyoma tumors induced by polyoma tumor homografts., H O. Sjogren

Studies on specific transplantation resistance to polyoma-virus- -induced tumors. II. Mechanism of resistance induced by polyoma virus infection., H O. Sjogren

Studies on specific transplantation resistance to polyoma-virus- -induced tumors. I. Transplantation resistance induced by polyoma virus infection., H O. Sjogren

Studies on specific transplantation resistance to polyoma-virus- induced tumors. IV. Stability of the polyoma cell antigen., H O. Sjogren

Experimental epidermal hyperplasia in mice, relation to carcino- genesis., O Skjaeggestad

Facilitation of homograft tolerance in parabiotic mice by treatment with amethopterin., cendrzak A. Skowron

Cytology of the xxy mouse., B M. Slizynski

Cytologic and cytotoxic changes induced by nucleic acids., A G. Smith

Histological and histochemical study of thymuses of fetal mice. Abstr., C Smith

The cellular reaction to tumor homografts in the central nervous system. Abstr., C W. Smith

Marrow transplantation measured by uptake of fe59 by spleen., L H. Smith

Uptake of fe59 by spleens of lethally irradiated mice given isologous bone marrow. Abstr., L H. Smith

Experimental basis for the use of pre-operative irradiation to prevent growth of tumor cells disseminated at surgery., R R. Smith

Purification of mouse myosin by gel filtration., M Smoller and R A. Fineberg

The terminology of tissue transplantation., G D. Snell

Histocompatibility genes of mice. IV. The position of h-3 in the fifth linkage group., G D. Snell and H P. Bunker

A revised nomenclature for the histocompatibility-2 locus of the mouse., G D. Snell, G Hoecker, D B. Amos, and J H. Stimpfling

Pancreatic and serum insulin in the new zealand strain of obese mice., J G. Sneyd

Virus-like particles in the cells of lymphoma 6c3hed., L H. Sobin

Deoxyribonuclease ii in the developing mouse embryo., J B. Solomon

Carcinogenicity of aldrin and dieldrin on mouse and rat liver. Abstr., J Song and W E. Harville

Experimental amyloidosis. Iii. Light and electron microscopic observations of renal glomeruli., G D. Sorenson and T Shimamura

Preuve cytogenetique de la greffe de cellules de moelle osseuse chez la souris., S Sorieul

The activity of a new antimetabolite, 5-azacytidine, against lymphoid leukaemia in ak mice., F Sorm and J Vesely

Hereditary affections of the retina and choroid., A Sorsby

Activity changes of some enzyme systems interferring in folic acid metabolism in the course of mouse leukaemia of akr-strain., J Soucek, K Motycka, and K Slavik

Genetic effects of x-irradiation of 10,15 and 20 generations of male mice., J F. Spalding, M R. Brooks, and R F. Archuleta

Observations on lifespan, radioresistance, and productivity in off- spring from 5 to 25 generations of x-irradiated male mice., J F. Spalding, M Brooks, and P M. Williams

Dose rate effect on survival of mice during continuous (23-24 hr/day) gamma ray exposures., J F. Spalding, T T. Trujillo, and P M. Williams

Histochemical distribution of lysozyme activity in organs of normal mice and radiation chimeras., A J. Speece

Transfer of immunity by cell free extracts. Abstr., R S. Speirs

Co-dominance of isoantigens in somatic hybrids of murine cells grown in vitro., R A. Spencer, T S. Hauschka, D B. Amos, and B Ephrussi

Reactive splenomegaly and variation of lymphoid-plasma cell population associated with a mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumor., E E. Sproul and R Grinberg

Inhibition of the mammary tumor virus (mtv) in riii mice. Abstr. Lillia babbitt hyde found. Conf. On mammary tumor virus, inverness,, F Squartini

Gravidico-dipendenza dei tumori mammari nei topi del c3h/cb/se substrain., F Squartini, E Barola, I Paoletti, and G Rossi

Characters of mammary tumours in balb/c female mice fosternursed by c3h and riii mothers., F Squartini and G Rossi

Sarcoplasmic reticulum in the dystrophic mouse and chicken. Abstr., F A. Sreter, A Martonosi, and J Gergely

Aldolase activity in normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., U Srivastava and L Berlinguet

Some means of counteracting the killing effect of foreign cells. Abstr., V Stankovic, M Boranic, and I Hrsak

Oral tumors induced by polyoma virus in mice., H R. Stanley, C J. Dawe, and L W. Law

A paralytic disease associated with virus-induced reticulum cell sarcoma of mice. Abstr., P G. Stansly and H D. Soule

Availability of tritiated thymidine after intravenous administration., R N. Staroscik, W H. Jenkins, and M L. Mendelsohn

Radiation mortality in the mouse, model of the kinetics of injury accumulation. II. Protracted doses in the supralethal range., S P. Stearner, M H. Sanderson, and S A. Tyler

In vivo incorporation of lineolate -1-c14 in liver of tumor and nontumor bearing mice. Abstr., A A. Stein and E Opalka

A new mutation causing circling behavior in mice., K F. Stein and S H. Filosa

Failure of lyophilized tissues to evoke a secondary response to skin homografts., D Steinmuller

Phagocytosis in vivo of heterologous red cells in mice with trans- planted tumors., K Stern

Phagocytosis of homologous erythrocytes and splenocytes in tumor-free and tumor-bearing mice., K Stern and C A. Joyce

Reticuloendothelial phagocytosis in mice with spontaneous tumors. Abstr., K Stern and C A. Joyce

Experimental production of testicular teratomas in mice., L C. Stevens

Karyotype and sex of primary testicular teratomas in mice., L C. Stevens and M C. Bunker

The usefulness of fluorescence microscopy in experimental cancer of the uterine cervix. Abstr., J L. Stevenson

The effect of cortisol on the incorporation of thymidine-c14 into nucleic acids of lymphatic tissue. Abstr., W Stevens and T F. Dougherty

Viruses in cultures of human leukemia cells., S E. Stewart, J Landon, E Lovelace, and J M. Bride

Studies on phagocytosis of bacteria by the reticulo-endothelial system in a strain of mice lacking hemolytic complement., C Stiffel, G Biozzi, D Mouton, Y Bouthillier, and C Decreusefond

Recovery from radiation injury in mammals., J B. Storer

Longevity of mice influenced by maternal age., L C. Strong and F N. Johnson

Parity and mendelian segregation., L C. Strong and F N. Johnson

(host Response to a homotransplantable ascites tumour.), A E. Stuart

Pathology of the landschutz ascites tumour., A E. Stuart and A M. Hassan

Primi risultati in merito al rapporto fra grado di omozigosi e radio- sensibilita nel topo., C Stuart

Antigenic conversion of established leukaemias by an unrelated leukaemogenic virus., B Stuck, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse

Occurrence of soluble antigen in the plasma of mice with virus-induced leukemia., B Stuck, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse

Central nervous system serotonin and norepinephrine localization in emotional and non-emotional strains in mice., H S. Sudak and J W. Maas

Restoration from radiation damage with nucleotide mixtures in mice., T Sugahara, T Tanaka, and H Nagata

Histochemical studies on dehydrogenase activity of sppntaneous breast cancer in c3h mouse., M Sugimura, T Matsumura, Y Hayashi, and M Mori

Effect of thalidomide on transplantable mouse, rat and hamster tumors., K Sugiura and H M. Wuest

Radiation response of anoxic c3h mammary adenocarcinoma auto- transplants., H D. Suit

Intact tumor cells in irradiated tissue., H D. Suit and H S. Gallager

X-irradiation of the tumor bed. I. A study of the indirect actions of radiation on transplantable tumors., W C. Summers, K H. Clifton, and H Vermund

Studies on leukemia in c58 mice. I. Hematological and histological studies of normal mice and mice with spontaneous and transplanted leukemia. (in Japanese)., S Suzuki

Studies on leukemia in c58 mice. Iii. Diagnosis and differentiation of mouse leukemia by the simplified tissue culture method. (in Japanese)., S Suzuki

Studies on leukemia on c58 mice. II. Isologous transmission of leukemia by all free extracts from leukemic tissue of mice. (in Japanese)., S Suzuki

Effects of anticonvulsants on anoxic convulsion in mice., Y Suzuki and K Tanaka

Destruction of homologous cells in tissue culture by nuclei of immune lymphocytes., moldavsky G. Svet and I J. Chernyakhovskaya

Quantitative relationships in viral oncolysis and the possibility of artificial heterogenization of tumours., moldavsky G. Svet and V P. Hamburg

Dissociation of the immunological competence in neonatally thymectomized mice and its restoration., moldavsky G. Svet, S N. Zinzar, and N M. Spector

Morphologic demonstration of recurrent tumor following x irradiation. Histologic study of irradiated murine chondrosarcoma transplants., R L. Swarm, J N. Correa, J Robert, and R A. Miller

Phagocytized plasma cells in mouse spleen observed by light and electron microscopy., D C. Swartzendruber

Some dichloroacetyl derivatives and their antitumor activity., A Sweeny, J T. Salmon, A N. Fenster, and J Canter

Density gradient centrifugation studies of bittner virus (bv) preparations. Abstr., J A. Sykes, C E. Grey, and L Dmochowski

Density gradient centrifugation studies of the bittner virus., J A. Sykes, C E. Grey, M Scanlon, L Young, and L Dmochowski

Carcinogenic effect of ether extract of whole egg, alcohol extract of egg yolk and powdered egg free of the ether extractable part in mice., J Szepsenwol

Carcinogenicity in mice of ether extract and of ether soluble free portion of hen's eggs. Abstr., J Szepsenwol

Characterization of a genetically identifiable component of complement in mice., D K. Tachibana and L T. Rosenberg

Population growth of mn ascites sarcoma t strain in vivo (preliminary report)., M Takahashi

Tissue changes in mice with persistent vaginal cornification induced by early treatment with estrogen., N Takasugi and H A. Bern

Pigment spread from mouse melanoma into albino skin. Abstr., T Takeuchi

Immunoelectrophoretic changes in mouse gamma-globulin after intra- peritoneal injection of bayol f, immunization and preplasmacytoma stage., N Talal, G Hermann, C D. Cyr, and P Grabar

Quantitative studies on isolated pancreatic islets of mammals, adenosine triphosphatase activity in normal and obese-hyperglycemic mice., I Taljedal, B Hellman, and C Hellerstrom

Pathogenesis of lymph node lesions in runt disease., N Tamaoli

Autoradiographic studies of mouse ascites tumors, c1498 and e.l.4, In susceptible (c57bl) and resistant (b10.d2) Mice., K K. Tanaka and E Roberts