Submissions from 1966
Central nervous system lesions and weight gain in suckling cba mice treated with goldthioglucose. Abstr., J H. Perry
Requirement of mesenchyme for embryonic bone marrow differentiation in vitro. Abstr., N L. Petrakis, S Pons, and R E. Lee
A new locus controlling the serum esterases in mus musculus. Abstr., M L. Petras and F G. Biddle
Murine myeloma in tissue culture. I. Light and electron microscopy and autoradiography., O S. Pettengill, G D. Sorenson, and M L. Elliott
Studies on the kinetics of transplantation immunity., M E. Phillips
A cis-trans position effect at the a locus of the house mouse., R J. Phillips
Presence dans le contenu et la paroi de l'intestin des souris axeniques et classiques d'une substance inhibant le pouvoir infectieux du virus de l'hepatite de souris., M Piazza and J Salomon
Eye defects in c57 black mice. Abstr., L J. Pierro and J Spiggle
The effects of ethylene on regeneration in dystrophic and surgically injured mouse skeletal muscle. Abstr., P Pietsch and M B. Chenoweth
Antibodies to spontaneous and methylcholanthrene-induced tumors in inbred mice., Y H. Pilch and R S. Riggins
Mammary tumor incidence in germfree c3hf mice. Abstr., H I. Pilgrim
Genetic determination of specificity of mouse antibody to synthetic polypeptides. Abstr., P Pinchuck and P H. Maurer
The antimitochondrial action of 2-chloro-4',4''-bis(2-imidazolin- 2-yl)terephthalanilide and methylglyoxal bis(gaunylhydrazone)., M J. Pine and J A. Paolo
Iron metabolism in the x-linked hypochromic anemia of mice. Abstr., P H. Pinkerton, birnbaum M. Kreimer, and R M. Bannerman
Propagation of lactic dehydrogrnase-elevating virus in cell culture., P G. Plagemann and H E. Swim
Relationship between the lactic dehydrogenase-elevating virus and transplantable murine tumors., P G. Plagemann and H E. Swim
The mechanism of leukemogenesis by the rauscher leukemia virus., D H. Pluznik, L Sachs, and P Resnitsky
Pituitary tumors in mice after prolonged feeding of synthetic progestins., W E. Poel
The co-carcinogenic effect of exogenous progesterone in c3h female mice. Abstr., W E. Poel
Viral status of 'germfree' mice., M Pollard
Chemical prevention of radiation-induced leukemia in mice., M Pollard and T Matsuzawa
Inheritance of an erythrocyte and kidney esterase in the mouse., R A. Popp
Some physical and chemical properties of albumin esterase and albumin from mouse serum., R A. Popp, J G. Heddle, R E. Canning, and R C. Allen
On stem-cell recovery after irradiation., D D. Porteous and L G. Lajtha
Observations on the yolk sac and reichert's membrane of ectopic mouse embryos., D G. Porter
The effects of age at mating on reproduction in mice., G Porter and J Bleby
Isoantibodies specific for myeloma gamma-g and gamma-h immunoglobulins of balb/c mice., M Potter, R Lieberman, and S Dray
Spleen nodule cell kinetics., L V. Pozzi, R Schofield, and L G. Lajtha
4-ethylsulphonylnaphthalene-1-sulphonamide (hpa)., J A. Pringle
Absorption of oestrone through bladder wall., J A. Pringle
Differences in brain exzymes among five inbred strains of mice., G T. Pryor, K Schlesinger, and W H. Calhoun
Relative weights of lymphatic tissues in normal and leukemic mice., J J. Rankin
Phagocytosis in experimental mouse amyloidosis., P Ranlov
The role of the thymus in experimental mouse amyloidosis., P Ranlov
Homograft reaction in amyloidotic mice., P Ranlov and E Jensen
Effect of temperature on dissociation of adult mouse liver with sodium tetraphenyboron (tpb)., C Rappaport
Dissociation of adult mouse liver by sodium tetraphenylboron, a potassium complexing agent., C Rappaport and G B. Howze
Further studies on the dissociation of adult mouse tissues., C Rappaport and G B. Howze
The localization of aminofluorene sulfonic acids-35s in mouse tumor and host tissues., F E. Ray and K C. Agrawal
Effects of parity and litter size on the birth weight of inbred mice., A J. Reading
Influence of room temperature on the growth of house mice., A J. Reading
Muscular dystrophy. Man and mouse. A review of current trends., W O. Read and W L. Jones
X-ray effects on intramuscular pigment cells in the mouse. Abstr., W M. Reams and B E. Schaeffer
Effects of hypophysectomy on hypothalamic obesity in cba mice., T W. Redding, C Y. Bowers, and A V. Schally
Enhanced susceptibility of thymectomized and irradiated mice to infection with mycobacterium leprae., R J. Rees
Mouse nervous tissue iso-antigens., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
Mouse thymic iso-antigens., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
The antigenic stability of 3 akr leukemias on isotransplantation and the serologic detection of thymus-derived leukemia cells., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
The fragility of normal and leukemic lymphocytes of akr mice, a study of cell injury by physical agents., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
Effect of immunosuppression on first-generation isotransplantation of chemically induced tumours in mice., J Reiner and C M. Southam
Increased growth of tumor isotransplants following immunosuppression of the recipient mice. Abstr., J Reiner and C M. Southam
Effets de la section unilaterale du facial dans l'orientation du syndrome moteur initial de l'epilepsie acoustique de la souris., J Requin and E Faure
Avoidance conditioning in mice, prenatal influence of mothers' treatment before mating. Abstr., R H. Ressler
Inherited environmental influences on the operant behavior of mice., R H. Ressler
Strain and sex dependency of pre-albumin in mice., A Reuter and F Kennes
Influence of castration and of testosterone on prealbumin in mouse serum., A M. Reuter and F Kennes
Cold acclimatization in hairless mice measured by behavioral thermoregulation., S H. Revusky
Etude autoradiographique du muscle strie squelettique en regeneration in vivo., M Reznik
Leukemia virus release in chemically or physically induced lymphomas in balb/c mice., R Ribacchi and G Giraldo
Biochemical studies with the vinca alkaloids. I. Effect on nucleic acid formation by isolated cell suspensions., J F. Richards, R G. Jones, and C T. Beer
Mammary tumors and mammary gland development in normal and estrogen- -treated f1 hybrids of strains c3h/j and riii/an mice., F L. Richardson
Murine leukemia and its viruses., M A. Rich
Isolation and amino acid composition of the tryptic peptides from the beta chain of c57bl/6 mouse hemoglobin., D B. Rifkin, M Rifkin, and W Konigsberg
The presence of two major hemoglobin components in an inbred strain of mice., D B. Rifkin, M R. Rifkin, and W Konigsberg
The leukocyte response to intraperitoneal ehrlich ascites tumor in mice., P G. Rigby
Spontaneous mammary tumors, decrease of incidence in mice infected with an enzyme-elevating virus., V Riley
Decrease in 'spontaneous' mammary tumor incidence in mice infected with the ldh-elevating virus. Abstr., V Riley, M A. Fitzmaurice, and J D. Loveless
Effect of l1210 leukemia on c11/1431a carbon clearance in dba/2 mice. Abstr., D A. Ringle and J R. Thomson
Strain differences in mouse mammary tissue sensitivity to prolactin and somatotrophin in organ culture., E M. Rivera
Considerations sur l'histogenese des lymphomes thymiques induits par irradiation generale au moyen des rayons x chez des souris de diverses lignees., M R. Riviere, I Chouroulinkov, and M Guerin
Estimation du debit vasculaire local au sein de tumeurs isologues de la souris., J Robert, J Martin, and C Burg
Influence of intraperitoneally administered amino acids on amino acid patterns of ehrlich ascites tumor cells and brain in mice., E Roberts, D G. Simonsen, H Kihara, and K K. Tanaka
Uptake and utilisation of exogenous dna by mouse lymphoma cells., A B. Robins
Factors underlying differences in alcohol preference among inbred strains of mice., D A. Rodgers
Induction of mesotheliomas and injection-site sarcomas in rats and mice by the subcutaneous injection of asbestos of various types., F J. Roe, M A. Walters, and J S. Harington
Physiologic disposition of 4',4''-bis(1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyrimi- dinyl)terephthalanilide and 4-(1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyrimidinyl)-4'- -(p-(1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyrimidinyl)phenyl)-carbamoylbenzanilide in dogs, monkeys, rats and mice., W I. Rogers, D W. Yesair, and C J. Kensler
The inheritance in cba and cc57br mice of interstrain differences in the production of haemolysius to rat erythracytes. (russ.,eng. Summ.), O V. Rohlin and R P. Hromaceva
Uber einen geschlechtsunterschied in der mutagenen wirkung von trenimon bei der maus., G Rohrborn
Uber einen geschlechtsunterschied in der mutagenen wirkung von trenimon bei der maus., G Rohrborn
The use of sodium sulphide to facilitate tail vein injections in mice and rats., P M. Ronai
Contribution a l'etude du determinisme d'un effet de groupe chez les souris., P Ropartz
Mise en evidence d'une odeur de groupe chez les souris par la mesure de l'activite locomotrice., P Ropartz
Cellular reactions to methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas transplanted to isogenic mice., W Rosenau and H D. Moon
Tumor-specific inhibition of growth of methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas in vivo and in vitro by sensitized isologous lymphoid cells., W Rosenau and D L. Morton
Alteration of hepatic parenchymal cell nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio in tumor-bearing mice., G Rosene
Glucose-6-phosphatase in tubular endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes., S I. Rosen, G W. Kelly, and V B. Peters
A procedure for measurement of wound healing, with special reference to burns., S M. Rosenthal
Cholinesterase activity in the auditory pathway in normal and abnormal mice. Abstr., M D. Ross
Three inbred mouse strains., S Ross, C Kessler, Z M. Nagy, E Al, F O. Behavior, and A In
Tissue culture and serologic studies of mouse leukemia viruses., W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and W I. Capps
Carcinoma of the seminal vesicle in the mouse., C Rowlatt
Sur l'utilisation des leucemies spontanees des souris pour les recherches chimiotherapeutiques., G Rudali and P Jullien
Carcinogenese spontanee chez des souris ayant recu du thioglucose d'or., G Rudali and C Silberman
Etude de quelques reactions endocriniennes accompagnant l'obesite provoquee chez les souris akr par le thioglucose d'or., G Rudali and C Silberman
Kidney esterases of the mouse (mus musculus), electrophoretic analysis of inbred lines c57bl/6j, rf/j and sjl/j., F H. Ruddle