
Submissions from 1966

Further studies upon the mitotic response of thymus-derived cells to antigenic stimulus. Abstr., E Leuchars, A J. Davies, V Wallis, and P C. Koller

The activity of tolerant antileukemia sera. I. In vivo effects., E Levi, R Golden, R Zerubavel, and J Fisher

The activity of tolerant antileukemia sera. II. In vitro activity against normal tissue., E Levi and R Zerubavel

Mating behaviour of two inbred strains of mice., L Levine, G E. Barsel, and C A. Diakow

Studies on sexual selection in mice. Iii. Effects of the gene for albinism., L Levine and P L. Krupa

The effect of cortisone and thymic extract in mouse viral leukemia., J D. Levinthal and M D. Eaton

Quantitative electron microscope investigations on rauscher virus., J P. Levy, D Silvestre, J C. Leclerc, and M Boiron

Effect of radiation on cell survival in vitro., J Lewis and P J. Lindop

Induction de la tolerance de transplantation chez la souris adulte., P Liacopoulos and M Perramant

The influence of overeating on the endocrine testis function in mice., C Lidell and B Hellman

Influence of gonadectomy on leukemogenesis in 20 inbred strains of mice. Abstr., A G. Liebelt and R A. Liebelt

Persistent vaginal cornification in goldthioglucose-treated balb/cki mice., R A. Liebelt, K Sekiba, S Ichinoe, and A G. Liebelt

Lymphoid tumor genotype vs. Time of inoculation of regenerating thymus grafts with radiation leukemia virus (rlv). Abstr., M Lieberman and H S. Kaplan

Lymphoid tumor induction by mouse thymocytes infected in vitro with radiation leukemia virus., M Lieberman and H S. Kaplan

Close linkage in genes controlling gamma a and gamma g heavy chain structure in balb/c mice., R Lieberman and M Potter

Close linkage in genes controlling gamma a and gamma g heavy chain structure in balb/c mice. Abstr., R Lieberman and M Potter

Polymorphism of heavy-chain genes in immunoglobulins of wild mice., R Lieberman and M Potter

The histocompatibility-2 locus and susceptibility to tumor induction., F Lilly

The inheritance of susceptibility to the gross leukemia virus in mice., F Lilly

Further studies on the resistance of mice to myxoviruses., J Lindenmann and P A. Klein

Social dominance in the mouse., G Lindzey, M Manosevitz, and H Winston

Microinjection of mouse eggs., T P. Lin

The effect of three methods of mating on reproduction in mice., C Lipscombe, J Bleby, and G Porter

Chromosomes in three strains of mice. Abstr., H Loevy and G Jagiello

Histological and autoradiographic studies on the islets of mice injected with insulin antibody., J Logothetopoulos and E G. Bell

Hyperbaric oxygen, whole-body x irradiation, and cyclophosphamide combination therapy in mouse leukemia l1210., F I. Lottsfeldt, S Schwartz, and W Krivit

Studies on chromosome breakage induced by fudr or actinomycin d in eld ehrlich ascites tumor. Abstr., C B. Lozzio

Do recessive lethals have dominant deleterious effects in mice., K G. Luning and W Sheridan

The relationship between the number of implantations and the rate of intra-uterine death in mice., K G. Luning, W Sheridan, K H. Ytterborn, and U Gullberg

Lack of evidence that inactivation of the mouse x-chromosome is incomplete., M F. Lyon

Order of loci on the x-chromosome of the mouse., M F. Lyon

X-chromosome inactivation in mammals., M F. Lyon

Autosomal translocations causing male sterility and viable aneuploidy in the mouse., M F. Lyon and R Meredith

Mutation rates at a new set of specific loci in the mouse., M F. Lyon and T Morris

The recovery of a virus in experimental mouse lah leukemia., O Mach, K Motycka, J Soucek, and J Libansky

Topical administration of anti-tumor agents to locally implanted neoplasms. Abstr., C L. Maddock, M N. Green, and B L. Brown

Der einfluss von 6-chlor-thymin auf das wachstum von soliden ehrlich- -karzinomen., E Magdon

Some physical properties of a murine sarcoma virus (harvey)., W J. Mahy, J J. Harvey, and K E. Rowson

Tumor induction in transplanted tooth buds infected with polyoma virus., J H. Main and C J. Dawe

Influence de l'irradiation et de la 2-beta-aminoethylisothiouree sur l'apparition de grands noyaux dans les cryptes de l'intestin grele de la souris., J R. Maisin, M Lambiet, and G Mattelin

Further studies on the secondary antibody-forming potential of juvenile, young adult, adult, and aged mice., T Makinodan and W J. Peterson

Secondary antibody-forming potential of mice in relation to age--its significance in senescence., T Makinodan and W J. Peterson

Croissance des cellules d'un fibrosarcome experimemtal irradie chez la souris c3h., E Malaise and M Tubiana

Tumour-promoting and tumour-inhibiting fractions from tumours., N J. Mamola and E S. Cook

Nephritis in nzb and (nzb x nzw)f1 hybrids. Abstr., J R. Manaligod, F Miyasato, V E. Pollak, and C L. Pirani

Hoarding and neonatal irradiation., M Manosevitz

The effects of neonatal irradiation on postnatal activity and elimi- nation., M Manosevitz and J R. Rostkowski

Prolonged survival of allogeneic skin from tumour-bearing mice., J Marchant

The effect of methylcholanthrene and different social conditions on the appearance of breast tumours in nzy mice., J Marchant

Induction of host resistance against isotransplantation of c1498 leukemia by spleen cells from tumor-bearing donors., T Marsumoto, K Otsu, and T Komeda

Enhanced effect of combination chemotherapy in delaying recurrence of spontaneous cancer. Abstr., D A. Martin and P Hayworth

Lymphoid cell chimerism in thymectomized, x-irradiated adult mice grafted with allogeneic thymus. Abstr., C Martinez, E J. Yunis, and J M. Smith

The effect of desoxyribonuclease on the development of spontaneous leukemia in mice of the akr line. (russ. With eng. Summ.)., R P. Martynova, R I. Salganik, V I. Didenko, and S G. Didenko

Variation in survival time of mice receiving x-irradiated murine lymphoma cells., Y Maruyama

Acceleration of ascites tumour growth rate by serial transplantation., Y Maruyama and P Knuth

Coincident in vitro and in vivo sensitivity to corticosteroids in lymphosarcoma p1798. Abstr., L T. Mashburn and V P. Hollander

Survival of isogeneic male erythrocytes in female mice., B W. Massey, A A. Maher, S J. Klein, and E B. Reilly

Revelation de virus leucemigenes grace au chimerisme hematopoietique. Chimerisme allogenique chez la souris., G Mathe and J Amiel

Comparison of the radiosensitivity of immunologically competent cells participating in graft-versus-host reaction before and after contact with the antigen., G Mathe and J L. Amiel

At 37 c in order to condition for incompatible grafts. Abstr., G Mathe, J L. Amiel, M Sekiguchi, L Schwarzenberg, J M. Bechet, D P. Golstein, and S O. Preservation

Histochemical enzyme analysis of peripheral blood changes induced by rauscher virus. Abstr., P A. Mathias, D M. Hunt, S A. Lawrence, and B V. Siegel

Strain influence on the immune response of mice to the friend virus., C Mathot, A Rothen, and S Scher

Cytologic analysis of irradiated mice injected with f1 hybrid lymphoid cells., M Matosic and N Allegretti

Biological studies of anticancer agents. II. Effect of percutaneous application., M Matsuyama, A Maekawa, and T Nakamura

Autoradiographic analysis of lymphopoiesis and lymphocyte migration in mice bearing multiple thymus grafts., M Matsuyama, M N. Wiadrowski, and D Metcalf

The pathogenicity of the ehrlich ascites tumour., K D. Mayer

Migratory behavior of melanoblasts from piebald mice. Abstr., T C. Mayer

Electron microscope agglutination test., S A. Mayyasi, G Schidlovsky, L M. Bulfone, and E A. Friend

Oxygen consumption in radiation chimeras., W H. Mc arthur

The activity of streptonigrin against the rauscher murine leukemia virus in vivo., T J. Mc bride, J J. Oleson, and D Woolf

Biochemical effects of denervation on normal and dystrophic muscle, acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase., M W. Mc caman

Substances in sera influencing growth of sarcoma 180 in mice., W H. Mccarthy, rifi K. El, and W Cole

Relationship between transplantation resistance and susceptibility to rauscher virus in balb/c, c57bl/6 and cbf1 mice. Abstr., J L. Mc coy and J O. Glynn

Unilateral gonadectomy and sex drive in male mice., T E. Mcgill, J R. Tyner, and C M. Haynes

Studies on the isoimmunization of mice with spermatozoa., A Mc laren

Incorporation of proline and conversion to hydroxyproline in new- born-mouse skin., J Mc lennan and M Karasek

A histocompatibility gene located in the y-chromosome in the cc57br and cc57w mouse strains. (russ., Eng. Summ.), N N. Medvedev and I K. Egorov

A tissue compatibility gene linked to the y chromosome in mice of strains cc57br and cc57w., N N. Medvedev and I K. Egorov

Prolonged allograft survival induced by saline cell extract. Abstr., W R. Meeker and J T. Grace

A carbohydrate-containing mouse light chain-protein., F Melchers, E S. Lennox, and M Facon

Autoimmune and immunoproliferative diseases of nzb/bl mice and hybrids., R C. Mellors

Autoimmune disease in nzb/bl mice. II. Autoimmunity and malignant lymphoma., R C. Mellors

Autoimmune disease in nzb/bl mice. Iii. Induction of membranous glomerulonephritis in young mice by the transplantation of spleen cells from old mice., R C. Mellors

Immunopathology of nzb/bl mice. V. Viruslike (filtrable) agent separable from lymphoma cells and identifiable by electron microscopy., R C. Mellors and C Y. Huang

The effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on the mitotic activity of the epidermis of the mouse. Abstr., D N. Menton

Specific immune suppression of the primary hemolysin response in mice. Abstr., B Merchant and B Harrell

Accidental poisoning of inbred male mice by carbon tetrachloride., A Meshorer and E Benhar

Action of thyroid hormones and diethylstilbestrol on the gonadotropic activity of a mouse thyrotropic tumor., B Messier

Changes in the number of mouse thyrotropes following radiothyroi- dectomy., B Messier

Effects of diethylstilbestrol on a thyrotropic tumor. Abstr., B Messier

Histologic and transplantation studies on preleukemic thymus of the akr mouse., D Metcalf

The role of the thymus in the ontogeny of the immune system., D Metcalf and M Brumby

Influence of the spleen and thymus on immune responses in ageing mice., D Metcalf, R Moulds, and B Pike

Autoradiographic analysis of lymphocyte proliferation in the thymus and in thymic lymphoma tissue., D Metcalf and M Wiadrowski

Analysis of the role of the thymus in leukemia development with the use of thymectomy and thymus grafts., D Metcalf, M Wiadrowski, and R Bradley

Influence of thymectomy in radiation carcinogenesis. Abstr., D J. Mewissen

Tumeurs induites chez la souris rap par inoculation de broyat de lymphosarcome humain., G Meyer, G Desire, A M. Lherisson, and H Bonneau

Effect of phytohemagglutinin-m (pha) on the spleen-colony-forming capacity of mouse lymph node and blood cells., H S. Micklem

Germinal centers and isoantibody formation in skin-allografted mice. Abstr., H S. Micklem

Interrelationships of myeloid and lymphoid cells, studies with chromosome-marked cells transfused into lethally irradiated mice., H S. Micklem, C E. Ford, E P. Evans, and J Gray