
Submissions from 1967

The initiation and development of the hair follicle population in tabby mice., J H. Claxton

The carcinogenic action of 2-aminodiphenylene oxide and 4-aminodi- phenyl on the bladder and liver of the c57 x if mouse., D B. Clayson, T A. Lawson, and J A. Pringle

4-ethylsulphonylnaphthalene-1-sulphonamide. A new chemical for the study of bladder cancer in the mouse., D B. Clayson, J A. Pringle, and G M. Bonser

Clonal cell lines derived from c3h/wr mouse mammary carcinoma mtg-b. Abstr., K H. Clifton, N K. Cohn, and W C. Summers

Mouse immunoglobulin allotypes. Detection with rabbit antiserums., J E. Coe

An electron microscopic study of the modification by monosodium glutamate of the retinas of normal and 'rodless' mice., A I. Cohen

The appearance of new species of rna in the mouse spleen after immuni- zation as detected by molecular hybridization., E P. Cohen

Synthesis of ribosomal proteins in landschutz ascites cells. Abstr., P Cohn

The mutation, diabetes, in the mouse, p. 813-820. Proc. Vith cong. Internat. Diabetes fed., Stockholm july 30-, D Coleman and K Hummel

Studies with the mutation, diabetes, in the mouse., D L. Coleman and K P. Hummel

Preparation of a glycopeptide from an immunoglobulin kappa polypeptide chain from the mouse., T J. Coleman, R D. Marshall, and M Potter

The effects of cortisol on nucleic acid and protein syntheses in mouse lymphatic tissue. Abstr., C B. Colessides

An invariant in mouse running wheel behavior., G Collier and A I. Leshner

Reduced secondary disease mortality in mouse radiation chimeras., C C. Congdon, D A. Gardiner, and M A. Kastenbaum

The effect of a viral agent on lymphatic tissues. Abstr., C C. Congdon, M G. Hanna, and M L. Simmons

Effect of 6-azauridine on plasma cell tumors of mice. Correlation of antitumor effect with inhibition of orotic acid metabolism., H O. Conn, W A. Creasey, and P Calabresi

Ultrastructure of vaginal keratinization in estrogen treated immature balb/ccrgl mice., R A. Cooper, R D. Cardiff, and S R. Wellings

A dish for hanging-drop organ culture, with particular reference to endocrine tissues. Abstr., R A. Cooper, V L. Jentoft, and S R. Wellings

Pathology of runting of tolerant mice injected with syngeneic spleen cells. Abstr., E A. Cornelius, C Martinez, and R A. Good

Parabiosis intoxication. Clinical, hematologic, and serologic features., E A. Cornelius, E J. Yunis, and C Martinez

Syngeneic parabiosis intoxication. Abstr., E Cornelius and M Meyer

Studies of the sensitization in mice induced by cellular fractions containing h-2 antigens., J M. Corson, L T. Mann, and G J. Dammin

Transplantation antigens i. Quantitative assay based in histologic scoring of test skin allografts., J M. Corson, L T. Mann, and G J. Dammin

Effects of hemopoietic cell injection on the incidence of reticular tissue neoplasms in irradiated mice. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove, A C. Upton, and C C. Congdon

Tumor polypassage at short intervals, a new method in experimental cancer., O Costachel and I Popp

Production of mutations in continuously irradiated lymphoma cells. Abstr., V D. Courtenay

Autoradiographic studies of mouse bladder epithelium. Abstr., D M. Cowen

Chemical induction of myeloid leukaemia. Abstr., A W. Craig and T Tanaka

Some factors associated with a developmental change in hemoglobin components in early fetal mice., M L. Craig and J L. Southard

Additional studies on the effects of neonatal thymectomy and lactate dehydrogenase virus infection on mice., C G. Crispens and I F. Rey

Abrogation of 'preimmunization' tolerance by adoptive transfer. Abstr., A J. Crowle and C C. Hu

Delayed hypersensitivity in mice to dextran., A J. Crowle and C C. Hu

Early suppression with late acceleration of syngeneic tumor growth by freund's adjuvant., J M. Cruse

Attempts to induce antitumour immunity with living attenuated cells., G Csaba

Ultrastructure of spontaneous vaginal keratinization in organ culture (balb/ccrgl mice). Abstr., A Cuadros and R A. Cooper

Hybrid resistance to grafted parental mouse lymphomas. Abstr., G Cudkowicz

Effect of phytohaemagglutinin on the surface charge of human and murine lymphocytes., G A. Currie

Masking of antigens on the landschutz ascites tumour., G A. Currie

Hemopoietic spleen colony studies. I. Growth and differentiation., J L. Curry and J J. Trentin

Hemopoietic spleen colony studies. IV. Phyto-hemagglutinin and hemopoietic regeneration., J L. Curry and J J. Trentin

Hemopoietic spleen colony studies. Iii. Hemopoietic nature of spleen colonies induced by lymph node or thymus cells, with or without phytohemagglutinin., J L. Curry, J J. Trentin, and V Cheng

Hemopoietic spleen colony studies. II. Erythropoiesis., J L. Curry, J J. Trentin, and N Wolf

Tumor induction as a measure of somatic mutation rate in mice. Abstr., H J. Curtis, C Czernik, and J Tilley

Synthesis of messenger rna species as a function of age in mice. Abstr., R G. Cutler and H J. Curtis

(numbers Of mice born and surviving in litters in relation to strain, season of the year and number of preceding litters.) (in Polish), A Czarnomska and J Wezykowa

Combined action of fluourouracil and two mutant genes on limb development in the mouse., C P. Dagg

Genetical and embryological basis of the duplicitas posterior manifestation in the mouse. Abstr., C H. Danforth and E M. Center

L'inizio dell'abbozzo polmonare nel topo, studiato mediante la cultura in vitro. (eng. Summary), A M. Dani

Nucleoside diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylases in mast cell tumors., I Danishefsky and watkins O. Heritier

Soluble mouse h-2 isoantigens., D A. Davies

Effect of vitamin a on 7, 12-dimethylbenz(alpha)anthracene-induced papillomas in rhino mouse skin., R E. Davies

Measurements of growth and components of variance in a mouse bioassay. Abstr., R E. Davies

Homograft response in adult-thymectomized mice. Deficiency with ageing and after chronic-irradiation. Abstr., W E. Davis and L J. Cole

Reduced proliferation of lympho-hemopoietic cell grafts in mice with allogeneic disease. Abstr., W E. Davis and L J. Cole

Suppression of hemopoietic colony-forming units in mice by graft- versus-host reactions., W E. Davis and L J. Cole

Pharmacogenetic factor in the convulsive responses of mice to flurothyl., W M. Davis and W T. King

Placebo effect of saline on locomotor activity in several strains of mice., W M. Davis, W T. King, and M Babbini

Differential effects of prenatal maternal stress on offspring behavior in mice as a function of genotype and stress., J C. Defries, M W. Weir, and J P. Hegmann

Role of growth hormone and dietary adaptation on incorporation of leucine into a mitochondrial protein., P F. Delaney and P F. Fenton

Growth hormone stimulation of protein synthesis in isolated mouse liver mitochondria., P F. Delaney, M J. Keyes, and T I. Soule

Time- and dose-dependent stimulation of hemopoietic colony-forming potential with granulocytosis-promoting factor (gpf) in inbred mice. Abstr., L Delmonte

Interferon synthesis in x-irradiated animals. 2. Restoration by bone- marrow transplantation of circulating-interferon production in lethally-irradiated mice., E De maeyer, P Jullien, and guignard J. Maeyer

Depression of circulating interferon response in balb/c mice after urethan treatment., guignard J. De maeyer and E D. Maeyer

Light and electron microscopic radioautography of hepatic cell nucleoli in mice treated with actinomycin d., J C. De man and N J. Noorduyn

Fine structure of melanosomes in s-91 mouse melanomas., H B. Demopoulos and T G. Yuen

The neural crest and the acoustic ganglion., M S. Deol

Rotating, a new gene affecting behavior and the inner ear in the mouse., M S. Deol and M M. Dickie

Comparison of the behavior of nodule-inducing virus (niv) in c3hf (f) and balb/c (c) mice. Abstr., K Deome, Young, and S Nandi

Etude du caryotype d'un sarcome spontane de la souris., C Desaive

In vivo volumetric and isotopic studies of the rate of tumor dna synthesis. Abstr., L A. Dethlefsen

Pathological changes of thymic epithelial cells and autoimmune disease in nzb, nzw and (nzb x nzw)f1 mice., M J. De vries and W Hijmans

Further studies on carcinogenesis by lactones and related substances. Abstr., F Dickens and H B. Waynforth

Variations in development of mouse blastocysts., A D. Dickson

Induction of antibody formation and tolerance in vitro to a purified protein antigen., E Diener and W D. Armstrong

Immune response to substituted arsanil-azo-human gamma globulin con- jugates in mice tolerant to human gamma globulin., F M. Dietrich

Isolation of pleomorphic, acid-fast organisms from several strains of mice., I C. Diller, A J. Donnelly, and M E. Fisher

Evaluation by the graft-versus-host reaction of the immune competence of lymphoid cells of mice with altered reticuloedothelial function., N R. Diluzio

Spontaneous neoplastic transformation of mouse heart tissue in vitro., J A. Dipaolo

Teratogenic response by hamsters, rats and mice to aflatoxin b1., J A. Dipaolo, J Ellis, and H Erwin

An electron microscopic study of the leukemia virus in akr and hybrid mice inoculated with ascites passage or tissue-cultured leukemic cells., E R. Dirksen and R Cailleau

Comparative studies of antigenic characteristics of mouse leukaemias induced by four different leukaemia viruses using the fluorescent antibody method., R P. Dirlugyan and V N. Stepina

Histogenesis of mouse submandibular salivary gland. Abstr., L Disher

The effect of testosterone injections on submaxillary salivary gland structure of castrated mature and immature male mice., L Disher and J J. Elias

Electron microscope studies of leukemia in animals and man. Subviral carcinogenesis, monogr. 1st Internat. Symp. Tumor viruses,, L Dmochowski

Immune reactivity prior to development of thymic lymphoma in c57bl mice., R G. Doell, C D. Cyr, and P Grabar

The effect of bone marrow dose on the ld 50 response of x-irradiated mice. Abstr., D G. Doherty

Effect of thymectomy and/or splenectomy performed at different ages on allotransplantation reaction., V Dolejskova and K Nouza

Increased incidence of hepatoma in mice with chronic schistosomiasis mansoni treated with a carcinogen., E O. Domingo, K S. Warren, and R J. Stenger

Effect of ectopic pituitary grafts on the olfactory block to pregnancy in mice., C J. Dominic

Effect of exogenous prolactin on olfactory block to pregnancy in mice exposed to urine of alien males., C J. Dominic

Measurement of red cell survival in nzb mice., G W. Donaldson

Effet du bcg sur l'immunite induite par une tumeur isologue dans sa souche d'origine et chez des hybrides f1., M Donner, D Oth, and C Burg

The effect of thymic action on the precursors of antigen-sensitive cells., G Doria and G Agarossi

Factors influencing sensitivity of transplantable tumours to alky- lating agents. Abstr., J A. Double

The x-y-z scheme of immunocyte maturation. II. The effect of antigen on spontaneous escape from immune paralysis., S J. Dowden and E E. Sercarz

Rate of turnover of the stratum corneum in hairless mice., A M. Downes, A G. Matoltsy, and T M. Sweeney

Physical, histological and roentgenographic characteristics of the grey lethal mouse., J D. Doykos, I )ii, M M. Cohen, and G Shklar

In vivo necrosis of large s-91 mouse melanomas by dl-b-phenyllactic acid plus l-cysteine., P S. Duke and H B. Demopoulos

Study of s91 mouse melanomas by electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectroscopy and tissue culture. 2. Effects of penicillamine on epr signals and on growth in vitro., P S. Duke, B T. Hourani, and H B. Demopoulos

In vitro growth inhibition of s-91 mouse melanomas by tyrosinase sub- strate analogs with and without l-cysteine., P S. Duke, T G. Yuen, and H B. Demopoulos