
Submissions from 1970

Antigen-specific synergism in the immune response of irradiated mice given marrow cells and peritoneal cavity cells or extracts., J C. Kennedy, P E. Treadwell, and E S. Lennox

Flourinated pyrimidines--xxxv. The metabolism of 2',3'-dehydro-5- -fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in ehrlich ascites cells., R J. Kent and C Heidelberger

Effects of l-asparaginase on glycoprotein synthesis and degradation. Abstr., D Kessel and H B. Bosmann

On the characteristics of actinomycin d resistance in l5178y cells., D Kessel and H B. Bosmann

Effects of persantin on deoxycytidine transport by murine leukemia cells., D Kessel and T C. Hall

Thymidine kinase as a determinant of the response to 5-fluoro-2'- -deoxyuridine in transplantable murine leukemias., D Kessel and I Wodinsky

An in vitro primary immune response to 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl substi- tuted erythrocytes, response against carrier and hapten., J Kettman and R W. Dutton

The inheritance of growth and form in the mouse. Iii. Orthogonal polynomials., J F. Kidwell and A Howard

Purification and properties of thymidine monophosphate kinase from mouse hepatoma., R K. Kielley

Cell-mediated tumor specific immune reactions, in vitro demonstration., K Kikuchi, J Reiner, and C M. Southam

Further studies on serum protein formation by chimeras, induction of chimerism with a chemical carcinogen., Y Kikuchi and M E. Phillips

Development of tumor in transplanted lungs of newborn and adult mice., I Kimura, T Miyake, and Y Ito

The egg and immunology., D R. Kirby

Chromosome structural differences between tumorigenic and non-tumor- igenic mouse ascites cells grown in vitro. Abstr., H D. Kirk and J F. Morgan

Lipids of peripheral tissues from the 'quaking' mouse. Abstr., Y Kishimoto

Growth in vitro of l-1210 leukemia in suspension culture., P Kisielow

Changed differentiation pattern of parental colony-forming cells in f1 hybrid mice suffering from graft-versus-host disease., Y Kitamura, T Kawata, O Suda, and K Ezumi

Controlled production of proliferating somatic cell hybrids., R J. Klebe, T Chen, and F H. Ruddle

Persistence of h-2 and some non-h-2 antigens on long-term-cultured mouse cell lines., D Klein, D J. Merchant, J Klein, and D C. Shreffler

The embryotoxic effects of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in mice., J Kleinebrecht

Spontane und induzierte resorptionen bei der maus., J Kleinebrecht, K Degenhardt, and J Franz

Isoantigen expression in hybrid mouse cells., G Klein, U Gars, and H Harris

Histocompatibility-2 (h-2) polymorphism in wild mice., J Klein

H-2 types of translocation stocks t(2,9)138ca, t(9,13)190ca and an h-2 recombinant., J Klein, D Klein, and D C. Shreffler

Similar polymorphism of taste sensitivity to ptc in mice. And men., T W. Klein and J C. Fries

Taste sensitivity in infrahuman species. Use of a genetic model to test the validity of alternative measures., T W. Klein and J C. Fries

Agonistic behavior in mice, strain differences as a function of test illumination., T W. Klein, J Howard, and J C. Fries

Enhancement, the role of antigen-antibody complexes. Abstr., W J. Klein and I Cohen

Duration of antileukemic l1210 efficacy of a water-soluble formulation of 5-(3,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-triazeno)-imidazole-4-carboxamide (nsc-82196) after ip or oral administration in mice. Abstr., I Kline, M Gang, and J M. Venditti

Characterization of antibody produced by splenic foci in vitro. Abstr., N R. Klinman

Selection in mice for change in viability of a semilethal genotype at the t locus., B J. Klyde

Preferential attack on cancer by selected sh inhibitors., F E. Knock, R M. Galt, and Y T. Oester

Hematopoietic stem cells from irradiation., W H. Knospe, W Fried, S A. Gregory, R J. Trobaug, R E, and O A. Of

Influence de l'alopecie sur quelques caracteristiques biometriques de la souris., N Kobozieff, F Reynes, and G Gemahling

Survival time of mice bearing ehrlich ascites tumor, with special reference to the effect of hydrocortisone administration., M Kodama, H Amo, and T Kodama

Effect of steroid hormones on the in vivo incorporation of glycine- -2-14c into solid ehrlich tumor, kidney, and liver., M Kodama and T Kodama

Statistical analysis of hormonal effects on the steroid responsiveness of solid ehrlich tumors., M Kodama and T Kodama

Benzo(alpha)pyrene-metabolizing enzyme activity of livers of various strains of mice., Y Kodama and F G. Bock

Inhibiting action of n-butyraldoxime on ethanol metabolism and on natural ethanol preference of c57bl mice., B K. Koe and S S. Tenen

Demonstration of mammotrophic activity of the mouse placenta in organ culture and by transplantation., K Kohmoto and H A. Bern

Lymphocyte in vitro cytotoxicity, characterization of mouse lymphotoxin., W Kolb and G Granger

Production of heterologous cytotoxic antibodies in vitro., P Koldovsky and D Axler

The induction of hair follicles by embryonic dermal papillae., E J. Kollar

Tissue interactions in embryonic mouse tooth germs. II. The inductive role of the dental papilla., E J. Kollar and G R. Baird

Tissue interactions in embryonic mouse tooth germs. I. Reorganization of the dental epithelium during tooth-germ reconstruction., E J. Kollar and G R. Baird

A genetic and biochemical study of audiogenic epilepsy. Communication iii. A comparative study of the biochemical mechanisms of audiogenic epilepsy in rats of the krushinskii-molodkin strain and in dba mice., V G. Kolpakov and O K. Galaktinov

Effect of mouse submandibular gland extracts on survival of h-2 incompatible skin allografts., P A. Kongshavn and J Q. Bliss

Sex differences in survival of h-2 incompatible skin grafts in mice treated with antithymocyte serum., P A. Kongshavn and P Q. Bliss

Immunologic tolerance to a protein antigen in adult mice, challenge with an aggregated fraction. Abstr., Y M. Kong and J K. Cheng

Interrelationships of tolerance and immunity. I. Induction of immunologic tolerance in adult mice to bovine gamma globulin purified in vivo., Y M. Kong and D L. Wiger

Abnormal growth of the body, internal organs and skeleton in the achondroplastic mice., B V. Konyukhov and Y V. Paschin

Interaction of genes fidget and ocular retardation in mice., B V. Konyukhov, M P. Vakhrusheva, and V V. Osipov

Pathways of fatty acid biosynthesis, conversion of glutamate carbon to fatty acid carbon via citrate by lactating mouse mammary gland and adenocarcinoma of mouse mammary gland., L Kopelovich

Pathways of fatty acid biosynthesis, effect of glucose and insulin on the conversion of glutamate carbon to fatty acid carbon via citrate by prelactating tissues and hyperplastic alveolar nodule outgrowths., L Kopelovich and H M. Grath

Control of lipid metabolism in hepatomas, effects of fasting and dietary fat on the activities of several glycolytic and krebs-cycle enzymes in mouse liver and hepatoma bw77569., L Kopelovich and J R. Sabine

Glycerol kinase activity in isolated fat cells of bhob mice., T Koschinsky, F A. Gries, and L Herberg

Relation of early effects of diethylstilbestrol (des) on testis nucleic acids to production of interstitial cell tumors in mice. Abstr., K Kotoh, L T. Samuels, and R A. Huseby

Inhibiting effect of reserpine and female sensitivity in hepatic tumor induction with 2,7-diacetamidofluorene in sma/ms strain mice., S Kozuka

The phylogeny of the ribonuclease-ribonuclease inhibitor system, its distribution in tissues and its response during leukaemogenesis and aging., N Kraft and K Shortman

Effect of ehrlich ascites fluid on granuloma formation to schistosoma mansoni eggs in the lungs of mice. Abstr., H G. Kramer, A M. Green, and D Ransohoff

The in vitro induction and release of a cell-toxin by immune c57bl/6 mouse peritoneal macrophages. Abstr., J J. Kramer and G A. Granger

Effect of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene on the mouse ovary. Impaired fertility and its relation to ovarian tumourigenesis., T Krarup

Mouse hemoglobin from bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood cells., L M. Kraus

Comparison of the results of monogamic and polygamic breeding in various mice strains. (polish With eng. Summ.), M Krawczynska

Metabolism of an antineoplastic methylhydrazine derivative in a p815 mouse neoplasm., W Kreis

Biochemical and immunological studies on the kinases for deoxycytidine (cdr) and 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-c) in neoplasms sensitive (p815) or resistant (p815/ara-c) to ara-c. Abstr., W Kreis, D Drahovsky, and H Borberg

A difference between spleen-derived and bone marrow-derived colony- -forming units in ability to protect lethally irradiated mice., A L. Kretchmar and W R. Conover

Mode of action of erythropoietin in polycythemic mice. I. Response in mice treated with 5-fluorouracil., A L. Kretchmar, T P. Donald, and R D. Lange

Studies on the immune responses of balb/c mice during tumor induction by mineral oil., M L. Kripke and D W. Weiss

Indirect mapping of spatial distribution of some h-2 antigens on the cell membrane., H Kristofova, A Lengerova, and J Rejzkova

Dna-rna hybridization studies of mouse myeloma tumors. Abstr., R G. Krueger and B J. Carthy

Hybridization studies with nucleic acids from murine plasma cell tumors., R G. Krueger and B J. Carthy

Morphologic study of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity to an isogeneic mouse tumor., G Kruger and D Harris

Morphological counterparts of the genetically determined resistance of mice to chloroform poisoning., S Krus and rutczynska Z. Zaleska

Renal regeneration in chloroform-poisoned male mice of strain c3h/he treated with di-sodium versenate., S Krus and rutczynska Z. Zaleska

Characteristics of variants of rous sarcoma virus (rsv) isolated from mouse rsv tumors., I N. Kryukova, I B. Obukh, and F Tot

Further studies on tumour-producing activity in adult mice by embryonic tissue cultures exposed to a virus and grafted before manifestation of morphologic transformation., I N. Kryukova, I B. Ovukh, T I. Biryulina, and O V. Babkova

Relation between fertilization rate and penetration of eggs by supplementary spermatozoa in different mouse strains and crosses., H Krzanowska

The content of methylated amino acids in normal and dystrophic myosin. Abstr., W M. Kuehl and R S. Adelstein

Lysozyme on mouse embryonic femurs in organ cultures., K E. Kuettner, L W. Soble, R D. Ray, R L. Croxen, M Passovoy, D R. Eisenstein, and M I. White

Uptake of long-chain fatty acid methyl esters by mammalian cells., W E. Kuhl and A A. Spector

Brain tumors induced with rous sarcoma virus, schmidt-ruppin strain. 2. Rous tumor specific transplantation antigen in subcutaneously passaged mouse brain tumors., T Kumanishi and T Yamamoto

Differenzierung der wirkungsmechanismen alkylierender cytostatika an ehrlich-ascitescarinom- und lymphatischen leukamiezellen., D Kummer and H D. Ochs

2',3'-cyclic Nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase in brains of mutant mice with deficient myelination., T Kurihara, J L. Nussbaum, and P Mandel

Cerebral acid hydrolase activities, comparison in 'quaking' and normal mice., D J. Kurtz and J N. Kanfer

Comparison of cerebral lipid biosynthesis in vivo and acid hydrolase activities in 'quaking' and normal mice. Abstr., D Kurtz, R Nixon, and J Kanfer

Severe maternal separation and adult emotional reactivity in balb/c mice., R C. La barba and R Hodge

Effect of purine-protein conjugates on the ehrlich ascites tumor in mice., C Lachman and S Cohen

Induced reticuloses in mice. Abstr., O D. Laerum

The separation and cultivation of basal and differentiating cells from hairless mouse epidermis. A study of the specificity of the separation method by autoradiography, and the viability of the cells during cultivation in diffusion chambers., O D. Laerum and A Boyum

Dna replication in radiation-induced thymomas of c57bl mice., B Lagerlof and H Takahashi

Immunological memory in mice. I. Physical separation and partial characterization of memory cells for different immunoglobulin classes from each other and from antibody-producing cells., stehr J. L'age and L A. Herzenberg

Ultrastructural and volume changes in ehrlich ascites tumor cells produced by metabolic inhibitors. Abstr., K U. Laiho and J D. Shelburne

Effect of hypoxia on body weight, body water, and on hematological values of mice., S Lail, T P. Donald, and R D. Lange

Factors limiting growth in the advanced ascites tumor. Abstr., P K. Lala

Genesis of antinuclear antibody in nzb/w mice. Role of genetic factors and of viral infections., P H. Lambert and F J. Dixon

The separation, physical characterization, and differentiation kinetics of spermatogonial cells of the mouse., D M. Lam, R Furrer, and W R. Bruce

The effect of heterologous antilymphocyte serum (als) on the humoral antibody response to salmonella typhi 'h' antigen and bovine serum albumin., E M. Lance

Thymus leukemia (tl) antigen and thymocyte maturation. Abstr., E M. Lance, S Cooper, D Buchhagen, and E A. Boyse

Use of subcellular lymphocyte fractions to raise antilymphocyte serum., E M. Lance, P Ford, and M Ruszkiewicz