
Submissions from 1970

Biosynthesis of the carbohydrate portion of immunoglobulins. Kinetics of synthesis and secretion of (3h)leucine-,(3h)galactose- and (3h)- mannose-labelled myeloma protein by two plasma-cell tumours., F Melchers

Search for antibodies against the carbohydrate portion of two mouse myeloma proteins., F Melchers and M Sela

Activation of tyrosinase in microsomes and melanosomes from b16 and harding-passey melanomas., I A. Menon and H F. Haberman

The effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on the fine structure of mouse skin., D N. Menton

The effect of prior blood transfusion on survival of h-2 compatible mice following lethal x-ray and bone marrow transplantation. Abstr., C B. Merritt and G N. Rogentine

Studies on colony formation in vitro by mouse bone marrow cells. II. Action of colony stimulating factor., D Metcalf

Factors modifying stem cell proliferation of myelomonocytic leukemic cells in vitro and in vivo., D Metcalf and M A. Moore

Quantitative study of cells reacting in skin allografts., H S. Micklem, C Asfi, N A. Staines, and N Anderson

A model system for detecting drug impairment of antitumor host defenses., E Mihich, I Bross, R M. Mihich, and C A. Nichol

Failure to observe 'skin heterogenization' in mice., L Milas, M Horvat, and V Silobrcic

Antigen-specific cells in mouse bone marrow. I. Lasting effects of priming on immuocyte production by transferred marrow., H C. Miller and G Cudkowicz

Cell-to-cell interactions and restriction for antibody class in marrow cells, antigen-dependent changes. Abstr., H C. Miller and G Cudkowicz

Cell to cell interaction in the immune response. V. Target cells for tolerance induction., J F. Miller and G F. Mitchell

Interaction between thymus cells and bone marrow cells in response to antigenic stimulation. Ciba found. Symp. 'control Processes in multicellular organisms',, J F. Miller and G F. Mitchell

Changes in mouse ovaries after prolonged treatment with cyclo- phosphamide., J J. Miller and L J. Cole

Variations in rabbit antimouse lymphocyte sera caused by lymphocytes of differing origins in the immunizing inocula., J Miller, D Tanner, and R Cohn

Trophic responses of adult mice under daily gamma irradiation at various levels. Abstr., M Miller and G A. Sacher

Sedimentation analysis of the cells in mice required to initiate an in vivo immune response to sheep erythrocytes., R G. Miller and R A. Phillips

Separation of cells required to initiate the immune response from other cells in mouse spleen. Abstr., R G. Miller and R A. Phillips

Some ultrastructural effects of insulin, hydrocortisone, and pro- lactin on mammary galnd explants., E S. Mills and Y J. Topper

Incorporation of radioactivity following administration of testosterone-3h in the androgen dependent mouse tumor, shionogi carcinoma 115., T Minesita, K Yamaguchi, I Yahara, and K Matsumoto

Etude d'un epithelioma epidermoide transplantable de la peau de souris c3h., P Minet, G Lennes, and V Smoliar

Allophenic mice as test animals to detect tissue-specific histo- compatibility alloantigens or f1 hybrid antigens., B Mintz

Do cells fuse in vivo., B Mintz

Histocompatibility antigens on melanoblasts and hair follicle cells. Cell-localized homograft rejection in allophenic skin grafts., B Mintz and W K. Silvers

The distribution of the mouse mammary tumor agent and its antigenicity in milk., G Miroff and H V. Lamberson

Unique glycoprotein from mouse milk containing the mammary tumour agent., G Miroff, H M. Meade, M Winetrout, and H V. Lamberson

A study of nitrosamines and s-carboxyl derivatives of cysteine as lung carcinogens in adult swr mice., S S. Mirvish and L Kaufman

The ultrastructural distribution of several phosphatase enzymes in mouse mammary tumor system., D S. Misfeldt, R D. Cardiff, and S R. Wellings

Cell components in the immune response. I. Gradient seperation of immune cells., R Mishell, R Dutton, and D Raidt

Distribution studies of tetrahydrohomofolic acid (nsc 89473) in mice., L C. Mishra, A S. Parmar, and J A. Mead

The antileukemic activity of dihydrohomofolate (h2hf) and its reduction to tetrahydrohomofolate (h4hf) in mice. Abstr., L C. Mishra, A S. Parmar, and J A. Mead

Stimulation de la leucemogenese akr par des irradiations x fractionnees, action inhibitrice de l'hydrocortisone., P B. Mistry, P Monnot, and J F. Duplan

Importance of immunologically competent cells in contact-induced cytotoxicity., C G. Mitchell

Agent transmissible from crohn's disease tissue., D N. Mitchell and R J. Rees

Studies of the affinity of nuclear material for uroporphyrin. 1. The nuclei and chromosomes of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K Miyagi, G R. Hartmann, W Runge, and C J. Watson

Tumor-induced skin heterogenization. I. Reciprocal relationship between tumours and skin grafts., D M. Mkheidze, A L. Liozner, and moldavsky G. Svet

Biologic activities of lymph node cells fractionated on bovine plasma albumin., N Moav and T N. Harris

Precursor cells in density fractions of lymph node cells, relation to antibody-producing cells., N Moav and T N. Harris

Rosette formation in relation to active synthesis of antibody., N Moav and T N. Harris

Antigen-binding cells in normal mouse thymus., F Modabber, S Morikawa, and A H. Coons

Antigen binding and the immune response. I. The early primary response to a protein antigen., F Modabber and E Sercarz

Antigen binding and the immune response. II. The large number of antigen-binding cells in primed animals., F Modabber and E E. Sercarz

The role of the zona pellucida in the development of mouse eggs in vivo., J A. Modlinski

Fractionation of immunocompetent spleen cells by albumin density gradient centrifugation., G Moller and K Hiesche

Effect of antigenic competition on antigen-sensitive cells and on adoptively transferred immunocompetent cells., G Moller and O Sjoberg

Use of antilymphocyte serum in the induction of immunological tolerance to tissue allografts., A P. Monaco

In vitro malignant transformation by methylcholanthrene of the progeny of single cells derived from c3h mouse prostate., S Mondal and C Heidelberger

Antigenicity of cells derived from mouse prostate cells after malignant transformation in vitro by carcinogenic hydrocarbons., S Mondal, P T. Iype, L M. Griesbach, and C Heidelberger

Etude de la reponse immunologique de type primaire chez les souris nzb au cours des dix premiers mois., J Monier and J Thivolet

Untersuchungen zum einfluss der mannlichen tiere auf die fortpflan- zung weiblicher mause. II. (eng. Summ.), H Monzavifar, D Smidt, and F Ellendorff

Mouse mammary tumor virus infectivity as a function of age at inoculation, breeding, and total lapsed time., D H. Moore, J Charney, and B D. Pullinger

Bioactivity and virions in the blood of mice with mammary tumor virus., D H. Moore, N H. Sarkar, and J Charney

Ontogeny of the haemopoietic system, yolk sac origin of in vivo and in vitro colony forming cells in the developing mouse embryo., M A. Moore and D Metcalf

Density distribution analysis of in vivo and in vitro colony forming cells in developing fetal liver., M A. Moore, T A. Neill, and J S. Haskill

Antitumor properties of 1,3-oxazine derivatives. I. Derivatives of 5- -nitrotetrahydro-1,3-oxazines., M Mordarski, B Chylinska, and T Urbanski

Particularites de l'appartition des anticorps et de la production d'alpha macroglobuline chez les souris thymectomisees a la naissance., P Morelis, M Burckhart, and J Arnoux

Nutrition of mouse ascites tumor cells in primary culture. I. Large molecular substances and conditioned media., J F. Morgan

Nutrition of mouse ascites tumor cells in primary culture. II. Specific requirement for glucose., J F. Morgan and C P. Eng

Loss of transplantability and induction of immunoprotection by mouse ascites tumor cells in tissue culture., J F. Morgan, C P. Eng, M D. Heuchert, and H D. Kirk

Influence of altitude on late effects of radiation in rf/un mice, observations on survival time, blood changes, body weight, and incidence of neoplasms., chavez P. Mori, A Cupton, M S. J, and J Conklin

Synthesis rate of intracellular gamma-globulin in diploid and tetra- ploid mspc-1 myeloma cells. Abstr., K Moriwaki and H T. Imai

Exchange between cell populations during serial transplantation of mspc-1 mouse myeloma. Abstr., K Moriwaki and J Yamashita

Dose-response curve for x-ray-induced translocations in mouse spermatogonia. II. Fractionated doses., T Morris and S E. O'grady

Studies on the leukocytosis and lymphocytosis induced by bordetella pertussis. Iii. The distribution of transfused lymphocytes in pertussis-treated and normal mice., S I. Morse and B A. Barron

Studies on carbon clearance in nzb mice. Abstr., J I. Morton, J E. Haines, D W. Thompson, and B V. Siegel

Delayed onset of coombs positive hemolytic anemia in leukemia virus- -infected new zealand black mice. Abstr., J I. Morton, D Melby, and B V. Siegel

Circulating hemagglutinins of new zealand black strain mice immunized with sheep erythrocytes., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Development of coombs positive haemolytic anaemia in nzb mice injected with freund's complete adjuvant., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Reticuloendothelial activity of new zealand black mice., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Analysis of gene action in the control of body weight and tail length in the mouse., J R. Morton

Inhibition of rosette formation by spleen cells from grafted mice treated with antilymphocyte serum., B Mosedale and J A. Parke

Cellular deficit in thymectomized mice., D E. Mosier, F W. Fitch, D A. Rowley, and A J. Davies

The passive immunotherapy of murine leukaemia. I. The production of antisera against leukaemic antigens., R Motta

Treatment of experimental mouse hemoblastosis vii. Time course of change in the frequency of mitoses of leukaemic leukocytes (l 14 akr and lah vufb) after administration of methotrexate., K Motycka, E Stranska, O Andrysek, H Coufalova, and M Jehlickova

Very early replication of scrapie in lymphocytic tissue., D L. Mould, A M. Dawson, and J C. Rennie

Adenocarcinomes et leucemies induits par milieux de cultures de tumeurs mammaries in vitro. Controle ultrastructural., C Mouriquand, J Mouriquand, and C Viala

Activite biologique des differentes zones obtenues par ultracentri- fugation du facteur lacte de la souche de souris ps sur gradients preformes de ficoll., J Mouriquand, C Mouriquand, and C Viala

Pre-implantation death of mouse eggs caused by irradiated food., dahmen M. Moutschen, J Moutschen, and L Ehrenberg

Stimulation of testosterone biosynthesis by luteinizing hormone in transplantable mouse leydig cell tumors., W R. Moyle and D T. Armstrong

Cellular basis of the genetic control of immune responses to synthetic polypeptides. I. Differences in frequency of splenic precursor cells specific for a synthetic polypeptide derived from multichain poly- proline ((t,g)-pro-l) in high and low responder inbred mouse strains., E Mozes, G M. Shearer, and M Sela

Development of normal mice by in vitro fertilization., A B. Mukherjee and M M. Cohen

Pathological effects of oxyuriasis in the laboratory mouse., J W. Mullink

Antibody for chlamydia psittaci in ascitic fluids of immunized mice implanted with sarcoma 180., A C. Mumford

In vitro reconstitution of the immune response of thymus-deprived mice to sheep red blood cells., A Munro and P Hunter

Rna synthesis in nuclei isolated from normal and friend virus infected mouse spleen., B R. Munson, R J. Fiel, and J L. Ambrus

Comparison of glycopeptides from membrane located histocompatibility- -2 (h-2) alloantigens from different types of tumor cells. Abstr., T Muramatsu and S G. Nathenson

Isolation of a chromatographically unique glycopeptide from murine histocompatibility-2 (h-2) membrane alloantigens labelled with h3-glucosamine., T Muramatsu and S G. Nathenson

Studies on the carbohydrate portion of membrane-located mouse h-2 alloantigens., T Muramatsu and S G. Nathenson

Isoelectric separation of mouse immunoglobulins., R A. Murgita and S I. Vas

Age dependence of immunologically induced central nervous system disease in c58 mice., W H. Murphy, M R. Tam, R L. Lanzi, M R. Abell, and C Kauffman

Enzyme-morphological changes in adreno-cortical tumors in two strains of mice. Abstr., A S. Murthy, M A. Brezak, and A G. Baez

Postcastrational adrenal tumors in two strains of mice, morphologic, histochemical, and chromatographic studies., A S. Murthy, M A. Brezak, and A G. Baez

Endocrine changes in two strains of mice exposed to constant illumination., A S. Murthy and A B. Russfield

Cell-free transfer of leucine by transfer ribonucleic acid from mouse liver and plasma cell tumors into rabbit hemoglobin., F Mushinski, A Galizzi, and G Von ehrenstein

The influence of foster-mothers from the inbred ke and kp strains of mice on the survival-rate, body weight, and fertility of the young., B Musiaek

Fertility and fecundity of different strains of mice as affected by the mating regime. (polish With eng. Summ.), B Musialek and H Krzabowska

Prevalence of murine c-type rna virus group specific antigen in inbred strains of mice., D D. Myers, H Meier, and R J. Huebner

Excretion of murine leukaemia virus., D D. Myers, H Meier, J S. Rhim, and R J. Huebner

Some observations on 'reeler', a neuromuscular mutation in mice., W A. Myers