
Submissions from 1971

Implant-induced immunosuppression in mice. Abstr., W M. Baldwin, I )ii, N Cohen, and J A. Latorre

Repeated demonstration of a mouse leukemia virus after treatment with chemical carcinogens., J K. Ball and J A. Carter

The dnase activities of the mouse., W D. Ball and W J. Rutter

Reduced incidence of x-ray induced leukemia after treatment with anti-lymphocyte serum., H Balner

Dna polymerase activity in mammary gland of virgin mice after ovarian hormone treatment., D N. Banerjee, M R. Banerjee, and J Wagner

Hormonal regulation of rna synthesis and membrane ultrastructure in mouse mammary gland., M R. Banerjee and D N. Banerjee

Hormonal regulation of rna and protein synthesis in the mouse mammary gland before and during lactation., M Banerjee, F M. Rogers, and D Banerjee

Stimulation of the synthesis of macromolecules by ovarian hormones during early development of the mouse mammary gland., M R. Banerjee and F M. Rogers

Dna synthesis in the absence of cell reproduction during functional differentiation of mouse mammary gland., M Banerjee, J E. Wagner, and D L. Kinder

An inquiry into the genesis of aggression in mice induced by isolation., U Banerjee

Surface immunoglobulins on mouse lymphoid cells., A D. Bankhurst and N L. Warner

Surface immunoglobulins on thymus and thymus-derived lymphoid cells., A D. Bankhurst, N L. Warner, and J Sprent

Comparative ultrastructural studies of cells from tumorigenic and non- -tumorigenic cultures derived from the 6c3hed mouse ascites tumor., W J. Banks, M Bhatnagar, and J Morgan

A new marker robertsonian translocation (centric fusion of autosomes) in the laboratory mouse mus musculus., V S. Baranov and A P. Dyban

Infection of mammalian unfertilized and fertilized ova with oncogenic viruses., W Baranska, W Sawicki, and H Koprowski

Decrease in tumor-producing capacity of mouse cell lines following in- fection with mouse leukemia viruses., D Barbieri, J Belehradek, and G Barski

Cellular responses determining the effectiveness of fast neutrons relative to x-rays for effects on experimental tumours., G W. Barendsen

Amelioration of friend virus leukemia by sequential administration of viral and nonviral interferon inducers., A D. Barker, M S. Rheins, and H E. Wilson

Experimental malaria, effects upon the immune response to different antigens., L R. Barker

Local origin of fibroblasts deduced from sarcomas induced in chimaeras by implants of pliable disks., D Barnes, E Evans, and J Loutit

Persistent corpora lutea of mice in a cold environment., S Barnett and K M. Munro

Growth and reproduction of mice cross-fostered between parents reared at different temperatures., S Barnett and A C. Neil

Organ weights and body composition of parturient and lactating mice, and their young, at 21 degrees and -3 degrees c., S Barnett and E Widdowson

Effects of hormones on development and function of lymphoid tissues. II. Delayed development of immunological capacity in pituitary dwarf mice., C Baroni, P Pesando, and G Bertoli

A possible relationship of intercellular cohesiveness in various murine neoplasms and the presence of intracisternal particles. Abstr., C P. Barrett, E J. Donati, and J P. Petrali

Protection of mice against gross leukemia by interfering action of nonleukemogenic c-type murine viruses inoculated into newborns., G Barski and J K. Youn

Enhanced antibody production to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide in mice treated with antilymphocyte serum, evidence for cellular regulatory mechanism of igm antibody response., R F. Barth, P J. Baker, P W. Stashak, and D F. Amsbaugh

Effects of prolactin and luteinizing hormone on the cholesterol stores in the mouse testis., A Bartke

The effect of living bcg on tumor growth in mice. Abstr., G L. Bartlett

Glucose and acetate utilization by hyperplastic, alveolar nodule outgrowths and adenocarcinomas of mouse mammary gland., J C. Bartley, H M. Grath, and S Abraham

Inhibition of the growth of murine malignant melanoma by polyinosinic- polycytidylic acid., R S. Bart, A W. Kopf, and S Silagi

Rapid cell culture assay technique for murine leukaemia viruses., R H. Bassin, N Tuttle, and P J. Fischinger

Contribution to the study of the ehrlich-ascites tumor cells. A cytological and cytochemical analysis of the effects of sarcolysine., R Bassleer and C Desaive

Specific inactivation of thymus-derived (t) and non-thymus-derived (b) lymphocytes by 125i-labelled antigen., A Basten, J F. Miller, M L. Warner, and J Pye

The effects of protamine on a murine leukemia virus., H A. Bates, D S. Amatuzio, L Hay, D J. Conklin, and F B. Becker

Splenic determination of immunocompetence, influence on other lymphoid organs., J R. Battisto, F Borek, and R A. Bucsi

Synthesis, assembly, and secretion of gamma globulin by mouse myeloma cells. Iii. Assembly of the three subclasses of igg., R Baumal, M Potter, and M D. Scharff

L'elaboration d'une membrane cellulaire, la myeline., N Baumann

Modifications biochimiques chez un mutant pathologique, la souris quaking., N Baumann

Effect of alcohol on the resistance-to-extinction of an avoidance response, replication in mice., M Baum

The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice. IV. Fate of circulating iga of tumour or transfusion origin., H Bazin, G Levi, and J F. Heremans

The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice. V. Contribution of the gut to serum iga levels in normal and irradiated mice., H Bazin, P Maldague, E Schonne, P A. Crabbe, H Bauldon, and J F. Heremans

Importance de la connaissance des caracteristiques biochimiques des animaux de laboratoire et de leur variation en experimentation animale et pharmacologique., P Bechtel, Y Bechtel, and P Magnin

The antibody response to (t,g)-a--l in tetraparental mice. Abstr., K B. Bechtol, T G. Wegmann, B W. Chesebro, and H O. Devitt

Increased pentobarbital sleeping time in mice bearing the ehrlich ascites tumor. Abstr., W T. Beck, H G. Mandel, and S Fabro

Radioautographic observations on iron absorption by the normal mouse duodenum., Y C. Bedard, P H. Pinkerton, and G T. Simon

Ultrastructure of the duodenal mucosa of mice with a hereditary defect in iron absorption., Y Bedard, P Pinkerton, and G Simon

Immunobiology of mammalian reproduction., A E. Beer and R Billingham

Increase of leukemia l1210 immunogenicity by vibrio cholerae neuraminidase treatment., J G. Bekesi, arneault G. St, and J F. Holland

Karyological patterns and expression of malignancy in some homologous mouse somatic hybrid cells., J Belehradek and G Barski

Metabolism of vitamin b6 in the i-strain mouse. II. Oxidation of pyridoxal., R R. Bell, C A. Blanchard, and B E. Haskell

Metabolism of vitamin b6 in the i-strain mouse. I. Absorption, excretion, and conversion of vitamin to enzyme co-factor., R R. Bell and B E. Haskell

Effects of population density and living space upon neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and behavior in the c57bl/10 mouse., R W. Bell, C E. Miller, J M. Ordy, and C Rolsten

Ultra-sounds in three inbred strains of mus musculus. Abstr., R W. Bell and W Nitschke

Effect of friend leukemia virus and rowson-parr virus on immunological maturation of mice., M Bendinelli

Effect of adult peritoneal cells on the antibody response of newborn mice to sheep red blood cells., M Bendinelli, S Senesi, and G Falcone

Properties of hematopoietic progenitor cells., H B. Benestad and H Breivik

Formation and significance of 6-methylthiopurine ribonucleotide as a metabolite of 6-mercaptopurine., L L. Bennett and P W. Allen

Graft-versus-host reactions in mice. I. Kinetic and immunogenetic studies of alloantigen-sensitive units of lymphoid tissue., M Bennett

Marrow-thymus cell antagonism in graft v. Host reactions (gvhr). Abstr., M Bennett

Abnormal spermiogenesis in quaking, a myelin-deficient mutant mouse., W I. Bennett, A M. Gall, J L. Southard, and R L. Sidman

Protection and sensitization by microsomal-active drugs in x-irradiated mice. Abstr., J D. Benson, R H. Schwarzhoff, and D M. Ginsberg

Parallels in viral, chemical, and 'spontaneous' carcinogenesis of the mouse mammary gland. Abstr., P Bentvelzen

Immunoglobulins in intact, immunized, and contaminated axenic mice, study of serum iga., J Benveniste, G Lespinats, C Adam, and J Salomon

Serum and secretory iga in axenic and holoxenic mice., J Benveniste, G Lespinats, and J Salomon

The quantitative bone marrow and spleen composition in male nmri and cba mice., M Beran and B Tribukait

Immunosuppression by platinum diamines., M C. Berenbaum

The therapeutic significance of the dose response curve for anti- lymphocytic serum., M C. Berenbaum, L Brent, and P J. Kilshaw

Etude de la composition en acides gras des lipides des diverses membranes de cellules neoplasiques de l'ascite de landschutz, du foie de souris ascitique et du foie de souris normale., G Bereziat, D Bard, and J Dandeu

Quelques aspects ultrastructuraux de la substance blanche chez la souris quaking., B Berger

Different effects of thymidine and 5-fluorouracil 2'-deoxyriboside on biosynthetic events in cultured p815y mast cells., J Bergeron

Sulfate metabolism in pancreatic acinar cells., N B. Berg and R W. Young

In vitro induction of a heterograft reaction. Immunological parameters of the sensitization of rat lymphocytes against mouse cells in vitro., G Berke, W Clark, and M Feldman

Complement-fixing antimouse antibodies found in mice after inoculation of brain, freund's complete adjuvant, and sarcoma 180/tg cells., R S. Berman and R E. Shope

The effects of sucrose and various salts on the growth and lysosomal enzyme activity of l5178y cells., R Bernacki and H Bosmann

An inherited murine serum trace component related to mammary cancer., P Bernfeld, R E. Bieber, and C H. Yoon

In vitro detection of enhancing antibody by the macrophage migration test., I Bernstein and P W. Wright

Hypoxic protection against fast neutrons of different energies--a review., R J. Berry

The in vivo effects of arabinosylcytosine on the cell proliferation of murine b16 melanoma and ehrlich ascites tumor., F D. Bertalanffy and M H. Gibson

L-asparaginase treatment., A Bertelli, L Donati, G A. Trabucchi, O O. C57bl, and C M. By

Differential response of b and t cells to als revealed by electro- phoretic mobility determinations., G Bert, J Forrester, and A Davies

Inhibition of growth of leukemia cells by enzymic folate depletion., J R. Bertino, P O'brien, and J L. Cullough

Interchain disulfide bond formation studied in two mouse myelomas which secrete immunoglobulin a., M Bevan

Hexokinase activity in tumorigenic and nontumorigenic cell cultures derived from mouse ascites tumor cells., M Bhatnagar and J Morgan

Arginase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in spon- taneous mammary carcinogenesis., S V. Bhide

Biological and biochemical differences between tubercidin (7-deazaa- denosine) and its 5'-phosphate methyl ester., B K. Bhuyan, G L. Neil, C G. Smith, E J. Olin, and L Li

Influenza degli ormoni ovarici nella cancerogenesi polmonare da idrazina solfato in topi c3hb/cb/se., C Biancifiori

Tumori polmonari e mammari da idrazina solfato in topi balb/c/cbse gestanti forzate e pseudogravide., C Biancifiori

Theta-bearing and complement-receptor lymphocytes are distinct populations of cells., C Bianco and V Nussenzweig

The cell site of the immunological defect in tumor-bearing mice., G Biano, B L. Brown, E E. Jones, and V M. Rosenoer

Autoregulation of ascites tumour growth by inhibition of the g-1 and the g-2 phase., P Bichel

Feedback regulation of growth of ascites tumours in parabiotic mice., P Bichel

The kidneys of nzb/bl, nzo/bl, nzc/bl and nzy/bl mice., M Bielschowsky and E D'ath

A mouse bone marrow assay of granulocytopoiesis., H R. Bierman and J E. Hood

Prevention of graft-versus-host disease using embryonic thymus grafts. Abstr., W D. Biggar, O Stutman, and R A. Good

Effect of in vitro irradiation of cells in graft-versus-host reactions., W Biggar, H Meuwissen, and R Good

Red blood cell and plasma volumes, total body water and sulfate space in obese-hyperglycemic mice and lean litter mates., A Bill, G Herbai, and naeser S. Westman

Inhibition of development of mammary tumors in c3h mice by neonatal administration of polycarboxylate., A Billiau, R Leyten, M Vandeputte, and P D. Somer

The renin system in mice. Effects of removal of kidneys or (and) submaxillary glands in different strains., J Bing and K Poulsen

The wobbler mouse mutant, an animal model of hereditary motor system disease., M T. Bird, E Shuttleworth, A Koestner, and J Reinglass