Submissions from 1971
Transplantation of tooth buds across a multiple non-h-2 barrier., G R. Riviere, T Y. Sabet, and R L. Hoffman
An effect of genotype on the susceptibility to atheromata produced by diet. Abstr., A Roberts and J S. Thompson
Glutaminase induced prolonged regression of established ehrlich car- cinoma., J Roberts, J S. Holcenberg, and W C. Dolowy
Polyuridylic acid binding by protein from ehrlich ascites cell ribosomes and its inhibition by aurintricarboxylic acid., W Roberts and W H. Coleman
Dental abnormalities in aged mice., M W. Robins and C Rowlatt
Induced optical activity (circular dichroism) of antibody-hapten complexes. Abstr., J H. Rockey, P C. Montogmery, and K J. Dorrington
Induced optical activity of 2,4-dinitrophenyl-lysine specifi- cally bound to mouse mopc-315 myeloma protein., J M. Rockey, K J. Dorrington, and P C. Montgomery
Producing and detecting paracentric chromosomal inversions in mice., T H. Roderick
Biochemical polymorphisms in feral and inbred mice (mus musculus)., T H. Roderick, F H. Ruddle, V M. Chapman, and T B. Shows
Progressive loss in vitro of cellular immunity with ageing in strains of mice susceptible to autoimmune disease., G Rodey, R Good, and E Yunis
Cytology and histology of haemopoietic cell transplantation under the influence of antilymphocyte serum (als) in mice. I. The in vivo effect of antilymphocytic globulin on haemopoietic tissue., paradisi E. Rodriguez, S Thierfelder, D Gotze, M Eulitz, and E Beil
Cell cooperation in antibody induction. The susceptibility of helper cells to specific lethal radioactive antigen., G Roelants and B A. Askonas
Behaviour of mouse primordial germ cells in the chick embryo., T Rogulska, W Ozdzenski, and A Komar
Induced chromosome aberrations in unfertilized oocytes of mice., G Rohrborn and I Hansmann
Induced chromosome aberrations in early embryogenesis of mice., G Rohrborn, O Kuhn, I Hansmann, and K Thon
Prolonged skin allograft survival in mice pretreated with soluble transplantation antigens., E B. Rosenberg, D L. Mann, J J. Hill, J L. Fahey, and S G. Nathenson
Regulation of the synthesis of choline-o-acetyltransferase and thymidylate synthetase in mouse neuroblastoma in cell culture., R N. Rosenberg, L Vanderventer, L D. Francesco, and M E. Friedkin
Murine thyroiditis. Importance of adjuvant and mouse strain for the induction of thyroid lesions., N R. Rose, F J. Twarog, and A J. Crowle
Enhanced toxicity for mice of combinations of antibiotics with escherichia coli cells or salmonella typhosa endotoxin., W C. Rose and S G. Bradley
Studies on friend virus-induced viremia in lethally irradiated mice with or without hematopoietic repopulation., G B. Rossi, E D. Harven, J R. Haddad, and C Friend
Separation of murine cellular and murine leukaemia virus dna polymerases., J Ross, E M. Scolnick, G J. Todaro, and S A. Aaronson
Development of the tongue during palate closure. Abstr., L M. Ross
Some aspects of the role of vitamin b12 and folic acid in dna-thymidine synthesis in a neoplastic c3h mouse cell strain., J Rotherham, F M. Price, T T. Otani, and V J. Evans
Nucleoside deaminase activity in viral leukemia., I K. Rothman, V G. Malathi, and R Silber
The relation of diffusible granulocytopoietic stimulator (dgs) to neutropenia and neutrophil releasing factor (nrf). Abstr., G Rothstein, R Christensen, E Hugl, and J Athens
Influence de l'entrainement musculaire sur certaines activites enzymatiques du myocarde de la souris., G Rougier, R Babin, J Babin, and M Faussier
Noninfectious akr mouse embryo cell lines in which each cell has the capacity to be activated to produce infectious murine leukemia virus., W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and M R. Lander
Changes in lymphoreticular tissues during growth of a murine adeno- carcinoma. Iii. Plaque-forming cell response in lymph nodes and spleen., G Rowland, A Edwards, C Hurd, and M Sumner
Diallel analysis of avoidance conditioning in inbred strains of mice., J Royce, L Yeudall, and W Poley
Non-specific enhancement of the plaque-forming cell response in the presence of primed spleen cells and specific immunogen. Abstr., A S. Rubin and A H. Coons
Specific heterologous enhancement of immune responses., A S. Rubin and A H. Coons
Alteration of the homograft response as a determinant of carcino- genicity., B Rubin
Prolonged inhibition of homograft rejection after cycloleucine., B A. Rubin and H Tint
Susceptibility of mice of different strains to the mammary carcinogenic action of natural and synthetic oestrogens., G Rudali, E Coezy, F Frederic, and F Apiou
Starch gel electrophoretic phenotypes of mouse x human somatic cell hybrids and mouse isozyme polymorphisms., F Ruddle and E Nichols
The immediate and delayed effects of 1000 r x-rays on the rodent testis., R Rugh and L Skaredoff
Growth of sarcoma 180 in splenectomized mice bearing diffusion chambers containing spleen or tumor cells., L Rumi, C D. Pasqualini, and S Rabasa
Polyamine accumulation and biosynthesis in a mouse l1210 leukemia., D H. Russell and C C. Levy
Comparison of the effectiveness of the sodium salt of n-succinyl- perimycin and nystatin in experiemntal candidiasis of white mice., bonin I. Rutecka
Histocompatibility gene organization and mixed lymphocyte reaction., M Rychlikova, P Demant, and P Ivanyi
Histocompatibility gene organization and mixed lymphocyte reaction., M Rychlikova, P Demant, and P Ivanyi
Study of the gross antigen in balb leukemias and tumors of different origin., F Saal, C D. Pasqualini, and S L. Rabasa
Immunological reactivity to sheep red blood cells in three congenic resistant strains of mice., D Sabolovic, D Oth, and C Burg
Histocompatibility relationships between species., D H. Sachs, H J. Winn, and P S. Russell
The immunologic response to xenografts. Recognition of mouse h-2 histocompatibility antigens by the rat., D H. Sachs, H J. Winn, and P S. Russell
Audiogenic seizure susceptibility in balb/cj mice. Abstr., A M. Sackler, A S. Weltman, S Hanumath, and L Johnson
Radiation effect of the vascularization of c3h mouse mammary carcinoma. Microangiographic studies of the tumor in preirradiated tissue and of the recurrent tumor., Y Saeki, S Shimazaki, and M Urano
Antibody-mediated suppression of the immune response, effect on the development of immunologic memory., J W. Safford and S Tokuda
Cytotoxicity of chromatin-lipid. Abstr., C Sahler and J L. Glick
'high Dose' immunologic tolerance to escherichia coli lipopoly- saccharide assessed by bacteriolytic and hemolytic plaque assays., M A. Sajid, J Cerny, R F. Alack, and H Friedman
Functional studies of regenerated muscles from normal and dystrophic mice., B Salafsky
Age differences in the ultrastructure of axons in the pyramidal tract of the mouse., T Samorajski, R L. Friede, and J M. Ordy
Changes in behavior, brain, and neuroendocrine chemistry with age and stress in c57bl/10 male mice., T Samorajski, C Rolsten, and J M. Ordy
Clinical and pathologic characteristics of graft-versus-host disease produced in cyclophosphamide-treated adult mice., J S. Sandberg, A H. Owens, and G W. Santos
Serum and urinary protein alterations in c57bl/10 lymphoma-bearing mice., B G. Sanders, R L. Teplitz, and K L. Wiley
Virus producing cells in wehi-3 myelomonocytic tumors. Abstr., F T. Sanel
Further studies on the effect of neuraminidase on tumor cell trans- plantability., B H. Sanford and J F. Codington
Resistance to transplants of recent spontaneous parental line tumors by f1 hybrid hosts., B H. Sanford and S F. Soo
The survival time of two skin grafts differing in histocompatibility antigens in mice., A Sankowski, W Taczanowski, and D Obrowska
Activities of urea cycle enzymes in tumor-bearing mice., M Sano
Effects of prepubertal orchidectomy on the differentiation of prolactin cells in the mouse adenohypophysis. A quantitative study by electron microscopy., M Sano and F Sasaki
The induction of arteriosclerosis by psychosocial factors in cba mice, observations on the heart, aorta and kidneys. Abstr., G A. Santisteban and J P. Henry
Characteristics of the structural components of the mouse mammary tumor virus. I. Morphological and biochemical studies., N H. Sarkar, R C. Nowinski, and D H. Moore
Helical nucleocapsid structure of the oncogenic ribonucleic acid viruses (oncornaviruses)., N H. Sarkar, R C. Nowinski, and D H. Moore
Paps-cerebroside sulphotransferase activity in brain and kidney of neurological mutants., L Sarlieve, N Neskovic, and P Mandel
Sex organs of male, strain a mouse. I. Ratio of organ-to- -body weights., C Sato and F Gyorkey
Ultrastrucutral changes in friend erythroleukemia cells treated with dimethyl sulfoxide., T Sato, C Friend, and E D. Harven
Repetitive maturation cycles in a cultured mouse myeloma., G C. Saunders and M Wilder
Transmission and spread of embryonic induction. II. Exclusion of an assimilatory transmission mechanism in kidney tubule induction., L Saxen and E Saksela
An ethological analysis of communal nursing by the house mouse (mus musculus)., A Sayler and M Salmon
Phytohemagglutinin and hematopoietic stem cells in the mouse., J L. Scaro, M A. Carrera, J E. Teruel, and R A. Tombolesi
Specific dna inhibitors vs leukemia l1210. Development of resistance to ara-c and ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors. Abstr., F M. Schabel, W R. Laster, and M W. Trader
The effect of reversal of na+ and k+ electrochemical potential gradients on the active transport of amino acids in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., J A. Schafer and E Heinz
Therapieversuche mit hydroxypentenal -- ii. Hemmung des wachstums von sarkom 180., E Schauenstein, M Ernet, H Esterbauer, and H Zollner
Therapieversuche mit hydroxypentenal--ii. Hemmung des wachstums von sarkom 180., E Schauenstein, M Ernet, H Esterbauer, and H Zollner
Prolonged survival of glutaraldehyde-treated skin homografts., I Schechter
Uptake of polynucleotides by intact mammalian cells. Viii. Synthetic homoribopolynucleotides., P L. Schell
Uptake of polynucleotides by intact mammalian cells. Xii. Stimulation of the uptake of ribopolynucleotides by deoxyribonuclease., P Schell and W Muller
Untersuchungen der loslichen und partikularen hexokinase in ehrlich- -aszites-tumorzellen. (eng. Summ.)., H Schenk and W Liese
Sv40-induced dna synthesis and the fixation of the transformed state., C D. Scher
Hemoglobin synthesis in murine virus-induced leukemic cells in vitro. I. Partial purification and identification of hemoglobins., W Scher, J G. Holland, and C Friend
Relationship between trauma, plasma corticosterone and reticulo- endothelial function in anaesthetized mice., B E. Schildt and H Low
Reconstitution of a thymus cell-deprived immune system by syngeneic and allogeneic thymocytes in vitro., A Schimpl and E Wecker
Synchrony of long duration in suspension cultures of mammalian cells., R Schindler and C Hurni
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse. Estimates for five specific loci and dominant mutations., G Schlager and M M. Dickie
Effect of neuraminidase on serological properties of murine lymphoid cells., M Schlesinger and B D. Amos
The effect of neuraminidase on expression of cellular antigens., M Schlesinger and S Gottesfeld
Inhibition of murine tumors by carbobenzoxy derivatives of amino acids., M Schlesinger, N Grossowicz, and N Lichtenstein
Evidence for the rapid decrease in leukemogenic potential of rauscher leukemia virus in cell culture., J Schlom, J B. Moloney, and V Groupe
Simultaneous detection of reverse transcriptase and high molecular weight rna unique to oncogenic rna viruses., J Schlom and S Spiegelman
Collateral sensitivity of resistant lines of mouse leukemias l1210 and l5178y. Abstr., F A. Schmid and D J. Hutchinson
Macrophage-antigen interaction, uptake, metabolism and immunogenicity of foreign albumin., J R. Schmidtke and E R. Unanue
Interaction of macrophages and lymphocytes with surface immuno- globulin., J Schmidtke and E Unanue
Influence d'une seconde irradiation sur la survie de souris c57bl soumises a une premiere dose de 400 r, 9, 12, 15 ou 20 jours auparavant., A Schmitz and J Haot
Regeneration lymphoide de la moelle hematopoietique chez la souris adulte thymectomisee et irradiee a dose sublethale., A Schmitz and J Haot