Submissions from 1971
Antigenic competition in vitro of spleen cells subjected to a graft- -versus-host reaction., O Sjoberg
Inhibition of the immune response of mouse spleen cells to sheep erythrocytes in vitro by anti-immunoglobulin sera., O Sjoberg and M Greaves
Suggestive evidence that the 'blocking antibodies' of tumor-bearing individuals may be antigen-antibody complexes., H O. Sjogren, I Hellstrom, S C. Bansal, and K E. Hellstrom
A quantitative study of the binding of als to various cell types., E Skamene and P S. Russell
Initiation of deoxyribonucleic acid replication in mammary-gland organ cultures. Abstr., J Skarda, C Green, and J Barry
Infection of tumour cells by fowl plague virus in the presence of ancintomycin d., J J. Skehel
Effect of imuran on transplantation immunity evaluated by cytological changes in the regional lymph node. Abstr., E Skopinska, A Sankowski, and K Nouza
Indirect migration inhibition test in xenogeneic systems. Iii. Cellular immunity to kidney grafts., E Skopinska, M Wasik, and kurkus J. Wojtulewicz
Contribution of a thymic humoral factor to the development of an immunologically competent population from cells of mouse bone marrow., M Small and N Trainin
Fine structure of mouse secondary palate development in vitro., G R. Smiley and W E. Koch
Erythropoiesis in mice with graft-versus-host reaction. 59fe Distri- bution in normal and x-irradiated mice and mice with graft-verus-host reaction., N Smitananda, J M. Rae, and D S. Nelson
Cleft palate induced by halothane anesthesia in c57bl mice. Abstr., B E. Smith, L E. Usubiaga, and S B. Lehrer
Spontaneous neoplasms in germfree balb/cpi mice., C S. Smith and H I. Pilgrim
Long-term culture of mouse macrophages., H J. Smith and M Gokcen
Cell division in medium lacking serum growth factor, comparison of lines transformed by different agents., H S. Smith and C D. Scher
Local immunological activity of lymph node cells from mice treated with immunosuppressive antilymphocyte serum. Abstr., J J. Smith and H R. Hilgard
Systemic and local immunological activity of lymph node cells from mice treated with antilymphocyte serum., J J. Smith, I )ii, H R. Hilgard, and K W. Sell
Histochemical observations on early implantation in the mouse., M S. Smith and I B. Wilson
Effects of poly i.c On pulmonary carcinomas. Abstr., W E. Smith, E L. Cutler, and D D. Hubert
Kinetic studies of lymphocyte activation by murine tumor cells. Abstr., W K. Smith, D S. Shimm, W J. Klein, and D B. Amos
Circadian rhythm in susceptibility to methylpredniso-lone (solu-medrol (r)(mp))--side-effect upon weight gain in immature c-mouse. Abstr., M H. Smolensky, S S. Stubbs, R B. Sothern, W L. Nelson, P Mason, B. Hugh, L M. Cadotte, and F Halberg
The effect of protease i of aspergillus oryzae (brinase) on membrane permeability and growth of landschutz ascites tumour cells., H Smyth, E Flahavan, and R D. Thornes
Evidence that h-2 private specificities can be arranged in two mutually exclusive systems possibly homologous with two subsystems of hl-a., G Snell, M Cherry, and P Demant
The histocompatibility systems., G D. Snell
Hemagglutination and cytotoxic studies of h-2. I. H-2.1 And related specificities in the ek crossover regions., G D. Snell, P Demant, and M Cherry
Histocompatibility genes of mice. XI. Evidence establishing a new histocompatibility locus, h-12, and new h-2 allele, h-2(bc)., G D. Snell, R J. Graff, and M Cherry
Role of c5 in the accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns) in mice treated with endotoxin. Abstr., R Snyderman, J Phillips, J Kennedy, and S E. Mergenhagen
Biological activity of complement in vivo. Role of c5 in the accumula- tion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in inflammatory exudates., R Snyderman, J K. Phillips, and S E. Mergenhagen
The behaviour of chromosomal axes in searle's x-autosome trans- location., A J. Solari
Cell cycle analysis in the mouse egg-cylinder., D Solter, N Skreb, and I Damjanov
A cytological study of bone marrow and peripheral blood of irradiated and nonirradiated mice treated with 19s alpha-2 globulin (alpha2-mg)., J M. Sontag, I Berenblum, and N Trainin
A quantitative analysis of bone marrow cell populations in irradiated and nonirradiated mice treated with 19s alpha-2 globulin (aplha2-mg)., J M. Sontag, N Trainin, and I Berenblum
The immunopathological significance of the heterogeneity of anti- body affinity., J Soothill and M Steward
E-n-monomethyllysine and other plasma amino acids in leukemic mice, and effects of asparginase. Abstr., D H. Spackman and V Riley
The possible influence of a single gene locus on life span and its relationship to radiation resistance and activity., J F. Spalding and M R. Brooks
A possible single gene locus effect on life span, radiation resistance and activity. Abstr., J F. Spalding, M R. Brooks, and R F. Archuleta
The character of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)ethane resistance in mouse l5178y lymphoma cells., J Spalding, E Ford, D Lane, and M Blois
Effects of 800-mhz electromagnetic radiation on body weight, activity, hematopoiesis and life span in mice., J Spalding, R Freyman, and L Holland
Elucidation of factors involved in the eosinophil response to antigen. Abstr., R S. Speirs, M T. Gallagher, L R. Heim, and J J. Trentin
An analysis of salivary gland morphogenesis, role of cytoplasmic microfilaments and microtubules., B S. Spooner and N K. Wessells
Activation of thymus cells by histocompatibility antigens., J Sprent and J Miller
Antigen-induced selective recruitment of circulating lymphocytes., J Sprent, J Miller, and G Mitchell
Effects of methylmercury on prenatal and postnatal development in mice. Abstr., J M. Spyker and M Smithberg
Mammary noduligenic activity of the sperm from various high mammary tumor strain mice in histocompatible recipients of different ages., F Squartini and G B. Bolis
Sensibilita al metilcolantrene degli epiteli dell' albero respiratorio in topi balb/c/cb/se., F Squartini and G B. Bolis
Topography of cell surface antigens., C W. Stackpole
Cell surface antigens, serial sectioning of single cells as an approach to topographical analysis., C W. Stackpole, T Aoki, E A. Boyse, L J. Old, frank J. Lumley, and E D. Harven
Radiation-induced cataracts in genetically differentiated mice., J Stadler and D J. Nash
Properties of the mouse embryo conditioned medium factor(s) stimulating colony formation by mouse bone marrow cells grown in vitro., E Stanley, T Bradley, and M Sumner
Enzyme treatment of colony stimulating factor, evidence for a peptide component., E Stanley and D Metcalf
Spontaneous hyperglycemia and/or obesity in laboratory rodents, an example of the possible usefulness of animal disease models with both genetic and environmental components., W Stauffacher, L Orci, D P. Cameron, I M. Burr, and A E. Renold
In vitro synthesis of a mouse immunoglobulin light chain in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. Abstr., J Stavnezer and R C. Huang
Effect of concanavalin a on lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity., L Stavy, A J. Treves, and M Feldman
Genes other than h-2 determining susceptibility to friend virus., R A. Steeves
Rapid assay of murine leukemia virus helper activity for friend spleen focus-forming virus., R A. Steeves, R J. Eckner, E A. Mirand, and R L. Priore
Helper activity of human leukemic tissue extracts for leukemia virus expression in mice., R A. Steeves, A Fjelde, and E A. Mirand
Specificity of helper activity for friend spleen focus-forming virus (sffv). Abstr., R A. Steeves, A Fjelde, and E A. Mirand
Isolation and characterization of a lymphatic leukemia virus in the friend virus complex., R Steeves, R Eckner, M Bennett, E Mirand, and P Trudel
Depression of the interferon response to polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid by specific antibody., A D. Steinberg, S Baron, C Uhlendorf, and N Talal
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. Iii. Factors influencing the formation of anti-nucleic acid antibodies., A D. Steinberg, T Pincus, and N Talal
Monoglyceride hydrolase in adipose tissue of obese hyperglycemic mice., J M. Stein, P D. Bewsher, and I S. Ross
A reinvestigation of epidermal transplantation during chemical carcinogenesis., D Steinmuller
Passenger leukocytes and induction of allograft immunity., D Steinmuller and E A. Hart
Quantitative assay method for erythropoietin in vitro., J R. Stephenson and A A. Axelrad
Separation of erythropoietin-sensitive cells from hemopoietic spleen colony-forming stem cells of mouse fetal liver by unit gravity sedi- mentation., J R. Stephenson and A A. Axelrad
Induction of colonies of hemoglobin-synthesizing cells by erythropoietin in vitro., J R. Stephenson, A A. Axelrad, D L. Leod, and M M. Shreeve
Experimental models for evaluation of host defenses in cancer., K Stern and A Goldfeder
Latent herpes simplex virus in spinal ganglia of mice., J G. Stevens and M L. Cook
Glucocorticoid inhibition of precursor incorporation into nuclear rna of p1798 lymphosarcoma., J Stevens, L T. Mashburn, Y W. Stevens, and V P. Hollander
Differential inhibition of amino acid incorporation into nucleopro- teins of p1798 lymphosarcoma by 9-alpha-fluoroprednisolone (9 alpha fp). Abstr., J Stevens, Y W. Stevens, and V P. Hollander
Genetic variation in the neurohypophysial hormones of the mouse, mus musculus., A Stewart
Recombination within a histocompatibility locus., J H. Stimpfling
The effect of h-2 on the humoral antibody response to a non-h-2 blood group antigen., J H. Stimpfling and C R. Broom
Male-specific graft rejection and the h-2 locus., J Stimpfling and A Reichert
The g(ix) system. A cell surface allo-antigen associated with murine leukemia virus, implications regarding chromosomal integration of the viral genome., E Stockert, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse
Inin and pokeweek mitogen., G D. Stockman, M T. Gallagher, L R. Heim, M A. South, D J. Trentin, and E. Phytohemagglut
Differential stimulation of mouse lymphoid cells by phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen. Abstr., G Stockman, M Gallagher, L Heim, M South, and J Trentin
Chemical protection of the mouse against radiation-induced life shortening., J B. Storer
A debilitating fatal murine dermatitis., H D. Stowe, J L. Wagner, and J R. Pick
Ultrastructural changes in the submaxillary glands during termination of chronic murine cytomegalovirus infection. Abstr., A J. Strano and D Henson
Effects of priming dose schedules in methotrexate treatment of mouse leukemia l1210., M J. Straus, N Mantel, and A Goldin
Priming dose effects in methotrexate treatment of l1210. Abstr., M J. Straus, N Mantel, and A Goldin
Effect of day of substitution when a single modification is made in the regularly scheduled treatment of mouse leukemia l1210. Abstr., M J. Straus, E Winans, N Mantel, and A Goldin
Splenic peroxidase and its relationship to bactericidal activity by spleen cell suspensions from akr mice. Abstr., R R. Strauss, B B. Paul, A A. Jacobs, and A J. Sbarra
Open-field behavior in four inbred mouse strains., J Streng
Characterization of the immunogenic and serological activity of soluble h-2 transplantation antigens in the mouse., S Strober, E Appella, and L Law
Effect of rubomycin c and urethane on chromosomes of normal and leukemic mouse cells., T P. Stromskaya and E E. Pogosyants
Rhythms associated with an inhibitor of spontaneous tumours in mice., L C. Strong and H Matsunaga
The stimulation and inhibition of the growth capacities of spontaneous tumors of mammary gland origin in mice (adenocarcinomata)., L C. Strong and H Matsunaga
The allergic macrophage of graft versus host disease., A E. Stuart and P Regunathan
Consumption of oxytetracycline in drinking water by healthy mice., J A. Stunkard, J P. Schmidt, and J T. Cordaro
Detection of post-thymic cells in mouse hemopoietic tissues. Abstr., O Stutman
Growth of antigenic tumors in the presence of specific cellular immun- ity. Abstr., O Stutman
Immunocompetence of embryonic hemopoietic cells after traffic to thymus., O Stutman and R A. Good
Alterations of tumor specific transplantation antigens in metastases. Abstr., E V. Sugarbaker and J E. Egan
Isolation of heterogeneous a-u rich rna from animal cells on cellu- lose columns using high salt buffer. Abstr., N L. Sullivan and W K. Roberts
L5178y asparagine-dependent cells and independent clonal sublines. Toxity of 5-diazo-4-oxo-l-norvaline., W P. Summers and R E. Handschumacher
The incorporation of (14c)palmitic acid into the lipids of mouse brain in vivo., G Y. Sun and L Horrocks