
Submissions from 1972

Abnormal lymphocyte receptors in aged nzb/bl mice. Abstr., N Bhoopalam, V Yakulis, and P Heller

Cytotoxic effects of ellipticine (nsc-71795) on don (chinese hamster) and l1210 cells in culture. Abstr., B K. Bhuyan, T J. Fraser, and L Li

Survival of type a and b spermatogonia in the mouse testis after exposure to high dose-rates of electrons., M Bianchi, M Ebert, J P. Keene, and M Quintiliani

Specific growth regulation in three ascitic tumours., P Bichel

Genetic analysis of the resistance to the teratogenic action of acetazloamide in mice. Abstr., F Biddle and J Miller

Study of a granulopoietin from endotoxin-stimulated mouse plasma., H R. Bierman and J E. Hood

Reversal of wasting in neonatally thymectomized mice given allogenic fetal thymus grafts. Abstr., W Biggar

Morphological and functional studies of fetal thymus transplants in mice., W D. Biggar, O Stutman, and R A. Good

Immunogenicita' farmaco-indotta nella leucemia l1210, transfer di linfociti immuni. (eng. Summ.)., A Bini, P Franco, and A Nicolin

Linfociti immuni citotossici per cellule leucemiche modificate nel loro potere antigenico. (eng. Summ.)., A Bini, P Franco, and A Nicolin

Importance de l'immunite specifique et non specifique dans la defense antitumorale., G Biozzi, C Stiffel, D Mouton, Y Bouthillier, and C Decreusefond

Autoradiographic study of the f2c histone effect on ascites tumour and other cells., M S. Birbeck, E W. Johns, D Robertson, and T A. Connors

Phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins in sarcoma 180 tumor cells., L Bitte and D Kabat

On 'a' system and 'l' system of amino acid transport across ehrlich cell membranes., J Bittner

A carcinogenic agent elaborated by liver cells from lymphosarcoma- -bearing mice. Abstr., J Blachley, V Scholes, and K Gretz

A model system for the evaluation of the role of cholesterol alpha- -oxide in ultraviolet carcinogenesis., H S. Black and D R. Douglas

Experimental investigation of uterine infections of mice due to pasteurella pneumotropica., D K. Blackmore and S Casillo

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activities of tumorigenic and nontumorigenic mouse cells. Abstr., D Blair and J Morgan

Template specificity and other properties of dna-dependent rna polymerase solubilized form ehrlich ascites tumor cell nuclei. Abstr., D Blair and A Mukherjee

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activities of mouse ascites tumors and derived tumorigenic and nontumorigenic tissue cultures., D Blair, S Peesker, M Dommasch, M Heuchert, and J Morgan

Nuclear dna-dependent rna polymerases of ehrlich ascites tumor cells, two discrete alpha-amanitin-sensitive forms., G R. Blair and M Dommasch

Effect of transient immunosuppression on host response to neonatally introduced oncogenic virus., P B. Blair

Immunologic aspects of tumor induction by mammary tumor virus., P B. Blair

Animal model for hyperprolinaemia, deficiency of mouse proline oxidase activity., R Blake

Hyperprolinemia and prolinuria in a new inbred strain of mice, pro/re., R L. Blake and E S. Russell

Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse., E P. Blankenhorn and T C. Douglas

Graft-versus-host disease induced by fetal thymus and liver cells., J Blessing

Brain and testicular function., E L. Bliss, A Frischat, and L Samuels

Behavioral studies in mice selectively bred for differences in thyroid function., D A. Blizard and C K. Chai

Nucleoside-hormone interaction, toxicity of 3-deazauridine in male vs. Female mice, as affected by androgens and estrogens. Abstr., A Bloch, G Dutschman, and G Grindey

Genetics of the antibody response to dextran in mice., B Blomberg, W R. Geckeler, and M Weigert

Inhibition of erythroid cell growth in irradiated mice by allogeneic lymphoid cells, a quantitative method for graft-versus-host- reactivity of lymphoid cells., H Blomgren and B Andersson

Recirculating lymphocytes in the mouse thymus are part of the relatively cortisone resistant cell population., H Blomgren and B Andersson

Effects of organic mercurials on mammalian pancreatic beta-cells. Insulin release, glucose transport, glucose oxidation, membrane permeability and ultrastructure., G D. Bloom, B Hellman, L Idahl, A Lernmark, and I Taljedal

Genetic control of anti-tnp antibody responses in mice, an in vitro model. Abstr., H G. Bluestein

Mouse neuroblastoma acetylcholinesterase, identification of the active forms. Abstr., A J. Blume

Frequency-modulated tones as priming stimuli for audiogenic seizures in mice., G R. Bock and C Chen

Behavior of acid proteinase and arylamidase in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Abstr., D H. Boehme

Responsiveness of thymus cells to syngeneic and allogeneic lymphoid cells., H Boehmer and W Byrd

Disappearance of circulating tumour cells in mice treated with heparin, coumarin and eaca., B Boeryd and B Hagmar

Immunization of mice against encephalomyocarditis virus. II. Intraperitoneal and respiratory immunization with ultraviolet- -inactivated vaccine. Effect of bordetella pertussis extract on the immune response., W J. Bogaerts and B J. Oord

Inhibition of the carcinogenic activity of benzo(rst)pentaphene by its fluoro derivatives. Abstr., E Boger and A Treger

The effect of postirradiation bleeding or endotoxin on proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells., S S. Boggs, P A. Chervenick, and D R. Boggs

The effect of dimethyl sulphoxide on the ability of spleen cells to produce splenomegaly and hepatomegaly., F Bohm and E Rokosova

Ultrastructural and histochemical studies of murine megacolon., R P. Bolande and W F. Towler

Accumulation of 3h-estradiol in testes and pituitary glands of mice of strains differing in susceptibility to testicular interstitial cell and pituitary tumors after prolonged estrogen treatment., W Bollengier, A Eisenfeld, and W Gardner

Transformation of a rat epithelial-like cell line by murine sarcoma virus., R Bomford and I B. Weinstein

Antigenic changes of l1210 leukemia in mice treated with 5-(3,3- -dimethyl-1-triazeno)imidazole-4-carboxamide., E Bonmassar, A Bonmassar, S Vadlamudi, and A Goldin

A tumor-associated factor depressing antilymphoma allograft reactivity., E Bonmasser, A Bonmassar, A Goldin, and G Cudkowicz

Augmented immunogenicity of tumor cell homogenates infected with influenza virus., C W. Boone and K Blackman

Quantitative studies on the binding of syngeneic antibody to the surface antigens of akr-virus-induced rat lymphoma cells., C W. Boone, P R. Brandchaft, D N. Irving, and R Gilden

Attempt to assay the graft-versus-host reaction of mouse lymphoid cells by the popliteal lymph-node reaction., M Boranic and M Blazi

Damage of the skin during the acute graft-versus-host reaction in mice., M Boranic, L Orsanic, and M Blazi

The effect of cyclophosphamide on the ability of graft-versus-host reaction to suppress leukaemia in mice., M Boranic and I Tonkovic

Inhibition of nucleic acids synthesis in ehrlich ascite tumor cells by irradiation in vitro in the presence of skin-photosensitizing furocoumarins., F Bordin, F Baccichetti, and L Musajo

Rate of hemoglobin synthesis controlled at the translational level in differentiating erythroid cells from adult mice., S Bordin, M G. Farace, and A Fantoni

The immunosuppressive effects of rauscher leukemia virus (rlv) upon spleen cells cultured in cell-impermeable diffusion chambers. Iii. Inhibition of rlv-induced cell pathways by antigenic stimulation with hemocyanin., L Borella

New mutant mouse with communicating hydrocephalus and secondary aqueductal stenosis., A Borit and R L. Sidman

Graft-versus-leukemia, profound anti-leukemic effect with mild graft-versus-host disease., M M. Bortin, A A. Rimm, G E. Rodey, and E C. Saltzstein

Graft versus leukemia. Abstr., M M. Bortin, A A. Rimm, E C. Saltzstein, and G E. Rodey

Stimulation of 'nude' spleen cells in vitro under the influence of thymus lymphocytes., schneider R. Bosing and B Kindred

Antineoplastic drug activity in the mitotic cycle-effects of six agents on macromolecular synthesis in synchronous mammalian leukemic cells., H B. Bosmann

Cell surface glycosyl transferases and acceptors in normal and rna- - and dna-virus transformed fibroblasts., H B. Bosmann

Specificite des hormones thyroidiennes et de l'hormone de croissance sur les proprietes et la proteinogenese des particules subcellulaires. II. Souris genetiquement naines 'dwarf'., J Bouhnik, O Michel, M Baudry, and R Michel

Etude immunologique comparee des mitochondries isolees du carcinome mammaire de la souris de lignee c3h et du tissu sain homologue., P Bourlioux and A German

Migration of cytoplasmic proteins into nuclei of spleen cells from immunized animals., M Bouteille

Gene action and behavior of c3h and dba mice. A reply to wilcock and thiessen., D Bovet, nitti F. Bovet, and A Oliverio

An in vitro study of normal and mutant myogenesis in the mouse., essien F. Bowden

Low-dose r-radiation damage to capillaries of the small intestine, a microangiographic study. Abstr., N H. Boyer and A D. Conger

The relation of linkage group ix to leukemogenesis in the mouse, p. 171-185. In p. Emmelot & p. Bentvelzen, [eds.], Rna viruses and the host genome in oncogenesis. Amsterdam, north holland publ., E A. Boyse, L J. Old, and E Stockert

Kinetics of cell proliferation of murine bone marrow cells cultured in diffusion chambers, effect of hypoxia, bleeding, erythropoietin injections, polycythemia, and irradiation of the host., A Boyum, A L. Carsten, O D. Laerum, and E P. Cronkite

T-locus in mice, segregation distortion and sterility in the male, p. 289-305. In r.a. Beatty & s. Gluecksohn-waelsch (ed.), The genetics of the spermatozoon, proc. Internat. Symp. 16-20 Aug. 1971, Univ., A Braden

A comparison of effects and properties of segregation distorting alleles in the mouse (t) and in drosophila (sd), p. 310-312. In r.a. Beatty & s. Gluecksohn-waelsch (ed.), The genetics of the spermatozoon, proc. Internat. Symp. 16-20 Aug. 1971, Univ., A Braden, R Erickson, waelsch S. Gluecksohn, D Hartl, W Peacock, and L Sandler

The formaldehyde stability of thymocyte immunogens., B A. Bradley and A D. Barnes

The heterophile reaction between anti-mouse thymocyte sera and sheep erythrocytes., B A. Bradley and A D. Barnes

Effects of estrogen on the transition zone of the mouse uterine cervix., C F. Bradley and C E. Graham

Antigen-deficient cell variants in preneoplastic foreign body reaction of mice., K G. Brand, L C. Buoen, and I Brand

Capillary tube scanning applied to cell growth kinetics., N M. Braslow and R L. Bowman

Streptococcal group a carbohydrate antibodies in mice, evidence for strain differences in magnitude and restriction of the response, and for thymus dependence., D G. Braun, B Kindred, and E B. Jacobson

A procedure for the isolation of mammalian messenger ribonucleic acid., G Brawerman, J Mendecki, and S Y. Lee

Regulation of granulocyte and macrophage formation in diffusion chamber cultures of mouse haematopoietic cells., H Breivik and H B. Benestad

Survival anomaly in neutron-irradiated b6cf1 mice associated with enterobacter cloacae. Abstr., P C. Brennan and E J. Ainsworth

Tolerance and enhancement in organ transplantation., L Brent

Attempts to demonstrate an in vivo role for serum blocking factors in tolerant mice., L Brent, C Brooks, N Lubling, and A V. Thomas

Microdetermination of free amino acids in pancreatic islets isolated from obese-hyperglycemic mice., G Briel, E Gylfe, B Hellman, and V Neuhoff

Analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins from normal and mutant adult and embryonic mice. Abstr., R C. Briggs, D M. Constance, A W. Johnson, and F A. Verley

Use of individual antigenic specificity to detect the propagation of antibody-forming cell clones in syngeneic mice. Abstr., D Briles

Mouse antibodies to group a streptococcal carbohydrate, use of idio- typy to detect inbred strain specificity and to monitor spleen cell transfer in syngenetic mice., D E. Briles and R M. Krause

Effect of age on rna synthesis by nuclei and soluble rna polymerases from liver and muscle of c57bl/6j mice., V J. Britton, F G. Sherman, and J R. Florini

Haemopoietic defects in mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningi- tis virus. 1. The enhanced x-ray sensitivity of virus infected mice., jorgensen K. Bro and M Volkert

Lymphocyte receptors and mechanisms of in vitro cell-mediated immune reactions., B D. Brondz

Responseveness of accessory glands of adult mice to testosterone, priming with neonatal injections., F Bronson, J Whitsett, and T Hamilton

Comparative litter and reproduction characteristics of mouse popula- tions with x-ray exposure, including 45 generations of male progeni- tors., M R. Brooks

Growth stimulation of mouse leukemia cells by thiols and disulfides in vitro., J D. Broome and M W. Jeng

Correlation of molecular size requirements of poly i poly c in increasing the survival of mice with l1210, inducing interferon like substances in vivo and in vitro, and releasing nuclear dna template restrictions. Abstr., D G. Brown, S J. Mohr, and D S. Coffey

Properties of transplantation antigen present in cell-free extracts of adenovirus-12 tumours., E Brown, C Potter, and J Oxford

Some growth parameters in transplant and recurrent growth modes of ehrlich ascites tumor of the mouse. Abstr., H Brown

Isolated cleft palate in a/j mice induced by maternal dehydration or corticosterone treatment. Abstr., K Brown, R Hackman, M Johnston, and H Gross

Hereditary association of isolated cleft palate with open eye and cranioschisis in oel strain mice. Abstr., K Brown and L Harne

Isolated cleft palate in mice after transportation during gestation., K Brown, M Johnston, and J Niswander