Submissions from 1974
Selective thymic localization of murine leukemia virus-related antigens in c57bl/ka mice after inoculation with radiation leukemia virus., A Decleve, C Sato, M Lieberman, and H S. Kaplan
Device for controlled drug release--application to methotrexate infusion in mice., R L. Dedrick, D S. Zaharko, R J. Lutz, and J C. Drake
Response to 20 generations of selections for open-field activity in mice., J De fries, J Hegmann, and R Halcomb
Clonal heterogeneity of the anti-erythrocyte autoantibody responses of nzb mice., D H. De heer and T S. Edgington
Ultracytochemical characterization of c particle-producing vacuoles in pancreatic acinar cells of the mouse., G Della torre
A locus affecting circulating interferon levels induced by mouse mammary tumour virus., E De maeyer, guignard J. Maeyer, W T. Hall, and D W. Bailey
Differential expression and function of h-2 products. Abstr., P Demant
Repair and repopulation in mouse skin during fractionated neutron and x-irradiation., J Denekamp and S Field
Hypoxic cell radiosensitizers. Comparative tests of some electron affinic compounds using epidermal cell survival in vivo., J Denekamp, B D. Michael, and S R. Harris
Induction of neurogenic tumors in c3heb/fej mice by nitrosourea derivatives, observations by light microscopy, tissue culture, and electron microscopy., R H. Denlinger, A Koestner, and W Wechsler
Evidence for non-identity of t killer and t helper cells sensitised to allogeneic cell antigens., G Dennert
Cooperation and cell-mediated cytotoxicity as functions of two subsets of t cells., G Dennert and E S. Lennox
In vitro immune activation of endogenous 'c' type virus. Abstr., A J. Dennis and D A. Axler
Differentiation of immunologically specific cytotoxic macrophages into two types on the basis of radiosensitivity., W Den otter, R Evans, and P Alexander
Site-dependent differences in rejection of tumor cells with and without preimmunization., W Den otter, B Runhaar, A Ruitenbeek, and H Dullens
Inhibition and reversal of capping by cytochalasin b, vinblastine and colchicine., S De petris
Ultrastructural distribution and redistribution of alloantigens and concanavalin a receptors on the surface of mouse lymphocytes., S De petris and M C. Raff
The cellular basis of immunological recovery in nude mice after thymus grafting., M De sousa and H Pritchard
Effects of post-trial hippocampal stimulation on time-dependent improvement of performance in mice., C Destrade and B Cardo
The effects of 1500 rads on dna synthesis in a fast-growing (s102f) and a slow-growing (slow) c3h mouse mammary tumor. Abstr., L Dethlefsen, R Williams, and J Stewart
Adenosine deaminase activity in livers of congenitally athymic nude mice., S I. Deutsch, T J. Romano, N K. Ghosh, and R P. Cox
Establishment of a clone of mouse hypothalamic neurosecretory cells synthesizing neurophysin and vasopressin., F De vitry, M Camier, P Czernichow, P Benda, P Cohen, and vidal A. Tixier
Translocation of centromeric heterochromatin in the t(10,13)199h stock of mus musculus and localization of chromosome break points., V G. Dev, D A. Miller, J Charen, and O J. Miller
Proliferation of haemopoietic stem cells in vitro., T M. Dexter and L G. Lajtha
Studies on the mechanisms of chemical leukaemogenesis., T M. Dexter, R Schofield, L G. Lajtha, and M Moore
Changes in cellular characteristics and growth of two tumors during serial transplantation and long-term propagation of derived cell cultures. Abstr., B F. Deys and G W. Barendsen
T cell-independent development of b memory cells., T Diamantstein and willinger E. Blitstein
Polyanions and lipopolysaccharide acts on different subpopulations of b cells., T Diamantstein, willinger E. Blitstein, and G Schulz
Control of the immune response in vitro by calcium ions. I. The antagonistic action of calcium ions on cell proliferation and on cell differentation., T Diamantstein and M V. Odenwald
Gene dosage in a deletion for a nuclear-coded, mitochondrial enzyme., R P. Diamond and R P. Erickson
Depression of polymorph counts by various scrapie agents., A G. Dickinson, D M. Taylor, and H Fraser
Evidence for identity or close association of the fc receptor of b lymphocytes and alloantigens determined by the ir region of the h-2 complex., H B. Dickler and D H. Sachs
Invasion of liver tissue by blood-borne mammary carcinoma cells., K P. Dingemans
Oxidation of reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide by the malate- -aspartate shuttle in ehrlich ascites tumour cells., O Dionisi, G Longhi, M L. Eboli, T Galeotti, and T Terranova
Failure of bleomycin to affect humoral or cell-mediated immunity in the mouse., A M. Dlugi, K M. Robie, and M S. Mitchell
Tritium toxicity, effect of low-level 3hoh exposure on developing female germ cells in the mouse., R L. Dobson and M F. Cooper
Lymphocyte activation. VI. A re-evaluation of factors affecting the selectivity of polyclonal mitogens for mouse t and b cells., M J. Doenhoff, G Janossy, M F. Greaves, K J. Gomer, and J Snajdr
An elevated cadaverine content in the brain of dormant mice., H Dolezalova, klauco M. Stepita, and R Fairweather
Frequency of x-ray induced dominant lethals in mice of different lines., O P. Domareva and E A. Suvorova
Cytokinetic studies of the regenerative phase in the jb-1 ascites tumour., P Dombernowsky, P Bichel, and N R. Hartmann
Abnormal microtubular systems in mouse spermatids associated with a mutant gene at the t-locus., G B. Dooher and D Bennett
Presence of wa-1 in dw/dt and related strains of mice., D P. Doolittle, S Bouvier, and C Amato
A new allele of the sparse fur gene in the mouse., D P. Doolittle, L L. Hulbert, and C Cordy
Characterization of an immune response gene in mice controlling ige and igg antibody responses to ragweed pollen extract and its 2,4-dini- trophenylated derivative., M E. Dorf, P E. Newburger, T Hamaoka, D H. Katz, and B Benacerraf
Action of dextran sulfate as a direct and general b cell mitogen., R Dorries, A Schimpl, and E Wecker
Cellular action of antidiuretic hormone in mice with inherited vaso- pressin-resistant urinary concentrating defects., T P. Dousa and H Valtin
Blood lymphocyte nucleoli in ontogenesis and allograft reaction in normal and neonatally thymectomized mice., P Draber, K Nouza, and M Nemec
The effects of cortisol on the primary response of mouse spleen cell cultures to heterologous erythrocytes., B N. Dracott
X-inactivation pattern in the epididymis of sex-reversed mice heterozygous for testicular feminization., U Drews and lozano V. Alonso
Genetically directed preferential x-activation seen in mice., U Drews, S R. Blecher, D A. Owen, and S Ohno
Cellular composition of the mouse thymus, developmental changes and the effect of hydrocortisone., W Droege, R Zucker, and U Jauker
Immune recovery and repair after 60 co exposure in normal and tumorous mice. Abstr., J B. Dubois, B Serrou, H Pourquier, T Reme, and B Delor
Changes in the radiation response of c3h mammary carcinoma by precool- ing. Abstr., N Dubravsky, K Mason, and H R. Withers
Distribution of transcribable dna sequences in mouse liver hepatoma chromatin., J D. Duerksen
Immunotherapy with allogeneic hyperimmune peritoneal cells in a murine lymphoma system., H F. Dullens, F J. Kingma, and W D. Otter
Eradication of tumour cells by successive injections of allogeneic immune and hyperimmune peritoneal cells in a murine lymphoma system., H F. Dullens, R A. Woutersen, R A. Weger, and W D. Otter
Electrophoretic analysis of cell subpopulations in the mouse thymus as a function of age., F Dumont
Solubilization and properties of poly(adp-ribose) polymerases from bovine spleen and ehrlich ascites cells., S M. Dungan, B Berger, R J. Zervoudakis, and L S. Dietrich
Inhibition of blastocyst outgrowth in vitro by serum from mice with ascites teratoma., G R. Dunn
Role of the maturation of macrophages in resistance of mice to mhv3 infection. Abstr., J M. Dupuy, leblond E. Levy, and C L. Prevost
(live Weight and survival rate of inbred and hybrid mice.) (russ., Eng. Summ.), L V. Dzetsina
In vitro production of colony-stimulating activity. I. Exposure of mouse peritoneal cells to endotoxin., A C. Eaves and W R. Bruce
Enhanced sensitivity of deae-dextran treated spleen cells from normal balb/c mice, b-lymphocyte depleted balb/c mice and nude mice to in vitro antibody-complement mediated immune cytolysis., P Ebbesen and M H. Claesson
Morphologische und enzymhistochemische befunde nach applikation eines xenogenen antithymozytenserums bei inzucht- mausen., H Eckert and J Kaden
Uptake of 2-deoxyglucose by balb/3t3 cells. Changes after polyoma infection., W Eckhart and M Weber
Studies on the biological and antigenic properties of esp-1 type c virus particles., R J. Eckner, E S. Priori, E A. Mirand, and L Dmochowski
Surface antigens of normal early embryos and a tumour model system useful for their further study., M Edidin, L R. Godding, and M Johnson
Studies of the absorption, distribution and utilization of a potential new haematinic (i-i'-diethyl alpha-alpha'-thiabiscyclopen- tadienyl-iron) in normal mice and mice with sex-linked anaemia., J A. Edwards, R C. Ursillo, and J E. Hoke
Genetic control of h-2 alloantigens as inferred from analysis of muta- tions., I K. Egorov
Differential spermatogenic response of mice to the induction of muta- tions by antineoplastic drugs., U H. Ehling
Dose-response relationship of specific locus mutations in mice., U H. Ehling
Symptoms of x-ray damage to radiosensitive mouse leukemic cells. Asynchronous polulations., U K. Ehmann, H Nagasawa, D F. Petersen, and J T. Lett
Evaluation of genetic risks of alkylating agents, tissue doses in the mouse from air contaminated with ethylene oxide., L Ehrenberg, R D. Hiesche, golkar S. Osterman, and J Wennberg
Isolation and characterization of a peptide chain initiation factor from krebs ii ascites tumor cells., F Eich and J Drews
Linkage and rearrangement of genes encoding mouse immunoglobulin heavy chains., K Eichmann, A S. Tung, and A Nisonoff
A gene influencing hypothalamic norepinephrine levels in mice., B E. Eleftheriou
Changes with age in pituitary-adrenal responsiveness and reactivity to mild stress in mice., B E. Eleftheriou
Genetic analysis of fighting behavior in mice., B E. Eleftheriou, D W. Bailey, and V H. Denenberg
Age-related changes in testes, seminal vesicles and plasma testoserone levels in male mice., B E. Eleftheriou and L A. Lucas
Periodontal and vascular alterations, their relationship to the changes in tissue glucose and glycogen in diabetic mice., A K. El geneidy, R E. Stallard, L C. Fillios, and H M. Goldman
Discrimination learning in mice genetically selected for high and low blood pressure, initial findings and methodological implications., M F. Elias and G Schlager
Infection and immunoglobulin concentrations in chediak-higashi mice., Elin, J B. Edelin, and S M. Wolff
Relative avidity of antibodies towards sheep red blood cells in new zealand black mice., E A. Elkerbout and W Hijmans
The long-term antibody response of new zealand black mice to sheep red blood cells., E A. Elkerbout and W Hijmans
Separation of t effector cells in humoral and cellular immunity., B E. Elliott and J S. Haskill
Hepatic metabolism in normal and genetically obese mice., J Elliott, E Dade, D M. Salmon, and D A. Hems
A comparison of radiation control of pulmonary metastases in c3h mice by helium ions or cobalt-60 photons., A M. el-Mahdi, J Shaeffer, H Aceto, and W C. Constable
The suppressive effect of carrier priming on the response to a hapten-carrier conjugate., C J. Elson and R B. Taylor
Effects of prolonged social deprivation on murine behavior patterns, blood pressure, and adrenal weight., D L. Ely and J P. Henry
The factors which determine the modification of tumor cells radio- sensitivity. Abstr., N M. Emanuel and I I. Pelevina
Antigen-induced trapping of immunospecific lymphocytes in the spleen., E E. Emeson and D R. Thrush
Studies of rhodium (ii) carboxylates as potential antitumor agents., A Erck, L Rainen, J Whileyman, I Chang, A P. Kimball, and J Bear