
Submissions from 1975

In vivo quantitation of the lethal effects of vm-26, a semi-synthetic podophyllotoxin. Abstr., E Phelan and R Kalish

Preliminary report on the effects of localized head irradiation on the development of transplanted tumors in c3h/hej mice., M J. Phillip and P P. Maximuke

The clonal origin of cells contributing to successive phases of a cyclical immune response., J M. Phillips and D W. Dresser

Strain differences in the immune response of mice to dnp3-bacitracin a (dnp-bac). Abstr., quagliata J. Phillips and Z Ovary

Immunosuppressive alpha globulin from bovine thymus and serum. Mode of action upon afferent and efferent arcs of the mouse immune re- sponse., S M. Phillips, C B. Carpenter, and P Lane

Cellular immunity in the mouse. IV. Altered thymic-dependent lymphocyte reactivity in the chronic graft vs host reaction and leukemia virus activation., S M. Phillips, H Gleichmann, M S. Hirsch, P Black, J P. Merrill, R S. Schwartz, and C B. Carpenter

Virus activation in allogeneic reactions of mice. Stimulatory parameters., S M. Phillips, M S. Hirsch, schwartz J. Andre, C Solnik, P Black, R S. Schwartz, J P. Merrill, D C. Carpenter, and A I. Leukemia

Thermal enhancement and oxygen enhancement ratios for emt6 carcinoma irradiated with gamma rays and neutrons. Abstr., T L. Phillips, L J. Kane, and J F. Utley

Modification of radiation injury to normal tissues by chemotherapeu- tic agents., T L. Phillips, M D. Wharam, and L W. Margolis

The growth kinetics of xenografts of human colorectal tumours in immune deprived mice., R G. Pickard, L M. Cobb, and G G. Steel

Occluding junctions and cell behavior in primary cultures of normal and neoplastic mammary gland cells., P B. Pickett, D R. Pitelka, S T. Hamamoto, and D S. Misfeldt

Use of genetic analysis to test the potential role of serotonin in alcohol preference., R A. Pickett and A C. Collins

Effects of biotin depletion on mouse leukemic cells in culture., K Pienkowska and J Koziorowska

Suppression of antibody responses in vitro by alloantisera against antigens encoded by the h-2 complex. Abstr., C W. Pierce, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf

The allogeneic bisection of carrier-specific enhancement of monoclonal b-cell responses., S K. Pierce and N R. Klinman

Natural antibodies directed against murine lymphosarcoma cells., M A. Pierotti and M I. Colnaghi

Inability of thymus cells from newborn donors to restore transplantation immunity in athymic mice., W Pierpaoli

Failure of 'thymus factor' to restore transplantation immunity in athymic mice., W Pierpaoli and H O. Besedovsky

Prevention of induced leukaemia in mice by immunological inhibition of adenohypophysis., W Pierpaoli and ghera N. Haran

Study of the cells proliferating in parent versus f1 hybrid mixed lymphocyte culture., P Piguet, H K. Dewey, and P Vassalli

Synergistic and suppressive interactions among mouse t lymphocytes in the response to phytohemagglutinin., P Piguet, H K. Dewey, and P Vassalli

Suppression of immune response to sheep red blood cells in mice treated with preparations of a tumor cell component and in tumor- -bearing mice., M A. Pikovski, gallon Y. Ziffroni, and I P. Witz

Generation of antibody diversity. IV. Variation within single clones of antibody-forming cells developing in vivo., L M. Pilarski and A J. Cunningham

Host-derived antibody-forming cells in lethally irradiated mice., L M. Pilarski and A J. Cunningham

Bcg immunotherapy of rat tumours in athymic nude mice., M V. Pimm and R W. Baldwin

Role of immunocompetence in localized bcg suppression of tumour growth. Abstr., M V. Pimm and D G. Hopper

A major genetic locus affecting resistance to infection with murine leukemia viruses. IV. Dose-response relationships in fv-1-sensitive and resistant cell cultures., T Pincus, J W. Harley, and W P. Rowe

Early adaptive responses of bone marrow in mice during high dose infusion of methotrexate (mtx). Abstr., H M. Pinedo, D S. Zaharko, B A. Chabner, and J M. Bull

Measurement of macromolecular biosynthesis in tumors and cells by incorporation of 3h2o. Abstr., M J. Pine

Alloimmune peritoneal macrophages as specific effector cells. Char- acterization of specific macrophage cytotoxin., C E. Piper and K L. Ivor

Lack of requirement of reverse transcriptase function for the activa- tion of murine leukemia virus by halogenated pyrimidines., P M. Pitha, J Pitha, and W P. Rowe

The effect of interferon on exogenous and endogenous mlv infection. Abstr., P M. Pitha and W P. Rowe

Primary and secondary in vitro generation of cytolytic t lymphocytes in the murine sarcoma virus system., F Plata, J Cerottini, and K T. Brunner

Mixed-lymphocyte-culture responses of mice. Nature of the inter- acting cell subpopulations., J M. Plate

Fine structure of prenatal and early postnatal dystrophic mouse muscle., A C. Platzer and J A. Powell

Properties of a subpopulation of t cells bearing histamine receptors., M Plaut, L M. Lichtenstein, and C S. Henney

Immunological changes in mice with syngeneic lymphoma, changes in the weight and morphology of lymphoid organs., B Plavsic and M Jurin

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (cn pde) mediation of serum- -induced changes in growth and cyclic nucleotide (cn) levels of cultured fibroblasts. Abstr., W J. Pledger and S J. Strada

Subversion of immune system by tumor cells and role of prostaglandins., O J. Plescia, A H. Smith, and K Grinwich

Cyclic amp and immune responses. Changes in the splenic level of cyclic amp during the response of mice to antigen., O J. Plescia, I Yamamoto, and T Shimamura

Early cellular events in the response of mice to sheep red blood cells reflected by changes in the spleen level of cyclic amp., O J. Plescia, I Yamamoto, T Shimamura, and C Feit

Stimulation of liver regeneration and compensatory kidney hyperplasia by passive transfer of spleen cells., M E. Pliskin and R T. Prehn

Increase in splenic macrophage precursor cells and its relation to a decrease in inhibitor activity., D H. Pluznik and D Zilber

An ultrastructural study of implanting mouse blastocysts. Coated vesicles and epithelium formation., R E. Poelmann

Effect of allogeneic cell interaction and graft-versus-host reaction on the antibody response to escherichia coli 0127 antigen., W J. Poe and J G. Michael

Fine structure distribution of non-specific acid phosphatase in the head region of mouse spermatozoa from various regions of the male reproductive tract., G R. Poirier

Bioassay of alkyl halides and nucleotide base analogs by pulmonary tumor response in strain a mice., L A. Poirier, G D. Stoner, and M B. Shimkin

In vitro production of the factors effective in the transfer of experimental autoimmune aspermatogenesis., Z Pokorna, J Pekarek, and J Svejcar

Supportive effect of simultaneous immunization to other h-antigens on the female response to male-specific antigen in mice., M Polackova and V Viklicky

Retardation of development including immunogenic expression of histo- compatibility antigens in mice --by postnatal administration of antiandrogenic steroid., M Polackova, V Viklicky, and M Vojtiskova

Evidence for two factors in sera of tumor-immunized mice which induce specific lymphoid cell-dependent cytotoxicity, igg2 and a rapidly appearing factor not associated with igg or igm., S B. Pollack and K Nelson

Killer cells from murine spleen. Effectors of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity., S B. Pollack, K Nelson, and J D. Grausz

Surface morphology of murine b and t lymphocytes. A comparative study by scanning electron microscopy., A Polliack, U Hammerling, N Lampen, and E D. Harven

The relative utilization of the acyl dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol phosphate pathways for synthesis of glycerolipids in various tumors and normal tissues., R J. Pollock, A K. Hajra, and B W. Agranoff

Mutangenic effects of various types of radiations on the germ cells of male mice. Viii. Frequency of appearance of reciprocal translocations in spermatogonia of mice subjected to chronic gamma irradiation., M D. Pomerantseva, G A. Vilkina, and V N. Ivanov

Effect of concanavalin a on membrane-bound enzymes from mouse lymphocytes., G Pommier, G Ripert, E Azoulay, and R Depieds

Inhibition of initiation of protein synthesis in mammalian tissue culture cells by l-1-tosylamido-1-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone., S Pong, D L. Nuss, and G Koch

A comparative study of the immunosuppressive properties of conven- tional and specific antilymphocyte sera in rodents., M Ponsford, H J. White, and M O. Symes

Adult murine lymph node cells respond blastogenically to a new differ- entiation antigen on isologous and autologous b lymphocytes., N M. Ponzio, J H. Finke, and J R. Battisto

Lymphoid cell dependence of eosinophil response to antigen. VI. The effect of selective removal of t or b lymphocytes on the capacity of primed spleen cells to adoptively transferred immunity to tetanus toxoid., N M. Ponzio and R S. Speirs

Dermal-epidermal interactions and the action of alleles at the agouti locus in the mouse., T W. Poole

The effect of age on antigen-sensitive cells., D M. Popp

The response of lymphocytes to h-2d and h-2k region antigens. I. Differential effect of cortisone acetate., D M. Popp

Ultrastructural evidence for ectoglycosyltransferase systems., C W. Porter and R J. Bernacki

Selective inhibition of melanoma by free radical modulating agents. Abstr., R G. Poser, M L. Seligman, and H B. Demopoulos

Production of a serine-protease with macrophage migration-inhibitory factor activity by virus-transformed cells and human tumor cell lines., G Poste

Local anaesthetics increase susceptibility of untransformed cells to agglutination by concanavalin a., G Poste, D Papahadjopoulos, K Jacobson, and W J. Vail

Studies on the regulation of deoxypyrimidine kinases in normal, sv40-transformed and sv40- and adenovirus-infected mouse cells in culture., E H. Postel and A J. Levine

Effet de l'immunostimulation par corynebacterium parvum sur l'evolution et la dissemination metastatique de la tumeur de lewis chez la souris c57bl/6., deprun J. Pot and I Chouroulinkov

Cell kinetics of irradiated experimental tumors. Relationship between the proliferating and the nonproliferating pool., M Potmesil, D Ludwig, and A Goldfeder

The fine structure and cell kinetics of mouse epidermis after wounding., C S. Potten and T D. Allen

Some properties of adenovirus 12-induced transplantation antigen, as measured by the macrophage migration inhibition test., C W. Potter and R C. Rees

Genetics of susceptibility to plasmacytoma induction. I. Balb/cann (c), c57bl/6n (b6), c57bl/ka (bk), (c x b6)f1, (c x bk)f1, and c x b recombinant-inbred strains., M Potter, J G. Pumphrey, and D W. Bailey

Effect of bcg on haemopoietic stem cells., P Pouillart, T Palangie, L Schwarzenberg, H Brugerie, and G Mathe

Cytokinetic measurements of spontaneous c3h mammary tumors. Abstr., L Poulakos

Control of local tumor growth with combined fractionated radio- therapeutic and chemotherapeutic regiments., L Poulakos, L L. Schenken, R F. Hagemann, and S Lesher

Histochemical demonstration of acid beta-glucuronidase and carboxylic ester hydrolase activity in sensitized lymphocytes during lysis of allogeneic fibroblasts., P B. Poulsen and F Guttler

Appearance of acid phosphatase staining in sensitized lymphoid cells during their lysis of allogeneic fibroblasts., P B. Poulsen, F Guttler, and P N. Jorgensen

Light dependence of osmium reactivity in mouse photoreceptor cells., R G. Pourcho and M H. Bernstein

Chemotherapy of a human malignant melanoma transplanted in the nude mouse., C O. Povlsen and G K. Jacobsen

Rejection patterns of three human malignant tumours transplanted in thymus grafted nude mice., C O. Povlsen and J Rygaard

Growth patterns and chromosome constitutions of human malignant tumours after long-term serial transplantation in nude mice., C O. Povlsen, J Visfeldt, J Rygaard, and G Jensen

Hairless mice, human leprosy and thymus-derived lymphocytes., K Prabhakaran, E B. Harris, and W F. Kirchheimer

Evaluation of parameters in the use of modified cancer cells for specific immunization. Abstr., M D. Prager, V Fagin, and C M. Ludden

Syngenic anti-lymphoma antisera produced by immunization with modi- fied lymphoma cells. Abstr., M D. Prager and C M. Ludden

Initiation by methionine of mouse immunogloblin light chain containing nh-2terminal pyroglutamic acid., C Prasad and A Peterkofsky

Differentiation of neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad

Differences and similarities between guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos- phate phosphodiesterase and adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate phosphodiesterase activities in neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad, G Becker, and K Tripathy

Polyadenylic acid-containing cytoplasmic rna increases in adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-induced 'differentiated' neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad, S C. Bondy, and J L. Purdy

Effect of neurotransmitters, guanosine tripphosphate, and divalent ions on the regulation of adenylate cyclase activity in malignant 'differentiated' neuroblastoma cells., K N. Prasad, K N. Gilmer, S K. Sahu, and G Becker

Binding of cyclic nucleotides with soluble proteins increases in 'differentiated' neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad, P K. Sinha, S K. Sahu, and J L. Brown

Regulation of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate phosphodiesterase and guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate phosphodiesterase activities in neuroblastoma cells. Abstr., K N. Prasad and K Tripathy

Neuraminidase sensitive antigenic determinants of plasma cell tumor membrane glycoproteins., M Prat, S Landolfo, and P M. Comoglio

Nongenetic variability in susceptibility to oncogenesis., R T. Prehn

Relationship of tumor immunogenicity to concentration of the oncogen., R T. Prehn

Granulocyte differentiation by friend leukemia cells., H D. Preisler, S Bjornsson, M Mori, and M Barcos

Delayed cytotoxicity of 5-azacytidine (azac). Abstr., C A. Presant, T Vietti, and F Valeriote

Kinetics of both leukemic and normal cell population reduction following 5-azacytidine., C A. Presant, T Vietti, and F Valeriote

Tumor localization of radiolabeled antibodies raised by a mouse plasma cell tumor., D Pressman and T Watanabe

Variants of a mouse myeloma cell line that synthesize immunoglobulin heavy chains having an altered serotype., J Preud'homme, B K. Birshtein, and M D. Scharff