
Submissions from 1975

Thy-1 variants of mouse lymphomas. Biochemical characterization of the genetic defect., I S. Trowbridge and R Hyman

Differences in the surface proteins of mouse b and t cells., I S. Trowbridge, P Ralph, and M J. Bevan

Mouse t-cell surface glycoprotein recognised by heterologous anti- -thymocyte sera and its relationship to thy-1 antigen., I S. Trowbridge, I L. Weissmann, and M J. Bevan

Glycoproteins released into the culture medium of differentiating murine neuroblastoma cells., R Truding, M L. Shelanski, and P Morell

Studies of cellular recovery from injury. I. Recovery from anoxia in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., B F. Trump and K U. Laiho

In vitro response of mouse spleen cells to the solid phase immunogen dnp-o-bio-gel., G N. Trump

Isolation and characterization of the plasma membrane of l-1210 cells. Iodination as a marker for the plasma membrane., C Tsai, K Chen, and E S. Canellakis

Strand-scission of sarcoma 180 tumor cell dna induced by 1-formyliso- quinoline thiosemicarbazone., A S. Tsiftsoglou, K M. Hwang, K C. Agrawal, and A C. Sartorelli

Changes in cell surface structure by viral transformation studied by binding of lectins differing in sugar specificity., M Tsuda, T Kurokawa, M Takeuchi, and Y Sugino

Genetic relationship of two mutant genes which producing three different syndromes in the mouse. (jap. With eng. Summ.), S Tsuji, A D. Pike, E Ohkouchi, and H Meier

(nsc 143019), An antitumor agent., K Tsukamoto, M Suno, K Igarashi, Y Kazai, and D Y. Sugino

Murine leukaemia virus expression in the akr following thymectomy., M Tuffrey, P Crewe, L Dawson, J Holliday, and R D. Barnes

Effects of mitogens for mouse b lymphocytes on chicken lymphoid cells., G Tufveson and G V. Alm

Protection of lethally irradiated mice with allogeneic fetal liver cells. Influence of irradiation dose on immunologic reconstitution., O Tulunay, R A. Good, and E J. Yunis

Factor suppressing alpha-foetoprotein production in newborn mice., B G. Tumyan, moldavsky G. Svet, and N V. Karmanova

Isolation from individual a/j mice of anti-p-azophenylarsonate antibodies bearing a cross-reactive idiotype., A S. Tung and A Nisonoff

Expression of murine leukemia virus envelope glycoprotein gp69/71 on mouse thymocytes. Evidence for two structural variants distin- guished by presence vs. Absence of gix antigen., J Tung, E Fleissner, E S. Vitetta, and E A. Boyse

Biochemical evidence linking the gix thymocyte surface antigen to the gp69/71 envelope glycoprotein of murine leukemia virus., J Tung, E S. Vitetta, E Fleissner, and E A. Boyse

The effect of human alpha2-macroglobulin on the restoration of humoral responsiveness in x-irradiated mice., A M. Tunstall and K James

Normal and pathological serum levels of alpha2-macroglobulins in men and mice., A M. Tunstall, J M. Merriman, I Milne, and K James

Cation flux in the ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Evidence for na+-for- -na+ and k+-for-k+ exchange diffusion., J T. Tupper

Ionic excitation of a clone of mouse neuroblastoma., J B. Tuttle and E Richelson

Mechanisms of antitumor action of corynebacterium parvum. Nonspecific tumor cell destruction at site of an immunologically mediated sensitivity reaction to c. Parvum., R L. Tuttle and R J. North

Changes in sensitivity to cytotoxic agents occurring during the life history of monolayer cultures of a mouse tumour cell line., P R. Twentyman and N M. Bleehen

Studies of 'potentially lethal damage' in emt6 mouse tumour cells treated with bleomycin either in vitro or in vivo., P R. Twentyman and N M. Bleehen

Allogeneic radiation chimeras. Long-term studies., M L. Tyan

Inhibition of an in vitro immune response and ea binding to the b cell fc receptor by antisera to products of the h-2 complex. Abstr., M L. Tyan

Inhibition of in vitro immune responses by antisera to h-2 or ir gene products., M L. Tyan

Modification of graft-versus-host disease with con a and preimmunization., M L. Tyan

Ontogeny of fc and complement receptors in mouse embryonic tissues., M L. Tyan

Steric hindrance of con a receptor sites by antigen. A possible explanation of ir regulated responses., M L. Tyan

In vitro development of palatal tissues from embryonic mice. I. Differentiation of the secondary palate from 12-day mouse embryos., M S. Tyler and W E. Koch

Plasma esterase alterations in mice during ingestion of carcinogens and/or the food additive bht. Abstr., R L. Tyndall, N K. Clapp, and G A. Andrews

Prolongation of skin allograft survival by treatment of donors with cell-free ehrlich ascites fluid., R Udassin, M Schlesinger, and hur N. Ben

Vascular permeability-increasing action of a hypoalbuminemic substance from ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., H Ueki, S Tsunemi, and Y Kubota

Heterotransplantation of human neoplasms in nude mice., Y Ueyama, N Ohsawa, N Tamaoki, and T Nomura

Different inhibitory effect of nitrogen mustard (hn2) and ts-160 (hn3) on choline transport in l5178y lymphoblasts., V Ujhazy, J Kolarov, S Kuzela, V Krempasky, and E Bohunicka

Mutagenicity of dimethylnitrosamine to mammalian cells as determined by the use of mouse liver microsomes., M Umeda and M Saito

Difference in sedimentation profiles of dna from various cell types during lysis periods by direct alkaline sucrose gradient analysis., M Umeda, T Tsutsui, and K Enaka

Effect of antitumor agents on sarcoma-180 tumor cells transplanted to liver, kidney, and lung., I Umezawa, K Komiyama, Y Kawakubo, and Y Nishiyama

Specific inhibition of the graft-versus-host reaction in fetal or neonatal liver chimeras., T Umiel

Increased reactivity of responding cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction by a thymic humoral factor., T Umiel and N Trainin

Binding of monomeric immunoglobulins to fc receptors of mouse macrophages., J C. Unkeless and H N. Eisen

Comparative study of nzb mice under germfree and conventional conditions., K K. Unni, K E. Holley, F C. Duffie, and J L. Titus

Tetrodotoxin binding as a marker for functional differentiation of various brain regions during chick and mouse development., B R. Unsworth and D R. Hafemann

Comparative survival of lethally irradiated inbred male mice inocu- lated with marrow from virgin or multiparous female donors., D E. Uphoff

Hybrid-versus-parental strain reaction. I. Comparative mortality in allogeneic and parental strain male and female mice., D E. Uphoff

Male-specific antigens. Evidence for allelic differences in recip- rocal hybrid mice., D E. Uphoff

Immune deficiency and graft vs host reaction (gvhr) in mouse radi- ation chimeras. Abstr., P Urso, T A. Gilman, N Gengozian, and E H. Perkins

Further studies on cross-immunity among syngeneic tumors of mice., I Usubuchi, S Nishimura, H Kudo, I Ito, and Y Sobajima

Distribution of 35s-wr2721 in normal and malignant tissues of the mouse. Abstr., J F. Utley, W J. Waddell, and C Marlowe

Circulating tumor antigens versus immune serum factors in concomitant immunity. Abstr., J Vaage

On the role of haemopoietic tissue in interstrain differences in radiosensitivity of mice., A Vacek, A Rakova, and D Rotkovska

Blood volume in inbred strain balb/c, cba/j and c57bl/10 mice determined by means of 59fe-labelled red cells and 59fe bound to transferrin., J Vacha

A direct approach to characterize t cell v-and (or) ir-genes. Abstr., H Vachek and E Kolsch

Dextran sulfate stimulates the induction but inhibits the effector phase in t cell-mediated cytotoxicity., H Vachek and E Kolsch

Studies on immunological memory. I. Different requirements for induction and recall of memory in antibody-mediated cellular cyto- toxicity., H Vachek and E Kolsch

A radioisotopic method to measure delayed type hypersensitivity in the mouse. I. Studies in sensitized and normal mice., M A. Vadas, J F. Miller, J Gamble, and A Whitelaw

Stimulation in vivo de la croissance de cellules tumorales en chambres a diffusion implantees chez des souris portant des tumeurs chimio- induites., D Vailler, M Donner, J Vaillier, and C Burg

Fluorescence emitted by 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate binding to normal and cancerous mouse cells., J Vaillier, D Vaillier, C Trentesaux, and J Robert

Genetique de l'e.e.g., De certaines formes d'epilepsie, du sommeil et de l'apprentissage., J Valatx

Mutation detection in the biochemical specific locus system. Abstr., L R. Valcovic and H V. Malling

Chromosomal rearrangements induced in mouse spermatogonia by 14.5-mev Neutrons., K Valentin

Prophylactic effect of amphotericin b (amb) in spontaneous and trans- plantable murine tumor systems. Abstr., F Valeriote, G Medoff, and R Lynch

Quantitation of virus-induced (mlr) and normal (thy.1.2) Cell surface antigens in isolated plasma membranes and the extracellular ascites fluid of mouse leukemia cells., W J. Van blitterswijk, P Emmelot, J Hilgers, D Kamlag, and C A. Feltkamp

Organ specificity of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction by cigarette smoke in rats and mice., J Van cantfort and J Gielen

An experimental mouse testicular teratoma as a model for neuroepi- thelial neoplasia and differentiation. I. Light microscopic and tissue and organ culture observations., S R. Vanden berg, M M. Herman, S K. Ludwin, and A Bignami

The postnatal development of high-endothelial venules in lymph nodes of mice., B Van deurs and C Ropke

Permeability properties of the postcapillary high-endothelial venules in lymph nodes of the mouse., B Van deurs, C Ropke, and E Westergaard

Glycogen synthesis by a strain of ehrlich ascites tumor, R L. Van de velde

Oxisuran and immune reactions. Mediation of oxisuran action by the adrenal glands., H Van dijk, I A. Bakker, J Testerink, N Bloksma, and J M. Willers

Scanning electron microscopy of homing and recirculating lymphocyte populations., W Van ewijk, N H. Brons, and J Rozing

The relation between the proliferative activity and the differentiation pattern of bone marrow cells from rauscher leukemia virus infected balb/c mice., L J. Van griensven, E V. Hull, H J. Beek, W A. Buurman, and M J. Vries

Studies on plasma membranes. Xxii. Fatty acid profiles of lipid classes in plasma membranes of rat and mouse livers and hepatomas., R P. Van hoeven, P Emmelot, J H. Krol, and E P. meulemans

Studies of genetic transmission of mammary tumour virus by c3hf mice., R Van nie and A A. Verstraeten

Venous tumour cell injection., L M. Van putten, L K. Kram, H H. Dierendonck, T Smink, D M. Fuzy, and E. Intra

Melanogenesis from topical mechlorethamine and analogues in skin of hairless mice and in vitiligo., E J. Van scott and R J. Yu

Iated polyribosomes in ehrlich-ascites-tumor cells., W J. Van venrooij, A L. Gielkens, A P. Janssen, D H. Bloemendal, and assoc Membrane

Virus-specific precursor polypeptides in cells infected with rauscher leukemia virus., D Van zaane, A L. Gielkens, michielsen M. Dekker, and H P. Bloemers

Genetically-associated variations in the development of reflex move- ments and synaptic junctions within an early reflex pathway of mouse spinal cord., J E. Vaughn, C K. Henrikson, C R. Chernow, and C C. Wimer

The effect of thymic humoral factor upon regeneration of lymphatic and haemopoietic tissues of irradiated mice., J Vavrova, P Petyrek, and J Mraz

A comparative study on the local inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities of anti-mouse antilymphocyte sera., P Vegh, E Erdos, E Balogh, T Janossy, and T G. Kovats

Accumulation of 14c-diphenylhydantoin in cells of nervous origin in culture. Abstr., A Vernadakis, K N. Prasad, and R Conrad

Quantitative estimation of mouse mammary tumor virus (mtv) antigens by radioimmunoassay., A A. Verstraeten, R V. Nie, H G. Kwa, and P C. Hageman

Conditions modifying development of tumors in mice at various sites by benzo(a)pyrene., S D. Vesselinovitch, A P. Kyriazis, N Mihailovich, and K V. Rao

Factors influencing augmentation and/or acceleration of lymphoreti- cular tumors in mice by benzo(a)pyrene treatment., S D. Vesselinovitch, A P. Kyriazis, N Mihailovich, and K V. Rao

Factors modulating benzidine carcinogenicity bioassay., S D. Vesselinovitch, K V. Rao, and N Mihailovich

Rate of insulin degradation in different organs of diabetic rodents. Abstr., H J. V funcke, H K. Kolb, and E Standl

Enhancement of the lethal effects of adriamycin (adria) by combining with other agents. Abstr., T Vietti, F Valeriote, J White, and K Atwood

Repopulation kinetics for cfu derived from aged, irradiated survivors of 780 r 60co gamma radiation. Abstr., R M. Vigneulle and E J. Ainsworth

Acetylcholinesterase activity in the cerebellum of the lurcher (lc) mutant mouse., V K. Vijayan and D B. Wilson

The effects of glycosaminoglycans on surface-mediated interactions of lymphoid cells., V Viklicky, Z Pokorna, and J Peknicova

Immune capacity of mice tolerating a weakly incompatible skin allograft. I. Tolerance induction by neonatal skin graft in adult recipient or by neonatal inoculation of adult cells., V Viklicky, M Polackova, and B Wabik

Analysis of skin grafts across the msa-barrier in mice pretreated with sera from specifically or syngeneically grafted donors., V Viklicky, W Rossowski, M Polackova, and J Skajster

Host defenses against influenza virus. The role of anti-hemagglutinin antibody., J Virelizier

Effects of dietary dieldrin on reproduction in the swiss-vancouver (swv) mouse., B B. Virgo and G D. Bellward

T/locus isolated from sperm and teratoma cells, and h-2 antigens isolated from splenocytes., E S. Vitetta, K Artzt, D Bennett, E A. Boyse, D F. Jacob, and U S. The

Cell surface immunoglobulin. XI. The appearance of an igd-like molecule on murine lymphoid cells during ontogeny., E S. Vitetta, U Melcher, M M. Williams, M E. Lamm, quagliata U. Phillips, and J W. Uhr

Synthesis of surface h-2 alloantigens in murine splenocytes., E S. Vitetta and J W. Uhr

Association of a beta-2-microglobulin-like subunit with h-2 and tl alloantigens on murine thymocytes., E S. Vitetta, J W. Uhr, and E A. Boyse