
Submissions from 1977

Changes in physiology of enhanced sai., P Rubinstein, foca N. Suciu, E W. Streun, and A P. Molinary

Animal model. Carcinogenesis in the uterine cervix in mice., C A. Rubio

Macrophage activation for tumor cytotoxicity. Induction of tumoricidal macrophages by supernatants of ppd-stimulated bacillus calmette-guerin-immune spleen cell cultures., L P. Ruco and M S. Meltzer

Increased reactivity to lymphokines of macrophages from tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., L P. Ruco, M S. Meltzer, and C H. Evans

Immunological responses of mice to lipopolysaccharide. Lack of secondary responsiveness by c3h/hej mice., J A. Rudbach and N D. Reed

Characteristics of nonspecific supv@@@pressor cells from c3h m bearing mumtv-induced mammary tumors. Abstr., A B. Rudczynski, S Frank, and R F. Mortensen

Identification of splenic suppressor cell activity in mice with mumtv-induced mammary tumors. Abstr., A B. Rudczynski and R F. Mortensen

Enrichment and analysis of cells which mediate delayed hypersensitivity in the mouse. Abstr., N H. Ruddle

Specificity of h-2 linked ir gene control in mice. Recognition of defined sequence analogs of (t,g)-a--l., E Rude, E Gunther, delius M. Meyer, and E Liehl

The morphology of the endocrine system in congenitally athymic (nude) mice., E J. Ruitenberg and J M. Berkvens

Trichinella spiralis infection in congenitally athymic (nude) mice. Parasitological, serological and haematological studies with obser- vations on intestinal pathology., E J. Ruitenberg, A Elgersma, W Kruizinga, and F Leenstra

A re-evaluation of the role of macrophages in carrageenan- -induced immunosuppression., V M. Rumjanek, S R. Watson, and V S. Sljivic

Antigenic differences in nuclear proteins of normal liver and hepatoma. Identification of a nuclear protein present in hepatocytes but absent in hepatoma cells., E Ruoslahti, E Engvall, H Jalanko, and D E. Comings

Phytohemagglutinin response of murine spleen cells during pregnancy and inhibition of normal phytohemagglutinin response by pregnancy or post-partum serum., B L. Ruppert and E R. Richie

Specificity of t cell immunity to a balb/c myeloma tumor. Abstr., J H. Russell, G Terres, and H N. Eisen

Functional development of the interacting cells in the immune response. Iii. Role of the neonatal spleen., J L. Russell and E S. Golub

Functional characterization of a stable, noncytolytic stage of macrophage activation in tumors., S W. Russell, W F. Doe, and A T. Mcintosh

Inflammatory cells in solid murine neoplasms. Iii. Cytotoxicity mediated in vitro by macrophages recovered from disaggregated regressing moloney sarcomas., S W. Russell, G Y. Gillespie, and A T. Intosh

Macrophages isolated from regressing moloney sarcomas are more cytotoxic than those recovered from progressing sarcomas., S W. Russell and A T. Mcintosh

Ultrastructural localizations of adenosine triphosphatase activity in resting mammary gland., J Russo and P Wells

Adenosine triphosphatases as histochemical markers for the cell of origin in experimental mammary carcinoma., J Russo, P A. Wells, and I H. Russo

Differential sensitivity of mouse tumors to arabinosyl cytosine (ara-c) in vivo. Abstr., Y M. Rustum

Studies on the antitumor activity of 3-deazauridine (dau) against mouse leukemia l1210 sensitive to (l1210/0) and resistant to (l1210/ara-c) cytosine arabinoside. Abstr., Y M. Rustum and P J. Creaven

H-2 and minor lymphocyte stimulating (mls) coded lymphocyte activating determinants (lads) stimulate distinct clones of responder cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (mlr). Abstr., J J. Ryan

Genetic requirements for mixed lymphocyte culture response of peripheral blood lymphocytes of mice depleted of alloantigen- -reactive lymphoid cells., J J. Ryan, A Ahmed, and K W. Sell

Lps-induced glucose utilization in c3h/hen and c3h/hej macrophages. Abstr., J L. Ryan, L M. Glode, and C F. Nathan

Genetic non-responsiveness of murine fibroblasts to bacterial endotoxin., J L. Ryan and K P. Mcadam

Effect of cell aggregation on intravenous tumor transplantation., W Ryd and B Hagmar

The humoral immune response of mouse bone marrow lymphocytes in vitro., J Ryser and R W. Dutton

Mechanism of target cell lysis by cytolytic t lymphocytes. I. Characterization of specific lymphocyte-target cell conjugates separated by velocity sedimentation., J Ryser, B Sordat, J Cerottini, and K T. Brunner

Induction of immune interferon by murine cytomegalovirus., M W. Rytel and J J. Hooks

Radiolabelling of corynebacterium parvum and its distribution in mice., T E. Sadler, W A. Cramp, and J E. Castro

Cellular basis of the immunological defect observed in @sh abstr., T Sado and H Kamisaku

Superoxide dismutase activity of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., S K. Sahu, L W. Oberley, R H. Stevens, and E F. Riley

Restoration of the bone marrow pluripotent stem cells in akr mice after arabinosylcytosine treatment., F Sainteny, D Dumenil, and E Frindel

Cfu compartment in leukemic akr mice. Abstr., F Sainteny and E Frindel

Restricted heterogeneity of antibodies to idiotypes of isologous immunoglobulins., N Sakato, S H. Hall, and H N. Eisen

Differential growth inhibition in vitro by glucocorticoids in a/j and c57bl/6j maxillary mesenchyme cells. Abstr., D S. Salomon and R M. Pratt

Discrepancies in nude mice., J Salomon and N Lynch

Growth of human tumors in lethally irradiated mice reconstituted with syngeneic fetal liver cells., E C. Saltzstein, W C. Rose, R L. Truitt, A A. Rimm, M M. Bortin, and R A. Patillo

Interaction between lectins and cfu-e in ph@@@lasma clot cultu abstr., A J. Salvado, S F. Speckart, and D H. Boldt

Fever group rickettsiae., L S. Sammons, R H. Kenyon, and R L. Pedersen

Dihydroergotoxine (hydergine) and alcohol-induced variations in young and old mice., T Samorajski, J R. Strong, and A Sun

Effect of modification of amino and carboxyl groups on the antitumor properties of neocarzinostatin (ncs). Abstr., T S. Samy, E J. Modest, and R K. Johnson

Effects of three monoamine oxidase inhibitors on ethanol preference in mice., B Sanders, A C. Collins, D R. Petersen, and B S. Fish

The mechanism of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. V. Morphological studies by electron microscopy., C J. Sanderson and A M. Glauert

The mechanism of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. IV. Studies on communicating junctions between cells in contact., C J. Sanderson, P J. Hall, and J A. Thomas

Protection aganist friend leukemia virus (flv) in mice treated with heterologous anti-gp71 antisera. Abstr., F Sanfilippo, T Lynn, R Metzgar, D Bolognesi, and J Collins

Morphology and serum dependence of cloned cell lines undergoing spontaneous malignant transformation in culture., K K. Sanford, S L. Handleman, and G M. Jones

Effect of fluorescent light and oxygen on chomosomes, cytology, and neoplastic transformation of mouse cells in culture. Abstr., K K. Sanford, R Parshad, S L. Handleman, G M. Jones, and F M. Price

Localization of retinoic acid-binding protein in nuclei., B P. Sani

Retinoic acid-binding protein in normal tissues and experimental tumors., B P. Sani and T H. Corbett

Evaluation of time and dose in treating mammary adenocarcinoma with immunostimulants., W A. Sansing, J J. Killion, and G M. Kollmorgen

Receptors for igm on murine lymphoid cells., V Santana

Potentiation of 5-fluorouracil cytotoxicity by thymidine against leukemia cells. Abstr., G Santelli

Requirement of reduced folate cofactors for cytotoxicity of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine. Abstr., D V. Santi, D W. Martin, B Ullman, and M Lee

Correlation of natural cytotoxicity against mouse tumors with antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Abstr., A Santoni and H T. Holden

Inhibition of b-16 melanoma growth in vivo by a synthetic analog of prostaglandin e2., M G. Santoro, G W. Philpott, and B M. Jaffe

Cell lineage in retinal development of mice studied in experimental chimaeras., S Sanyal and G H. Zeilmaker

Replication of mouse mammary tumor virus in tissue culture. II. Kinetics of virus production and the effect of rna and protein inhibitors on viral synthesis., N H. Sarkar, A A. Pomenti, and A S. Dion

Identification of the structural proteins of the murine mammary tumor virus that are serologically related to the antigens of intracytoplasmic type-a particles., N H. Sarkar and E S. Whittington

Replication of mouse mammary tumor virus in tissue culture. I. Establishment of a mouse mammary tumor cell line, virus characterization, and quantitation of virus production., N H. Sarker, A A. Pomenti, and A S. Dion

Levels of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, uroporphyrinogen-i synthase, and protoporphyrin ix in erythrocytes from anemic mutant mice., S Sassa and S E. Bernstein

Assay of tetramisole in immune-depressed mice., A Sassen, F V. Plaetse, and M Janowski

On the mechanism of the crabtree effect in mouse ascites tumor cells., L A. Sauer

Effects of various dose rates from a 8 mev source on cfu. Abstr., R Sauer and B Speck

Control of myogenic fusion in b.w. 10139 Mouse rhabdomyosarcoma by calcium and cyclic amp., J J. Sauk

The effect of mitomycin on the fertility and the induction of meiotic chromosome rearrangements in mice and their first genera- tion progeny., N Savkovic, S Green, J Pecevski, and N Maric

Anti-mouse stem cell (cfu-s) activity in ser`@@@um from a pati with pancytopenia. Abstr., U Sawada, R D. Kuznetsky, and S Adler

Reactivation antigenique in vitro de la cytotoxicite de cellules lymphoides de souris porteuses de tumeurs syngeneiques., lafontaine N. Schaaf

Immunite et cancer. Effet suppresseur sur l'activite cytotoxique des cellules lymphoides d'animaux porteurs de tumeurs syngeneiques., lafontaine N. Schaaf and H Firket

Ultrastructural localization of glial fibrillary acidic protein in mouse cerebellum by immunoperoxidase labeling., M Schachner, whyte E. Hedley, D W. Hsu, G Schoonmaker, and A Bignami

Brain cell surface antigens detected by anti-corpus callosum antiserum., M Schachner, K A. Wortham, M Z. Ruberg, S Dorfman, and G L. Campbell

A reassessment of decreased amino acid accumulation by ehrlich ascites tumor cells in the presence of metabolic inhibitors., J A. Schafer

Properties of mouse leukemia viruses. Xiv. Prevention of spontaneous akr leukemia by treatment with group-specific antibody against the major virus gp71 glycoprotein., W Schafer, H Schwarz, H Thiel, P J. Fischinger, and D P. Bolognesi

Myopathie humaine et dystrophies musculaires animales., G Schapira, J C. Dreyfus, and F Schapira

Hydrocortisone affects tumor growth by eliminating precursors of suppressor cells., B Schechter and M Feldman

Enhancing lymphocytes in spleens of tumor-bearing mice. Affinity chromatography on insolubilized histamine., B Schechter, S Segal, and M Feldman

Antiseizure activity of gamma-acetylenic gamma-aminobutyric acid. A catalytic irreversible inhibitor of gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase., P J. Schechter, Y Tranier, M J. Jung, and A Sjoerdsma

Differential effects of concanavalin a and phytohemagglutinin on murine immunity. Suppression and enhancement of cell- -mediated immunity., R F. Schell and D A. Lawrence

Immunosuppression in mice after inoculation with 334c, a murine lymphatic leukemia-inducing virus., P J. Schenk and R F. Buffett

Murine b lymphocyte heterogeneity. Distribution of complement receptor-bearing and minor lymphocyte- -stimulating b lymphocytes among cells with different densities of total surface ig and igm., I Scher, A Ahmed, and S O. Sharrow

Murine minor-lymphocyte-stimulating locus defines b-cell subclass whose expression is dependent on genes on x chromosome., I Scher, A Ahmed, S Sharrow, and K W. Sell

Survival and cure of leukemic mice after circadian optimization of treatment with cyclophosphamide and 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine., L E. Scheving, E R. Burns, J E. Pauly, F Halberg, and E Haus

Activity of tumor-associated lymphoid cells at short intervals after administration of irradiated syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cells., B Schick and G Berke

Tumor-associated lymphoid cells. Analysis of host cells that bind to syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cells shortly after tumor administration., B Schick and G Berke

Potentiation of chlorambucil activity by serum displacing agents. Abstr., F J. Schiffman and J M. Fisher

Ergosterol-conferred sensitivity to amphotericin b in cultured l1210 mouse leukemia cells., F J. Schiffman, J M. Fisher, and M Rabinovitz

Rapid induction of amphotericin b sensitivity in l1210 leukaemia cells by liposomes containing ergosterol., F J. Schiffman and I Klein

Natural autoantibodies cytotoxic for thymus cells and for neuraminidase-treated leukemia cells in the sera of normal akr mice., M Schlesinger and J G. Bekesi

Reticuloendoethlial systemv@@@ (res) activation during mur cytomegalovirus (mcmv) infection. Abstr., C J. Schleupner, G A. Olsen, E R. Kern, and L A. Glasgow

Differences in mouse mammary tumor viruses. Relationship to early and late occurring mammary tumors., J Schlom, D Colcher, W Drohan, R Kettmann, R Michalides, G Vlahakis, and J Young

Comparison of immunoglobulin chains made in ascites extract and reticulocyte lysate programmed with mrna from four mouse myelomas., B J. Schmeckpeper, S Cory, and J M. Adams

Chemotherapeutic sensitivity and membrane fragility of ridgway osteogenic sarcoma. Abstr., F A. Schmid, G M. Otter, and C C. Stock

Dna polymerases from intracisternal a-type particles of the mouse plasmacytoma mpc 11., J Schmidt, I B. Pragnell, and B J. Weimann

Regulation of the generation of cell mediat@@@ted cytotoxicity macrophages. Abstr., J R. Schmidtke and B Goodspeed

Simian virus 40-specific proteins in the membranes of simian virus 40-transformed hamster and mouse cells., ullrich R. Schmidt, W S. Thompson, P Lin, and D F. Wallach

Resolution and general properties of different types of ribosomal protein kinases in mouse plasmocytoma., M Schmitt, J Kempf, and stricker C. Quirin

H-2 homology requirements for secondary cell-mediated lympholysis and mixed lymphocyte reactions to tnp-modified syngeneic lymphocytes., verhulst A. Schmitt, C A. Garbarino, and G M. Shearer

F1 resistance to akr lymphoma cells in vivo and in vitro., verhulst A. Schmitt and M M. Zatz