
Submissions from 1977

Reaction of lectins with human erythrocytes. IV. Details of adsorption and desorption of con a., H P. Schnebli, A Lustig, M Zulauf, K H. Winterhalter, and U Joss

Effects of centrophenoxine on lipofuscin formation in neuroblastoma cells in culture., F H. Schneider and K Nandy

Stimulation by serum of 32p incorporation into the phospholipids of ehrlich ascites cells., P B. Schneider

Feed efficiency of weanling genetically obese female mice. Abstr., B M. Schoenborne, L J. Koong, and N L. Canolty

Joint recognition by cytotoxic t cells of inactivated sendai virus and products of the major histocompatibility complex., J W. Schrader and G M. Edelman

The structural organization of mouse metaphase chromosomes., R R. Schreck, V G. Dev, B F. Erlanger, and O J. Miller

Audiogenic seizure levels in c57bl/6j mice as related to the priming and testing stimuli., R A. Schreiber

Effects of stimulus intensity and stimulus duration during acoustic priming on audiogenic seizures in c57bl/6j mice., R A. Schreiber

Audiogenic seizures and brain extracts. Enhancement by extracts from c57bl/6j mice subjected to audiogenic priming., R A. Schreiber and N N. Santos

Redistribution of myosin accompanying capping of surface ig., G F. Schreiner, K Fujiwara, T D. Pollard, and E R. Unanue

Inhibition of myeloma cell growth by idiotype-specific suppressor t-lymphocytes and anti-idiotype antibodies. Abstr., H Schrieber, T W. Clos, P J. Leibson, and D A. Rowley

Methyl methanesulfonate-induced mutations in spermatozoa and spermatids of the mouse (mus musculus)., J H. Schroder and J Schiechtl

Inhibitors of sterol synthesis. Hypocholesterolemic action of dietary 5alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-3beta-o1-15-one in rats and mice., G J. Schroepfer, D Monger, A S. Taylor, J S. Chamberlain, E J. Parish, A Kisic, and A A. Kandutsch

Das verhalten der maus im open-field-test. Eine genetische analyse mit hilfe der diallelen kreuzung., L Schuler and P M. Borodin

Genetische analyse der fruchtbarkeitsmerkmale der weib- lichen maus unter den bedingungen der belastung. (eng. Summ.), L Schuler, P M. Borodin, and M N. Radionova

Characterization of syngeneic anti-idiotypic antibody against the idiotype of balb/c myeloma protein j558., W Schuler, E Weiler, and H Kolb

Cellular and serum involvement in protection against friend leukemia virus., G B. Schuller and P S. Morahan

Catalase and adh-mediated oxidation of ethanol in liver microsomes of acatalasemic mice. Abstr., M P. Schulman and K P. Vatsis

Cultured thymic epithelium and immunological reconstitution. Abstr., wissermann H. Schulte, D Manning, and R Hong

Tissue graft rejection in mice. II. Graft survival across h-2 regional barriers., J S. Schultz, T F. Beals, and friberg R. Mott

Similarities among factor(s) which activate macrhophag@@@@es lymphokine (lk) and fibroblast-derived interferon (if) preparations. Abstr., R M. Schultz and M A. Chirigos

Direct activation in vitro of mouse peritoneal macrophages by pyran copolymer (nsc 46015)., R M. Schultz, J D. Papamatheakis, and M A. Chirigos

Immunotherapy with allogeneic immune peritoneal cells activated by bcg and pyran copolymer. Abstr., R M. Schultz, J D. Papamatheakis, and M A. Chirigos

Spontaneous murine lung carcinoma (m109)., R R. Schultz, M Chirigos, U Heine, rees D. Nelson, and I A. From a

Role of altered vascular permeability in amyloid formation., R T. Schultz

Mitogen induction of murine c-type viruses. Iii. Effect of culture conditions, age, and genotype., G Schumann and C Moroni

Mutagenic activation of 2-acetylaminofluorene and n-hydroxy-2- -acetylaminofluorene by mouse liver and kidney microsomes. Abstr., H A. Schut and S S. Thorgeirsson

Human lymphocyte--mouse myeloma somatic cell hybrids. Selective hybrid formation., J Schwaber

The effect of locally injected vasoactive amines on the elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity., A Schwartz, P W. Askenase, and R K. Gershon

Synthesis and characterization of membrane immunoglobulin, ia, and h-2 molecules of thy 1+ akr/j lymphomas., B D. Schwartz, P S. Campbell, R Asofsky, and M M. Zatz

Partial chemical characterization of ia antigens derived from murine thymocytes., B D. Schwartz, A M. Kask, S O. Sharrow, and R H. Schwartz

Biochemical pharmacology of 3-deazaguanine (3-dg). Abstr., P Schwartz, D Hammond, and T A. Khwaga

T-lymphocyte-enriched murine peritoneal exudate cells. IV. Genetic control of cross-stimuation at the t-cell level., R H. Schwartz, C L. Horton, and W E. Paul

Schedule-dependent synergy and antagonism between ara-c (ac) and asparaginase (a'ase) on the l5178y leukemia. Abstr., S Schwartz, B Morgenstern, and R L. Capizzi

Drug-induced immunological unresponsiveness. Selective inhibition of t-cell 'helper function' by cyclophosphamide in mice pretreated with phytohaemagglutinin., G Schwarze

Spontane leukamie der akr-mause. Erfolgreiche passive immunisierung mit ziegen-antikorper gegen isoliertes glykoprotein gp71 des friend-leukamie-virus. (german With eng. Summ.)., H Schwarz, H Thiel, and W Schafer

Immunologic properties of protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes. I. Antibody response of normal, thymectomized, and nude mice to a lysozyme-lipopolysaccharide complex., R J. Scibienski and M E. Gershwin

Role of igd in the immune response and tolerance. I. Anti-delta pretreatment facilitates tolerance induction in adult b cells in vitro., D W. Scott, J E. Layton, and G J. Nossal

Turnover of ribosomal rna in cells in culture., J F. Scott

The distribution and persistence in vivo of corynebacterium parvum in relation to its antitumor activity., M T. Scott and L Milas

Plasma membrane intramembranous particle topography in 3t3 and sv3t3 cells. The effect of cytochalasin b., R E. Scott, P B. Maercklein, and L T. Furcht

Surface immunoglobulin and fc receptors on murine b lymphocytes. Loss of receptor interaction after cell activation., D J. Scribner, H L. Weiner, and J W. Moorhead

Effects of repeated applications of two semi-permanent hair dyes to the skin of a and dbaf mice., C E. Searle and E L. Jones

Somatic mutants and antibody diversity., D S. Secher, C Milstein, and K Adetugbo

A simple and inexpensive method for maintaining a defined flora mouse colony., R S. Sedlacek and K A. Mason

Biochemical studies in secondary daunomycin (dnm) resistance. Abstr., S Seeber, K P. Brucksch, J Kading, D K. Hossfeld, and C G. Schmidt

Mandibular growth retardation as a cause of cleft palate in mice homozygous for the chondrodysplasia gene., R E. Seegmiller and F C. Fraser

Simian virus 40 gene a regulates the association between a highly phosphorylated protein and chromatin and ribosomes in simian virus 40-transformed cells., K Segawa, N Yamaguchi, and K Oda

Age-related changes in b and t lymphocytes and decline of humoral immune responsiveness in aged mice., D Segre and M Segre

Uptake and efflux of chloride ions in isolated pancreatic islets. Abstr., J Sehlin

Delay in tumor development induced with a bacterial vaccine., F B. Seibert and R L. Davis

Hematologic effects of a single dose of methylnitrosourea., H J. Seidel

The effect of dimethylbenz(a)anthracene on murine hematopoiesis., H J. Seidel

Metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene. Effect of 3-methylcholanthrene pretreatment on metabolism by microsomes from lungs of genetically "responsive" and "nonresponsive" mice., H E. Seifried, D J. Birkett, W Levin, A Y. Lu, A H. Conney, and D M. Jerina

Differential responses to retinol and retinoic acid. Abstr., E Seifter, G Rettura, N Weinzweig, and S M. Levenson

Enhancement of formation of the initiation complex by a factor stimulating rna polymerase ii from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K Sekimizu, D Mizuno, and S Natori

Differential effects of heparin on replicative dna synthesis and unscheduled dna synthesis., S Seki and T Oda

Dna synthesis in detergent-treated mouse ascites sarcoma cells., S Seki and T Oda

Dna synthesis in permeable mouse ascites sarcoma cells., S Seki and T Oda

Effect of aurintricarboxylic acid on in vitro dna synthetic activity of mouse ascites sarcoma cells., S Seki, K Tsutsui, and T Oda

Isolation by cell-column chromatography of immunoglobulins specific for cell surface carbohydrates., B Sela and G M. Edelman

Gamma-ray-induced dominant mutations that cause skeletal abnormalities in mice. I. Plan, summary of results and discussion., P B. Selby and P R. Selby

H-y antigen in the dog., J R. Selden and S S. Wachtel

Antigen expression on early mouse trophoblast., M H. Sellens

Manipulation of aggressive behavior in adult dba/2bg and c57bl/10bg male mice implanted with testosterone in silastic tubing., M K. Selmanoff, E Abreu, B D. Goldman, and B E. Ginsburg

Developmental changes in serum luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and androgen levels in males of two inbred mouse strains., M K. Selmanoff, B D. Goldman, and B E. Ginsburg

Serum testosterone, agonistic behavior, and dominance in inbred strains of mice., M K. Selmanoff, B D. Goldman, and B E. Ginsburg

Correlated effects of the y-chromosome of mice on developmental changes in testosterone levels and intermale aggression., M K. Selmanoff, B D. Goldman, S C. Maxson, and B E. Ginsburg

Iron and ferritin studies in mouse and human mammary glands and tumors. Abstr., G Seman and H S. Gallager

[search For female mice heterozygous for translocations among the progeny of males treated with chemical mutagen (thio-tepa).] (russ., Eng. Summ.), K K. Semenov and A M. Malashenko

Efficacy of salvage metabolites versus leucovorin (cf) for rescue of high-dose methotrexate (mtx) infusions. Abstr., J H. Semon and G B. Grindey

Impairment of reovirus mrna methylation in extracts of interferon-treated ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Further characteristics of the phenomenon., G C. Sen, S Shaila, B Lebleu, G E. Brown, R C. Desrosiers, and P Lengyel

Differentiation of memory t cells to virus plaque-forming cells and cytotoxic t lymphocytes., A Senik and B R. Bloom

Cell-mediated autoimmunity in the (nzb/nzw) f1 mouse. Mixed splenocyte-heart cell cultures. Abstr., D Senitzer, W Cafruny, B Pansky, and E Freimer

Combination of radiotherapy and immunotherapy in the treatment of lewis's tumour., B Serrou and J B. Dubois

The association of irradiation and bcg in the control of tumor growth in animal models. Abstr., B Serrou, M Gerber, L Gauci, J B. Dubois, and D Andress

Specifically immune mouse t-cells can destroy h-2 compatible murine target cells infected with herpes simplex virus types 1 or 2., K K. Sethi and H Brandis

Inheritance of brain weight in two strains of mice., T N. Seyfried and W L. Daniel

Comparative effect of intravenous and intraperitoneal adriamycin on metastatic dunn osteosarcoma. Abstr., J Shaeffer and mahdi A. El

Characterization of the suppressor cell generated in a murine graft-versus-host reaction (gvhr)., F L. Shand

Ly and ia phenotype of suppressor t cells induced by graft-vs-host reaction., F L. Shand

A model for prediction of chemotherapy response to 5-fluorouracil based on the differential distribution of 5-[18f]fluorouracil in sensitive versus resistant lymphocytic leukemia in mice., J Shani and W Wolf

Thymic control of hep@@@matopoiesis. Myeloid proliferatio the w/wv mouse mode. Abstr., S J. Sharkis, A Ahmed, W W. Jedrzeczak, and K W. Sell

Characterization of the theta sensitive lymphoid cell responsible for restoration of normal erythropoiesis in the w/wv anemic mouse. Abstr., S J. Sharkis, A Ahmed, A M. Kee, and K W. Sell

Effect of thymocytes in diffusion chamber or thymosin. Ab6@@@, S J. Sharkis, A Ahmed, L L. Sensenbrenner, jedrzeczek W. Wiktor, D K. Se, and E S. willthe

Tritiated thymidine incorporation and cell-mediated lympholysis as correlates of acute graft-versus-host reaction., S J. Sharkis, D M. Strong, A Ahmed, and K W. Sell

Effect of mulv on ia antigen expression. Abstr., M R. Sharpe, C S. David, and R D. Peterson

Origin of the radioresistant precursor cells responsible for the initial phase of thymic regeneration after x-irradiation., J G. Sharp and D B. Thomas

Myelin subfractions isolated from mouse brain. Studies of normal mice during development, quaking mutants, and three brain regions., L D. Sheads, M J. Eby, J Sampugna, and L W. Douglass

Relationship of tumor immunity to main histocompatibility complex. Possible role for viral-associated murine self antigens in cell-mediated immunity., G Shearer

Fractionation of lymphocytes involved in the generation of cell-mediated cytotoxicity over insolubilized conjugated histamine columns., G M. Shearer, E Simpson, Y Weinstein, and K L. Melmon

Immune surveillance system: its failure and activation., W T. Shearer and M P. Fink

Cell mediated immunity to a flavivirus (banzi). Demonstration of cytotoxicity in vitro. Abstr., P H. Sheets, A Schwartz, R C. Jacoby, and P N. Bhatt

Glycopeptide patterns of mouse mammary glands and tumors. Abstr., J B. Sheffield, C A. Buck, and L Warren

Procedures for radioimmunoassay of the mouse mammary tumor virus., J B. Sheffield, T Daly, A S. Dion, and N Taraschi

Muscle protein synthesis in med myopathy., M F. Sheff and S I. Zacks

Isolation and characterization of glycoconjugates from b16 mouse melanoma tumors. Abstr., fareed V. Sheik and V P. Bhavanandan

Further investigations of the effects of the hypoxic-cell radiosensitizer, ro-07-0582, on local control of a mouse tumour., P W. Sheldon and S A. Hill

Radioprotection by pentobarbitone sodium of a murine tumour in vivo., P W. Sheldon, S A. Hill, and J E. Moulder

Preparation of lyt antisera., F Shen