Submissions from 1977
Perturbation of the adipose cell plasma membrane in obese (ob/ob) mice., J Carpentier, A Perrelet, and L Orci
The passage of macrophages across lymphatic walls by reverse diapedesis. An ultrastructural study., I Carr
Effects of prolonged fenfluramine administration in obese and nonobese mice., R H. Carr, M Ipaktchi, and S W. Thenen
Response of pigment cells to trimethyl psoralen and uvf@@@ lig abstr., D M. Carter, M Pan, and J Varga
A method for the serological diagnosis of epizootic diarrhoea of infant mice., P Carthew
Horse radish peroxidase (hrpo) labeled anti igg. Abstr., N D. Cassai, N S. Cooper, and E D. Genna
Biological and biochemical studies of the effects of xylotubercidin and related compounds on mouse leukemia l1210 in vitro. Abstr., C E. Cass and M J. Robins
Effects of pre- and post-trial caffeine administrations on simultaneous visual discrimination in three inbred strains of mice., C Castellano
Horse models of congenital and acquired dysimmunity., J J. Castles, M E. Gershwin, W Saito, A Ardans, and D B. Osburn
The course of autoimmune disease in parous nzb/nzw mice., R Castor and S E. Walker
Interaction of peritoneal exudate lymphocytes with histocompatibility antigens., P J. Catanzaro, L D. Agniel, W R. Hogrefe, and S M. Phillips
Translocation yield from the immature mouse testis and the nature of spermatogonial stem cell heterogeneity., B M. Cattanach, I Murray, and J M. Tracey
Growth of transplantable balb/c mouse plasmacytoma in genetically athymic (nude) mice backcrossed to the balb/c strain. Abstr., D Catty, T King, and S Afford
Cellular events induced in the molecular layer of the piriform cortex by ablation of the olfactory bulb in the mouse., V S. Caviness, M G. Korde, and R S. Williams
Hypothalamic self-stimulation and operant activity in the mottled mutant mouse., P Cazala and B Cardo
Genetical and embryological comparison of two mutations which cause foetal blebs in mice., E M. Center
Expression of normal mammary epithelial cell antigens in mammary neoplasia. Abstr., R L. Ceriani, J A. Peterson, and S Abraham
Immunosuppression by spleen cells from moloney leukemia. Iii. Evidence for a suppressor cell that is not the leukemic, virus-producing cells., J Cerny, K D. Grinwich, and R A. Stiller
An in vitro study of functional maturation of murine thymus cells., A K. Chakravarty
Functional maturation of mouse thymus cells., A K. Chakravarty
Lectin-driven maturation of cytotoxic effector cells. The nature of effector memory., A K. Chakravarty and W R. Clark
A differential effect of cyclic amp on mouse spleen lymphocytes and cell cycle phenomena. Abstr., D A. Chambers, M C. Sampson, fink V. Porter, and D A. Penney
Strain differences in estrous cycle and mating frequencies after centrally produced anosmia in mice., A K. Champlin
Enhanced primary resistance to listeria monocytogenes in t cell-deprived mice., C Chan, P A. Kongshavn, and E Skamene
Melanomas or mammary carcinomas., R Chandra, R S. Bart, M M. Mintzis, A W. Kopf, N P. Braunstein d, and B O. Bearing
Long-term effects of in vitro sensitization on immune reactivity of lymphocytes. Generation of suppressor and helper t cells., E L. Chan, P B. Kan, and R I. Mishell
Turnover of small lymphocytes bearing surface immunoglobulin molecules, fc and complement receptors in mouse spleen. Abstr., F P. Chan and W C. Yang
Enhancement of uptake and action of methotrexate by non-ther^@@@mal microwave radiation in l1210 leukemia. Ab, B K. Chang and A T. Huang
Expression of tumor-specific transplantation antigen in cell lines transformed by wild-type or tsa mutant simian virus 40., C Chang, J L. Anderson, R G. Martin, and P T. Mora
Tumour-specific transplantation antigen from sv40 transformed cells binds to dna., C Chang, S W. Luborsky, and P T. Mora
Detergent solubilization and partial purification of tumor specific surface and transplantation antigens from sv40-virus- -transformed mouse cells., C Chang, S J. Pancake, S W. Luborsky, and P T. Mora
Increased resistance in splenectomized mice to a methylcho- lanthrene-induced tumour., R W. Chang and J L. Turk
Trisomy of chromosome 15 in x-ray induced mouse leukemia. Abstr., T D. Chang, J L. Biedler, E Stockert, and L J. Old
Physiological changes in hairless mice maintained on an antioxidant supplemented diet., J T. Chan, J O. Ford, A H. Rudolph, and H S. Black
In vitro testosterone synthesis by testicular tissue of old mouse. The metabolism of 3beta-hydroxy-5-ene steroids., Z Chap and E Bedrak
Effect of heat acclimatization on testicular enzymes involved in androgen biosynthesis via the 5-ene pathway., Z Chap, E Bedrak, and moriah U. Sod
A biphasic response of testicular 17beta-hydroxysteroid oxido- reductase associated with advancing age in heat-acclimatized mouse., Z Chap, A Slonim, and E Bedrak
Differences in plasma membrane organization of neuroblastoma cells grown in the differentiated and undifferentiated states., F C. Charalampous
Competition for cytotoxic immune capacity against a 'syngeneic' mouse tumour distributed at two sites., D Chassoux, I C. Maclennan, and T R. Munro
Gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolism in brain homogenates of the spastic mouse., S Chatterjee and P Hechtman
Swelling phenomenon in liver microsomes isolated from normal and tumour bearing mice., S Chaudhury
Molecular alterations in murine melanoma induced\@@@ melanocytolytic agents. Abstr., W Chavin and J Abramowitz
Taste responses of the chorda tympani nerve in the mosue., M Cheal
Augmentation de la resistance non specifique a l'infection de la souris apres administration orale de deux glycopeptides synthetiques doues d'activite adjuvante., L Chedid, M Parant, and F Parant
Enhancement of nonspecific immunity to klebsiella pneumoniae infection by a synthetic immunoadjuvant (n-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl- -d-isoglutamine) and several analogs., L Chedid, M Parant, F Parant, P Lefrancier, J Choay, and E Lederer
Suicide of donor cells cultured with host cells., M A. Cheever, A B. Einstein, R A. Kempf, and D A. Fefer
Tumor neutralization, immunotherapy, and chemoimmunotherapy of a friend leukemia with cells secondarily sensitized in vitro., M A. Cheever, R A. Kempf, and A Fefer
Different effects of vincristine on methotrexate uptake by l1210 cells and mouse intestinal epithelia in vitro and in vivo. Abstr., P L. Chello, D M. Dorick, and F M. Sirotnak
Maturational state of the auditory receptor system and the sensitive period for priming for audiogenic seizure in mice., C Chen and G R. Gates
Immunity to sporozoite-induced malaria infection in mice. I. The effect of immunization of t and b cell-deficient mice., D H. Chen, R E. Tigelaar, and F I. Weinbaum
Some effects of thymocyte-stimulating factor., D Chen and G D. Sabato
Influence of caloric restriction on lifespan, tumor incidence, and the immune response in long-lived mice. Abstr., K E. Cheney, R K. Liu, G S. Smith, and R L. Walford
Effect of ionophores on intracellular ornithine decarboxylase activity. Abstr., K Y. Chen and D Kyriakides
Macromolecular inhibitory factor for lymphoid cells produced by mouse macrophages., P C. Chen, E Gaetjens, and J D. Broome
Identification of six mouse lymphocyte subpopulations by their binding of different bacteria. Abstr., W Chen and E P. Mayer
In vitro immunoregulatory effects of bacter@@@rial cell peptidoglycans. Abstr., Y U. Chen, S M. Shiigi, and R I. Mishell
The fetal alcohol syndrome in mice. An animal model., G F. Chernoff
The role of a host stimulator cell of bone marrov@@@w growth suckling mice. Abstr., R Chervenak and J W. Goodman
Further development of a successful protocol of graft versus leukemia without fatal graft-versus-host disease in akr mice., S J. Chester, A R. Esparza, L J. Flinton, J D. Simon, O J. Kelley, and M M. Albala
Age-associated structural alterations in senescent mouse brain dna., C J. Chetsanga, M Tuttle, A Jacoboni, and C Johnson
Detection of latent cytomegalovirus in murine salivary and prostate explant cultures and cells., K Cheung and D J. Lang
Transmission and activation of cytomegalovirus with blood transfusion. A mouse model., K Cheung and D J. Lang
Development of a hemolytic plaque assay for glutamic acid, lysine-containing polypeptides. Demonstration that non- responder mice produce antibodies to these peptides when conjugated to an immunogenic carrier., N K. Cheung, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Genetic control of the primary humoral response to glu56lys35- phe9., N K. Cheung, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Suppression (tolerance) in nonresponders to synthetic linear polypeptides containing l-glutamic acid and l-lysine. Abstr., N K. Cheung, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Metabolism of exogenous single stranded dna in normal and nzb/w mice., D Chia, C Dorsch, E V. Barnett, and L Levy
Kinetics of cellular and humoral responses in anaplastr@ ic@@, D S. Chi and N S. Harris
Relationship of surface immunoglobulin-bearing cells, plasma cells, and tumor development in anaplastic carcinoma-bearing a/j mice., D S. Chi and N S. Harris
Spontaneous clones of cytotoxic t cells in culture. I. Characteristics of the response., L M. Ching, J Marbrook, and K Z. Walker
Clones of cytotoxic lymphocytes in culture. The difference in specificity between stimulated and nonstimulated cytotoxic lymphocytes., L Ching, K Z. Walker, and J Marbrook
Spontaneous clones of cytotoxic t cells in culture. Iii. Discriminatory lysis of pairs of syngeneic blasts induced by different mitogens., L Ching, K Z. Walker, and J Marbrook
A spin label study of ethanol tolerance in biomembranes. Abstr., J H. Chin and D B. Goldstein
Drug tolerance in biomembranes. A spin label study of the effects of ethanol., J H. Chin and D B. Goldstein
Hapten-specific ige antibody responses in mice. Vii. Conversion of ige 'non-responder' strains to ige 'responders' by elimination of suppressor t cell activity., N Chiorazzi, D A. Fox, and D H. Katz
Hapten-specific ige antibody responses in mice. Viii. A possible new mechanism by which anti-lymphocyte serum enhances ige antibody synthesis in vivo., N Chiorazzi, A S. Tung, N Eshhar, and D H. Katz
Induction of a ragweed-specific allergic state in ir-gene- -restricted nonresponder mice., N Chiorazzi, A S. Tung, and D H. Katz
Antitumor action of interferon. Animal systems., M A. Chirigos
Specificity of immune response by cellular competitive inhibition. Limitations and advantages of the technique., S E. Chism, R C. Burton, D L. Grail, P M. Bell, D N. Warner, and R I. Of
Cross-resistance to protein synthesis inhibitors of an adriamycin-resistant subline of p388 leukemia. Abstr., M P. Chitnis and R K. Johnson
Multiple forms of skeletal muscle acetylcholinesterase from normal and dystrophic mouse (129/rej-dy). Abstr., R A. Chizzonite, J M. Laughlin, and H B. Bosmann
Beta-retinaic acid inhibits and reverses testosterone-induced hyperplasia in mouse prostate organ cultures., D P. Chopra and L J. Wilkoff
Induction of hyperplasia and anaplasia by carcinogens in organ cultures of mouse prostate., D P. Chopra and L J. Wilkoff
Reversal by vitamin a analogues (retinoids) of hyperplasia induced by n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine in mouse prostate organ cultures., D P. Chopra and L J. Wilkoff
The metabolism of pseudoisocytidine (pic) in p815 cells in vitro. Abstr., T Chou, C K. Chu, K A. Watanabe, M S. Zedeck, J J. Fox, and F S. Philips
Chemically induced i|@@@nsulitis and diabetes in mice -- a new m of insulin-dependent diabetes. Abstr., M Christy, H Kromann, K Mensberg, J Nerup, and J Egeberg
Chemically induced lymphocytic insulitis and diabetes in mice-- a new model of insulin-dependent diabetes. Abstr., M Christy, H Kromann, J Nerup, and J Egeberg
Cells reactive against normal and malignant hemopoietic cells in spleens of irradiated mice. Abstr., N C. Chromey
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in mouse mammary gland. In vitro study using mammary cell lines., A H. Chuang, E F. Howard, and E Bresnick
Inhibition of skin carcinogenesis by diethylmaleate and methionine sulfoximine. Abstr., A H. Chuang, H Mukhtar, and E Bresnick
Defect in differentiation from bfu-e to cfu-v@@@e during e fetal hepatic erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice. Abstr., D H. Chui, S K. Liao, and K Walker
Unequal alpha and beta globin mrna in reticulo`@@@cytes of normal mutant f/f fetal mice. Abstr., D H. Chui, M Patterson, and S T. Bayley
Hemoglobin synthesis in siderocytes of flexed-tailed mutant (f/f) fetal mice., D H. Chui, G D. Sweeney, M Patterson, and E S. Russell
Behavior of immature and middle-aged mice as a function of dietary protein., D A. Church, P J. Donovick, and R G. Burright
Combined effect of total body irradiation and corynebacterium parvum immunopotentiation on in vivo destruction of friend virus-induced leukemia in mice. Abstr., W T. Chu, J M. Slater, and B H. Lau
Antibody response to simian virus 40 tumor antigen in nude mice reconstituted with t cells., L Cicurel and C M. Croce
Somatic cell hybrids between mouse peritoneal macrophages and sv40-transformed human cells. Iii. Identification of surface antigens coded for by human chromosomes 7 and 17., L Cicurel and C M. Croce
Gangliosides of active and inactive neuroblastoma clones., treska J. Ciesielski, J Robert, G Rebel, and P Mandel
Immunosuppression by murine lyz@@@mphoma fbl-3 cells. An abso requirement for cell to cell contact. Abstr., R Cimprich, S Specter, and H Friedman