Submissions from 1977
Calcium metabolism in ehrlich asictes tumour cells., A Cittadini, D Bossi, G Rosi, F Wolf, and T Terranova
Aberrant body temperature regulation in obese yellow (ay/a) mice., G R. Cizadlo, N H. Granholm, and R C. Wagers
B lymphocyte colony-forming cells in the sjl/j mouse thymus., M H. Claesson and D Metcalf
Suppressor cells in tolerance to contact sensitivity active against hapten-syngeneic and hapten-allogeneic determinants., H N. Claman, S D. Miller, and M Sy
Temporal advancement of diethylnitrosamine carcinogenesis in aging mice. Abstr., N K. Clapp, W C. Klima, and L H. Cacheiro
Interactions of butylated hydroxytoluene and diethylnitro- samine in modifying radiation-induced lifeshortening and tumorigenesis. Abstr., N K. Clapp, L C. Satterfield, and W C. Klima
Effect of pretreatment with aqueous hgg (hggaq) and cyclophosphamide (cy) on development of delayed hypersensitivity (dhs) to aggregated hgg (ahgg). Abstr., C Clark and M M. Azar
Resistance of h-2 heterozygous mice to parental tumors. II. Characterization of hh-1-controlled hybrid resistance to syngeneic fibrosarcomas and the el-4 lymphoma., E A. Clark, R C. Harmon, and L S. Wicker
Genetics of graft-versus-host reactions. I. Production of splenomegaly and mortality in mice disparate at h-2i subregions., E A. Clark and W H. Hildemann
Studies on the mechanism of antibody-dependent polymorphonuclear leukocyte-mediated cytotoxicity., R A. Clark and S J. Klebanoff
Homeostatic control of antibody synthesis. Abstr., R E. Click and N E. Sladek
Organ interactions in the regulation of hematopoiesis. In vitro interactions of bone, thymus, and spleen with bone marrow stem cells in normal sl/sld and w/wv mice., M J. Cline, C L. Fevre, and D W. Golde
Mutagenicity studies on chemical carcinogens. Abstr., D Clive
Evidence for chemically-induced structural gene mutations at the thymidine kinase locus in cultured l5178y mouse lymphoma cells., D Clive and P Voytek
Immunofluorescent analysis of expression of the rna tumor virus major glycoprotein, gp71, on surfaces of virus- -producing murine and other mammalian species cell lines., M W. Cloyd, D P. Bolognesi, and D D. Bigner
Immunofluorescent analysis of expression of the rna tumor virus major glycoprotein, gp71, on the surfaces of normal murine cells., M W. Cloyd, D P. Bolognesi, and D D. Bigner
Growth of human melanoma in nude mice. Suppression by t-lymphocytes from the tumor donor. Brief communication., A S. Coates and M Crawford
Multiple classes of opiate receptors in c57bl/6j and dba/2j mouse brain. Abstr., E E. Codd, C D. King, and M L. Byrne
A new glycoprotein possibly involved in antigen masking at the surface of a murine carcinoma ascites cell. Abstr., J F. Codington, A G. Cooper, D K. Miller, and R W. Jeanloz
The class of surface immunoglobulin on virgin and memory b lymphocytes., R L. Coffman and M Cohn
The specific antigen-binding cell populations of individual fetal mouse spleens. Repertoire composition, size, and genetic control., J E. Cohen, P D'eustachio, and G M. Edelman
Inhibition of tumor cell migration in vitro. Abstr., M C. Cohen, S Cohen, and T Yoshida
Abnormal polyclonal b cell activation in nzb/nzwf1 mice., P L. Cohen and M Ziff
In vitro antibody responses of nzb/nzw f1 hybrid mice to (tnp-aecm-ficoll), a thymus-independent antigen. Abstr., P L. Cohen and M Ziff
High sensitivity to androgen as a factor contributing to poor imt@@@mune performance in males. Ab, D A. Cohn
Sensitivity to androgen as a factor in sex differences and the immune response. Abstr., D A. Cohn and G Schiffman
Requirements for induction of secondary virus-specific cytotoxic t cells (ctc) in vitro. Abstr., G A. Cole and A J. Hapel
Genetic control of glucokinase activity in mice., D L. Coleman
Plasma corticosterone concentrations in diabetic (db) mice., D L. Coleman and D L. Burkart
Fibroblasts and liver cells stimulated for growth., J G. Collard; A D. Wildt; meulemans E. Oomen; J Smeekens; D P. Emmelot; and S I. Lymphocytes,
Studies on combined radiotherapy and immunotherapy using pyran copolymer on experimental tumors. Abstr., A L. Collins and C W. Song
Specificity and distribution of the determinants of the major glycoprotein (gp71) of murine oncornaviruses as detected by an in vitro cytotoxicity assay., J J. Collins, L D. Bolio, T P. Denny, and D P. Bolognesi
Genotype and test experience as determinants of sensitivity and tolerance to morphine. Abstr., R L. Collins, G P. Horowitz, and D H. Passe
Metabolically labeled cell membrane proteins in spontaneously and in sv40 virus transformed mouse fibroblasts., J M. Coll, S W. Luborsky, and P T. Mora
Time-lapse cinematography studies of cell cyle and mitosis duration., d'hooghe M. Collyn, A Valleron, and E P. Malaise
Natural anti-tumor serum reactivity in balb/c mice. II. Control by regulator t-cells., M I. Colnaghi, S Menard, and G D. Porta
Antigen fluctuation and virus activation in el 4 cells transplanted in hybrid mice or cultured in vitro., M I. Colnaghi, M A. Pierotti, G D. Torre, and S Miotti
Reactivity of anti-hla sera against mouse lymphocytes., J Colombani, M Colombani, L Degos, C S. David, and D C. Shreffler
Mice. Evidence that late progressing and early regressing tumors are controlled by different genes., A Colombatti, bianchi L. Chieco, A D. Rossi, E D'andrea, D D. Collavo, and C O. Akr
Leukemogenesis in mice by 3-methylcholanthrene (mca) and by x-irradiation. Association of irradiation leukemia with induction of endogeneous ecotropic murine leukemia virus. Abstr., C Comas, A Mayer, A Bosch, and reynals M. Duran
Analysis of detergent-extracted membrane immunoglobulins of t and b lymphocytes by ultracentrifugation and column chromato- graphy., R E. Cone, D Hoessli, and R W. Rosenstein
Mouse aggression and the intruder-familiarity effect. Evidence for multiple-factor determination., J L. Connor and P G. Lynds
The inhibitory effects of a 4-hydroxypentenal. Cysteine adduct against sarcoma 180 cells in mice., P J. Conroy, J T. Nodes, T F. Slater, and G W. White
Acetylcholinesterase, carbonic anhydrase and catalase activity in friend erythroleukemic cells, non-erythroid mouse cell lines and their somatic hybrids., J F. Conscience, R A. Miller, J Henry, and F H. Ruddle
Functional striated muscle cells from non-myoblast precursors following 5-azacytidine treatment., P G. Constantinides, P A. Jones, and W Gevers
Evidence that intracellular and secreted light chains of a mouse igg2a plasmacytoma are monomers carrying a free thiol group., A Cooke and A Feinstein
Characterization of a haemagglutinating factor produced by mouse spleen and lymph node in culture., A Cooke and P R. Hutchings
Hyper-responsiveness in nzb mice to the experimental induction of anti-red cell autoantibody., A Cooke and J H. Playfair
Evaluation of effector cells mediating the antitumor action of glucan., J A. Cook, D Taylor, C Cohen, E O. Hoffman, J Rodrigue, V Malshet, and N R. Luzio
Detection of cell-mediated immunity in vitro in female mice that are unable to reject a primary male graft. Abstr., T A. Coons and E H. Goldberg
Isolation and characterization of the fc receptors of the murine leukemia l1210. Abstr., S M. Cooper and Y Sambray
Experimental mucormycosis in congenitally athymic (nude) mice., M J. Corbel and S M. Eades
The influence of thyroid hormone on glucose homeostasis in normal and genetically obese rodents. Abstr., B E. Corkey, A C. Swindell, J L. Pettini, and D A. Mayhew
Cellular immunotherapy of post-thymectomy spontaneous lymphomas. Abstr., E A. Cornelius
Three kinds of aggressive behavior in laboratory mice. Abstr., P A. Corning, S Kessler, and R Kakihana
Lymphocyte specificity to protein antigens. I. Characterization of the antigen-induced in vitro t cell-dependent proliferative response with lymph node cells from primed mice., G Corradin, H M. Etlinger, and J M. Chiller
Radiosensitization on transplantable murine chondrosarcoma. Abstr., J Correa, G A. Infante, P Plata, M Hernandez, L Torres, and D Cruz
Ctive enhancement of donor-strain skin in mice bearing h-2d-incompatible heart allografts., R J. Corry and S E. Kelley
Suppressor cells and loss of b-cell potential in mice infected with trypanosoma brucei., A C. Corsini, C Clayton, B A. Askonas, and B M. Ogilvie
A very large repeating unit of mouse dna containing the 18s, 28s and 5.8s Rrna genes., S Cory and J M. Adams
Induction and characterization of "autologous" anti-idiotypic antibodies., H Cosenza, A Augustin, and M H. Julius
Idiotypes as variable region markers. Analogies between receptors on phosphorylcholine-specific t and b lymphocytes., H Cosenza, M H. Julius, and A A. Augustin
Prolactin receptors in mammary tumors of gr mice., M E. Costlow, M Sluyser, and P E. Gallagher
An adenylate cyclase of brain reflects propensity for breast cancer in mice., G C. Cotzias and L C. Tang
Development of responsiveness and incidence of bispecific cells as revealed by in vitro assessment of the maturation of mouse bone marrow cells., J Couderc, J L. Birrien, C Bleux, and P Liacopoulos
Embryologic development of a mouse sympathetic ganglion in vivo and in vitro., M D. Coughlin, D M. Boyer, and I B. Black
Genetic defect in responsiveness to the b cell mitogen lipopolysaccharide., A Coutinho, L Forni, F Melchers, and T Watanabe
Relation to in vitro filtration by macrophages., C Cowing, D Harris, C Garabedian, M Lukic, D S. Leskowitz, and L T. willits
Development of obesity in diabetic mice pair-fed with lean siblings., J E. Cox and T L. Powley
Studies of the antigenicity and immunogenicity of bromelain- -pretreated red blood cells., K O. Cox, H Baddams, and A Evans
Studies on immune responses to parasite antigens in mice. Vii. Cells secreting antibodies to modified mouse erythrocytes in babesia rodhaini-infected mice., K O. Cox, R J. Howard, and G F. Mitchell
Disappearance of igg2b autoantibodies associated with recovery from anaemia., K O. Cox and L Y. Koh
Cdr reversal of temperature-dependent growth inhibition by iudr. Abstr., J W. Cramer and G Cramer
Cellular immunity to the mammary tumour virus in mice bearing primary mammary tumours., P Creemers and P Bentvelzen
The role of t and suppressor cells in mtv-directed cellular immunity., P Creemers and P Bentvelzen
Inhibition of leukocytopoesis by 2-fluorohistidine in p388 murine leukemia. Abstr., C R. Creveling, L A. Cohen, B Highman, and K L. Kirk
Effect of coconut milk on the development of reticulum cell sarcoma in sjl/j mice. Abstr., C G. Crispens and D D. Jones
Suppression of production of mouse 28s ribosomal rna in mouse-human hybrids segregating mouse chromosomes., C M. Croce, A Talavera, C Basilico, and O J. Miller
Poly(a)-containing rna in neuroblastoma. Immature and differentiated cells in culture., B Croizat, F Berthelot, A Felsani, and F Gros
Immunopathogenicity and oncogenicity of murine leukemia virus. Iii. Quantitation of spontaneous virus expression., B P. Croker, P J. Conahey, E D. Murphy, and F J. Dixon
Thymidine suicide studies on hematop\@@@oietic stem cells in a irradiated mice. Abstr., D A. Crouse, E J. Ainsworth, and J S. Hulesch
Combined adriamycin and cyclophosphamide or omf-59 (nsc-69945) on far-advanced l1210 leukemia. Abstr., P G. Cruze and T L. Avery
Effects of drugs on far-advanced l1210 leukemia. Abstr., P G. Cruze and T L. Avery
Effect of dietary vitamin e and aging on tissue lipofuscin pigment concentration in mice., A S. Csallany, K L. Ayaz, and L Su
Abrogation of resistance to foreign bone marrow grafts by carrageenans. I. Studies with the anti-macrophage agent seakem carrageenan., G Cudkowicz and Y P. Yung
The role of the ia subregion in the restimulation of lymphocyh@@@tes primed in vivo. Abs, V Cukrova and M Rychlikova
Lymphotoxic effect of cyclophosphamide in therapy of ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice., F Culo, N Allegretti, and M Marusic
Effects of 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno) imidazole-4-carboxamide [nsc 45388, dtic] on neuroblastoma cells in culture., B Culver, S K. Sahu, A Vernadakis, and K N. Prasad
Role of the epithelial-stromal interaction during the development and expression of ovary-independent vaginal hyperplasia., G R. Cunha, B Lung, and K Kato
Biochemical basis of fat cell insulin resistance in obese rodents and man., M P. Czech, D K. Richardson, and C J. Smith
Intracellular deposition of mediators capable of producing hyperthermia. Abstr., G H. Czerlinski, D D. Martin, D Schwartz, and D G. Scarpelli
Total, bound and free methotrexate (mtx) in tissues of mice treated with mtx with and without folate analogues. Abstr., M Da costa, S P. Rothenberg, and M P. Iqbal
The purification and properties of two low-molecular-weight proteins required for the initiation of translation in ascites tumour cells., H M. Dahl, E Truelsen, and G E. Blair
Separation of cells with different histocompatibility (h-2) antigens by passage through cellular immunoadsorbent columns., T Dalianis and E A. Klein
Ultrastructural localization of membrane phosphatases in teratocarcinoma and early embryos., I Damjanov, L S. Cutler, and D Solter
Lipid a enhancement of liposomal model membrane immunogenicity., G F. Dancey, T Yasuda, and S C. Kinsky
Cancer chemotherapy with 5'-phosphordiamidates of 5-fluoro-2'- -deoxyuridine. Abstr., P V. Danenberg and P W. Woodman
Growth properties of tumor cells spontaneously released from primary mammary adenocarcinoma cultures. Abstr., K Danielson and H L. Hosick
Suppression of ige immune response in vitro by the hapten. Abstr., P J. Danneman