
Submissions from 1979

The gaucher mouse: additional biochemical alterations., M C. Stephens, A Bernatsky, G Legler, and J N. Kanfer

Rna synthesis in mouse spleen cells as a probe of antibody mediated cytotoxicity., T J. Stephens and C M. Warner

Ia-bearing bone marrow-cultured macrophages induce antigen- -specific helper t cells for antibody synthesis., A C. Stern, P Erb, and R H. Gisler

Reconstitution of catecholamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase. Reconstitution of the uncoupled variant of the s49 lymphoma cell., P C. Sternweis and A G. Gilman

The reversible thiol-disulphide exchange of trypsin and chymotry- psinogen with a tumour-derived inhibitor. Kinetic data obtained with fluorescein-labelled polymeric collagen fibrils and casein as substrates., F S. Steven and V Podrazky

Physicochemical differences between glucocorticoid-binding components from the corticoid-sensitive and -resistant strains of mouse lymphoma p1798., J Stevens and Y Stevens

Antitumour activity , biomimetic oxidation and metabolism of heteroalicyclic triazenes., M F. Stevens, A Gescher, and C P. Turnbull

Alteration of macrophage function in mice with transplantable tumors: evidence for virus-induced changes. Abstr., M M. Stevenson, M S. Meltzer, and G Steinberg

Alpha-fetoprotein in tumor-bearing mice assayed by particle agglutination inhibition., R W. Stevens and G J. Mizejewski

Combination chemotherapy of leukemia l1210 with platinum compounds and vitamins., D P. Stewart, R J. Speer, H J. Ridgway, and J M. Hill

Immunocytochemical distribution of mouse mammary tumor virus antigens in balb/cfc3h mammary epithelium., J A. St George, R D. Cardiff, and L J. Faulkin

Dual control of cell growth by somatomedins and platelet- -derived growth factor., C D. Stiles, G T. Capone, C D. Scher, H N. Antoniades, J J. Wyk, and W J. Pledger

The antitumor effect of syngeneic fetal liver cells and bone marrow cells in tumor-bearing mice., G Stinner

The correlation between serum levels of csa and tumor graft rejection in animal tumor models (atm) given syngeneic hemo- poietic cell transfusion (hct). Abstr., G Stinner

Macrophage activation and increased resistance to infection in immunosuppressed mice treated with corynebacterium parvum vaccine or pyran copolymer., J D. Stinnett, M J. Morris, and J W. Alexander

Methods for binding cells to plastic: application to a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for cell-surface antigens., J W. Stocker and C H. Heusser

G(aksl2): a new cell surface antigen of the mouse related to the dualtropic mink cell focus-inducing class of murine leukemia virus detected by naturally occuring antibody., E Stockert, A B. Deleo, P V. O'donnell, Y Obata, and L J. Old

On the feedback regulation of humoral immune response. I. Evidence for 'b suppressor cells'., B Stockinger, U Botzenhardt, and E Lemmel

The immune response of mice to bacterial antigens given by mouth., C R. Stokes, T J. Newby, J H. Huntley, D Patel, and F J. Bourne

Prevention of 5-fluorouracil (5-fu)-induced leukopenia with enhancement of antitumor activity. Abstr., R L. Stolfi, S Spiegelman, and D S. Martin

The amino acid sequence of dihydrofolate reductase from the mouse lymphoma l1210., D Stone, S J. Paterson, J H. Raper, and A W. Phillips

Effect of host immune capability on radiocurability and subsequent transplantability of a murine fibrosarcoma., H B. Stone, L J. Peters, and L Milas

Monoclonal mouse antibodies as probes for antigenic poly- morphism in murine leukemia viruses., M R. Stone, M E. Lostrom, M R. Tam, and R C. Nowinski

Synthesis of glycosphingolipids in mouse glial tumors., A C. Stoolmiller, G Dawson, S F. Kemp, and M Schachner

Life shortening in rfm and balb/c mice as a function of radia- tion quality, dose, and dose rate., J B. Storer, L J. Serrano, E B. Darden, and R L. Ullrich

Specificity of h-2-linked ir gene control in mice: recognition of the core structure a--l in defined sequence analogues of (t,g)-a--l., H Stotter, A Imm, delius M. Meyer, and E Rude

Effects of adriamycin and cyclophosphamide treatment on induction of macrophage cytotoxic funciton in mice., J N. Stoychkov, R M. Schultz, M A. Chirigos, N A. Pavlidis, and A Goldin

Fasting and refeeding., J J. Stragand, P G. Braunschweiger, A A. Pollice, D L. Schiffer, and I A. Following

(lovo) Grown in athymic mice. Abstr., J J. Stragand, R C. Hickey, J Bergerat, J Hokanson, D B. Drewinko, and I P. Adenocarcinoma

Immunosuppression in murine malaria. Iii. Induction of tolerance and immunological memory by soluble bovine serum albumin., mcbride J. Strambachova and H S. Micklem

Ultrastructural features of the neuromuscular spindle in the dystrophic mouse. Abstr., S D. Stranock

Cholecystokinin in the brains of obese and nonobese mice., E Straus and R S. Yalow

An interpretation of the apparent dual specificity of some murine myeloma immunoglobulins with inulin-binding activity., D G. Streefkerk, B N. Manjula, and C P. Glaudemans

The effect of dichloralphenazone pretreatment on parace- tamol hepatotoxicity in mice., A J. Streeter and J A. Timbrell

Neonatal tolerance: towards an immunogenetic definition of self., J W. Streilein

Neonatal tolerance to k and d region alloantigens of h-2 complex: i-j region requirements., J W. Streilein and J Klein

Corneal allografts fail to express ia antigens., J W. Streilein, G B. Toews, and P R. Bergstresser

Biochemical studies in dystrophic mouse muscle., K P. Strickland, A J. Hudson, and J H. Thakar

Role of marrow-derived monocytes and mesangial cells in removal of immune complexes from renal glomeruli., G E. Striker, M Mannik, and M Y. Tung

Prostaglandin d2 controls pulmonary metastasis of malignant melanoma cells., D A. Stringfellow and F A. Fitzpatrick

Membrane-bound enzyme activities and membrane fluidity as a function of the proliferative state of normal and chemically transformed c3h 101/2 cl8 cells. Abstr., stevens J. Strobel, J A. Monti, J W. Reid, and A M. Sarrif

Immunobiology of a spontaneous murine b cell leukemia (bcl1)., S Strober, E S. Gronowicz, M R. Knapp, S Slavin, E S. Vitetta, R A. Warnke, B Kotzin, and J Schroder

Transplantation tolerance after total lymphoid irradiation., S Strober, S Slavin, Z Fuks, H S. Kaplan, M Gottlieb, Bieber, R T. Hoppe, and F C. Grumet

Allograft tolerance after total lymphoid irradiaion (tli)., S Strober, S Slavin, M Gottlieb, bar I. Zan, D P. King, T. Hoppe, Z Fuks, F C. Grumet, and H S. Kaplan

Abnormal feeding and postprandial behavioral responses to food deprivation in genetically obese mice (c57bl/6j-ob/ob)., A J. Strohmayer and G P. Smith

Combination chemotherapy with cyclphosphamide (cpa) and phosphoramide mustard (pm). Abstr., R Struck, W R. Laster, and J A. Montgomery

Adverse effects of nutritional deprivation on transplanted hematopoietic cells., R K. Stuart and L L. Sensenbrenner

Chemical carcinogenesis in nude mice. Comparison between nude mice from homozygous matings and heterozygous matings and effect of age and carcinogen dose., O Stutman

Postthymic precursor cells give rise to both lyt-1 and lyt-23 subsets of t cells., O Stutman and F Shen

Suppressor t cells specific for mammary tumor virus antigens act on helper but not on cytotoxic t cells. Abstr., O Stutman and F Shen

Effector functions of macrophages in humoral immunity., S K. Stylianos and P F. Halloran

T and b lymphocyte populations of tumor-bearing mice treated with 1,3-bis(chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (bcnu) or pyran., W A. Stylos, M A. Chirigos, C R. Lengel, and P J. Lyng

Lyb-7, a new b cell alloantigen controlled by genes linked to the igch locus., B Subbarao, A Ahmed, W E. Paul, I Scher, R Lieberman, and D E. Mosier

Role of a nonimmunoglobulin cell surface determinant in the activation of b lymphocytes by thymus-independent antigens., B Subbarao, D E. Mosier, A Ahmed, J J. Mond, I Scher, and W E. Paul

Enzyme immunoassay of specific immunoglobulins to semliki forest virus in infected nude (athymic) mice., A J. Suckling, S Jagelman, and H E. Webb

Defect in 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate formation in brachymorphic mice., K Sugahara and N B. Schwartz

Enhancing alloantibody effective during sensitization but not effector phase of skin graft rejection., P H. Sugarbaker and A E. Chang

Uncovered skin grafts in mice., P H. Sugarbaker and A E. Chang

Binding constants of nzb myeloma antidextrans for dextrans and isomaltose oligosaccharides determined by affinity electrophoresis., S Sugii, K Takeo, and E A. Kabat

Blastogenic response of spleen cells from c1300 neuroblastoma- bearing mice to tumor cells or soluble and insoluble tumor antigens., T Sugimoto, T Sawada, M Tozawa, and T Kishida

The adjuvant activity of synthetic n-acetylmuramyl-dipep- tide: evidence of initial target cells for the adjuvant activity., K Sugimura, M Uemiya, I Saiki, and Y Yamamura

Induction of differentiation of rauscher virus-induced mouse myeloid leukemia cells with a factor(s) in ascitic fluid and inhibitors of nucleic acid and protein syntheses., K Sugiyama, M Hozumi, and J Okabe

Differentiation-associated changes in membrane proteins of mouse myeloid leukemia cells., K Sugiyama, M Tomida, and M Hozumi

Mode of redifferentiation and melanogenesis of melanocytes in mouse hair follicles. An ultrastructural and cytochemical study., S Sugiyama

Continuous distribution of quantitative antibody responses to strain c3000 escherichia coli in inbred mice., N N. Suh and A Ebringer

Inhibition of endogenous murine retrovirus induction by l-beta-3, 4-dihydroxphenylalanine (l-dopa) methyl ester. Abstr., W A. Suk and C W. Long

Igg-binding sites on macrophage cell membrane. II. Mobility of fc receptors induced by the interaction with their corresponding igg ligands., A Sulica, M Gherman, C Medesan, V Ghetie, and J Sjoquist

Igg-binding sites on macrophage cell membrane. I. Identification of two distincct fc receptors on mouse peritoneal macrophages., A Sulica, M Gherman, C Medesan, J Sjoquist, and V Ghetie

Effect of protein a of staphylococcus aureus on the binding of monomeric and polymeric igg to fc receptor- -bearing cells., A Sulica, C Medesan, M Laky, D Onica, and V Ghetie

Phenytoin (dilantin)-induced cleft lip and palate in a/j mice: a scanning and transmission electron microscopic study., K K. Sulik, M C. Johnston, L J. Ambrose, and D Dorgan

Disposition and metabolism of bruceantin in the mouse. Abstr., W J. Suling, C W. Woolley, and W M. Shannon

The qa-2 antigen on lymphocyte subpopulations. Mixed lympho- cyte culture and cell-mediated lympholysis., K A. Sullivan and L Flaherty

A new h-2 recombinant strain, b6.ak1-h-2oz1: Skin graft and mlc experiments., K Sullivan and L Flaherty

Effects of donor age on neoplastic transformation of adult mouse bladder epithelium in vitro., I C. Summerhayes and L M. Franks

Metabolism of arachidonoyl phosphoglycerides in mouse brain subcellular fraction., G Y. Sun and K L. Su

Large bowel of the mouse., J P. Sunter, D R. Appleton, M S. Rodriguez, N A. Wright, D A. Watson, and A O. The

Folate uptake in l1210 cells: mediation by an adenine transport system., M R. Suresh, G B. Henderson, and F M. Huennekens

Folate uptake in l1210 cells: mediation via an adenine-transport system. Abstr., M R. Suresh, G B. Henderson, and F M. Huennekens

A genetic study of luteinizing hormone levels and induced luteinizing hormone release in male mice., D L. Sustarsic and H G. Wolfe

Heterotransplantation of human stomach carcinoma in nude mice., K Suzuki and K Sudo

Antigen-presenting cells., K Suzuki, C G. Tomasi, N. Antigen, and E L. For

Lung colony formation: a selective cloning process for lung-colony-forming ability., N Suzuki and H R. Withers

Experimental murine amyloidosis -- evaluation of induction methods and strain difference., T Suzuki, S Ishikawa, T Motoyama, and S Oboshi

Suppression and acceleration of experimental amyloidosis in mouse model., T Suzuki, S Ishikawa, T Motoyama, and S Oboshi

Hyperprolactinemia suppresses copulatory behavior in male rats and mice., B Svare, A Bartke, P Doherty, I Mason, S D. Michael, and M S. Smith

Genetic control of the spontaneous hypertension in the nzb/cr strain of mice., U G. Svendsen, C M. Koch, and B Rubin

Ly phenotypes and mhc recognition: the allohelper that rec- ognizes k or d ia a mature ly123 cell., S L. Swain, A Bakke, M English, and R W. Dutton

Helper cells activated by allogeneic h-2k or h-2d differences have a ly phenotype distinct from those responsive to i differences., S L. Swain and P R. Panfili

Frequency of allogeneic helper t cells responding to whole h-2 differences and to an h-2k difference alone., S L. Swain, P R. Panfili, R W. Dutton, and I Lefkovits

Chromosomal assignment of the mouse kappa light chain genes., D Swan, L Leinwand, J Seidman, and F H. Ruddle

Multiangle light-scattering analysis of murine teratocarcinoma cells., D E. Swartzendruber, B J. Price, and L B. Rall

Concanavalin a binding in fetal mouse cerebellum. Abstr., J R. Swarz

Growth of pancreatic islets of normal mice after transplant- ation into obese-hyperglycemic littermates. Abstr., I Swenne, L Reibring, B Petersson, and A Andersson

Synthesis of 1-(hydroxyethyl)-1-nitrosourea and comparison of its carcinogenicity with that of 1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea., D H. Swenson, J V. Frei, and P D. Lawley

Functional analysis of t cells expressing ia antigens. I. Demonstration of helper t-cell heterogeneity., J E. Swierkosz, P Marrack, and J W. Kappler

The role of h-2-linked genes in helper t cell function. V. I-region control of helper t cell interaction with antigen- presenting macrophages., J E. Swierkosz, P Marrack, and J W. Kappler

Characterization of benzodiazepine binding sites in cultured cells of neural origin., P J. Syapin and P Skolnick

Activities of organ characteristic enzymes and noradrenaline and glycogen contents in the albert hepatom9 of c57bl mice., G Sydow

Antigen- and receptor-driven regulatory mechanisms. II. In- duction of suppressor t cells with idiotype-coupled syngeneic spleen cells., M Sy, B A. Bach, A Brown, A Nisonoff, B Benacerraf, and M I. Greene

Antigen- and receptor-driven regulatory mechanisms. I. In- duction of suppressor t cells with anti-idiotypic antibodies., M Sy, B A. Bach, Y Dohi, A N. Onoff, A Benacerraf, and M I. Greene