
Submissions from 1983

Expression and induction in vitro of macrophage differentiation antigens on murine cell lines., P Ralph, M Ho, P B. Litcofsky, and T A. Springer

Study of the specificity of alpha-tocopheryl (vitamin e) acid succinate effects on melanoma, glioma, and neuroblastoma cells in culture., B N. Rama and K N. Prasad

Evaluation of ia+ tumor cell lines and peritoneal exudate macrophages as accessory cells: differential requirements for the activation of certain t cell functions., G Ramila, S Studer, S Mischler, and P Erb

Plasma membrane lipid structural order in doxorubicin-sensitive and -resistant p388 cells., A Ramu, D Glaubiger, I T. Magrath, and A Joshi

Arachidonic acid metabolism in the murine eosinophil. Iii. Effect of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs on lymphokine- -directed eosinophil migration in vivo., T H. Rand, J A. Clanton, and D G. Colley

Macrophage-like cell lines., A Rao, S J. Faas, L J. Miller, P S. Riback, and D H. Cantor

Function and specificity for major histocompatibility complex products., A W. Rao, J Allard, P G. Hogan, R S. Rosenson, N H. Al, and C T. Both

Role of laminin receptor in tumor metastases. Abstr., C N. Rao, S H. Barsky, V P. Terranova, and L A. Liotta

Inducers of dna synthesis: levels higher in transformed cells than in normal cells., P N. Rao and prakash K. Satya

Of lung only or total-body irradiation with 60co., D S. Rappaport, D E. Niewoehner, T H. Kim, C W. Song, D S. Levitt, and O C. Irradiation

Kinetics of expression of infectious ecotropic, xenotropic, and mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus after 5-iododeoxyuridine induction of cells from high- and low- -leukemia mouse strains., U R. Rapp

Genome structure of mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus in epithelial mink lung cells transformed in vitro by iododeoxyuridine-induced c3h/mulv cells., U R. Rapp, E Birkenmeir, T I. Bonner, M A. Gonda, and M Gunnell

Discrepancies between patterns of potentially lethal damage repair in the rif-1 tumor system in vitro and in vivo., J S. Rasey and N J. Nelson

Potassium channel distribution in spinal root axons of dystrophic mice., M Rasminsky

Fractionation of untreated and inflammatory murine peritoneal macrophages on discontinuous percoll density gradients., S Rasmussen, J M. Rhodes, J Bennedsen, and S O. Larsen

Leukemia virus isolated from radiation-induced thymomas of c57bl/6 mice., E Rassart, mistry P. Sankar, G Lemay, L Desgroseillers, D P. Jolicoeur, and A O. Murine

Non-randon x-chromosome inactivation in mouse x-autosome translocation embryos--location of the inactivation centre., S Rastan

Imprinting of the mouse x-chromosome and the xce locus. Abstr., S Rastan and B M. Cattanach

2'-deoxycoformycin, An adenosine deaminase inhibitor, in the treatment of murine lymphomas: biochemical and immunological correlations. Abstr., H Ratech, J Thorbecke, and R Hirschhorn

Murine responses to louse infestation by polyplax serrata (anoplura). Abstr., R E. Ratzlaff, R J. Lynn, and S K. Wikel

Effect of polycyclic aromatic compounds and phorbol esters on ornithine decarboxylase and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activities in mouse liver., H Raunio and O Pelkonen

Inhibition of phorbol ester-mediated interleukin-2 production by cellular differentiating agnets., A Ravid, M Patya, A L. Rubin, K H. Stenzel, and A Novogrodsky

Secondary mortality in fully allogeneic radiation chimeras is not caused by a delayed graft-versus-host reaction (gvhr)., L S. Rayfield and L Brent

Modulation of the metastatic capability in b16 melanoma by cell shape., A Raz and ze'ev A. Ben

Ige-mediated release of leukotriene c4, chondroitin sulfate e proteoglycan, beta-hexosaminidase, and histamine from cultured bone marrow-derived mouse mast cells., E Razin, huerta J. Mencia, R L. Stevens, R A. Lewis, F Liu, E J. Corey, and K F. Austen

Altered cell surface antigen expression in bladder carcinoma detected by a new hemagglutinating monoclonal antibody., A Rearden, D A. Nachtsheim, D M. Frisman, P Chiu, O A. Elmajiam, and S M. Baird

The mechanism of cell mediated cytotoxicity. Iii. Protease-spec- ific inhibitors preferentially block later events in cytotoxic t lymphocyte-mediated lysis than do inhibitors of methylation or thiol-reactive agents., D Redelman and D Hudig

Sequence and expression of the mouse mammary tumour virus env gene., S M. Redmond and C Dickson

Spleen cell-mediated suppression of igg production to a non- -parasite antigen during chronic trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice., S G. Reed, S B. Roters, and E A. Goidl

Immune response to the p-azobenzenearsonate (aba)-gat conjugate. II. Hapten-specific t cells induced with aba-gat in gat responder x nonresponder f1 hybrids are restricted to the nonresponder haplotype., D Regnier and M Seman

Biological actions and interactions of tetrachloroethylene., D Reichert

In studies on the mechanism of anti-thy-1.1 Response., J S. Reichner, T J. Gorzynski, and M B. Zaleski

Hippocampal lesions render sjl/j mice susceptible to audiogenic seizures., H M. Reid, B D. Mamott, and K J. Bowler

Vaccination of adult and newborn c57bl/6j mice against challenge with mulv-induced leukemias. Abstr., A E. Reif

Vaccination against strontium-90-induced bone tumors., A E. Reif and W E. Triest

Host resistance of mice to naegleria fowleri infections., M F. Reilly, K L. White Jr., and S G. Bradley

Differentiation from precursors in athymic nude mouse bone marrow of unusual spontaneously cytolytic cells showing anti-self- -h-2 specificity and bearing t cell markers., J Reimann and R G. Miller

Generation of autoreactive cytotoxic t lymphocytes under limiting dilution conditions., J Reimann and R G. Miller

Monoclonal anti-fluorescyl antibodies. Abstr., D M. Reinitz, T S. Heterologous h, and L C. From

Enhancement of lewis lung carcinoma by the concomitant infection of the host with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2., gutfreund R. Reiss, V Dostal, and N R. Nowotny

High- and low-affinity binding of [3h]imipramine in mouse cerebral cortex., M E. Reith, H Sershen, D Allen, and A Lajtha

Inhibition of lymphocyte responses and complement activity by factors released "in vitro" and "in vivo" by p815 mastocytoma cells. Abstr., C M. Renk

Nucleotide sequence of the env-specific segment of nfs-th-1 xenotropic murine leukemia virus., R Repaske, R R. O'neill, A S. Khan, and M A. Martin

Analysis of alpha-spectrin in normal and dystrophic avian and mammalian skeletal muscle. Abstr., E A. Repasky and M Menold

Developmental effects of trimethyltin intoxication in the neo- natal mouse. I. Light microscopic studies., K R. Reuhl, E A. Smallridge, L W. Chang, and B A. Mackenzie

Maternal-infant transfer of influenza-specific immunity in the mouse., P D. Reuman, C M. Paganini, E M. Ayoub, and P A. Jr

The effect of short- and long-term exercise on aldolase activity in muscles of cw-1 and c57/bl mice of various ages., A Z. Reznick, thiessen E. Steinhagen, B Gellersen, and D Gershon

Modulation of il 2-dependent growth of mouse nk cells by interferon and t lymphocytes., C Riccardi, B M. Vose, and R B. Herberman

Activity of vinyl chloride monomer in the mouse micronucleus assay., C R. Richardson, J A. Styles, and I P. Bennett

Evaluation of some formaldehyde-release compounds and other biocides in the mouse micronucleus test., C R. Richardson, J A. Styles, and B Burlinson

Regulatory mechanisms in cell-mediated immune responses. Role of i-j and i-c determinants in the activation of h-2i and h-2k/d alloantigen-specific suppressor t cells., S Rich

Mouse pituitary tumor line secreting only the alpha-subunit of the glycoprotein hormones: development from a thyrotropic tumor., E C. Ridgway, J D. Kieffer, D S. Ross, M Downing, E Mover, and W W. Chin

The multiple molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in "motor end-plate disease" in the mouse (medj and med allelic forms): sensitivity of the 10 s form to partial or total loss of muscle activity., F Rieger, M L. Shelanski, and R L. Sidman

Purification of mouse interleukin 2 to apparent homogeneity., D Riendeau, D G. Harnish, R C. Bleackley, and V Paetkau

Identification of virus epitopes copurifying with tumor specific transplantation antigens. Abstr., L B. Riley, S J. Legrue, B D. Kahan, and N R. Pellis

B cell repertoire diversification precedes immunoglobulin receptor expression., R L. Riley, D E. Wylie, and N R. Klinman

Characteristics of the action of prolactin on [3h]-thymidine incorporation into dna in mammary gland explants from virgin mice., J A. Rillema and K A. Foley

Adult hemoglobins are synthesized in yolk sac microenvironment obtained from murine cultured blastocysts., M Ripoche and C A. Cudennec

Pepsin can be used to subculture viable mammary epithelial cells., M E. Riser, B C. Huff, and D Medina

In vitro effects of protease inhibitors on murine natural killer cell activity., S S. Ristow, J R. Starkey, and G M. Hass

Studies on the cellular nature of candida albicans-induced suppression., V Rivas and T J. Rogers

Direct action of interferon and inducers of interferon on tumor cells in athymic nude mice., Y Riviere and A G. Hovanessian

Enhancement of the response of ageing mouse lymphocytes by in vitro treatment with lecithin., B Rivnay, harel T. Orbital, M Shinitzky, and A Globerson

Immunobiological aspects of the nude mouse model relative to human cancer chemosensitivity tests., P Rivosecchi merletti, R Bianchi, B Nardelli, A M. Iorio, F Campanile, Migliorati, and E Bonmassar

Protein: absence of expression in brain of shiverer mutant mice., A Roach, K Boylan, S Horvath, S B. Prusiner, D L. Hood, and T O. Basic

Toxicologic and efficacy studies of asta z-7557: a sulfonatoethylthio cyclophosphamide derivative. Abstr., J D. Roberts, M P. Hacker, J J. Mccormack, M A. Fagan, I H. Krakoff, and R A. Newman

Oncogenic transformation of mouse balb/3t3 cells by plutonium-238 alpha particles., J B. Robertson, A Koehler, J George, and J B. Little

Ddifferential sensitivity of akr murine leukemia and normal bone marrow cells to hyperthermia., H I. Robins, R A. Steeves, A W. Clark, P A. Martin, E Miller, and W H. Dennis

Tumorigenicity and other properties of cells from ten continuous human esophageal carcinoma cell lines in nude mice., K M. Robinson and L Maistry

Enhanced suppressor macrophage activity associated with termination of the l5178y cell tumor-dormant state in dba/2 mice., M K. Robinson, G A. Truitt, T Okayasu, and E F. Wheelock

Dynamic aspects of beta2-microglobulin replacement on the surface of mouse lymphoma cells., P J. Robinson and L Graf

Extensive polymorphism surrounding the murine ia abeta chain gene., R R. Robinson, R N. Germain, D J. Mckean, S, and J G. Seidman

Biochemical characterization of growth induction by fetal urogenital sinus: a new mouse model for studying prostatic hyperplasia. Abstr., A Rocco, J Matsurra, M Runner, and L Chung

Population dynamics of t lymphocytes. Renewal rate and expansion in the peripheral lymphoid organs., B Rocha, A A. Freitas, and A A. Coutinho

Mhc-restricted t cell activation: analysis with t cell hybridomas., K L. Rock

The role of ia molecules in the activation of t lymphocytes. II. Ia-restricted recognition of allo k/d antigens is required for class i mhc-stimulated mixed lymphocyte responses., K L. Rock, M C. Barnes, R N. Germain, and B Benacerraf

The role of ia molecules in the activation of t lymphocytes. Iii. Antigen-specific, ia-restricted, interleukin 2-producing t cell hybridomas with detectable affinity for the restricting i-a molecule., K L. Rock and B Benacerraf

Effects of mitomycin c alone and in combination with x-rays on emt6 mouse mammary tumors in vivo., S Rockwell

Fluctuations in dna synthesis by mammary tissue from the pregnant hamster, rat and three strains of mice., B J. Rodgers and D W. Borst

Ultrastructural localization of viral antigens in the cns of mice persistently infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcmv)., M Rodriguez, M J. Buchmeier, and P W. Lampert

Neonatal infection with the daniels strain of theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus., M Rodriguez, J L. Liebowitz, H C. Powell, and P W. Lampert

Effect of monoclonal antibodies on gvhd in minor and mhc-incompatible mouse models., H Rodt, S Thierfelder, and U Kummer

Tumour control following single-dose irradiation of a human melanoma xenograft., E K. Rofstad and T Brustad

Intracellular ph and free calcium changes in single cells using quene 1 and quin 2 probes and fluorescence microscopy., J Rogers, T R. Hesketh, G A. Smith, M A. Beaven, J C. Metcalfe, P Johnson, and P B. Garland

Reduced synthesis of basement membrane heparan sulfate proteo- glycan in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice., D H. Rohrbach, C W. Wagner, V L. Star, G R. Martin, E S. Brown, and J Yoon

Mouse monoclonal antibodies to blood group active oligosaccharides isolated from human breast milk. Abstr., T Rohr, I Tribby, V E. Dube, and B Anderson

Production of mouse monoclonal antibodies to blood group active oligosaccharides. Abstr., T Rohr, I Tribby, V E. Dube, and B Anderson

Diseases caused by reactions of t lymphocytes to incompatible structures of the major histocompatibility complex. Vii. Immune-complex glomerulonephritis., A G. Rolink, H Gleichmann, and E Gleichmann

Allosuppressor and allohelper t cells in acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease. II. F1 recipients carrying mutations at h-2k and/or i-a., A G. Rolink, S T. Pals, and E Gleichmann

Effectiveness of selection for histocompatibility antigens considering differences of the parental pairs., L M. Romanov

Possibilities and improvements of in vitro drug testing assays. Abstr., K Roobol, H Sips, J Theunissen, A, and J Bernheim

Keratin gene expression in mouse epidermis and cultured epidermal cells., D R. Roop, nelson P. Hawley, C K. Cheng, and S H. Yuspa

A minor histocompatibility antigen., D C. Roopenian, M B. Widmer, C G. Orosz, D F. Bach, and C C. For

Response against single minor histocompatibility antigens. I. Functional and immunogenetic analysis of cloned cytolytic t cells., D C. Roopenian, M B. Widmer, C G. Orosz, and F H. Bach

Monoclonal antibodies directed against mammalian rna polymerase. I. Identification of the catalytic center., K M. Rose, K A. Maguire, J N. Wurpel, and E D. Marquez

Serotonin (5ht) uptake and content of cloned mouse mast cells and mouse peritoneal mast cells. Abstr., B R. Rosengard, I Hammel, J M. Goldin, A M. Dvorak, G Nabel, H Cantor, H F. Dvorak, and S J. Galli

T-cell regulation of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in the mouse., N R. Rose and Y M. Kong

Functional characterization of cloned ia+ monocytic tumor cells. Abstr., R S. Rosenson and C L. Reinisch

T-cell subpopulations mediating rejection of solid syngeneic tumors after systemic adoptive immunotherapy. Abstr., M Rosenstein, T J. Eberlein, and S A. Rosenberg

Spontaneous lymphomas of sjl/j mice: expression of h-2ds and the capacity to induce syngeneic lymphoproliferation. Abstr., E F. Rosloniec, J J. Jennings, K W. Beisel, A A. Giraldo, A. Genyea, and S P. Lerman