Submissions from 1984
Biochemical abnormalities in spinal cord myelin and cns homogenates in heterozygotes affected by the shiverer mutation., W Cammer, S Kahn, and T Zimmerman
Cell-free synthesis of myelin basic proteins in normal and dysmyelinating mutant mice., A T. Campagnoni, C W. Campagnoni, J Bourre, C Jacque, and N Baumann
Cell-cycle control of c-myc but not c-ras expression is lost following chemical transformation., J Campisi, H E. Gray, A B. Pardee, M Dean, and G E. Sonenshein
Benzo[a]pyrene in c57 and dba mice strains., A Camus, A Aitio, N Sabadie, J Wahrendorf, D H. Bartsch, and L A. Of
Hematoporphyrin derivative rescue from toxicity caused by chemotherapy or radiation in a murine leukemia model (l1210)., G Canti, P Franco, O Marelli, L Ricci, and A Nicolin
Abnormal antioxidant defence in some tissues of congenitally obese mice., I D. Capel and H M. Dorrell
Relationship between antigen density and immunotherapeutic response elicited by monoclonal antibodies against solid tumors., P M. Capone, L D. Papsidero, and T M. Chu
Preclinical changes in weight of scrapie-infected mice as a function of scrapie agent-mouse strain combination., R I. Carp, S M. Callahan, E A. Sersen, and R C. Moretz
Re-expression of hepatic functions in mouse hepatoma x rat hepatoma hybrids., D Cassio
Murine lupus nephritis: effects of cyclophosphamide on circulating and tissue bound immunoreactants., T Cavallo, K Graves, and N A. Granholm
Murine lupus nephritis. Effects of glucocorticoid on glomerular permeability., T Cavallo, K Graves, and N A. Granholm
Glucocorticoid inhibition of initiation of transcription of the dna encoding rrna (rdna) in lymphosarcoma p1798 cells., A H. Cavanaugh, P K. Gokal, R P. Lawther, and E A. Jr
Dichloroplatinum in malignant mesothelioma., A P. Chahinian, L Norton, J F. Holland, L Szrajer, D R. Hart, and M. Cisdiammine
Heterogeneity of epidermal cells detected by the presence of thy-1 antigen in athymic (nude) and normal balb/c mice., D A. Chambers, R L. Cohen, and M A. Heiss
Resistance to 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate-induced mitogen- esis in the nude mouse., D A. Chambers, R L. Cohen, J J. Sando, and G G. Krueger
Effect of cell density on intracellular adriamycin concentration and cytotoxicity in exponential and plateau phase emt6 cells., S H. Chambers, N M. Bleehen, and J V. Watson
Effects of 80sr on the production and maturation of small lymphocytes bearing surface immunoglobulin, fc, and complement receptors in mice., F P. Chan and B E. Ens
Immunologic memory to phosphocholine. IV. Hybridomas represen- tative of group i (t15-like) and group ii (non-t15-like) antibodies utilize distinct vh genes., S P. Chang, R M. Perlmutter, M Brown, C H. Heusser, E Hood, and M B. Rittenberg
Synergistic effect between neutrophils and corynebacterium parvum in the process of macrophage activation., S K. Chapes and S Haskill
An evaluation of the maternal natural killer cell population during the course of murine pregnancy., hasrouni S. Chatterjee, R Parhar, and P K. Lala
Listeriosis in beige mice and their heterozygous littermates., C Cheers and P Wood
T-cell mediated immunity in murine malaria. I. Induction of t-cell dependent proliferative responses to plasmodium chabaudi., A K. Chemtai, M Vaeck, casterman C. Hamers, R Hamers, and P D. Baetselier
Effects of kanamycin on cochlear nuclear evoked responses and behavioral responses in c57bl/6j mice., C Chen and J C. Saunders
Reacquisition of a functional early region by a mouse transformant containing only defective simian virus 40 dna., S Chen, G Blanck, and R Pollack
Differentiation antigens of hl-60 promyelocytes during induced maturation., J W. Chiao and C Y. Wang
Fv-1 host cell restriction of friend leukemia virus: micro- injection of unintegrated viral dna., J Chinsky, R Soeiro, and J Kopchick
Formation of multinucleated fibroblasts in the periodontal ligaments of old mice., M Cho and P R. Garant
Tumor selection in vivo for reduced sensitivity to natural resistance and natural antibodies., D A. Chow
Cytoplasmic malic enzyme and testicular steroidogenesis in mice., C Chubb and F I. Chasalow
Amino acid sequence of a phosphocholine-binding antibody from an immune defective cba/n mouse employing the t15 vh region associated with unusual dh, jh, and vk segments., S H. Clarke, J J. Kenny, D G. Sieckmann, and S Rudikoff
Evidence for gene conversion among immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region genes., S H. Clarke and S Rudikoff
A simple method for immune analysis of proteins following sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis., B M. Cleator, P E. Klapper, L M. Cropper, D Coupes, and M Longson
Messenger rnas coding for mouse major urinary proteins are differentially induced by testosterone., P M. Clissold, S Hainey, and J O. Bishop
Abortive ectromelia virus infection in peritoneal macrophages activated by corynebacterium parvum., D A. Cohen, R E. Morris, and H C. Bubel
Glucocorticoid activation of a calcium-dependent endonuclease in thymocyte nuclei leads to cell death., J J. Cohen and R C. Duke
Unusual acidic light chains in murine sle serum., P L. Cohen, R A. Eisenberg, and G B. Dermer
I-e/i-c region-associated induction of murine gamma interferon by a haplotype-restricted polyclonal t-cell mitogen derived from mycoplasma arthritidis., B C. Cole and R N. Thorpe
Effect of genetic background on the therapeutic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) in diabetes-obesity mutants and in aged normal mice., D L. Coleman, R W. Schwizer, and E H. Leiter
Suppressor cells induced by bcg release non-specific factors in vitro which inhibit dna synthesis and interleukin-2 production., V Colizzi, J Ferluga, F Garreau, M Malkovsky, and G L. Asherson
Defective regulation of erythrocyte autoantibodies in sjl mice., A Cooke and P Hutchings
Characterization of human transforming genes from chemically transformed, teratocarcinoma, and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines., C S. Cooper, D G. Blair, M K. Oskarsson, M A. Tainsky, O A. Eader, and G F. Woude
Identification of a cdna clone encoding a mature blood stage antigen of plasmodium falciparum by immunization of mice with bacterial lysates., R L. Coppel, G V. Brown, G F. Mitchell, R F, and E A. Kemp
Locus specificity of mutagenicity of 2,4,diaminotoluene in both l5178y mouse lymphoma and at3-2 chinese hamster ovary cells., W J. Coppinger, S A. Brennan, J H. Carver, and E D. Thompson
Inhibition of antigen-induced t-cell clone proliferation by antigen-specific antibodies., G Corradin and H D. Engers
Inhibition of the development of suppressor cells in culture by 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide., J W. Cowens, H Ozer, M J. Ehrke, W R. Greco, M Colvin, and E Mihich
Characteristics of rickettsia mooseri infection of normal and immune mice., A E. Crist, C L. Wisseman, J, and J R. Murphy
Characteristics of lymphoid cells that adoptively transfer immunity to rickettsia mooseri infection in mice., A E. Crist Jr., C L. Wisseman, and J R. Murphy
Expression of natural resistance gene lsh in resident liver macrophages., P R. Crocker, J M. Blackwell, and D J. Bradley
Inhibition of plaque-forming cells with anti-idiotope or hapten: variation due to hapten densitiy on indicator red cells., R Cronkhite, J Cerny, and C Delisi
Recruitment of cytotoxic cells by ectopic grafts of xenogeneic, but not allogeneic, trophoblast., B A. Croy, J Rossant, and D A. Clark
Isolation of plasma membrane, golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum fractions from single homogenates of mouse liver., E M. Croze and D J. Morre
The replicated diallel cross: a generalized method of analysis., W E. Crusio, J M. Kerbusch, and J H. Abeelen
Interspecies cross-reactivity of monoclonal antibodies to various epitopes of human plasminogen., H S. Cummings, V A. Ploplis, J M. Beals, and F J. Castellino
Allotype suppression in an adoptive transfer system in adult mice: the specificity and feedback effects of a monoclonal igg3 anti- -(igh-1b) allotype antibody., E M. Curling and D W. Dresser
Resistance to subcutaneous infection with mycobacterium lepraemurium is controlled by more than one gene., J Curtis and J L. Turk
A simple and inexpensive method for assessing in vitro candidacidal activity of leukocytes., J E. Cutler and B D. Thompson
Killing of listeria monocytogenes by inflammatory neutrophils and mononuclear phagocytes from immune and nonimmune mice., C J. Czuprynski, P M. Henson, and P A. Campbell
Natural resistance of lethally irradiated f1 hybrid mice to parental marrow grafts is a function of h-2/hh-restricted effectors., J P. Daley and I Nakamura
Mrc ox-19: a monoclonal antibody that labels rat t lymphocytes and augments in vitro proliferative responses., M J. Dallman, M L. Thomas, and J R. Green
The in vivo and in vitro glomerular deposition of isolated anti-double-stranded-dna antibodies in nzb/w mice., H Dang and R J. Harbeck
Functional expression of a mouse h-2kb gene isolated from non-expressing teratocarcinoma cells., vedele F. Daniel, D Morello, C Benicourt, C Transy, O L. Bail, F Plata, and P Kourilsky
Malaria vaccine antigen(s): detergent solubilization, partial iso- lation, and recovery of immunoprotective activity., L E. D'antonio, vilian H. Keshavarz, and N E. Alger
Compound 48/80 impairs cytokinesis in murine leukemic cells., Z Darzynkiewicz and S Carter
Influence of methimazole on murine thyroiditis. Evidence for immunosuppression in vivo., T F. Davies, I Weiss, and M A. Gerber
Studies of immune function and host resistance in b6c3f1 mice exposed to formaldehyde., J H. Dean, L D. Lauer, R V. House, M J. Murray, W S. Stillman, R D. Irons, W H. Steinhagen, M C. Phelps, and D O. Adams
Cellular origins and target cells of immunoregulatory factors in mice with disseminated histoplasmosis., G S. Deepe Jr., S R. Watson, and W E. Bullock
Polyclonal stimulation of resting b lymphocytes by antigen- -specific t lymphocytes., A L. Defranco, J D. Ashwell, R H. Schwartz, and W E. Paul
Macrophage-derived prostaglandin e modulation of the mixed- -lymphocyte reaction: an anomaly of increased production and decreased t-cell susceptibility during tumor growth., C J. Denbow, J M. Conroy, and K D. Elgert
Relationship between intercellular communication and radiosensitivity of human tumor xenografts., H Dertinger, M Guichard, and E P. Malaise
Differential susceptibility of inbred mouse strains forecast by acute colonic proliferative response to methylazoxymethanol., E E. Deschner, F C. Long, M Hakissian, and S H. Cupo
The alpha-globin pseudogene on mouse chromosome 17 is closely linked to h-2., P D'eustachio, B Fein, J Michaelson, and B A. Taylor
Suppression of tumor cell growth in vitro by a bone marrow factor., J E. Dittmer, S Oh, L Corwin, and M Bennett
Phosphorylation of ribosomal protein s6 at multiple sites by a cyclic amp-independent protein kinase from lymphoid cells., M J. Donahue and R A. Masaracchia
In vivo administration of purified jurkat-derived interleukin 2 in mice., J H. Donohue, M T. Lotze, R J. Robb, M Rosenstein, R M. Braziel, E S. Jaffe, and S A. Rosenberg
The systemic administration of purified interleukin 2 enhances the ability of sensitized murine lymphocytes to cure a disseminated syngeneic lymphoma., J H. Donohue, M Rosenstein, A E. Chang, M T. Lotze, I J. Robb, and S A. Rosenberg
Functional status of cells from lymphoid and myeloid tissues in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency disease., K Dorshkind, G M. Keller, R A. Phillips, R G. Miller, A C. Bosma, M O'toole, and M J. Bosma
Construction of a cdna clone corresponding to mouse sigma1(iv) procollagen., C L. Dos santos, L L. Villa, S Sonohara, and R R. Brentani
Involvement of the k and i regions of the h-2 complex in resistance to hemopoietic allografts., G Drizlikh, sole J. Schmidt, and B Yankelevich
Macrophage depletion and manipulation of enhanced immune response in an animal model of bladder cancer., M J. Droller and D Gomolka
Multiple forms of l1210 dihydrofolate reductase differing in affinity for methotrexate., T H. Duffy, S B. Beckman, and F M. Huennekens
Migration of peripheral t and b cells into the thymus of aging (nzb x sjl)f1 female mice., F J. Dumont, R Barrois, and E B. Jacobson
The fate of e. Coli lipopolysaccharide after the uptake of e. Coli by murine macrophages in vitro., R L. Duncan Jr. and D C. Morrison
Induction of suppressor t cells for lymph node cell proliferation after contact sensitization of mice with a poison oak urushiol component., I S. Dunn, D J. Liberato, N Castagnoli, and V S. Byers
Monoclonal antibodies as probes of the distribution of zp-2, the major sulfated glycoprotein of the murine zona pellucida., I J. East and J Dean
To grow mouse mammary epithelial cells in culture., U K. Ehmann, W D. Peterson, J, and D S. Misfeldt
Clavines. New antibiotics with cytostatic activity., E Eich, D Eichberg, and W E. Muller
Susceptibility of inbred mice to rickettsiae of the spotted fever group., C S. Eisemann, M J. Nypaver, and J V. Osterman
Trf requirements for in vitro pfc responses to srbc and r36a. I. Trf is distinct from il 2 but indistinguishable from polyclonal bcsf., L Eisenberg, M B. Prystowsky, R F. Dick, J A. Sosman, R W. Fitch, and J Quintans
Effect of medroxyprogesterone and an aorta-derived cell growth inhibitor on b16 melanoma in mice., R Eisenstein, B Schumacher, K Hsiao, N Eisenstein, I Lemke, T, and E A. Harper
Receptor specificity of ia-restricted t lymphoblasts activated against trinitrobenzene sulfonate-coupled spleen cells: recog- nition of distinct trinitrophenyl and ia moieties., B E. Elliott, R G. Palfree, and S Mundinger
Schistosome egg antigen(s) presentation and regulatory activity by macrophages isolated from vigorous or immunomodulated liver granulomas of schistosoma mansoni-infected mice., D E. Elliott and D L. Boros
A lavage technique allowing repeated measurement of iga antibody in mouse intestinal secretions., C O. Elson, W Ealding, and J Lefkowitz
Effects of endocrine regulation of growth of a mouse mammary tumor on its sensitivity to chemotherapy., J T. Emerman and J Siemiatkowski
Mononuclear cells, mast cells and mucous cells as part of the delayed hypersensitivity response to aerosolized antigen in mice., I Enander, S Ahlstedt, and H Nygren
Chemical signals that regulate mammalian oocyte maturation., J J. Eppig and S M. Downs