Submissions from 1984
Methods for using centrifugal elurtriation to separate malignant and lymphoid cell populations., E M. Lord and P C. Keng
Affinity purification of a glucose-containing oligosaccharide using a monoclonal antibody., A Lundblad, K Schroer, and D Zopf
Radioimmunoassay of a glucose-containing tetrasaccharide using a monoclonal antibody., A Lundblad, K Schroer, and D Zopf
The introduction of one or two 3beta-cholestanyl residues into benzylpenicilloyl-eicosa-l-lysines greatly potentiates their tolerogenicity for anti-benzylpenicillol ige antibody formation., I F. Luscher, E Weber, and A L. Weck
Parental source of chromosome imprinting and its relevance for x chromosome inactivation., M F. Lyon and S Rastan
Cloning and identification of the h-2dp gene., M J. Macchi, J G. Woodward, taylor E. Mclaughlin, J Griffin, L Hood, and J A. Frelinger
Phenotypic and functional characteristics of 't-like' cells in nude mice., H R. Macdonald
Gene transfer of h-2 class ii genes: antigen presentation by mouse fibroblast and hamster b-cell lines., B Malissen, M P. Price, J Goverman, M Mcmillan, J White, Kappler, P Marrack, A Pierres, M Pierres, and L Hood
Monoclonal antibody to human granulocytes: cellular specificity and functional studies., L S. Martin, D S. Gordon, M E. Wilson, S W, O, and R B. Fritz
Histidine decarboxylase phenotypes of inbred mouse strains: a regulatory locus (hdc) determines kidney enzyme concentration., S A. Martin, B A. Taylor, T Watanabe, and G Fulfield
C57bl/6 nu/nu mice: frequency and cell surface phenotype., J L. Maryanski, H R. Macdonald, R K. Lees, B Sordat &, Cerottini, and A C. Aged
Aerogenic influenza virus infection by synthetic muramyl dipeptide combined with trehalose dimycolate., K N. Masihi, W Brehmer, I Azuma, W Lange, D S. Muller, and A O. Against
Growth inhibition of human tumor cells in athymic mice by anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibodies., H Masui, T Kawamoto, J D. Sato, B Wolf, G Sato, and J Mendelsohn
Monoclonal antibodies against cell surface antigens present on human urinary bladder cancer cells., T Masuko, H Yagita, and Y Hashimoto
Spontaneous voltage and current fluctuations in tissue cultured mouse dorsal root ganglion cells., D A. Mathers and J L. Barker
Subcutaneously infected mice., R C. Mathew, J C. Turk, C P. Infection, and H O. In
Of lyt 1+23- cells and resistance in lethal infections., R C. Mathew, J C. Turk, C P. Infection, and C O. Proliferation
Elucidation of the topography and determination of the protective epitopes on the e glycoprotein of saint louis encephalitis virus by passive transfer with monoclonal antibodies., J H. Mathews and J T. Roehrig
Infected with the helper independent friend leukemia virus is restricted to the myelomonocytic and mastocytic lineages., mahul D. Mathieu, J M. Heard, S Fichelson, M Mauchauffe, D C. Larsen, and P O. Cells
Characterization of the block of sodium channels by phenytoin in mouse neuroblastoma cells., N Matsuki, F N. Quandt, R E. Eick, and J Z. Yeh
Cell surface antigens of human ovarian and endometrial carcinoma defined by mouse monoclonal antibodies., M J. Mattes, J L. Lewis Jr., L J. Old, and K O. Lloyd
Blood vascular abnormalities in the degenerative mouse retina (c57bl/6j-rd le)., M T. Matthes and D Bok
Myelination in the cns of mld mutant mice: comparison between composition and structure., J Matthieu, F X. Omlin, winkelmann H. Ginalski, and B J. Cooper
Successful immunotherapy of natural killer-resistant established pulmonary melanoma metastases by the intravenous adoptive transfer of syngeneic lymphocytes activated in vitro by interleukin 2., A Mazumder and S A. Rosenberg
Laminin and fibronectin promote the haptotactic migration of b16 mouse melanoma cells in vitro., J B. Mccarthy and L T. Furcht
Molecular cloning and expression of the mouse ornithine decarboxylase gene., L Mcconlogue, M Gupta, L Wu, and P Coffino
Benign breast disease patients by mouse mammary tumor virus grown in feline kidney cells., J L. Mccoy, A Tagliabue, R E. Ames, Y A. Teramoto, R B. Cannon, C Alford, and R Schlom
Effects of passive enhancement on graft and host. Graft adaptation by alloantibody as the mechanism of prolonged skin allograft survival., C Mccullough, P H. Sugarbaker, and W Matthews
Maternal thp lethality in the mouse is a nuclear, not cytoplasmic, defect., J Mcgrath
Nucleotide sequence of mutant i-abetabm12 gene is evidence for genetic exchange between mouse immune response genes., K R. Mcintyre
Functional characterization of the h-2dp gene product., taylor E. Mclaughlin, J G. Woodward, M J. Macchi, I Mcmillan, and J A. Frelinger
Immune response of mice to ingested toxoplasma gondii: a model of toxoplasma infection acquired by ingestion., R Mcleod, R G. Estes, D G. Mack, and H Cohen
Regulatory idiotypes; induction of idiotype-recognizing helper t cells by free light and heavy chains., M Mcnamara and H Kohler
Internalization and degradation of macrophage fc receptors bound to polyvalent immune complexes., I Mellman and H Plutner
T-cell-dependent hybrid resistance against a natural killer- -resistant moloney virus-induced lymphoma (ywa): in vitro generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes., F Merino, A Gronberg, and G Klein
Generation of nonspecific murine cytotoxic t cells in vitro by purified human interleukin 2., V J. Merluzzi, D M. Savage, R Mertelsmann, and K Welte
The expressed lysozyme-specific b cell repertoire. I. Hetero- geneity in the monoclonal anti-hen egg white lysozyme specifi- city repertoire, and its difference from the in situ repertoire., D W. Metzger, L Ch'ng, A Miller, and E E. Sercarz
The bam repeats of the mouse genome belong in several super- families the longest of which is over 9kb in size., rotival M. Meunier and G Bernardi
Immunofluorescence analysis of reexpression and activation: the origin of phenotypic diversity of rat hepatoma-mouse fibroblast hybrid colonies., ninio M. Mevel
Combined action of mouse alpha and beta interferons in influenza virus-infected macrophages carrying the resistance gene mx., T Meyer and M A. Horisberger
Effect of vitamin a on lung tumorigenesis in irradiated and unirradiated strain a mice., T A. Mian, J C. Theiss, and T F. Gesell
Genetic regulation of the immune response to hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag). IV. Distinct h-2-linked ir genes control antibody responses to different hbsag determinants on the same molecule and map to the i-a and i-c subregions., D R. Milich, roels G. Leroux, R E. Louis, and F V. Chisari
Fetal thymic pre-t cells neither demonstrate nor develop natural killer cell activity., S C. Miller
Different concanavalin a binding patterns of malignant and nonmalignant muse mammary epithelia in monolayer culture., H Mitani, A Murakami, and H Tanaka
Paradoxical effects of lps on the t-cell-independent type 2 anti- -h-2 alloantigen antibody responses to allogeneic erythrocytes., K Mizoguchi, I Nakashima, K Isobe, M Saito, F Nagase, N Kato, and K Shimokata
Cytostatic and cytolytic activities of macrophages regulation by prostaglandins., M Mochizuki, J S. Zigler Jr., P Russell, and I Gery
Immunocytochemical identification and quantitation of the mononuclear cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, meninges, and brain during acute viral meningoencephalitis., T R. Moench and D E. Griffin
One antigen may form two precipitin lines and two spurs when tested with two monoclonal antibodies by gel diffusion assays., G A. Molinaro and W C. Eby
Diet and immune response in nu/nu balb/c mice., I Moller nielsen and I Heron
Stimulation of mouse bone marrow cell membrane glycoconjugate synthesis by colony stimulating factor (csf): basis for a rapid, simple assay for csf., D A. Monner and P F. Muhlradt
Glycogen regulation in lps-stimulated murine splenocytes., D Monos, I Gray, and H L. Cooper
B cell activation. IV. Induction of cell membrane depolariza- tion and hyper-i-a expression by phorbol diesters suggests a role for protein kinase c in murine b lymphocyte activation., J G. Monroe, J E. Niedel, and J C. Cambier
Death of intestinal crypts and of their constituent cells after treatment by chemotherapeutic drugs., J V. Moore
Immunotoxic effects of diethylstilbestrol on host resistance: comparison with cyclophosphamide., P S. Morahan, S G. Bradley, A E. Munson, S Duke, R A. Fromtling, and cabral F. Marciano
Altered expression of heat shock proteins in embryonal carcinoma and mouse early embryonic cells., M Morange, A Diu, O Bensaude, and C Babinet
A morphologic classification of brain tumors found in several strains of mice., K T. Morgan, C H. Frith, J A. Swenberg, J T. Mcgrath, J. Zulch, and D M. Crowder
Anti-tumor effects of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in (nzb x nzw)f1 hybrids with spontaneous lymphosarcoma., M Moscovitch and S Slavin
Studies of immune defective riii/ann mice., J D. Mountz, E S. Raveche, P D. Noguchi, and A D. Steinberg
Iron transport across brush-border membranes from normal and iron-deficient mouse upper small intestine., W A. Muir, U Hopfer, and M King
An improved colorimetric assay for t cell cytotoxicity in vitro., A Mullbacher, C R. Parish, and J P. Mundy
Idiotope regulation by isotype switch variants of two monoclonal antiidiotope antibodies., C E. Muller and K Rajewsky
Elicitation of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (eae) in mice with the aid of pertussigen., J J. Munoz, C C. Bernard, and I R. Mackay
Construction, expression and recognition of an h-2 molecule lacking its carboxyl terminus., C Murre, C S. Reiss, C Bernabeu, L B. Chen, S J. Burakoff, and J G. Seidman
Inability to elicit rapid cytocidal effects on l1210 cells derived from prophyrin-injected mice following in vitro photoirradiation., D A. Musser and gupta N. Datta
Production of monozygotic mouse twins from microsurgically bisected morulae., H Nagashima, K Matsui, T Sawasaki, and Y Kano
Metastatic melanoma cell heparanase. Characterization of heparan sulfate degradation fragments produced by b16 melanoma endoglucuronidase., M Nakajima, T Irimura, N D. Ferrante, and G L. Nicolson
Effect of ifn-gamma on the immune response in vivo and on gene expression in vitro., M Nakamura, T Manser, G D. Pearson, M J, L, and M L. Gefter
A mouse model for niemann-pick disease: phospholipid class and fatty acid composition of various tissues., S Nakashima, K Nagata, Y Banno, T Sakiyama, T Kitagawa, S Miyawaki, and Y Nozawa
Inhibition of antibody responses to phosphocholine by c-reactive protein., S Nakayama, T W. Clos, H Gewurz, and C Mold
Immunogenic changes of murine lymphoma cells following in vitro treatment with aryl-triazene derivatives., B Nardelli, A R. Contessa, L Romani, G Sava, C Nisi, and M C. Fioretti
High frequency of lambda gene activation in bone marrow pre-b cells., S Nishikawa, T Kina, J Gyotoku, and Y Katsura
In vitro demonstration of deleterious effect of steel mutation on spermatogenesis in mice., Y Nishimune, T Haneji, M Maekawa, and Y Kitamura
Hypomyelination in the cerebrum of the congenitally hypothyroid mouse (hyt)., T Noguchi and T Sugisaki
A comparative study of contractile responses in diaphragm muscles of normal and dystrophic (c57bl/6j dy2j/dy2j) mice., J Noireaud and C Leoty
Regulation of tcgf production in t cells. II. Early membrane events after anti-thy-1 binding by the tcgf-producing t lymphoma el-4 g-12., M A. Norcross, R T. Smith, and S Shimizu
Development of diabetic neuropathy in the c57bl/ks (db/db) mouse and its treatment with gangliosides., F Norido, R Canella, R Zanoni, and A Gorio
Macrophage inflammatory responses in rats and mice with autoch- thonous and transplanted tumors induced by 3-methylcholanthrene., S J. Normann, M C. Schardt, and E Sorkin
Identification of a testosterone-dependent unique volatile constituent of male mouse urine: 7-exo-ethyl-5-methyl-6,8-dioxabicyclo-[3.2.1]-3- -octene., M Novotny, F J. Schwende, D Wiesler, J W. Jorgenson, and M Carmack
Characterization of monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal immune sera directed against human cytomegalovirus virion proteins., B Nowak, C Sullivan, P Sarnow, R Thomas, F Bricout, J C. Nicolas, Fleckenstein, and A J. Levine
(int-1) On mouse chromosome 15., R Nusse, A V. Ooyen, D Cox, Y K. Fung, D H. Varmus, and F P. Oncogene
An evaluation of the l5178y tk+/- mouse lymphoma forward mutation assay using 42 chemicals., T J. Oberly, B J. Bewsey, and G S. Probst
Cloned cytotoxic t lymphocytes recognize cells expressing discrete fragments of the sv40 tumor antigen., K A. O'connell and L R. Godding
Antitumor immunity induced by hybrid tumor cells: comparison between hybrids and the parental tumor., R W. O'donnell, P K. Horan, T J. Minken, C Chuang, E C. Henshaw, and C S. Mccune
Inhibition of luteinizing hormone secretion during quiescent interval of testicular androgen production in immature mice., Y Ogasawara, T Yamane, Y Kitamura, K Uchida, K Wakabayashi, and K Matsumoto
Antigens by monoclonal antibodies in the insoluble fraction of toxoplasma gondii., K Ogata, T Kasahara, nakano K. Shioiri, I Igarashi, and D M. Suzuki
Analysis of antigenicity of clostridium botulinum type c1 and d toxins by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies., K Oguma, S Murayama, B Ssyuto, H Iida, and S Kubo
Facilitation of electrofusion of mouse lymphoma cells by the proteolytic action of proteases., shosaku T. Ohno and Y Okada
Phenotypes of chimeras between balb/ca-nu/nu and c3h/hen., N Ohsawa, H Kojima, and M Yokoyama
Isosafrole-induced cytochrome p2-450 in dba/2n mouse liver. Characterization and genetic control of induction., T Ohyama, D W. Nebert, and M Negishi
Specific chromosome translocation in pristane-induced plasmacytomas of nzb mice., T Oikawa, N Kuzumaki, and T Yamada
Inhibitory effect of gramicidin s on the growth of murine tumor cells in vitro and in vivo., K Okamoto, Y Tomita, H Yonezawa, T Hirohata, R Ogura, and N Izumiya
Radiosensitivity of mouse seminal vesicle cells which show proliferative response to androgen and estrogen., S Okamoto, Y Ogasawara, Y Kitamura, T, and K J. Mori
Myosatellite cells, growth, and regeneration in murine dystrophic muscle: a quantitative study., M Ontell, K C. Feng, K Klueber, R F. Dunn, and F Taylor
Adoptive protection of the mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected lung. Dissociation between cells that passively transfer protective immunity and those that trasfer delayed-type hyper- sensitivity to tuberculin., I M. Orme and F M. Collins
Immune response to atypical mycobacteria: immunocompetence of heavily infected mice measured in vivo fails to substantiate immunosuppression data obtained in vitro., I M. Orme and F M. Collins
The significance of mast cells as a source of histamine in the mouse brain., E L. Orr and K R. Pace
Genetic-endocrine and ethological mechanisms of differential reporduction. I. Comparative genetic analysis of the basal level of testosterone in blood plasma, relative weight of the testes and accessory sex glands in male laboratory mice., A V. Osadchuk and E V. Naumenko