Faculty Research 1900 - 1939
Submissions from 1939
Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory: Tenth anniversary, September 22-24, 1939.
Breast and lung carcinoma in "A" stock mice., J J. Bittner
Breast cancer and the pedigree relationship of fostered A stock mice., J J. Bittner
Breast cancer in breeding and virgin "A" and "B" stock female mice and their hybrids., J J. Bittner
Breast cancer in mice., J J. Bittner
Influences of breast cancer development in mice., J J. Bittner
Relation of nursing to the extra-chromosomal theory of breast cancer in mice., J J. Bittner
The influence of transplanted normal tissue on breast cancer ratios in mice., J J. Bittner
A transferrable liver neoplasm (C198) arising in a female mouse of the leaden strain., A M. Cloudman
Results of attempted total mammectomy in mice of a high tumor strain., E Fekete
Hybridization and tumor formation in mice., C C. Little
Some contributions of the laboratory rodents to our understanding of human biology., C C. Little
The genetics of non-epithelial tumor formation in mice., C C. Little, W S. Murray, and A M. Cloudman
The genetics of non-epithelial tumor formation in mice., C C. Little, W S. Murray, and A M. Cloudman
Chromosomal and extra-chromosomal influences in relation to the incidence of mammary tumors in mice., W S. Murray and C C. Little
A quantitative study of genic effects on guinea pig coat colors., E S. Russell
Investigation of the physiological genetics of hair and skin color in the guinea pig by means of the dopa reaction., W L. Russell
The induction by irradiation with neutrons of hereditary changes in mice., G D. Snell
Hereditary changes in the descendants of female mice exposed to roentgen rays., G D. Snell and F B. Ames
A linkage between shaker-2 and wavy-2 in the house mouse., G D. Snell and L W. Law
Mammary tumor development in mice ovariectomized at birth., G W. Woolley, E Fekete, and C C. Little
Submissions from 1938
Spontaneous lung carcinoma in mice., J J. Bittner
The genetics of cancer in mice., J J. Bittner
A comparative morphological study of the mammary gland in a high and low tumor strain of mice., E Fekete
Sexual abnormalities in an inbred strain of mice., E Fekete
Homologous and analogous morphological mutations in rodents., C V. Green
Influence of intrinsic factors on development of tumors in mice., C C. Little
Recent advances in research on the biology of cancer., C C. Little
Fundamental cancer research: report of a committee appointed by the surgeon general., C C. Little and al et
Dialogue on the relations of genetics and experimental embryology to neoplasia., C C. Little and S P. Reimann
Effect of choline chloride on estrous cycle of mice., J H. Mowat and C C. Little
Some considerations concerning the structure of chromosomes and genes., G D. Snell
Spontaneous tail amputation in the Norway rat., G W. Woolley and L J. Cole
Submissions from 1937
Mammary tumors in mice in relation to nursing., J J. Bittner
Some possible effects of nursing on the mammary gland tumor incidence in mice., J J. Bittner
The transmission of breast and lung cancer in mice., J J. Bittner and C C. Little
A transplantable spontaneous bone tumor in Mus musculus., A M. Cloudman
The relationship between the histology of spontaneous mouse tumors and the genetic constitution of the animals in which they arise., A M. Cloudman, J J. Bittner, and C C. Little
A case of lateral hermaphroditism in Mus musculus., E Fekete
Biology of cancer., C C. Little
The genetics of spontaneous mammary carcinoma in mice., C C. Little
The social significance of cancer., C C. Little
The occurrence of a dominant spotting mutation in the house mouse., C C. Little and A M. Cloudman
The production of sterility in male mice by irradiation with neutrons., G D. Snell and P C. Aebersold
Submissions from 1936
Differences observed in an inbred albino strain of mice following a change in diet. II. Mortality., J J. Bittner
Differences observed in an inbred strain of albino mice following a change in diet. I. Litter size., J J. Bittner
Some possible effects of nursing on mammary gland tumor incidence in mice., J J. Bittner
Studies on concomitant immunity., J J. Bittner
The spontaneous tumor incidence in mice. I. "Z" stock x "I" stock., J J. Bittner
The transplantation of splenic tissue in mice., J J. Bittner
Tumor incidence in reciprocal F1 hybrid mice A x D high tumor stocks., J J. Bittner
Comparative study of four high tumor lines of mice., J J. Bittner and W S. Murray
Gross and microscopic diagnosis in mouse tumors at the site of the mammary glands., A M. Cloudman
The genetics of tumor formation in mice in relation to the gene T for brachyury., A M. Cloudman and C C. Little
The influence of complete blockage of the nipple on the incidence and location of spontaneous mammary tumors in mice., E Fekete and C V. Green
An example of thoracopagus tribachius in the mouse., C V. Green
Multiple lethal genes in the mouse., C V. Green
Observations on the New York weasel, with remarks on its winter dichromatism., C V. Green
Shifts in expressivity in the heterozygote of a dominant lethal gene in the mouse., C V. Green
Applications of biology to human affairs., C C. Little
Charles Velmar Green., C C. Little
Genetics in relation to carcinoma., C C. Little
The conquest of cancer; begins with wiping out ignorance, fear, neglect. Here's how you can help., C C. Little
The constitutional factor in the incidence of mammary tumors., C C. Little
The present status of our knowledge of heredity and cancer., C C. Little
Some effects of ovariectomy during the period of declining reproductive powers in mice., W S. Murray
Extrachromosomal influence in relation to the incidence of mammary and non-mammary tumors in mice., W S. Murray and C C. Little
The constitutional factor in the incidence of mammary tumors., of the Staff
Hemoglobin levels in various degrees of susceptibility to spontaneous tumors., L C. Strong
Precipitation tests in mice. I. Cancer. II. Comparative study of cancer-susceptible and immune mice., L C. Strong and T H. Werner
Precipitation tests in mice. III. A disturbance between 200 and 300 days of life. IV. Determinations on mice belonging to an immune-to-cancer stock, CBA., L C. Strong and T H. Werner
Submissions from 1935
A review of genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors., J J. Bittner
Differences observed in the tumor incidence of an albino strain of mice following a change in diet., J J. Bittner
The breeding behavior and tumor incidence in an inbred albino strain of mice., J J. Bittner
The breeding behavior and tumor incidence of a black agouti stock of mice., J J. Bittner
Apparent changes with age in crossing-over between color and size genes in mice., C V. Green
Gene relationships in two species of mice with reference to their possible evolutionary significance., C V. Green
Quantitative characters in reciprocal hybrids., C V. Green
The association between color and size in mice., C V. Green
Some recent advances in cancer research., C C. Little
A laboratory test of "Hoxin" as a claimed cancer "cure.", C C. Little and A M. Cloudman
Failure to transmit carcinogenic agents from the pregnant mouse to the embryos in utero., C C. Little and S G. Warner
Further data on the existence of extrachromosomal influence on the incidence of mammary tumors in mice., W S. Murray and C C. Little
The genetics of mammary tumor incidence in mice., W S. Murray and C C. Little
The determination of sex in habrobracon., G D. Snell
The induction by X-rays of hereditary changes in mice., G D. Snell
Submissions from 1934
Genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors. VIII. The genetic explanation of "Rhythms of Growth.", J J. Bittner
Linkage in transplantable tumors., J J. Bittner
An analysis of size genes., C V. Green
Occurrence of uniovular twins in multiple births., C V. Green
A study of spontaneous tumors of the mouse by the tissue culture method., M R. Lewis and L C. Strong
Education and cancer control., C C. Little
How to educate women to recognize breast tumors., C C. Little
Inheritance in toy griffens., C C. Little
The bearing of genetic work with transplanted tumors on the genetics of spontaneous tumors in mice., C C. Little
The relation of coat color to the spontaneous incidence of mammary tumors in mice., C C. Little
White cats and deafness., C C. Little
The breeding behavior of the dilute brown stock of mice (Little dba)., W S. Murray