Faculty Research 1900 - 1939
Submissions from 1934
The incidence of uterine cancer in Jews and Gentiles., P Weir and C C. Little
Submissions from 1933
Genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors. IV. Linkage in tumor 19308A., J J. Bittner
Genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors. VII. Comparative study of tumors 19308A, B, and C., J J. Bittner
Genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors. VI. Tumor 19308C., J J. Bittner
Genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors. V. Tumor 19308B., J J. Bittner
Differential growth in crania of mature mice., C V. Green
Further evidence of linkage in size inheritance., C V. Green
Inheritance of foot length in a mouse species cross., C V. Green
Differential growth in the mouse., C V. Green and E Fekete
Individuality and the hereditary process in mammals., C C. Little
"Not dead but sleeping.", C C. Little
Relation of the American Society for the Control of Cancer to radiologists., C C. Little
The challenge of cancer., C C. Little
The existence of non-chromosomal influence in the incidence of mammary tumors in mice., C C. Little
Variability and individuality., C C. Little
Hound-eared mice., B W. McPheters and C C. Little
"Leaden," a recent color mutation in the house mouse., J M. Murray
Inheritance of ventral spotting in mice., J M. Murray and C V. Green
The existence of non-chromosomal influence in the incidence of mammary tumors in mice., of the Staff
Submissions from 1932
A color mosaic in the mouse., J J. Bittner
Genetic studies on the transplantation of tumors. III. Interpretation of apparent rhythms., J J. Bittner
Genetic studies on transplantation of tumors. II. A sex difference in reaction to a transplanted tumor., J J. Bittner
A comparative study of transplantability of eight mammary gland tumors arising in inbred mice., A W. Cloudman
A genetic analysis of dissimilar carcinomata from the same gland of an individual mouse., A W. Cloudman
Successful interspecies transplantation of a mouse tumor., A W. Cloudman
A genetic craniometric study of two species of mice and their hybrids., C V. Green
An evaluation of size genes., C V. Green
Breeding habits in captivity of Mus bactrianus blyth., C V. Green
Genetic linkage on size inheritance: a reply., C V. Green
Some cranial anomalies in mice., C V. Green and E Fekete
Shell growth in the periwinkle littorina litoren., C V. Green and S K. Green
Cancer survey of St. Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri, 1931., C C. Little
The incidence of mammary cancer in a cross between two strains of mice., C C. Little
Further studies on the genetics of abnormalities appearing in the descendants of x-rayed mice., C C. Little and B W. McPheters
Some effects of ovariectomy upon breeding females., W S. Murray
Submissions from 1931
A genetic study of the transplantation of tumors arising in hybrid mice., J J. Bittner
Linkage in size inheritance., C V. Green
On the nature of size factors in mice., C V. Green
Size inheritance and growth in a mouse species cross (Mus musculus x Mus bactrianus). II. Birth weights., C V. Green
Size inheritance and growth in a mouse species cross (Mus musculus x Mus bactrianus). I. Litter size., C V. Green
Size inheritance and growth in a mouse species cross (Mus musculus x Mus bactrianus). IV. Growth., C V. Green
The blood relationships of four strains of mice., R A. Hicks and C C. Little
Education in cancer, C C. Little
The effects of selection on eye and foot abnormalities occurring among the descendants of x-rayed mice., C C. Little
The present status of the cancer problem., C C. Little
The role of heredity in determining the incidence and growth of cancer., C C. Little
A study of the histological structure of mouse ovaries following exposure to roentgen irradiation., J M. Murray
Submissions from 1930
Quadruple inoculations of an adenocarcinoma., J J. Bittner
Inheritance in a mouse species cross., C V. Green
Stillbirths in a mouse interspecific cross (mus musculus x mus bactrianus)., C V. Green
The Awakening College, C C. Little
Factors influencing the incidence of mammary gland tumors in an inbred strain of mice., W S. Murray
Submissions from 1928
Agents modifying the germ plasm., C C. Little
Evidence that cancer is not a simple Mendelian recessive., C C. Little
Opportunities for research in mammalian genetics., C C. Little
Opportunities for research in mammalian genetics., C C. Little
Shall we live longer and should we? (President's Address), C C. Little
Submissions from 1927
Notes on a species cross in mice and on an hypothesis concerning the quantitative potentiality of genes., C C. Little
Preliminary report on a species cross in rodents, Mus musculus x Mus wagneri., C C. Little
The training of college and university teachers., C C. Little
Submissions from 1926
A discussion of certain phases of sterility., C C. Little
Genetic investigations and the cancer problem., C C. Little
Preparation and practice in medical education., C C. Little
Submissions from 1925
Inaugural address of the President of the University of Michigan., C C. Little
Submissions from 1924
Hereditary and structural defects in the descendants of mice treated with Roentgen-ray irradiation., H J. Bagg and C C. Little
The genetics of tissue transplantation in mammals., C C. Little
The occurrence of four inheritable morphological variations in mice and their possible relation to treatment with X-rays., C C. Little and H J. Bagg
Genetic studies on the transplantation of two adenocarcinomata., C C. Little and L C. Strong
Influence of ultra-violet light on nutrition in poultry., J M. Murray, C C. Little, and W T. Bovie
A report of a histological study of the eyes and gonads of mice treated with a light dosage of X-rays., L H. Snyder, M Schneider, and C C. Little
Submissions from 1923
Congenital and acquired predisposition and heredity., C C. Little
Inheritance of a predisposition to cancer in man., C C. Little
The relation of genetics to the problems of cancer research., C C. Little
The occurrence of two heritable types of abnormality among the descendants of X-rayed mice., C C. Little and H J. Bagg
The effect of selection upon a Mendelian ratio., C C. Little and E E. Jones
Submissions from 1922
Relation between research in human heredity and experimental genetics., C C. Little
The inheritance of susceptibility to implants of splenic tissue in mice. I. Japanese waltzing mice, albinos, and their F1 generation hybrids., C C. Little and B W. Johnson
Submissions from 1921
Evidence for sex-linked lethal factors in man., C C. Little
Non-disjunction of the fourth chromosome of Drosophila., C C. Little
Report of the committee on genetic form and nomclature., C C. Little
Submissions from 1920
Alternative explanations for exceptional color classes in doves and canaries., C C. Little
A note on human sex ratio., C C. Little
Factors influencing the growth of a transplantable tumor in mice., C C. Little
Is there linkage between the genes for yellow and for black in mice., C C. Little
Note on the occurrence of a probable sex-linked lethal factor in mammals., C C. Little
The heredity of susceptibility to a transplantable sarcoma of the Japanese waltzing mouse., C C. Little
Tests for physiological differences in transplantable tumors., L C. Strong and C C. Little
Submissions from 1919
A note on the fate of individuals homozygous for certain color factors in mice., C C. Little
Some factors influencing the human sex ratio., C C. Little
The inheritance of coat color in great danes., C C. Little and E E. Jones
Submissions from 1918
Color inheritance in cats with special reference to the colours black, yellow and tortoise-shell., C C. Little
Submissions from 1917
Evidence of multiple factors in mice and rats, C C. Little
The relation of yellow coat color and black-eyed white spotting of mice in inheritance., C C. Little
The use of vasectomized male mice as indicators., C C. Little
Submissions from 1916
The occurrence of three recognized color mutations in mice., C C. Little
The relation of heredity to cancer in man and animals., C C. Little
Further experimental studies on the inheritance of susceptibility to a transplantable tumor, carcinoma (J.w.A.) of the Japanese waltzing mouse., C C. Little and E E. Tyzzer