Faculty Research 1970 - 1979
Regulation of Leishmania populations within the host. III. Mapping of the locus controlling susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis in the mouse.
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Animal, Chromosome-Mapping, Crosses-Genetic, Genetic-Marker, Leishmaniasis-Visceral: fg, im, Linkage-(Genetics), Mice, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Recombination-Genetic, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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Clin-Exp-Immunol. 1979 Jul; 37(1):7-14.
Acute susceptibility of the mouse to Leishmania donovani is largely determined by a single locus designated Lsh. Linkage between the Lsh locus and the Chromosome 1 marker Id-1 was detected using several sets of recombinant inbred strains. Chromosome 1 linkage was confirmed in backcross generations using isoenzymes and a cytogenetic marker. The data indicate that the gene order is centromere-Lsh-Id-1-ln-Dip-1. The estimated recombination frequency between Lsh and Id-1 is 0.12 +/- 0.04. This mapping is away from the known histocompatibility loci.
Recommended Citation
Bradley DJ,
Taylor BA,
Blackwell J,
Evans EP,
Freeman J.
Regulation of Leishmania populations within the host. III. Mapping of the locus controlling susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis in the mouse. Clin-Exp-Immunol. 1979 Jul; 37(1):7-14.