Faculty Research 1970 - 1979
Submissions from 1979
Assignment of histidase-regulating locus to chromosome 10 of the mouse., S M. Arfin, W C. Hanford, and B A. Taylor
An assay for histocompatibility gene mutations in mice., D W. Bailey
Definition of inbred strains., D W. Bailey
Genealogy of the more commonly used inbred mouse strains., D W. Bailey
Stimulation of hemoglobin C synthesis by erythropoietin in fetal and neonatal sheep., J E. Barker, J E. Pierce, and A W. Nienhuis
Mouse mutant genes with endocrine effects., W G. Beamer
Expression of endogenous murine leukemia viruses in AKR/J streaker mice., H G. Bedigian, L D. Shultz, and H Meier
Genetic determination of the developmental program for mouse liver beta-galactosidase: involvement of sites proximate to and distant from the structural gene., F G. Berger, G A. Breen, and K Paigen
Cis-active control of mouse beta-galactosidase biosynthesis by a systemic regulatory locus., F G. Berger and K Paigen
Mutant Genes affecting development of anemia and erythrocyte production: mice in inbred and genetically defined strains of laboratory animals., S E. Bernstein
Regulation of simian virus 40 early and late gene transcription without viral DNA replication., E H. Birkenmeier, N Chiu, M F. Radonovich, E May, and N P. Salzman
Genetic correlation between open-field activity and defecation: analysis with the CXB recombinant-inbred strains., D A. Blizard and D W. Bailey
Regulation of Leishmania populations within the host. III. Mapping of the locus controlling susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis in the mouse., D J. Bradley, B A. Taylor, J Blackwell, E P. Evans, and J Freeman
Fetal erythropoiesis and hemoglobin ontogeny in tail-short (Ts/+) mutant mice., T W. Brotherton, D H. Chui, E C. McFarland, and E S. Russell
Effects of various oxygenated sterols on cellular sterol biosynthesis in Chinese hamster lung cells resistant to 25-hydroxycholesterol., W K. Cavenee, G F. Gibbons, H W. Chen, and A A. Kandutsch
Sterol synthesis in variant Chinese hamster lung cells selected for resistance to 25-hydroxycholesterol. Cross-resistance to 7-ketocholesterol, 20alpha-hydroxycholesterol, and serum., H W. Chen, W K. Cavenee, and A A. Kandutsch
The influence of mouse genotype on the changes in brain cyclic nucleotide levels induced by acute alcohol administration., A C. Church and D Feller
The influence of mouse genotype on passive avoidance learning and subsequent concentrations of norepinephrine and serotonin in the hypothalamus and hippocampus., A C. Church and R L. Sprott
Diabetes mellitus in rodents., D L. Coleman
Obesity genes: beneficial effects in heterozygous mice., D L. Coleman
Properties and biosynthesis of cyclopropane fatty acids in Escherichia coli., J E. Cronan, R Reed, F R. Taylor, and M B. Jackson
Genetics of formamidase-5 (brain formamidase) in the mouse: localization of the structural gene on chromosome 14., R B. Cumming, M F. Walton, J C. Fuscoe, B A. Taylor, J E. Womack, and F H. Gaertner
Teratomas., I Damjanov, D Solter, and N Skreb
Effect of mouse genotype on interferon production. III. Expression of If-1 by peritoneal macrophages in vitro., Maeyer E. De, M C. Hoyez, Maeyer Guignard De, and D W. Bailey
Late replication in an X-autosome translocation in the mouse: correlation with genetic inactivation and evidence for selective effects during embryogenesis., C M. Disteche, E M. Eicher, and S A. Latt
Long-term persistence of nontolerant cells after adult H-2-incompatible parabiosis., D W. Drell, G A. Carlson, and T G. Wegmann
Presence of circulating anti-H-2 antibody and cell-mediated precursors in successful DBA/2J-plus-(DBA/2J X C3H/HeJ)F1 parabiosed mice., D W. Drell, G A. Carlson, and T G. Wegmann
Study of H-2 mutations in mice. VIII. Aberrant expression of the H-2 antigen on red blood cells of the Hzl and M505 mutants., I K. Egorov, L E. Pospelov, V N. Shkurko, Y A. Mnatsakanyan, and E Khodjayev
FSH stimulates hyaluronic acid synthesis by oocyte-cumulus cell complexes from mouse preovulatory follicles., J J. Eppig
Melanogenesis in normal and malignant tissues., J J. Eppig and V J. Hearing
Host cells in transplanted murine tumors and their possible relevance to tumor growth., R Evans
The life history of acetylcholine receptors., D M. Fambrough, P N. Devreotes, J M. Gardner, and D J. Card
Effects of gonadotropins on steroid secretion by infantile and juvenile mouse ovaries in vitro., J E. Fortune and J J. Eppig
Cystic disorders of the kidney., R R. Fox
Effect of rabbit strain on activity level and cytotoxicity of serum complement. III. Comparison of four tumor target cells., R R. Fox, M Cherry, K L. Shultz, and K J. Salvatore
Achondroplasia., R R. Fox and D D. Crary
Hereditary macrostomus in the rabbit: a model for Treacher Collins syndrome, one form of mandibulofacial dysostosis., R R. Fox and D D. Crary
Skeleton, organ structures, and variations: rabbit., R R. Fox and D D. Crary
Anatomic and physiologic mutants: rabbit., R R. Fox, D D. Crary, and W H. Spendlove
Gonadal dysgenesis., R R. Fox and J P. Hughes
Chromosomal homology of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) linkage group VI with rodent species., R R. Fox and Zutphen L. van
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in a stable human B-lymphocyte cell line, RPMI-1788, cultured in the absence of mitogen., H J. Freedman, H L. Gurtoo, J Minowada, B Paigen, and J B. Vaught
Acetylcholine receptor degradation measured by density labeling: effects of cholinergic ligands and evidence against recycling., J M. Gardner and D M. Fambrough
Thirteen new chromosome-7 congenic lines., R J. Graff, D H. Brown, and G D. Snell
Development of velvet coat (Ve/Ve), another early lethal mutation in the house mouse., N H. Granholm, L C. Stevens, and K Theiler
Genetic nomenclature for the immunoglobulin loci of the mouse., M C. Green
Mutant genes affecting development of the immune system: mouse., M C. Green
Mutant genes affecting development of the immune system: mouse., M C. Green
Induction, inhibition, and some enzymological properties of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in fresh mitogen-activated human lymphocytes., H L. Gurtoo, N B. Parker, B Paigen, M B. Havens, J Minowada, and H J. Freedman
Sertoli cell differentiation in the testes of mice genetically deficient in germ cells., M A. Handel and J J. Eppig
Mouse erythropoietic stem cell lines function normally 100 months: loss related to number of transplantations., D E. Harrison
Proliferative capacity of erythropoietic stem cell lines and aging: an overview., D E. Harrison
Use of genetic anaemias in mice as tools for haematological research., D E. Harrison
Processing by the thymus is not required for cells that cure and populate W/WV recipients., D E. Harrison, C M. Astle, and J A. DeLaittre
Marrow allograft survival in W/Wv anemic mice: effects on skin graft survival and effects of preimmunization., D E. Harrison and L E. Mobraaten
Pinocytosis in L cells: its dependence on membrane sterol and the cytoskeleton., H J. Heiniger and J D. Marshall
Cytoplasmic and nuclear protein synthesis in preimplantation mouse embryos., C C. Howe and D Solter
Mapping of the Lyb-4 gene to different chromosomes in DBA/2J and C3H/HeJ mice., R C. Howe, A Ahmed, T J. Faldetta, J E. Byrnes, K M. Rogan, M E. Dorf, B A. Taylor, and R E. Humphreys
Energy management in research facilities., T B. Hyde
Teratomas and chimeras., K Illmensee and L C. Stevens
Inter-relationships between dolichol and sterol synthesis in mammalian cell cultures., M J. James and A A. Kandutsch
Genetic influences other than H-2 on the rejection of male skin grafts by female mice., L L. Johnson
Genetic control of the cytotoxic T cell response to SV40 tumor-associated specific antigen., B B. Knowles, M Koncar, K Pfizenmaier, D Solter, D P. Aden, and G Trinchieri
Transcription initiation of Xenopus 5S ribosomal RNA genes in vitro., L J. Korn, E H. Birkenmeier, and D D. Brown
Coaggregation with tumor cells inhibits expression by cerebellar cells of the adult isozyme locus, Gdc-1., L P. Kozak
Developmental interaction in the pigmentary system of mice. I. Interactions between effects of genes on color of pigment and on distribution of pigmentation in the coat of the house mouse (Mus musculus)., M L. Lamoreux and E S. Russell
Gene order in linkage group XVI of the house mouse., P W. Lane and E M. Eicher
Intracisternal A-particles in genetically diabetic mice: identification in pancreas and induction in cultured beta cells., E H. Leiter and H G. Bedigian
Endocrine pancreatic cells of postnatal "diabetes" (db) mice in cell culture., E H. Leiter, D L. Coleman, and J J. Eppig
Ultrastructural and morphometric studies of delta cells in pancreatic islets from C57BL/Ks diabetes mice., E H. Leiter, D A. Gapp, J J. Eppig, and D L. Coleman
Hemolytic anemias associated with deficient or dysfunctional spectrin., S E. Lux, B Pease, M B. Tomaselli, K M. John, and S E. Bernstein
Properties and applications of monoclonal antibodies directed against determinants of they Thy-1 locus., Rothstein A. Marshak, P Fink, T Gridley, D H. Raulet, M J. Bevan, and M L. Gefter
High affinity Concanavalin A binding to sterol-depleted L cells., J D. Marshall and H J. Heiniger
Expression of xenotropic murine leukemia viruses as cell-surface gp70 in genetic crosses between strains DBA/2 and C57BL/6., H C. Morse, T M. Chused, J W. Hartley, B J. Mathieson, S O. Sharrow, and B A. Taylor
Strain incidence of spontaneous fibrosarcoma: mouse., D D. Myers
Induction of hemoglobin C synthesis in sheep: characterization of the "switching" stem cell., A W. Nienhuis, R D. Croissant, and J E. Barker
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inducibility is not altered in bladder cancer patients or their progeny., B Paigen, E Ward, K Steenland, M Havens, and P Sartori
Acid hydrolases as models of genetic control., K Paigen
A regulatory locus for mouse beta-glucuronidase induction, Gur, controls messenger RNA activity., K Paigen, C Labarca, and G Watson
Report of the committee on comparative mapping., P L. Pearson, T H. Roderick, M T. Davisson, J J. Garver, D Warburton, P A. Lalley, and S J. O'Brien
Rank order of sarcoma susceptibility among mouse strains reverses with low concentrations of carcinogen., L M. Prehn and E M. Lawler
Differential susceptibility of the axilla and groin of the mouse to chemical oncogenesis., R T. Prehn and V Karnik
Diet/taste and feeding behavior of genetically obese mice (C57BL/6J-ob/ob)., I Ramirez and R L. Sprott
Regulation of caloric intake in yellow mice (C57BL/6J0Av/a)., I Ramirez and R L. Sprott
Chromosomal inversions in studies of mammalian mutagenesis., T H. Roderick
Report of the workshop on mutagenicity., T H. Roderick
Report on the workshop of mutagenicity., T H. Roderick
Introduction [to Methods in Mammalian Mutagenesis]., T H. Roderick and W Sheridan
Hereditary anemias of the mouse: a review for geneticists., E S. Russell
Heme biosynthesis and drug metabolism in mice with hereditary hemolytic anemia. Heme oxygenase induction as an adaptive response for maintaining cytochrome P-450 in chronic hemolysis., S Sassa, A Kappas, S E. Bernstein, and A P. Alvares
Inactive 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in broken cell preparations of various mammalian tissues and cell cultures., S E. Saucier and A A. Kandutsch
Further studies on the inhibition of sterol biosynthesis in animal cells by 15-oxygenated sterols., G J. Schroepfer, E J. Parish, and A A. Kandutsch
Inhibition of sterol biosynthesis by 9 alpha-fluoro and 9 alpha-hydroxy derivatives of 5 alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-3 beta-ol-15-one., G J. Schroepfer, E J. Parish, M Tsuda, and A A. Kandutsch
Inhibition of sterol biosynthesis in animal cells by 14 alpha-alkyl-substituted 15-oxygenated sterols., G J. Schroepfer, E J. Parish, M Tsuda, D L. Raulston, and A A. Kandutsch
Inhibition of sterol synthesis in animal cells by 15-oxygenated sterols with the unnatural cis-C-D ring junction-"5alpha,14beta-cholest-7-en-15alpha-ol-3-one and 5alpha,14beta-cholest-7-en-15beta-ol-3-one., G J. Schroepfer, R A. Pascal, and A A. Kandutsch
Colinearity in the mouse genome: a study of chromosome 2., A G. Searle, C V. Beechey, E M. Eicher, M N. Nesbitt, and L L. Washburn
International system for human gene nomenclature (1979) ISGN (1979)., T B. Shows, C A. Alper, D Bootsma, M Dorf, T Douglas, T Huisman, S Kit, H P. Klinger, C Kozak, and P A. Lalley