Faculty Research 1970 - 1979
Strain differences in the prealbumin serum esterases of JAX rabbits.
Document Type
Publication Date
Electrophoresis-Starch-Gel, Esterases: bl, ge, Female, Male, Phenotype, Rabbits: bl, ge, Species-Specificity, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
First Page
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JAX Location
JAX Source
J-Hered. 1977 Jul-Aug; 68(4):227-30.
The serum prealbumin esterase phenotypes were determined for 431 adult rabbits representing the majority of the breeding stock of the genetically defined JAX rabbits. Uniform phenotypes were observed in 8 of the 15 strains where adequate samples were obtained. In all of the phenotypes where uniformity was observed, the Est-2F gene was lacking. Also, all 431 rabbits lacked the Est-3D allele commonly observed in Europe. A sex difference was seen in the f' zone, which was darker in females than in males when the staining process was twice the normal length of time.
Recommended Citation
Fox RR,
van ZL.
Strain differences in the prealbumin serum esterases of JAX rabbits. J-Hered. 1977 Jul-Aug; 68(4):227-30.