Faculty Research 1970 - 1979
Tumorigenicity of intraspecific somatic cell hybrids in nude mice.
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Cell-Division, Chromosomes, Culture-Media, Histocompatibility-Antigens, Hybrid-Cells: im, pa, L-Cells: pa, Lymphocytes: pa, Mice, Mice-Nude, Neoplasm-Transplantation, Neoplasms-Experimental: ge, pa, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Transplantation-Heterologous
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JAX Source
J Natl Cancer Inst 1977 Mar;58(3):743-6
Intraspecific somatic cell hybrids between normal mouse peripheral blood lymphocytes and a highly tumorigenic L-cell line (C1-1D) produced tumors in nude mice. While the hybrid cells were tumorigenic, the length of time necessary for tumor appearance and the size of the tumor varied. Correlation between the growth rate of the parenteral and hybrid cells in vitro or their plating efficiency in methyl cellulose with the rapidly of tumor growth in vivo was not found.
Recommended Citation
Aden DP,
Knowles BB.
Tumorigenicity of intraspecific somatic cell hybrids in nude mice. J Natl Cancer Inst 1977 Mar;58(3):743-6