Localization of cadherins in the postnatal cochlear epithelium and their relation to space formation.

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JMG, SS1, Animals, Cadherins, Mice, Epithelium, Cochlea, Organ of Corti, Hair Cells, Auditory, Cell Adhesion

JAX Source

Dev Dyn. 2024;253(8):771-80.








This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R21DC016376) to V.M


The sensory epithelium of the cochlea, the organ of Corti, has complex cytoarchitecture consisting of mechanosensory hair cells intercalated by epithelial support cells. The support cells provide important trophic and structural support to the hair cells. Thus, the support cells must be stiff yet compliant enough to withstand and modulate vibrations to the hair cells. Once the sensory cells are properly patterned, the support cells undergo significant remodeling from a simple epithelium into a structurally rigid epithelium with fluid-filled spaces in the murine cochlea. Cell adhesion molecules such as cadherins are necessary for sorting and connecting cells in an intact epithelium. To create the fluid-filled spaces, cell adhesion properties of adjoining cell membranes between cells must change to allow the formation of spaces within an epithelium. However, the dynamic localization of cadherins has not been properly analyzed as these spaces are formed. There are three cadherins that are reported to be expressed during the first postnatal week of development when the tunnel of Corti forms in the cochlea. In this study, we characterize the dynamic localization of cadherins that are associated with cytoskeletal remodeling at the contacting membranes of the inner and outer pillar cells flanking the tunnel of Corti.
