
Submissions from 1968

Open eyelids produced by the oe gene in the mouse is not prevented by corticosteroids. Abstr., H Kalter

Sporadic congenital malformations of newborn inbred mice., H Kalter

Transplantation of mouse mammary carcinoma through matrix tissue cul- tures., M Kalus, L Delmonte, J J. Ghidoni, and R A. Liebelt

Antitumor activity of polysaccharide fractions prepared from some strains of basidiomycetes., T Kamasuka, Y Momoki, and S Sakai

Obese hyperglycemic mice., T Kamioka, K Ogura, E T. Al, U O. Carbohydrate, and F M. Hereditary

Migration of asbestos fibres in the body in relation to their car- cinogenic properties. Abstr., K Kanazaw, M S. Birbeck, R L. Carter, and F J. Roe

Chemical induction of mammary cancer in pseudopregnant mice of strain strong a., K Karande, P B. Mistry, and S R. Rangan

Differentiation of murine leukemia viruses by immunodiffusion. Abstr., S Karl and M A. Rich

Effect of immunosuppressive agents on normal phage-neutralizing anti- body in the mouse., R D. Karp and S G. Bradley

Synergistic toxicity of endotoxin with pactamycin sparsomycin., R D. Karp and S G. Bradley

The mouse kidney and erythropoietin production. Abstr., J Kateley

Urethan carcinogenesis and nucleic acid metabolism, in vitro inter- actions with enzymes., A M. Kaye

Urethan carcinogenesis and nucleic acid metabolism, in vivo incorpo- ration of pyrimidines-14c and urethan-14c into mouse organs., A M. Kaye

Methylation of rna by mouse organs and tumors, ionic stimulation in vitro., A M. Kaye and P S. Leboy

The apparent transition of a reovirus 3 specific antigen in murine lymphoma 2731/l from an antigenic to a haptenic form and the intra- cellular location of the hapten in the murine lymphoma., D Keast and N F. Stanley

Further experiences with assays, units, and standards of erythro- poietin., G Keighley

Linkage of open eyelids with linkage group vii of the mouse., D E. Kelton and H Rauch

Protection of c3h mice against bp8 tumour by rna extracted from lymph nodes and spleens of specifically sensitised c57bl mice. Abstr., C T. Kennedy and D B. Cater

Cella and organismal factors determining spontaneous mutability and radiosensitivity of mammal chromosomes. Abstr., J J. Kerkis, T D. Osetrova, and V V. Logvinova

Properties of deoxycytidine kinase partially purified from l1210 cells., D Kessel

Uptake and retention of daunomycin by mouse luekemic cells as factors in drug response., D Kessel, V Botterill, and I Wodinsky

Transport of two non-metabolized nucleosides, deoxycytidine and cyto- sine arabinoside, in a sub-line of the l1210 murine leukemia., D Kessel and S B. Shurin

Uptake in vivo and in vitro of actinomycin d by mouse leukemias as factors in survival., D Kessel and I Wodinsky

A laboratory model for sjogren's syndrome., H S. Kessler

A laboratory model for sjogren's syndrome. Abstr., H S. Kessler

Biochemical changes in 9, 10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene painted mouse skin., M B. Ketkar

Uptake of 35s-sulphate in dimethylbenzanthracene painted mouse skin., M B. Ketkar

Circulating corticosteroid (cc) levels in high leukemia akr and low leukemia c57bl/6j mice. Abstr., R Khalid and B Grad

La souris obese-hyperglycemique (oh) de bar harbor et la souris neo- -zelandaise (nzo), M H. Khayat; J Rathe; A V. Al; V D. L'intestin; and D D. Hyperinsulinisme,

Antitumor activity of the nitrofuran derivatives against ehrlich ascites tumor., M Kikui

Inhibition of dna polymerase by beta-d-arabinosylcytosine and reversal of inhibition by deoxycytidine -5'-triphosphate., A P. Kimball and M J. Wilson

Oxidation product of beta-d-ribosyl-6-methylthiopurine., A P. Kimball, M J. Wilson, J P. Al, H O. Kinase, and D P. Periodate

Preliminary analysis of the 'upright' agonistic posture in mice, mus musculus, in response to footshock. Abstr., G M. Kimbrell

A radioautographic study of leucine-h3 incorporation in pancreas and parotid glands of normal and hypophysectomized mice. Abstr., Y G. Kim

Differentiation of antibody-forming cells. I. Ratio of precursor cells to antibody-forming cells in the mouse spleen., P Kind and P A. Campbell

The immunological consequences of extrauterine development of allo- geneic mouse blastocysts., D R. Kirby

Effect of oxygen at high pressure on the growth of ehrlich ascites tumor, especially on the combined therapy with methyl-bis-(2-chloro- ethyl) amine n-oxide hydrochloride., T Kito

Crossing-over inside the h-2 locus accompanied by recombination of outside markers. Abstr., J Klein, D Bednarova, and R Sram

A new non-h-2 antigen of c57bl mice., J Klein and J Martinkova

Taste sensitivity to phenylthiourea (ptc) in inbred strains of mice. Abstr., T W. Klein and J C. Defries

Hypodiploidy of bone marrow in hypertransfused mice stimulated with erythropoietin., V Klener, I Kozakova, and R Tuscany

Administration in mice as indicated by residual antileukemic l1210 efficacy. Abstr., I Kline, M Gang, J M. Levels, and O Oral

Effectiveness of cytosine arabinoside therapy on leukemia (l-1210) of the central nervous system in mice arising during methotrexate treatment., I Kline, D D. Tyrer, J M. Venditti, V S. Waravdekar, M Gang, and A Goldin

Biometric study of weight variations in different strains or mutant stocks of mice. I. Weight study of alopecic mice during development. Abstr., N Kobozieff, F Reynes, and E Gemahling

Variation du degre d'expressivite chez les homozygotes hemimeliques en fonction du milieu genetique et du degre d'expressivite des geniteurs., N Kobozieff, F Reynes, and E Gemahling

The effect of cytostatic drugs on the metabolic response of ascites tumor cells., E Kohen, C Kohen, and B Thorell

Mammotropic effect of mouse placenta in organ culture. Abstr., K Kohmoto and H A. Bern

A cell free cytotoxic factor produced by lymphoid cells during mutual in vitro aggressor lymphoid cell-target cell destruction. Abstr., W P. Kolb and G A. Granger

The inhibition of vibrissae development in vitro by beta-2-thienyla- lanine., E J. Kollar

Effect of beta-2-thienylalanine on developing mouse tooth germs in vitro., E J. Kollar and G R. Baird

Migration of macrophages carrying antigen into the thymus., E Kolsch

The growth-inhibiting factor in embryos of mutant stock brachypod- ism-h mice., B V. Konyukhov and R S. Bugrilova

Interallelic complementation of microphthalmia and white genes in mice., B V. Konyukhov and V V. Osipov

Epithelial-mesenchymal relationships in neoplasia. Abstr., I Koprowska, H Y. Park, and J E. Imbriglia

Antigenic difference between donor and recipient and its influence on the onset and intensity of the transplantation reaction., L Korcakova

The role of host factors in mouse trophoblastic tissue growth., Z Koren, G Abrams, and S J. Behrman

Organ culture of pure mouse trophoblast., Z Koren and S J. Behrman

Modification of the homograft response following intrasplenic exposure to ovarian or testicular tissue., J Kornblum and W K. Silvers

Antibody formation by transferred peritoneal cells and spleen cells of mice. I. Transfer of cells from immunized non-irradiated donors to syngeneic recipients with and without antigen., L Kornfeld and W W. Weyzen

Radioautographic studies of plaque-forming cells. 1. Antigen-stimu- lated proliferation of plaque-forming cells., A M. Koros, J M. Mazur, and M J. Mowery

Some inhibitors of deamination of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine and 9-beta-d-xylofuranosyladenine by blood and neoplasms of experimental animals and humans., R Koshiura and G A. Lepage

Ascites tumor mitochondrial hexokinase 2. Effect of binding on kinetic properties., D P. Kosow and I A. Rose

Effect of growth hormone, an anabolic steroid, and cortisone upon various fractions of skin and bone hydroxyproline in mice., K Kowalewski and S Yong

Possible interaction of 6-aminonicotinamide and thalidomide. Abstr., C Kratz and F C. Fraser

Influence of a methylhydrazine derivative on the in vivo transmethyla- tion of the s-methyl group of methionine onto purine and pyrimidine bases of rna. Abstr., W Kreis, J H. Burchenal, and D J. Hutchison

Early proliferation of transplanted spleen colony-forming cells., A L. Kretchmar and W R. Conover

Effects of pentylenetetrazol on memory storage in mice., J Krivanek and J L. Mcgaugh

Immunoelectrophoretic study on the antigen composition of a mouse sarcoma., G Kruger

Necrotizing nephrosis in mice following the administration of a car- cinogen suspended in glycerin., G R. Kruger

Tumour production in adult mice by syngeneic embryonic cultured cells containing the incomplete rous virus., I B. Kryukova and T I. Biryulina

(the Effect of mating frequency on the sexual activity and fertility of male inbred and f1 hybrid mice.) (pol. With eng. Summ.), H Krzanowska

Neonatal splenectomy. Absence of runting in mice., L Kubai and R Auerbach

The extraction of intracisternal a-particles from a mouse plasma-cell tumor., E L. Kuff, N A. Wivel, and K K. Lueders

Abstr., B A. Kullgren, S V. Thymectomy, and X O. Cells

Acute nucleolar morphological change produced by dimethylnitrosamine in mouse hepatic parenchymal cells., F Kume and M Chiga

Compensatory renal hypertrophy in parabiotic mice., N B. Kurnick and P A. Lindsay

Hematological response to isologous and homologous bone marrow trans- plantation. Mechanism of homologous failure., N B. Kurnick and N Nokay

Characteristic aggregate formation of mouse plasma tumor cells with different chromosome numbers., Y Kuroda

Partial maternal separation and adult emotionality in balb/c mice., R C. Labarba, R Lutz, and J White

A statistical analysis of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations in ascites tumor cells., N G. Labzina and N I. Ryabchenko

Absence de propriete sarcomogene chez le dibenzo (a,c) anthracene, nette activite de son derive 10-methyle., A Lacassagne, hoi N. Buu, and F Zajdela

Chromosomal aberrations and neoplastic potentialities of thymus cells during leukemogenesis., B Lagerlof

The ultrastructure of virus- and radiation-induced thymomas of c57bl mice., B Lagerlof

In vitro closure of mouse palate, strain differences and effect of hydrocortisone. Abstr., A Lahti, L Saxen, and D M. Kochhar

Les mutants pathologiques, le syndrome de l'obesite chez la souris., C Lamarche

Pathogenesis of the nephritis in nzb/w mice. Abstr., P H. Lambert

Pathogenesis of the glomerulonephritis of nzb/w mice., P H. Lambert and F J. Dixon

Effet protecteur de corynebacterium parvum contre la leucemi akr. Relations avec l'activite catalasique hepatique et la fonctions phagocytaire du systeme reticulo-endothelial., A Lamensans, C Stiffel, M F. Mollier, M Laurent, D Mouton, and G Biozzi

Erasure of immunological memory with anti-lymphocyte serum., E Lance

The use of subcellular fractions to raise anti-lymphocytic serum., E M. Lance, P J. Ford, and M Ruszkiewicz

Survival of skin heterografts under treatment with antilymphocytic serum., E M. Lance and P B. Medawar

Three recessive mutations producing disproportionate dwarfing in mice, achondroplasia, brachymorphic, and stubby., P W. Lane and M M. Dickie

Use of silicone rubber membrane enclosures for preparation of erythro- poietin assay mice., R D. Lange, M L. Simmons, and T P. Mcdonald

The subcellular distribution of hydrocortisone-1,2-3h in lymphatic tissue. Abstr., R F. Lang and W Stevens

Iron-dextran induction of distant tumours in mice., E Langvad

Variations raciales chez la souris vis-a-vis de l'hexobarbital, com- portement et temps de sommeil., M Laroche, cotard A. Husson, and H Tuffrau

Inhibitory effect of polycations on the transplantability of mouse leukaemia reversed by heparin., B Larsen and K Olsen

Studies on immunological tolerance to lcm virus. 9. Induction of immunological tolerance to the virus in the adult mouse., J H. Larsen

Rosette forming cells in non-immunized mice., R Laskov

Igm and its partial purification., R Laskov, E Simon, D R. Al, U O. Mouse, and H A. As