Submissions from 1968
Methods for detection of antibody to the mammary tumor virus., M A. Fink, W F. Feller, and L R. Sibal
Morphological changes in lymphoreticular tissues of mice treated with antilymphocyte sera. Abstr., donati L. Fiore, G M. Cappuzzo, D Collavo, N Pennelli, and bianchi L. Chieco
Tissue culture assay of helper activity of murine leukemia virus for murine sarcoma virus., P J. Fischinger and T E. O'connor
Studies on the mechanism of freezing damage to mouse liver using a mitochondrial enzyme assay. I. Temporal localization of the injury phase during slow freezing., W N. Fishbein and R E. Stowell
Parabiotic transfer of tumor-specific immunity., J C. Fisher and W G. Hammond
Metabolism of acetoacetate by normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., K Fitzpatrick and R J. Pennington
Dmba in new-born mice. Abstr., A Flaks
Pulmonary adenomata induced by carcinogen treatment in organ culture. Influence of duration of treatment., A Flaks and J O. Laws
The loss of interacellular k+ ions from the intact ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell following irradiation with 15mev electrons and x-rays., K Flemming, J N. Mehrishi, and J A. Napier
Accumulation of labelled vitamin b12 in some transplanted tumours., H Flodh and S Ullberg
Comparative radiation effects on hair growth in mice. Abstr., P D. Forbes
Evidence for the existence of a lymphoid stem cell., C E. Ford, H S. Micklem, and D A. Ogden
Responses to selection for plus and minus modifiers of some effects of strong's luxoid gene on the mouse skeleton., P F. Forsthoefel
Acetylenic carbamates. Abstr., A B. Foster, E H. Bessell, J A. Stock, and J H. Westwood
Application of mass spectrometry in studies of drug metabolism and carcinogenesis. Abstr., A B. Foster and M Jarman
Studies on lymphoid cell proliferation in the normal and continuously irradiated mouse thymus by repeated labeling with tritiated thymidine. Abstr., B R. Foster and J I. Fabrikant
The ea-1 blood group locus of the house mouse, inheritance, linkage, polymorphism and control of antibody synthesis. Abstr., M Foster, M L. Petras, and D L. Gasser
Induction of bone marrow colony-stimulating activity by a filterable agent in leukemic and normal mouse serum., R Foster, D Metcalf, and R Kirchmyer
Cell population kinetics in four rodent tumours. Abstr., J F. Fowler and J Denekamp
Erythropoiesis in the spleen and bone marrow of the pregnant mouse., J H. Fowler and D J. Nash
Fetal erythropoiesis in flexed mice. Abstr., J H. Fowler and E S. Russell
Production of single strand breaks by methylmethanesulphonate in p388f lymphoma cells. Abstr., B W. Fox
Uptake, integration and expression of homologous dna by p388f lymphoma cells. Abstr., M Fox and S R. Ayad
Continuous irradiation with internal and external sources. Abstr., M Fox and A H. Nias
Effects of divided doses of alkane sulphonic esters on mammalian cells in vitro. Abstr., M Fox and A H. Nias
Lymph-node metasteses after intratibial transplantation of tumors., G Franchi, I R. Innocenti, R Rosso, and S Garattini
Immunogenic effect of mouse liver cell free antigen (cfa). Abstr., D Franco and A P. Monaco
Tumor fluid thromboplastin activity., A L. Frank and E D. Holyoke
The isolation of salmonella poona and a nonmotile variant from labor- atory mice., J Franklin and C B. Richter
Spontaneous interstitial and sertoli cell tumors of a testis in a c3h mouse., L M. Franks
Mammary tumor virus in a spontaneous transplantable male mammary tumor., L M. Franks and C Rowlatt
Bilateral thalamic calcification in ageing mice., H Fraser
The sequential development of the brain lesions of scrapie in three strains of mice., H Fraser and A G. Dickinson
Prazipitierende leber-autoantikorper bei der maus., G Fravi
Induction by allogeneic extracts of liver-specific precipitating auto- antibodies in the mouse., G Fravi and J Lindenmann
Induced changes in transplantability of hemopoietic colony forming cells., S S. Fred and W W. Smith
A comparative study of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma and virus-induced rhabdomyosarcoma in mice., A I. Freeman and W W. Johnson
Glucose-6-phosphatase in the livers of thin and obese-hyperlycemic mice. Abstr., G H. Fried
Effect of serum from tolerant mice on immunity and tolerance to a bacterial antigen., H Friedman
Cellular basis for the immunosuppressive properties of a leukaemo- genic virus., H Friedman and W S. Ceglowski
The erythropoietic-stimulating effects of androgens., W Fried and C W. Gurney
Transplantation immunity and the suppression of spleen colony form ation by immunization with murine leukemia virus preparations (friend)., C Friend and G B. Rossi
Serum complement and anti dna antibodies in nzb-nzw mice. Abstr., G Friou, R Newcom, and M Ehn
Polysaccharides in lichens and fungi. II. Antitumor activities on sarcoma-180 of the polysaccharide preparations from gyrophora escu- lenta miyoshi, cetraria islandica (l.) Ach. Var. Orientalis asahina, and some other lichens., F Fukuoka, M Nakanishi, S Shibata, Y Nishikawa, T Takeda, and M Tanaka
Protein synthesis studied by autoradiography in the epidermis of different species., K Fukuyama and W L. Epstein
Genetics of audiogenic seizure in the house mouse. Abstr., J L. Fuller and R L. Collins
Mice unilaterally sensitized for audiogenic seizures., J L. Fuller and R L. Collins
Temporal parameters of sensitization for audiogenic seizures in sjl/j mice., J L. Fuller and R L. Collins
Daily cyclic variation in liver tyrosine alpha-ketoglutarate trans- aminase (tkt) in rats and mice. Abstr., R W. Fuller and I H. Slater
Immunological analysis of the structural molecules of erythrocyte membrane in mice. 2. Staining of erythroid cells with labelled anti- body., M Furusawa and H Adachi
Response of mouse mammary glands to hormonal treatment in vitro., S V. Gadkari, T N. Chapekar, and K J. Ranadive
Changes in the surface roughness of landschutz ascites tumours. Abstr., W Galbraith
Growth of the laboratory mouse., G A. Gall and W H. Kyle
Cerebroside and sulphatide deficiency in the brain of 'jimpy mice', a mutant strain of mice exhibiting neurological symptoms., C Galli and D R. Galli
Primary stimulation of rats and mice with hemocyanin in solution and adsorbed on bentonite., R Gallily and J S. Garvey
Triggering anti-hemocyanin antibody production in mice by injection of hemocyanin-coated bentonite particles. Abstr., R Gallily and J S. Garvey
Glucuronidase phenotypes of inbred mouse strains., R Ganschow and K Paigen
Aggregation in vivo of dissociated cells. Iii. Effect of state of differentiation of cells on feather development in hybrid aggregates of embryonic mouse and chick skin cells., B Garber, E J. Kollar, and A A. Moscona
Mouse chimaeras obtained by the injection of cells into the blasto- cyst., R L. Gardner
Cell volume regulation in mouse ta3 ascites tumor cells by exogenous atp as measured by the coulter counter., G Gasic and C Stewart
Radiation-induced experimental cancer of the esophagus., O Gates and S Warren
Enhancing effect of antilymphocytic serum on mycobacterial infections in mice., J M. Gaugas and R J. Rees
The effect of actinomycin-d on the haemopoietic and immune response to tetanus toxoid., B D. Geller and R S. Speirs
Haemagglutinin production in tumour-bearing and leukaemic mice., J Gelzer and F M. Dietrich
Chemical induction of dominant lethals in female mice. Abstr., W M. Generoso
Phosphorylation of histones in mouse mammary tumors., J G. Georgastsos, G Rammos, D Palavradzi, and A Symeonidis
Action of podophyllic acid on malignant tumors--ii. Effects of podo- phyllic acid ethyl hydrazide on the incorpration of precursors into the nucleic acids of mouse mammary tumors and livers in vivo., J G. Georgatsos and T Karemfyllis
Action of podophyllic acid on malignant tumors--i. Distribution of tritiated podophyllic acid ethyl hydrazide in subcellular fractions of mouse mammary tumors., J G. Georgatsos, T Karemfyllis, and A Symeonidis
Evidence for the cytoplasmic origin of 78 s ribosomes of mouse liver mitochondria., J G. Georgatsos and N Papasarantopoulou
Studies on the immune reconstitution of sublethally irradiated mice by peritoneal macrophages., H Gershon and M Feldman
Effect of single gene substitution on the melanocyte system of the c57bl mouse. Quantitative and qualitative histology., D E. Gerson and G Szabo
Detection of mouse histocompatibility antigens by immunofluorescence., A G. Gervais
Modification of coat color in mice. Abstr. Proc. 3rd Internat. Cong. Endocrinol. (exc. Med. Internat. Cong. Ser., I I. Geschwind and R A. Huseby
Incorporation of dna by cells of the ehrlich-lettre ascites carcinoma., L Gibb and E R. Kay
Teratogenic effects of diphenylhydantoin in swiss-webster and a/j mice., J E. Gibson and B A. Becker
Detection of a tumour-specific antigen (gross) with the mixed antiglo- bulin reaction using erythrocytes from nzb/bl mice., A V. Gillespie
The influence of sex upon the development of friend virus leukaemia., A V. Gillespie and K E. Rowson
Permeability and intracellular distribution of 4,4'-diacetyl-diphenyl- -urea-bis-guanylhydrazone (ddug) in sensitive and resistant sarcoma 180 cells (s-180) in vitro. Abstr., J R. Gillette and M T. Hakala
Verlangerte haltbarkeit von homotransplantaten nach histongaben., G Gillissen and H Seifert
Fetal hemoglobin variants in mice., J G. Gilman and O Smithies
Melittin used as a protective agent against x-irradiation., N J. Ginsberg, M Dauer, and K H. Slotta
Biochemical and biological effects of heat on normal and neoplastic cells. Abstr., B C. Giovanella and C Heidelberger
Histo-cytomorphologie de la glande mammaire de la souris c3h et de trois autres rongeurs., J Girardie
Immobilite du fer mammaire chez la souris anemiee. Aspects histo- chimique et ultrastructural., J Girardie
The influence of actinomcycin d on survival of x-radiated rf mice., H Givelber, J A. Paolo, and M Schneiderman
Stage dependent transfer of systemically injected foreign protein antigen and radiolabel into mouse ovarian follicles., L E. Glass and J M. Cons
The specific cytotoxic effect of dba/2 mouse dna on l1210 leukemia., J L. Glick, A P. Salim, and H A. Crystal
Cyclophosphamide-induced chimerism., J P. Glynn, A Fefer, and B L. Halpern
Cross-resistance to the transplantation of syngeneic friend, moloney, and rauscher virus-induced tumors., J P. Glynn, J L. Mccoy, and A Fefer
Morphology of the interstitial tissue in the testes of inbred and outbred mice., B Godowicz
Pregnancy block in inbred mice and in the f1 crosses. Part ii., B Godowicz
Topical chemical protection against oral radiation death in mice., R A. Goepp and F W. Fitch
Induction of resistance to nitrogen mustard in l5178y lymphoblasts in vitro. Abstr., G J. Goldenberg
Electron microscopic studies on neoplasms induced by urethane and x-rays. Abstr., A Goldfeder and A K. Ghosh
The fine structure of thymocytes of x-ray- and urethane-treated x/gf mice. Abstr., A Goldfeder and A K. Ghosh